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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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judaism in the slavery of zionism this is the first war that covers the whole of europe . the fire of the war has spread to the other side of the world, to russia , west asia and even iran in the war known as the great war. world war i. strength of 1914 ad.
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during this four-year war, each of the involved powers is looking for a policy to change the situation in their favor. england, almost at the end of the line, will use any way to win against the germans, even if this way passes through the path of the fulfillment of other people's stories, the realization of a dream. this man is a man named
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hertzsel. what was hertzsel's dream at the age of 40 it was rooted in his childhood. benjamin zeohertel was born to jewish parents in austria. parents who were born but did not believe in religion. benjamin, later known as theodore, had learned to be a nationalist rather than a religious man adhering to the teachings of the torah. when theodore grew older , he started writing with his poetic nature and his interest in social studies . he studied law at the university, but professionally he went to journalism. during the years of working in the press, the thinking that was formed in him as a child
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ended up in his writings until the case derrifos, a jewish french officer , became the hot news of the newspapers. 39.
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he was an artillery staff officer in the french army. he was accused of betraying the french republic and spying for the germans. his trial was one of the controversial cases of his time. a declaré le nommé drefus alfred, captain breveté au 14e régiment d'artillerie, à majority de cinq voix contre deux, guilty of high treason, however, à la même majority sont votées des circonstantes aténuantes en conséquencement de
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quoi la cour commuu la sentence à 10 ans d'emprisonnement but eventually court martial dreyfus was sentenced to be stripped of his rank and exiled to devil's island in the french guiana islands. france used to send its political prisoners to the prisons of this island, and because of the violent behavior of its guards, to devil's island. it became known that the betrayal of france by a jew had aroused the feelings of the french society, and hertssell, with his reports that
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were published in the austrian magazine neue frei perers at that time, tried to erase the negative feelings from the minds of the society and convince them that the jews were a country. they want independence for themselves. the story of deryphus became an excuse for hersl to write a book entitled the jewish state. we want to be the cornerstone for let's build a house that will be a shelter for the jewish people. zionism is a return to judaism. even before returning to the land of israel. signed by theodor herrtel. the main idea of ​​herrtel's book was this: in order for jews all over the world to be safe from anti-semitic thoughts, they should live in a specific land. it doesn't matter if their religion
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is jewish or if they don't believe in the religion of moses, peace be upon him. the idea of ​​a jewish state was a bold idea for those who had the experience of 2000 years of displacement. contrary to what is stated in their religious texts. according to the texts of the jewish religion, the establishment of a jewish government was forbidden for the children of israel and this displacement was the punishment that these people had to bear until the coming of the messiah or the messiah. with all these books, the jewish state was circulated among jews , and from here it was between religious jews and hertz. who did not believe in religion, there was a dispute. hertzel was moving against god's will. hertsel saw no other way to legitimize his plan than to win the hearts of the opponents on the one hand and
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to get closer to the bases of power on the other hand. so he declared that zionism is a return to judaism. he, who was far from jewish culture and was brought up in a european style, began to learn hebrew can pray in his own words , learning a few hebrew words was more difficult for him in those days than managing the congress meetings. he writes about this in his memoirs: i have to communicate directly and openly with the government minister or a prince. in
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this case, the jews will believe merra and he will obey me. the most suitable person can be german beiser. the evangelical priest william heschler broke the connection and the kaiser wilhelm ii of germany allowed hertssel to visit. the second option after qaiser was sultan abd al-lahamid ii, the ottoman shah. one day in may 1901, herretsel was able to meet him. a bad school between the ottoman sultan and hertzsel. in exchange for hertzsel, as he was a well-known journalist, with his writings, he blamed the ottomans, who were accused of the armenian genocide, and vice versa.
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ortadaki davut yıldızı, peki alttaki ve üstteki blue line, only one sign, no manası yok, manasını unuttuysanız ehiletayım herson. between nil and fırat, siz
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bu flagari çizerek emelinizin arzı mevut öğüni ilan ettiniz. nille fırat bir siyonist devlet kerm ışışın haykırdınız. as long as i live devlet kurulmayacak buna mani obokurim. during these visits, herselsel continued to publish his opinions in his personal journal and organized a congress in basel, switzerland, which he also chaired. his options for settling the jews were argentina or the sinai desert. a place that is as wide as it is. bring the whole world together in it. a year or two before the end of his life, herretzel
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became a member of the british royal commission on immigration. he asked the british minister of pensions to help settle the jews in the sinai desert. in 194 , death did not allow 44-year-old hertsel to fulfill his dream to see but this idea had become a good source of income for england. british foreign ministry dear lord rotsch , i am proud to inform you on behalf of his majesty the king of great britain that your request has been sent to the cabinet of the british government and has been accepted. his highness agreed to the establishment of a national home for the jews in palestine , and they are doing their best to make this happen. it is very clear that the civil and religious rights of the non-jewish and
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indigenous residents of palestine should not be violated, and the legal and political needs of the countries in that region should not be changed. be placed i will be grateful if you present this statement to the zionist association. signed arthur balfourfour. the zionist congress asked rothschild, the famous jewish banker , to give a loan to this country in exchange for the promise given by england . the famous balfour letter was signed in exchange for receiving money from the jews.
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england did not leave the zionists alone during the years after world war i and ii. in december 1945 , the central committee of the british labor party announced that it was necessary to turn palestine into a jewish state and expel the arabs and move them to neighboring countries. two years later, england accompanied the united states united officially presented the plan to establish a jewish state in palestine. at first, few countries agreed to this plan, but over time, the gifts that were distributed among the officials of countries such as latin america and africa softened the statesmen. beside the gifts, brilliant services and fur coats were presented to the representatives' wives. the result of all these efforts ended in one thing. the united nations
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issued resolution 181 on the partition of palestine on the 29th of november 1947. resolution 188 said: palestinian arabs, who were about two-thirds of the population of that day and lived in 92% of the palestinian lands they had to go out and be satisfied with about 40% of their lands. in this way, the jews , who had only 8% of the land, own 57 of the best lands in palestine. would be the partition plan of palestine had angered the arabs. in order to prevent further riots, england sent its soldiers to help the zionists so that the zionist convoys that entered this land would be safe under the cover of the support of these forces. after that , the zionist congress appointed ben graven, a member of the british labor party and an activist of the zionist lobby, as the head of the israel executive committee, and this coincided with the beginning of it was a crime. the killing of deir yassin.
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on april 9, 1948, two terrorist groups, iran and lehi , attacked roztai deir yassin in the west of quds city . all the houses of this rosetta were destroyed and 360 of its residents were massacred. eyewitnesses say that the zionists mutilated and dismembered the bodies of palestinians, ripped open the bellies of pregnant women and burned them alive. in this attack, many palestinian women and girls were raped and they were beheaded after this incident. menahim began, the then commander of the zionist militia forces, who later became the prime minister of this regime
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his memoirs have mentioned the incident of deri yassin and said that this operation had great and unpredictable results. after the events in yassin, the arabs panicked and fled. of the 80,000 arabs who lived in palestine in 1948, only 165,000 remained. less than a year later, 250 zionists gathered in tel aviv and issued the recognition of israel. ben-gurion formed the first government cabinet headed by himself . the first difference between the secular leaders and the religious jews showed itself at the beginning. the dispute over the name of god was at the beginning of the statement. differences still
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exist between parties and leaders of the israeli regime. that is why, after 70 years, the zionist regime still does not have a constitution. the intervals between the election periods of this regime are short and the prime minister hardly reaches a consensus to form the cabinet. in the occupied territories, every year on may 25th , when independence day arrives, instead of being happy, haredi people put up black flags on the balconies of their houses and burn the flag of the zionist regime. haredis are a group of torah followers who believe that the zionist regime carries the name of israel, but does not follow the principles of the torah. do another's land, oppressing an entire people, all of this is totally forbidden according to judaism. this is a true violation of jewish teachings. and in addition, this concept of building a sovereign homeland for jews happens to be in total contrast to jewish belief. according to
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judaism, we are in exile, jewish people are forbidden to end exile by any physical means. all jewish leaders. from our point of view, this government does not do any of the jewish behavior in the legal and educational system in the jewish way from the state that bears the name of israel. it has been put, we don't see it. these objections are not limited to the haredi. khasam david weiss, from new york , is another opponent of the zionist regime. he says: i am ready to be killed in the war with the zionists. i am ready, but we are not allowed to enter israel and we have to
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expose the nature of this regime and fight it from here. we announce to the world that this regime. it is not a religious regime, but anti -religious and against god's commandments, and we pray that the zionist hand will be shortened from the occupied palestine. khakan weiss emphasizes the explicit command of the torah and says: the occupying group came with political goals. at palestine has established a government in the name of the jewish religion, and by encroaching on other people's land, they occupy it and kill people. which divine religion has granted such a right to its followers. along with jewish rabbis and scholars, some history researchers are also in the line of opponents of zionism, such as ilan pope. an israeli historian and social activist who
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considers the forced migration of palestinians to be ethnic cleansing says: i believe that in a land where half of the population is not jewish, a government cannot be based on monopoly or ethnic supremacy. according to this professor of social sciences and international studies, what the zionist regime has done to the palestinians, genocide. it is clear. the world community against zionism believes that the united nations general assembly has committed an organizational and legal violation in approving tudor herrtel's idea. however, the children of zion are members of the united nations, and at the same time, because of their killings in palestine , they have a record of human rights violations among the member states. every 70 years, half-finished narrators are still struggling to be interpreted in a quagmire of reading.
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there is no news of the sound of rockets and mortars. from here until about 30 seconds later, the viewer will see a report from the network we are bbc persian news. now, the leader of the islamic republic, who had repeatedly emphasized the destruction of israel, is making a proposal that is apparently different from previous policies. we say people's opinion. this is a part of the leader of the revolution's speech in the meeting with the basijites. the four sands that passed. the issue is iran's solution. the issue of palestine, the people who are there come from other countries , it is possible to tell them all to stay in palestine, it is possible for all of them, as in some african countries that i went to during the presidency
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, they fought, the british won there , the natives ruled there, they were able to defeat the british. but the leader of the revolution says that keeping the british people in their own country should be done, a proposal that was made by him about four years ago in hosseinieh. the basic treatment and foundation of the palestinian issue is the same as what we said a few years ago . this has also been recorded in mahmoli centers. a poll of all people of palestinian origin. a year ago in khordad 2017 , this was iran's solution for the palestinian issue . we presented a plan from the first day.
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the whole world agrees, very well, to determine the type of government of the historical state of palestine, refer to the public opinion of the palestinian people, and here is the year of the tehran summit in 1990 in the gathering of officials and thinkers of about 70 countries of the world, and the healing of this old talk, a clear, logical plan that is in line with education. it is the accepted political opinion of the global public that has already been presented in detail. we suggest nine classic wars of the armies of islamic countries. and neither throwing jewish immigrants into the sea, nor, of course, the arbitration of the united nations and other international organizations, we
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propose a referendum of the palestinian nation to here , the revolutionary leader's position on iran's solution to the palestinian issue has been repeated three times in the official forums, three times in the last 12 years, now the leader of the islamic republic, and each time the same referendum that he heard this time was new for these people, who on the surface seem to be related to politics. the previous ones are different. of course , there is another image document. our statement about the palestinian issue is a logical and acceptable statement. it dates back to 1984. 3 years before the bbc persian tv started. those who own palestine, the historical land. they are, history and geography testify to this. this they should vote, comment. in an opinion poll.
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in front of the eyes of the people of the world, in a referendum , determine the responsibility of the palestinian government, that government will be a legitimate government. in that government, criminals who commit crimes in palestine must be punished. criminals should be punished in palestinian land, in a government that is elected by the palestinians. the words that are reminiscent of the statements made by the reporter of farsi tv. criminals, not jews , we say to this prime minister of the tour period, instead of fooling the world about our progress , he should learn to swim in the mediterranean.
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but the bbc reporter made another mistake in the last sentence of the report. this is actually a day now. after the october 7 attack by hamas on israel and the beginning of the gaza war, the islamic republic considered it the beginning of israel's destruction. the destruction of criminals has been going on for at least 8 years. by god's grace. secondly, during this period , the militant, epic and jihadist islamic spirit will not allow the zionists
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to know this for a single moment. bride, i am telling you for the third time , what is wrong with my lawyer, it is not possible, is it really possible? yes, why isn't the person informed about buying a dowry with 60 installments in shash vareh, the city of larger household appliances ? can you guide my wife? yes, please, the truth is
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that my hair is damaged. the doctor also ordered me to use original argan oil to repair it. it is better to see a specialist, their doctor. as an expert, i mean tarjake, who has already passed his test by producing argan conditioner, and now he has produced a shampoo containing argan oil, which you can use with confidence. prajek should say hello to nature again, drink it, i will count on you. this kid says to fight with him come on, we don't even know what happened, mom , the gas suddenly increased, what's the situation, why are the things in your house like this, how much do we have to change the things , we just searched all over the place last time, we shouldn't have searched so much, that's when the iranian house with full discounts and conditions especially this baghle, the biggest
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iranian head , was opened in the city of tehran with a lot of interesting events. tehran serah afsarieh. hello to you. simultaneously with the solidarity of the people of the world with the palestinians, the anti-revolutionary groups announced their support for the zionist regime. setting up advertising booths and insulting the participants in anti-zionist demonstrations is one of the actions of these groups. elements against the islamic republic of iran, contrary to the wave of hundreds of thousands of supporters of palestine in england, many times showing
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the regime


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