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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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an interesting event has opened in the city of tehran, tehran sarah afsarieh bismillah rahman al-rahm, greetings, dear, welcome to economic news at 18:30 tehran time. the representatives of the islamic council agreed to the request of a number of representatives to remain silent on the formation of the ministry of commerce for 6 months. in the bill proposed by the government for the formation of the ministry of commerce, some responsibilities were supposed to be under the ministries of agriculture and industry. mining and trade, including the
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consumer and producer support organization , should be transferred to the new ministry. ministry of marketing until 1390 it was an independent ministry, but in this year it was formed with the ministry of industries and mines and the ministry of mining industry and trade. deputy minister of economic diplomacy of the ministry of foreign affairs on the sidelines of the headquarters meeting. the economic coordination of this ministry announced the follow-up of the approvals of the joint economic commissions of iran with three neighboring countries. mr. safari also said that the free trade agreement between iran and the economic union and russia will be signed by the foreign ministers of the members next month . on december 25th, at a meeting in st. petersburg, it will be signed by the heads
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of state . sign this. this is a very important event that will happen in our trade with different countries. at the end of today's trading, the colores index of bahad tehran reached an increase of more than 33,000 points, equivalent to 1.6 thousand points. with increasing demand in the market, at the end of trading, more than 70% of symbols were in the positive range. also , the money of real investors in stocks and mutual funds reached about 655 billion tomans. kales index has recorded a return of more than 4% from last wednesday until today.
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250,000 plots of land for housing construction in villages it is ready to hand over to the applicants. the general manager of rural housing of the housing foundation said: the contribution of the housing foundation to the program of giving land to the people is 50,000 plots per year. mr. hamidii also announced the completion of the construction of 190,000 residential units in the villages. from the beginning of the 13th government, that is, mehr month 140 until now. about 370,000 rural housing units have been started by the housing foundation, of which 190,000 units have been completed, and we have 180,000 units under construction until the 22nd of bahman this year. implementation in addition to the 190,000 completed units the seller's union said: the price of tomatoes
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has decreased in the fruit and vegetable markets of tehran. according to mr. haina nejad, due to the increase in the supply of tomatoes and also the export ban, the price of this product has decreased from 50 tomans in the central fruit markets of tehran and between 28 and 28 between 20 and 28 thousand tomans in it is now on sale. it was my batch, 500 of which has been sold , 200 of which are left, and tonight we have around 900 of which will arrive. we expect that tomatoes will drop. hopefully, the price will drop by another 500 tomans by the end of this week. we expect the price. until next week, tomatoes will cost 15 tomans.
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behbahani tomato growers have started harvesting the crop . farmers are satisfied with this year's crop and it is expected that more than 19 thousand tons of behbahani tomatoes will be sent to the consumer market. be it here, among the green bushes , a red crop is harvested. in the autumn season, each year, the tomato net product is sent to the market and provides the income of the farmers. i am a resident of qaland sefala village from tawabe, bivan city. karstan tomato. i have a bunch of tomatoes with an area of ​​5 camels. brobio and sakata. i harvested about 5.5 tons. in the consumer market. behbahan tomatoes in addition supplying the province level is also sent to other parts of the country. we export between 30 and 50 tons per day to tehran, karrat, mahabad, and sanandeh. we can buy tomatoes in the morning from 18:00 in the morning until the morning in the afternoon. umm
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salal has 620 lands dedicated to tomato cultivation , and it is expected that more than 19,000 tons of tomatoes will be harvested this year in the fall season in behbahan. fatima saqapour , the head of iran's national center for creative industries and carpets , announced the target of 50 million dollars for the export of the toy industry by the end of this year. according to mr. zare , the export value of toys last year was 38 million it has been dollars. the head of iran's national creative and carpet industry center said: in 14 and last year, 15 million dollar shares of furniture were imported. a specialized conference on the challenges and opportunities of makran beaches was held in chabahar. the executive vice president of the majlis research center
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said: in order to speed up the development plan of suahel makran, four basic works are being done in the majlis research center by the order of the speaker of the majlis. the shores of mekoran ganji, hidden in the southeast of iran, are a god-given capacity that has golden and binary opportunities in its heart. in our province, unfortunately, due to the number of organizations and bodies that sometimes in the center decision-making for the province is also blocked, and whenever the will is on this matter , we still look at the province with the same view of centralism, and the capacities of the province, whether the human power , the economic capacities of the province, or the capacities of the province's self-sufficiency , have not been paid attention to, such as the aquatic industry. there is more than 20,000 tons of production capacity per year on the shores of mokoran, in order to
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have a base in the field of fishing and fishing, and to take effective steps in the field of aquaculture, more than 21 projects in the agricultural sector have actually been introduced for development. frequently asked questions. but the optimal use and productivity of this very important capacities need to be examined and detailed planning at the macro level. here we easily saw how many constructive suggestions there are from local communities and local managers to increase the speed of growth in the question of makarran . the research center of the islamic council, as a consultative arm, is now present in chabahar and holding specialized meetings with the scientific elites and managers of sistan and baluchistan provinces and hormozgan province. they are thinking that the bill was invited in this meeting the government
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should be equipped and written completely freely and based on expert and scientific opinions, god willing, and the opinions of friends as provincial elites would be collected and added to the opinions in the research center. the all-round development of the coasts of mokoran, on the one hand, will lead to the development of the region, and on the other hand , it will include the growth and dynamism of the country's economy. discussion meetings with experts and trustees of the region definitely have an effective role in advancing the development goals of makuran beaches. khalid balochi azad news reporter of bandar chabahar. the first. currency bonds in iran's currency and gold exchange center released. murabahah bonds are one of the types of bonds that are offered in the form of riyal to finance the industry sector in the capital market, but now these bonds
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are presented horizontally with a maturity of 4 years and liquidity. the issue is in the form of euro , so these euro-based bonds are issued. the entire amount will be collected in the form of euros, and accordingly , both the profits in the payment deadlines and the principal amount will be repaid in the form of euros. all expenses will be under full supervision. buying these bonds from the sources of clearing the export obligation is prohibited, so there is no impact on the market. domestic in terms of increasing demand will not create according to the head of the central bank , these bonds will move foreign exchange resources towards productive activities and foreign currency financing. these bonds are a very reliable tool so that even people
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who have so-called foreign currencies abroad can participate in the production projects of our country, the construction projects of our country and buy the bonds . available in the market, the price is attractive. in my opinion, god willing, we will continue this project. the general secretary of the medical equipment manufacturers association says that due to the competition of the companies the government and the private sector have closed down five injection molding factories. mr. aini said that private sector producers have the ability to produce more than the country's needs, but they are not able to compete with state companies. syringe and needle head, a seemingly simple but widely used item in medical equipment. the peak consumption of this product was during the corona era, both for vaccines and therapeutic injections during the so-called corona era, when
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we experienced the most difficult times and we needed many disposable medical equipment, which are mainly polymer, by our manufacturers completely 25 production factories have been provided we have a manufacturer of injectable supplies, and not only do we meet the needs of the country , we actually have the capacity to produce 400 million people . the private sector manufacturers say they have the annual production capacity of 3 billion syringes and needle heads, but they only produce a third of this capacity. according to the statistics of the secretary of medical supplies manufacturers , the annual consumption of syringes and needles in iran is 800 million to 1 billion pieces, and 3 to 4 million pieces of products are produced daily.
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in addition to the private sector, the government complex affiliated to the ministry of health and the red crescent is also engaged in production they make medical items that are also produced by the private sector. giving orders to say that government factories and public institutions are responsible for the production of goods that people are producing. but again, the state company has come to compete with us on a product that we have more than 10 years of production on this product. the private sector usually does not have the power to compete with the government. institutions whose duty is not this should take on more difficult tasks that others are not willing to do and those tasks are left on the ground. if you take it closer and closer to your hand , simple things are also present. private sector producers of medical supplies say that five factories produced by some government companies have been shut down, and if this trend continues, other factories
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will soon be shut down. thank you very much for your companion with khodangdar economic news. there is no sound of rockets and mortars. from here until about 30 seconds later , we are watching a report from the bbc persian news channel. now the leader of the islamic republic , who has repeatedly emphasized the destruction of israel , is giving a signal that is apparently in line with previous policies. is different. we say people's opinion. this is a part of the leader of the revolution's speech in the meeting with the basijites.
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last wednesday the issue of iran's solution to the palestinian issue. the people who are there from other countries may tell them to stay in palestine. it is possible that in some african countries that i went to when i was president , they fought, won, and the british ruled there. being able to defeat the british, but keeping the same british in their own country is good. the leader of the revolution says that a referendum should be held. it was mentioned by him four years ago in the same hosseiniyeh. the basic solution and foundation of the palestinian issue is the same as what we said a few years ago , and this has been recorded in important international centers. a poll of all people of palestinian origin. a year
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ago in june 2017 , this was iran's solution to solve the palestinian issue. yes , we presented a plan from the first day. we said, sir, today, democracy and referring to public votes is a modern and advanced method, which is accepted by the whole world. very well , to determine the type of government of the historical state of palestine , refer to the public opinion of the palestinian people and here in the meeting hall. the leaders of tehran have a clear and logical plan it is in accordance with the accepted political teachings of the global public opinion, which has already been presented in detail. we do not
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propose the classic war of the armies of islamic countries, nor the throwing of immigrant jews into the sea, nor, of course, the arbitration of the united nations and other international organizations, we propose a referendum of the palestinian nation. so far , the position of the revolutionary leader regarding iran's solution to the palestinian issue has been repeated by the official insiders. three times in the last 12 years. now the leader of the islamic republic and every time the same referendum that he heard this time because it is different from the previous policies. of course, there is another image document. our words about the palestinian issue are logical and acceptable. it dates back to 1984. 3 years before the bbc persian tv started. those
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who own palestine, it is their historical land. history and geography testify to this, they must vote in a referendum in front of the people of the world in a referendum to determine the responsibility of the palestinian government, that government will be a legitimate government. in that government, criminals who commit crimes in palestine must be punished. criminal in the land of palestine, in a government with the palestinian vote it comes to work. the words that remind the expression of the words that the reporter of the persian language tv refers to in the middle of the report, are the explanation of the same sentence. punish criminals, not jews . i also call this prime minister a tour
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instead of seducing the world about our progress . to learn to fight in the mediterranean, he had better practice moaning because there is no other way but to throw them into the sea by force, but the bbc reporter made another mistake in the last sentence of the report. this is actually a day count in the islamic republic after the october attack of hamas to israel and the beginning of the gaza war , considered it the beginning of the destruction of israel. the date of the destruction of criminals has been counting for at least 8 years. god willing, by god's grace , there will be no such thing as the zionist regime in the region in 25 years. secondly
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, during this period, the islamic spirit of the militant. and epic and jihadi will not let the zionists know this for a moment.
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the settlement of this house is in my hands. action can be taken in the country to remove the golden signature, we would like to support women and this night, adi adi, there will be a lot of imports, qbooz will be freed, help seekers, the amount of construction worker relief, insure those families. who have three children and above, they can't get a car without lottery
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until a few years ago, patients complained about the paper notebooks, the difficulty was that we went to the al-laf branch, until our office was replaced. the solution to get rid of the problems of erasing lines. on paper, there was nothing but the achievement of the electronic health service system, which was also mentioned in the fifth development plan in the parliament. dear jim , article 32 of the 5th program law obliges us to establish a public health service system based on primary health care, which is effective in the quality of services. it increases health, and the basis of its presentation is both the electronic health file and its review in the 6th insurance program, warm to the online submission of the information of the insured and to the aforementioned database daily
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for free and continuously, and regarding the exploitation of the aforementioned database. by replacing electronic tools instead of notebooks to provide all insurance and medical services to the insured under their coverage, the iranian health insurance organization is obliged to assess the eligibility of the insured , including the possibility of insurance validation and control of their overlapping by using from the database of the insured people of the country and in the form of electronically, the social security organization and other insurance organizations should take action to send the information of their insureds online and update the said database in a free and continuous manner.
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the electronic health records of iranians should be reviewed together with the civil registry organization, and the requirements of electronic health should be seen in all its dimensions in this revision, a plan that has been unveiled many times in these years, in the first stage in the organization's own private centers. social security we started the lack of notebooks and working with electronic systems. we hope that in the process of implementing this symbolic move, we can correct it, but before the year 100 , there was only 10% progress, and finally, with the follow-up of the representatives, we implemented the electronic version in the same year. after all, this work could not have been done, it would have been spoken, it would have come into the law as a wish. it was said that everyone said it was a good job, but no one knew that it was being performed . this work was done. after that, on 11 , 1400, the removal of paper notebooks was officially started and
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the legal implementation of the electronic version of rango was mandatory. took the first day is the full implementation of electronic prescribing. also, after this time, although electronic prescribing has been realized 98 times, it is still a double representation. the full implementation of this plan is fully foreseen in the law of the sixth plan and now in the law of the seventh plan , especially the terman health commission and the parliament have done a lot of work in this field , a lot of work has been done in the budget law and definitely in the seventh plan. it is also emphasized that it should be fully implemented and operational. now the result of this legal implementation is to improve the condition of people in receiving medical services without a prescription, he looks at the website and gives it. it's really great. he's satisfied with everything. it's much better. what's the point
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of it for you? it's much less . the drugs are registered in the system. the patient's medical history is recorded. data and a record form is created for the patient . we, who want to see the records , see the records of the tests. the merits are very acceptable . the notebooks have been removed, and our work has become easier because it is done with the national fertilizer. the speed has improved a lot. actually, compared to paper versions, it has increased a lot in addition to maintaining patient records, electronic drafting is now a clear document in prescribing drugs, implementing clinical guidelines, and obtaining public insurance support. you can't fly, don't worry, it's a chance.
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how many good plans do you have? excuse me, what are your payment conditions? are you buying 1405 now ? how much is 1405 ? how much is 1405? it will be 3 years until i go to the third grade . how much will my salary be ? buy beheshti, 1405, settle the beheshti carpet , important announcement in the city of household appliances, the floor price is guaranteed, that is, if the esteemed buyers, even after the purchase if they find a cheaper price, they can return this
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amount by 20% and get a transfer bonus. city of home appliances, danesh banyan fould gaster haddad , a producer of all kinds of strength and industrial profiles in the dimensions of 20 and 22 water and gas pipes from one and a half inches to 1/2 inch. 14 inches, in fact, industrial sheds , design and manufacture of equipment and machinery needed by industries with iran's national standard certificate and steel quality management system certificate . mama akhraleh, your gas
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it increased by itself. what's the situation? why are your blood vessels like this? how often do you need to change your blood vessels ? last time we went everywhere together, we shouldn't have gone around so much. that's when an iranian house with a lot of discounts and special conditions is right next door. the biggest iranian house with a lot of interesting events opened in tehran. it happened in tehran, serah afsariye, honestly, i am very worried that this capital will not be lost in my hands. the best way is trust. i get the most from my trust. 28 per year, 25% daily. really? i have the capital at hand. criticize your account whenever i want. how great. can you trust me? yes, i don't trust him completely. trust fund trust fund? trust of nations investment fund. painless and safe. your capital can also be collateral.
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in order to get a loan from the edemat investment fund , we are all enemies.


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