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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 11:30pm-12:00am IRST

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tehran serah afsarieh was opened in tehran. ladies and gentlemen, hello, good evening, welcome to our program tonight, germany won the junior world cup. in the final match of the under-17 world cup in indonesia today, the german junior team was successful.
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defeat france's juniors in 43 penalty kicks and become the world champion. this game was tied 2 times in regulation. but in the fourteenth week of the twelfth portuguese premier league tonight, parto is followed by 30 points in the final minutes of his game in the famalisa field, and parto is also the iranian national player mehdi tarimi. in the first half, one of his team's goals went to sommer.
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the pursuit of girona and real madrid at the top in the continuation of the fifteenth week of this competition today, girona won at home 2 against valencia and with 38 points temporarily went to the top of the ranking table . he defeated and took back the same points with girona and thanks to tafazal's better goal, the first place in the ranking table from this team. in today's other match, athletic bilbo defeated waikano in the same match, in the same match, at the home of ruder on rial sociedad. took arsenal won the english premier league, and the 14th week of this competition started today , and in the most important game, arsenal played 2 of the 100 guests.
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he kept his position at the top of the table. in other matches, brenfurt defeated luton. iranian national team player saman qudous was in the team from the beginning to the 77th minute. with five , he took the glait from the front and the distance of natinforest with. neukel has been correcting everton's game in saint james park, the host of manchester united, with natires , one of which ended in favor of everton. the german bundesliga has ended. leips' temporary promotion to the fourth place.
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in the 13th week of this competition today, leipzig defeated hadenheim by 2 points and moved to the fourth place in the table with 6 points. in other games, hoffenheim beat hoffenheim with 3 goals. it ended 0-0 in favor of stuttgart. and in the continuation of the 14th week of the italian serie a, today genoa stopped at home against empoli 1 and lazio won by one goal against their guest cagliari. since a few minutes ago , milan did not go to ferozino's distance in sensiro.
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press police world cup bonus in rado club's pocket press police announced that fifa has agreed to pay gojidar darvaz's demands in the world cup. this club owed rado 200,000 euros for the last installment and 20,000 euros for a late fine . the negative response of the league organization to the independence of the organization. esteghlal club disagreed with the request of the next two matches against foulad and press police and stated that there is no possibility of changing the schedule of the league games. a few days ago, the blues requested the postponement of their next two matches in the league in an official letter to the league organization. yagi always injured complaint
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from the police press, some media reported that sheikh last season's forward diabate is planning to file a complaint with fifa to get his demands from this club. he has not received part of his contract of 377 thousand dollars along with options. this striker , who has a record of wearing esteghlal's jersey , had complained to fifa because of the non-payment of his demands from this team. in the program of football magazine, we started discussing and investigating and following up on a topic that was one of the axes of the guidelines of the leader of the islamic revolution in his recent meeting with the champions and sports officials. let's see some of the statements of ayatollah khamenei
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listen , we will continue the discussion with the two guests of football magazine tonight. i say iran is strong. it must have a strong sport, we gave the slogan of a strong iran, and the sports of a strong iran must be a strong sport, what is the strength of sports, taking the right measures in choosing a coach, in the composition of national teams in all disciplines , in taking serious care of the occurrence of pests in sports. be careful so that the sports of the country do not become a pest . what does pest mean? economic corruption means the formation of sports mafias inside, which means moral pests for
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our clean and pure athletes. these must be taken care of. yes, continue this discussion tonight in the presence of mr. amirreza vaez ashtiani, a sports management expert, and mr. reza khosravi, a journalist and football media expert , i welcome both dear guests and i will start the discussion with mr. ashtiani, mr. ashtiani, due to your presence in the management sports and especially football is an example that you can tell us about the corruption in football and explain to us more about the corruption that has been created in football . hello and good night, i am first from the network
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i would like to thank radio and television for not ignoring the supreme leader's orders and putting this very important issue apart from their own programs , and the issue of a strong and strong iran has certain requirements that the supreme leader has mentioned , yes, including a pestilence. i am aware of the issue and i hope that other tv channels will deal with this matter expertly, logically and fairly so that we can hope that we will have strong sports in ayah along with a strong management. i am borrowing here from the supreme leader's statements in the past that i read from the text maybe i'm not wrong. he said that the main task
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of the country's officials is to strive for the independence of justice. and the legitimacy of all the officials in the country in every rank and position is for justice. it depends on them and their fight against discrimination and corruption. therefore, any official who does not seek to establish justice is illegitimate. in fact, this statement includes the discussion of the plague of rome, which means that the officials who are responsible , whether in the past, the present or the future, must act in such a way that the legitimacy of the position i am placed in is based on justice, and if this justice is held and established the important thing is this it will happen that we
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have problems in the fields by some brokers and officials who are responsible, that's when we are challenged. i personally evaluate the discussion of these topics in five types of management. we have one type of management called peak management. when a driver went home to the family , he said, "i want to take you, bring you some fun ." what i say is better than food, a car came and broke down in the middle he said to the tree, "look , i'm telling you that it's better here. if we were sitting under the tree, this car would have been hit by now . we would have all been lost. some managements
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are like this, mr. asadian. we have some other managements, which is the management of points." giving means that their job is to carry out their orders in order to guarantee their survival . we have another type of management, khans. yes , you can see a positive effect from it, nothing. people with no boundaries are stupid, and these are also a type of management. there are also managers. who bypass the law and are proud of that circumventing the law and the law, there are some managers who are law enforcers and being law enforcement and enforcing the law costs money for them . that if the management is done correctly and based on what the supreme leader
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mentioned that your legitimacy is to execute your justice, many issues can be solved, while we must take care to live properly and manage the cost in every way. yes. mr. khosravi, we want to continue the discussion with you. how do you see, from the point of view of the media , the examples that now define these branches of corruption in our football? you have been working in the media for about 25 years. what cases have you encountered so far that make you think that there is corruption in football? thank you very much, greetings to you, dear viewers. i welcome your presence . anyway, you
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are dealing with this topic in your program. i think that for many years , the leader of the revolution has talked about the issues that are actually the origin of a clean sport, and they have guidance, but well, my feeling is that there is no will to implement these things in the sports of the country, now they have raised various debates, each of which can move our sports a few steps forward . you see, regarding the issue of corruption , i want to tell you that now i think that the leaders have stressed many times that you, sir , should take care of this issue in sports in different sectors, not only football , but a clean sport and a sport that has the nature of chivalry and morality. do it, i 'm telling you right now that we will have our last word first all the officials of the country's sports in the recent meeting with the leadership , all the officials also heard well that the leadership emphasized to eliminate corruption in sports.
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in 6 months, the same officials will report to you that in these 6 months, we have dealt with these five cases and these 10 cases of corruption. if you do this , you know that there is a will to fight corruption. if you don't do this, you know that the sports officials themselves support corruption. for years, there has been talk about corruption in sports, especially in football. you see, at different times, we had the coming of the headquarters of the moral charter to correct the fight with the right broker not only not to deal with any broker but also to become more famous. those pimps and coinage became my business, and then they are forgotten. you now remember that you have dealt with pimps. when there is no will to deal with corruption in football and other fields that are under the skin and are less visible, it is natural that this root takes root and it is difficult
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to cut this root. let's find and now give a solution for this happening. what do you see in our football? i say where does football start from? basic football starts from the basic ranks of football schools and academies. it starts from the platforms . i can tell you that our basic football is one of the most immoral and corrupt parts of master's football. i am telling you that in basic football there who should be made into a young man, his technique and football technical tactics should be taught, technical issues and final issues of laqi have been placed in the second , third, and third ranks. which does not think about the future of death at all, that is, for example, a lot now they say that the parents give money and the player plays, this is what i am telling you that in this league this year, the youth league and the hopes of most of the teams in tehran
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, i can tell you with confidence that 10, 11, 12 players are chosen by the fans. the rest of the players are called paid players . every parent who comes to try out their child says that we have closed our team, but we have a vacancy . 25 players to 30 players that each team gets, you assume 15 if they choose 10 to 20 porridges, it will be 2 billion. whose pocket will these two billion go to ? what will happen , where will it be spent? will it benefit that football team? and the coach and the manager who comes to an agreement with them to appoint these players, well, we will come back to you mr. ashtiani , what issues did you face during your management or what kind of corruption do you see in our football right now that can be
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dealt with of course, i didn't want to focus only on football. because your name your program is a football magazine. but in general, our sport is a captive of these spaces, unfortunately, but it all comes back to the type of governance and management in the field of sports. and the events that we hear from some other federations from time to time, of course , are quite evident in football. and friends are rightly pointing out a series of issues, just be careful about these issues that we are talking about, so that a statement is not written against you tomorrow, and interviews are not made against you by proxy, and a series of issues, but even though you are from the media, alhamdulillah, i am very worried about your beating it is not, but mr. asdiyan, the problem is that
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even if we have management, the right people have not been selected in the field of management. the important thing is that there is no monitoring , that is, there is no standard metric . it was rightly pointed out that the officials were present in the recent meeting with the supreme leader. we do not say 6 months. next year, report the body, tell me what actions have been taken , i have defined five management models for you here, that we have five management models, basically , what i have seen from my experience is that people who are arrogant means that you do not see a positive effect, and it is very bad that a manager if it goes weak, then this will come weaker than that this is happening in our football , we see it in the sports complex
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, we see it in football, even the choice of coaches was emphasized by the supreme leader. emphasis on the selection of trainers. it's important. when are we choosing coaches for different teams , what characteristics should they have? how do you go from a coach, for example, you are capable to a disabled coach or a disabled coach to a capable coach. with what factors do you follow this path? what are the issues? mr. ashti is this to apologize , is this other than a group and a gang that formed the mafia giving in the areas where it exists and they find the issues in favor of their gangs, their groups or the mafia name that exists, the word mafia that was used and even emphasized in the economic field
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, in line with the strong iran and our strong sports. we will come back, mr. khosravi. we were talking to media friends the last two or three nights . you must have met in your media. many officials in our sports and football are very hard to interview and do not let us enter into these issues. ghani, for example , we want to join the disciplinary committee now , they have a guard to prevent us from joining the teams at all. also, the police press , it doesn't matter what the reason is, do you think this could be related to a series of issues that we can't turn the pages of, we ca n't, i wish you could see that when an issue is clear and no one is afraid that this issue will be revealed, it means that everything is clear. but when there is resistance in the direction that you, as a media , want to go and ask an official, ask a club manager, we get a closed door , they don't answer and they work against you, which means that there must be some events behind the case that you that is,
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they will deny your statement and complain about you they don't interview you, even you complain to the end, too much, too much . there was even an issue about the coach who was given 7 players by a dealer, and these seven players are practically the same space for lobbying with other teams. that broker gave them players and left it open. these seven players could join hands with each other to kill the head coach or make any result and do 100 other things while the contract amount of these seven players is as much as 18 19 it was clear to the players that this head coach is the same as you we pointed out this problem in a light, that in fact, this coming to say prove that he gave us the reason for this, while you know that now anyway, brokers in iranian football
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are giving away players who are not worth a billion and are really from a technical opinion is not worth a billion in the transfer season of 15 billion contracts , who will do this, the head manager and the broker, when our management is not a healthy management , the management that is spending money from the government's pocket, it is natural that you have been sympathetic at all. they don't let it come easily to the broker he gives money to the head coach , he gives 1 billion to a player , he gives 10 billion, if our football is privatized, the manager of the club will have to pay from his own pocket. he goes directly to the players, talks to the head coach , but when most of our clubs now have government clubs, they are supported by the government budget, so it is natural that when the money
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comes from an industrial place, you assume that the team that was supposed to spend 355 billion it can reach 100 once billion, what happened ? it's normal , there are unpleasant, unethical and unprofessional things happening in the middle of you . esteghlal club was on the sidelines of refereeing in the asian games. if you can tell us, it was a case in the asia club. one of the people inside our organization, not outside the organization, that is, inside the club, yes , he came and suggested that he wants to referee the game, and he is ready to take $50,000 for the benefit. we profit in dollars at that time, i think it was 800 tomans. he said he would get 1000 dollars
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. i was very surprised how dare this person, considering the knowledge he had about us and a series of issues came up . he left after a while and said that he is ready to take 20,000. i mean , you should look at how far clash, trickery and charlatanism have gone. i will tell you something because time is short, until the government spends, we have an excuse, especially the economic mafia, you are the mafia. management and the formation of clans and gangs and the most important thing is the subjects called fifa harasi and fiba harasi and i don't know what they are and starting these stories so that they can keep their own mafia under wraps
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. the ministry of sports should have supervision , but external organizations should also have supervision. well , with 307 halls, it is one of the oldest trees in the middle east is. this olive tree has a height of more than 7 meters and in the life of mohammad raba, one of the villagers
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of al-jalid region, on the bank, with the age of the days of moses, the days of ibrahim, it is a great glory, and it is a great saint , and there is a greatness in it. in recent years, more than 8,000 olive trees , which are a symbol of palestinian peace, have been burned by the zionists. as a farmer woman, i planted this olive tree with my wife, watered it, and took care of it every day, like my little son. i saw it grow and grow, but when the invaders they come and tear it from the roots, as if they are taking my eyes or my heart. whenever we approach the season of picking olives, we say that we are close to the war of olives. because of the conflicts, our blood becomes one with olive oil, but in the attacks of the past days, the regime
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you are not in gaza, not only olive trees but also thousands of gardeners were set on fire . now, thousands of kilometers away and in iran , a campaign called olive morning is being implemented in memory of palestinian cities. qasab and zionists help to support us from afar planting and planting of olive trees is in the olive sob campaign, 10,000 olive trees are planted in memory of the 10,000 palestinian martyrs who were martyred during the 75 years of the occupation of palestine. all over the country
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, the olive sobh campaign started from azar in golestan province and is scheduled to be planted. to continue in 17 other provinces . ali akbar abbasi news reporter
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the new crime of the zionist regime, more than 300 martyrs and wounded in the bombardment of the neighborhood of az-shaja'iyya in the east of gaza, in the bombardment of a residential building in the jabba camp.


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