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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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from the manufacturer, only 349 thousand tomans, to order number one, send sms to 10065. at one o'clock in the morning, dear viewers, the first technology development and exchange event between knowledge bases and manufacturers of the toy industry was held . in this event, the vice president of science, technology and economy of the knowledge base of the presidency pointed out the turnover of 10 million dollars of the domestic production toy industry from the increased capacity. it was announced ten times with the help of academics and creative companies. in the new generation of toys
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, technology is a very colorful topic. we know creative companies as companies in the field technology also works in the field of creativity with more boldness in the field of creativity. the purpose of this event is that knowledge-based and creative companies that have the capacity to help the country's toy industry can communicate with industry owners, factories and manufacturers . god willing, the production of new toys with the ability to export and develop the market more , god willing, the knowledge of our country's foundations succeeded in completely localizing and producing the advanced x-band coastal radar of ports. this system is used to guide sea traffic in ports. all hardware and soft parts the software of this radar
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has been successfully installed in the ports of amirabad, bushehr, shahid rajaeed, and chabahar by domestic specialists. the software used in this radar is written according to the maritime geography of iran. the viriktif microwave radiation system was designed and unveiled with the aim of atomic analysis of materials with the efforts of experts in the nuclear industry. this system is decomposable. it has simultaneous and fast analysis of several elements regardless of their concentration levels and with high accuracy, and can be used in the departments of environmental opinion, chemical food drug. this is one of the important achievements that we did not have until now for the first time, this is a research result that has become a usable and exploitable system, and we brought this to the fore, in addition to the fact
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that there are now accelerators with electrostatic accelerators and those that each for these products , god willing, the coverage in the whole country will be designed. we will follow this way. more than 20 countries have signed a declaration to increase the production of nuclear energy by 3 times. nuclear until 205, a 3-fold increase compared to 2020 will find america, england, france and canada signed this declaration. john kerry, the us special representative at the dubai summit, said: without nuclear energy, the goal of zero carbon emissions in 205 cannot be achieved. the ministry of health announced: less than 5. corona respiratory infections
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have been diagnosed and most of the cases are related to anthrax. health officials recommend that people with underlying diseases get vaccinated and use masks in public places. kemmakanza is more common , especially the hospitalization materials are more common than influenza, but not that corona has disappeared, but as isolated cases. we have positive cases in the university and these symptoms. usually, most people get well without any symptoms , but in some people , it may take a long time to find the need for hospitalization. those who don't have it, it's not too late to do it now. until the end of the year, we will still have cases of flu . as for corona, fortunately, we are not facing an increase in the country at the moment. now if it does increase.
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the ministry will definitely report. the acquisition of the experts of a knowledge-based company with the technical knowledge of the production and propagation of rare plants and... with high genetic value by tissue culture method. with this method, all kinds of medicinal plants used in the food industry can be mass produced. production and reproduction of endangered plants with the new method of tissue culture. this is the same plant now. in the tissue culture method, a part of the plant , such as a leaf, is separated from the stem and analyzed in a laboratory environment. plant tissue culture is a single plant that we can produce thousands of plants and sometimes millions of plants from a piece of a plant we can keep plants that have genetic value and are very valuable, have a gene bank , we prepared a piece of this plant to start the weaving work, we disinfected it with
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the protocol we have, we brought it, we planted it, and then we picked it up. it is done in steel environments with special food ingredients and products that we have, we bring it to the size, then when it reaches the right size, it enters the greenhouse, adaptation is done there and the size is not in the hands of the customer anymore. now, danesh banyan company's technologists were able to produce and reproduce orchid plants using tissue culture to find our main work is the production of orchids . here, we produce the phalonops orchid, which is an ornamental plant. orchid is a very big family. it is one of the plants that includes medicinal and edible plants, such as foxglove. foxglove is an edible plant that is used in ice cream making , now it is used in the food industry, and on the other hand , it is a plant similar to how many times we have started. chanil is
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an edible plant, it is also used in the food industry, and it is of high value in iran. the plant is produced by the tissue culture method. competition with foreign samples. european countries are working because well. the ornamental orchid plant itself is. four to five euros were imported. this product is approximately one euro. it is being produced and reaching the consumer. according to the officials of danesh banyan company, plant production by tissue culture method can help ensure the country's food security. mehboob delangiz, a radio news reporter. specialists of a technology unit have succeeded in a new method for refining and processing oils. start car consumption. used car oils are a part of industrial waste that can pose a potential risk to national resources and the environment. the oil that comes out of our car is actually some kind of heavy metals
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it is heavy, it contains toxic substances. these should be separated and disposed of. the disposal of these naturally affects the environment, the amount of sludge that is the annual amount of springs in iran , we actually produce about 20 thousand tons of this sludge, which is mainly stored in an open space, in fact, there are lakes of this sludge. each liter has the ability to contaminate a million liters of water. if sanitary landfilling is to take place , the cost for each liter of this waste is 15 million tomans . we came to the faculty of civil engineering of amir kabir university to come up with a solution. scientific and available for this problem , due to the chemical and physical effect it has on our bitumen and asphalt cone, it causes the adhesion of our asphalt
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to improve and some of the characteristics of our asphalt mixture, including a 24% improvement in stability and a 37% improvement in stability the resistance to rutting and also the increase in resistance to cold cracking that occurs in the cold seasons of the year due to the reduction of special asphalt flexibility have these effects. this new method is cost-effective as well as efficient. one method we did is from very cheap materials we used lime, that is, instead of reviving it, we came to use it in bitumen instead of stone materials , it will be a mixture like this for factories and contractors, and for oil painting factories, which can reduce their recycling costs by 60 to 60 times. reducing the body
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is an interesting process that takes such material from this waste . this project is ready to be handed over to the afroze industry islamic news radio, thank you for your support. you are with the economic desk. in the past years , whenever there was a financial, monetary, banking event that happened
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, one of the excuses that the central banks always gave. the difference was that they don't have the necessary authority to resolve these conditions, or they don't have the necessary tools, or they do things that may later be interpreted as illegal. this law has come to open the hands of the central bank , give it more independence, and i ask you to give this permission to the central bank. to deal with the banks with the monetary situation of the financial country across the country with a market hand. but if we want to know that you still have these days, for example , we worked on the news of noor institute here just a few days ago because natrazi and all its events were transferred to the national bank . this news must have reached your ears . you may have the question that if we want to know whether the functions of the country are working well or badly, how can we find out that these things are happening ? where should we look, where should we go, here is your answer... let's see together the health of a banking network, the health of banks and how they manage their assets and liabilities
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, the capital adequacy ratio shows us, well , here you are seeing almost what they say that the standard is something between 10 and 12 if i'm not mistaken, it was 8 , but we have a series of banks and institutions, for example, noor is one of them. you saw that it was so inadequate that it was transferred to the national bank . we also have other banks. now, i won't mention their names. if you go to minus 200 , you can see that they are not in a good situation. of course, if we want to see the glass half full , we have a number of banks that do not have enough bad capital, and they can be considered as going through good conditions at the moment, but anyway we will talk about this new law in my economy table the central bank has been given the authority to deal with these types of banks , which are not in a good situation , so that it can deal with them under more convenient conditions, liquidate them, merge them, do whatever it wants , i will tell you more details, picture next rome, if we meet, there is another person who is self
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-sufficient in capital, as i told you, the accumulated profits and losses of banks and credit institutions are the same three or four banks that do not have good capital anymore, well, of course, they have a lot of accumulated losses , you see, i will not mention their names again. a series there are also banks that have accumulated interest , their situation is better, of course, in the economics desk , we want to answer a few questions about what the central bank could not do until yesterday, how much more open has it become since today , how much more independent has it become in removing and installing? it has become easier. now we talked about the situation of the banks, in the horizontal situation, how much more open has it become, what things could not be done until yesterday , can be done more easily from today after the promulgation of this law , and how much should our expectations from the central bank increase if the report ready to think i can't do it. our report is not ready. let's go and start the program. if we agree with the guests of the program , we will get the answers from the guests of the program.
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mr. taghiani, the spokesman of the islamic majlis shura economic commission , we are at your service, as well as mr. khosravi, a monetary banking expert of the majlis salam research center . be notified in the name of god greetings, politeness and respect for you, dear people. iran, as you mentioned, our main problem was that some of the goals that we were pursuing in the country's economy and everywhere in the world were among the duties of central banks, for example, maintaining the value of the national currency, controlling inflation, and making appropriate monetary policies in order to create growth. economy or directing credits to create employment, etc. in our country due to the legal structure that existed, it practically did not
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allow the central bank to make policies directly and in a theatrical way , usually the governors of the central bank about that we we don't have enough powers to meet the expectations and demands that are raised , they often mentioned that the state of the banking system was sometimes not good, some banks were in serious trouble, and the governor general of the central bank in this parliament reminded me of the previous governor general and the one before that. they often complain that the central bank and the governor do not have the necessary powers . from this point of view, the law of the central bank was introduced in the 17th parliament, of course, it has a history that this law and this amendment were brought up in the previous parliaments and a lot of effort was put into it. there is no place
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here to appreciate and thank all those who at least the previous three parliaments worked on this issue. it was achieved in this parliament and a lot of efforts were made in the economic commission and in the parliament as a whole for this. because you raised this point, you mentioned to the previous presidents of the central bank, how much do you think that the problem was really due to the law and the central bank was closed, and how much do you think that it was not really the performance of the central bank itself, that it is better to see if we want to make a contribution? part of it was probably due to management problems and the lack of use of the capacities they had at their disposal, and part of it was due to the weakness of the law. it was the weakness of the law, or the situation was greater , that is, really, yes, we had management problems in every period, but the weakness of the law did not allow him to perform very well even if the manager was a good manager
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. my main point is that the reality is the expectations from the central bank. it was not compatible with the facilities that were available to the central bank, the head of the central bank and the policy makers in the central bank . in another case, the system used the same limited facilities. enough because now you say that you have more powers. we had a general idea that the facilities and they used the powers well, but still having a problem, for example, i would like to point out that one of our problems was the structure of the country's credit money council, and the structure of the credit money council was in such a way that, in practice, the ministers who come from the government and, in fact, a lot of responsibility they were not responsible for the policies of the central bank, that is , they were not responsible for inflation, the value of the national currency, etc., but they were responsible for their own sector, or they followed
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them, they made decisions in the money and credit council, or, in fact, the money and credit council he was going in a direction that the head of the central bank could not go answer the action of the money and credit council and be accountable for the central bank's monetary policy . in fact, he was also one vote in the money and credit council . now in this new law, the number of people in the supreme council that replaces the money and credit council will increase. he found four people who are subject experts. previously , this was not the case in the money and credit council. these four people are experts in the fields of finance, banking, banking law, etc., and now they are not executive officers. they can even control the policies of the central bank. criticize in the same higher bodies, except for the general chairman and 2 people his deputies are members, that is, 7 out of 10 people in the central bank are a relatively acceptable majority who can make monetary policy and then
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be accountable to the parliament, the government, the people about the things that are expected, mr. khosravi, what is the requirement now? now with all these powers that have been given now, they say that he will be held accountable. tomorrow, if we come and sit in this same meeting, we will come and investigate and say, well, the central bank did not use these powers . allah, the merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service, mr hello ph.d. and dear viewers , i think a good law should have two pillars at the same time, that is, if we say that there is a law, how much it can be implemented or not, it depends on the law itself, that is, a good law, in addition to it gives good authority to the executive, he must see the will to implement the law in himself, i.e. the criteria and
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, for example, the obstacles involved in the implementation of that law. there are a series of obstacles that prevent it from being implemented the implementation of disciplinary laws, for example, and precautionary orders, for example, were in the field of banks. in this law, those obstacles have been removed . now, for example, of course, the intention is not to accuse anyone and all this. with the banking network, finally, in this law, regulations have been seen that the members of the central bank, including the executive board of the supreme boards and the regulatory bodies of the banks' shareholding rights , do not have the right to receive their fees and deposits in the banks. the supreme council's injuries well, these are all mechanisms that
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help the implementation of the law endogenously. this is one part of the story . the second part is the reality of the process of approving this law. a law in the parliament is now approved in a commission without the presence of the executive and without their support and sympathy. when it is announced, the executive is looking for what not to implement, but at least my personal opinion is that due to the fact that both the governor of the central bank and the minister the economy of the honorable president during the details of this law the placement of the other pillars of the system , for example, let's assume that the respected members of the system's expediency detection group, all those who finally have political power in the country, now in the course of this, actually getting a law and your participation in actually passing this law, in my opinion, these are the areas that it makes one hopeful that, god willing, the central bank will come with a will , that is, as far as i know
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, the head of central bank welcomes this law with open arms. there is hope that these synergies, partnerships and regulations are actually the regulations that you the law itself has come to help in implementation, but this let me say that this should not be enough, it means that from now on, the duty of all of us, including the legislator himself, is to seriously monitor the implementation of this law, which means, well, you know that this law will be implemented in 6 months, june next year, one of the the most important orders of the commission should be that this law, which, for example, 7-8 years of hard work by the respected representatives of the people, should be implemented. this is a duty that both the parliament itself must follow up and the president himself, as an actual supervisor and official. the responsible authority of the central bank must monitor this according to the law in detail, but in the example you gave, you mentioned two things , one is transparency, which is, for example, the deposit code, and the situation of those in the central bank
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, where we said that there is a conflict of interest, can you explain this more for the viewers, for example , what is going to happen to the transparency of the activities of the board of directors and so on? how clear will it be in this new law , you know that now almost all the approvals of the money and credit council, that is, the decision-making process at the central bank, are confidential. some of them are not really necessary for you to see, but all of them are stamped with a secret seal of the central bank, which someone knows about. it is not what is happening. well, two important things happened in this law. first of all, he said that all the approvals are based on the principle of transparency, which means that he actually followed the principle of good governance here. he said a few exceptions, and those exceptions are actually. it must be mentioned, for example , suppose you might disclose an interview, now it's people's trade secrets, the information is personal privacy , we can't disclose it, it's normal, but apart from these
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things, all the approvals required by the central bank and the supreme council must be transparent. make a separate positive point in addition to this issue i said that the details of the negotiations should be included , that is, you, as the media, mr. doctor, as a member of parliament, should know the reason why the interest rate will go down or up . for what reason and after a while, this will provide this context . you can evaluate the policy-making process in the central bank. thank you very much, mr. taghiani . now our situation is because the law is also the monetary supply of finance . we call it the state of adequacy what is the capital of the banks, if this law comes , how open is the central bank, because of the same indications you mentioned, how open
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is it to take this to the direction of reforming or liquidating them ? we had considered the central bank, the central bank was practically the supervisor of the activities of the banking system in law, but it did not have enough tools at its disposal, that is, the legislator had enough tools, especially in this situation that we recently found in the last 10 years. 10 maybe 20 years recently, we found that it is practically no more so much that maybe scanning and masking worked in the old days , or i should say that money took its place, most of the exchanges were done with pseudo-money, which means that digital money came, etc., which means that the banking environment has changed a lot, creating credit has been very effective. let me tell you that the financial and banking system of the country.
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but the tools of the central bank were not enough for monitoring. this is where the governors of the central bank felt with all their heart that they had the duty to do something . he had taken it from that council in order for the leaders to intervene and reform one of the banks in the country , but later with a complaint, that is, after the deadline was over, with the complaint of the shareholders, the renovation was practically stopped in the middle, what happened now? now, for example, we have seen together in the statistics that the capital adequacy of many banks is negative. many of our banks do not have a good balance sheet situation. in more detail, if you say
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, the same thing that was given a brief permission in the coordination council of the heads of power has now become a law. it means that the central bank can with the approval of the board excellent, enter the reconstruction process, enter the transition process , the reconstruction for the institutions that have hope to return and revive them, now, some of these things that you have shown here are really not possible to be reconstructed in any way, that is, they must enter the transition process, merge, dissolve, determine the task here. the law gives permission to the head of the central bank and the supreme board of the central bank to make a decision about this , and this is also an interesting point . there are some points in this law that if anyone objects to this , it should be referred to the disciplinary bodies of the bank itself. if the center complains, the appeal is the last resort he can take his complaint to the supreme court of the supreme court, and of course i will say that
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the temporary order of the court is now prohibited in this case , which means that the operation is now possible in the central bank , provided that he wants it now and the necessary action is taken by the central bank managers. in order to organize things like this, i think the network itself and the banking system itself will have to do a lot of work . mr. khosravi, now we need some time to talk about cross-cutting issues , how do you assess the current banking situation? mr. taghiani , what do you think the situation is going to be now, which banks can the central bank more easily go to in order to make a decision for them? in fact, you said that there is a ratio of capital adequacy in the chart, but the law
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has also left another indicator that you were sensitive about in other reports, and that is bank overdrafts. with these two indicators , the law said that the central bank has seen a process at the beginning of the corrective measures, he informs the bank and says to the bank, "sir, in order to improve the adequacy ratio, you have to sell a certain asset . you have to do this operation in this way. it is a package. i think it is a legal provision. if the bank does this completely , then the situation will be good." if it doesn't work, two triggers have been given to the central bank , first of all, the first trigger is that he generally approves the members of the general assembly of the executive board of directors and puts himself in charge of the banks and the program he had. in order for the bank to improve its situation, it is now with people he will move forward on his own if
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there is a rule seen in that process. after some time, the supreme council or the central bank saw this bank, despite the fact that i thought there might be a possibility of revival , like the nouri institute that this happened to. but it didn't happen there , he can enter the process, the same thing that mr. taghiani said, well, these were the cases that we didn't have the authority until 2017, basically, from then on with the initiative of the supreme leader of the revolution regarding the council of heads having authority. it was given to the central bank in this way, so there is time for this the new law of this overdraft takes time. for example, in fact, the board of trustees that i mentioned is for one year, which means that we can't assume, like the one we saw recently , that we put an iranian institution under the trusteeship for 5 years, and finally, with, for example , a little more patience, we will wrap up the issue. one year.


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