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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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to be durable in domestic markets , to be able to touch foreign markets , to be present in international markets and to increase the amount of our exports, the same thing that has been one of the country's main priorities for years now, that we can finally separate the country's income from the issue of oil. at different times, these events have happened. well, now in the field of small industry , the export of this field of industrial activities in the country is about 3 billion dollars per year. and 500 inactive units are activated about 60,000 people have been able to work in these units, so to speak, in these two years. yes , this
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year, 760 industrial units have been revived. will be added. this is one of the activities that we are doing in this field, i just want to explain that we are reviving the units not only for all the suspended units , a unit that really has a market , a unit that can stand on its own feet after being revived. continue your industrial work may it develop, grow and serve the society thanks to your presence. well, some of these units may have the life cycle of their industry, the life cycle of their technology, or the life cycle of their products at all . we need to think about them again, because after all, this is the capital of this country, which today is so-called useless here and has no usability . we have to go. with other mechanisms, which we have now, we are following this work on the agenda , or we are taking another action to not let any unit stop at all, so now we want to revive them from this side. let's do what does it mean for the monitoring unit to stop?
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it means that a unit that has less than 50% activity is following its work . the software wants these, these are the software services that we have , now our software may lead to the fact that we can, for example , from industrial automation in the field of production , you monitor these correctly and about them. come to an agreement, as you say, you need software. you have tens of thousands of industrial units in the country that you cannot sit one by one. well, now you have this software. yes , all of these are connected to all these units or their statistics. finally, through the information that our so-called colleagues
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have at the provincial level, we collect their information, how many units are there in this city that are producing under 500 production capacity , what is the reason for the low capacity, is there no market, is it technology the production or production method is the correct production method whether or not there is no circulating capital, by the way , there are machines of the type of equipment, the type of thirsty market, and the so-called ability to produce and supply, but we see that, for example, this unit is faced with a lack of liquidity. in short, you go to us, we go to them. by the way , how far have you gone inside the cities? today, in the discussion about increasing the capacity of the units, we targeted 300 units , we went and identified them, and we said that these are the units that only and only need to increase their production. what do they need raw materials? some access to materials means lack of proper access to their raw materials
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they cannot produce. these are 300 or part of them, no, this is a part of those units that we went to and identified the reasons . you referred to these. of course, if i don't, then let me correct this so-called statistics like this. first of all, in order to be able to reach this, we analyzed how many percent of these industrial units in the cities are over 70. they are producing, how many percent of them are between 50 and 70%? ama showed that there are 1208 units that are operating over 70. what percentage of the total production units include the units inside the cities and inside the cities ?
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they are operating between the so-called 50 to 7 and there are about 14,000 units that are below 500 and 13 of these units are suspended. of course, at the beginning of the government's work , the number of suspended units was around 17. 40 this is an exploratory process. he found even units that were operating at 50 under 500 so-called production capacity it has been at 33 and it has reached about 28, that is, this series of actions and activities that have happened has led to the fact that after it is below 50% , it will join the plain of units above 500. we should have followed the so-called two programs, sorry, until now, 43 % of the industrial units in the cities are producing below 500
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or stopped. yes, if you want to add up the number of stopped 33 and 24, 57 of the 500 to 433 to 500 units. down or zero, yes or stop, the same stop, now you have some of these you went and now you have revived. you say that the percentage of units that have been revived or the units that have been closed is now 4400 less than the beginning of the government's work. we also published this. by god , the truth is, well, in the various sources within the system that we published in the news. and finally , the media also has a list of these somewhere, whether it's the media
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or the people, so that when they want to hope to see that something is happening, they should be able to go and check it, yes, for example, where was this holiday and now one year ago, those that were revived, or those that were revived now, were so-called stopped these are the so-called list, their location and which industrial city they are located in, it is completely specific to the unit that has increased production capacity , so to speak , the list is completely specific. if we want to publish it in public, it might not be very appropriate, because some units, for various reasons, do not have the type of production or the so-called production method at all available to the media
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. can discuss related to indeed, they should be present and the whites, of course, during the trips that mr. president has in different provinces to have these revival celebrations that we cooperate with the revival movement in the so-called collection of the honorable first deputy , the activities are being followed in this framework what those friends are doing is also non-industrial activities, and now sometimes this question may finally be formed in the minds of the audience that once mr. president announced the revival of the 6,000-unit channel, what are you doing now? i want this exactly. i would like to emphasize that these collections that i have are for him i would like to point out that these are industrial units and there are also non-industrial units which were stopped and which were revived through the revival movement . let's give you another issue here, let's go back and
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report this production unit that has taken on the color of today. one day , they turn the lives of several centurions and the industry of the region. mr. khalili considers several factors involved in the closure of his production unit. i think he took 3 times the money given by the bank from us, that is compound interest taken all the money that the bank has taken, it has been fined. there are more than 75 thousand active production units in the country. of which 12 thousand units were closed. according to the goal setting that happened in the 13th government. well, this program was always one of the priorities in the organization as one of the main programs. and the production units that suffer stagnation and
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suspension due to various reasons. a production unit needs a good planning to be able to plan for 5 years or 10 years. but the changes that happen in connection with the rules and laws year after year or even for example in a short period of time , month after month, it faces a series of challenges , it creates its own problems. in the commissions that we refer to to remove the obstacles, some of our work is solved, but please ask the honorable minister of industry from the government. i want them to put people in these commissions who are from the industry, well, considering the sanctions that exist, i think that removing the obstacles to our production will work in multiple ways, that is, the minister of my position actually pointed out that we really we don't have a production disaster unit commander. this return to production has lit up hope in the hearts of 55 thousand families
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and bring happiness back to their lives. fortunately , in the series of activities that have taken place since the beginning of the 13th government until today, as many as 307 suspended units have returned to the production cycle. producers say these challenges limit not only the regenerated units. it does, but it has created problems for the active units as well, if there is no urgent thought for revival, nothing will be done . shahrvari radio news 13 minutes left of the program on the first page and we are at the service of mr. moghimi, the honorable deputy minister of industry, mining, trade and president i would like to introduce the organization of small ear industry and industrial towns, mr resident, what kind of facilities
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did you see for daneshmian companies and what kind of help are you giving them ? were facilities supposed to be provided for them, what happened ? this is because the report was going back to some time ago, so i will correct this number as it is today. the industrial unit has been revived since the beginning of the year to date and 5 and 40 industrial units are currently under so - called action. it will come back through our so-called society of suspended units and the number of suspended units is 12,000
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. after all, the issue of knowledge base is an issue that today , whether we like it or not, we have to strengthen ourselves in the field of services to the field of scientists. there are meetings every day for up to 40 days it is held because we can create a federation between our existing industrial complexes , because if, for example, one of the complaints or one of the problems that scientists have that they cannot develop their activities and actions in this field is that they see a connection. we cannot create a market for industry, consumers, etc. we have one of our duties in the organization and finally in the field of small industry
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. after all , the whites of small and medium industries have the majority. at this level, first of all, i would like to tell you that we have 1,000 industrial contracts in industrial cities, of which 51,000 have finally become industrial units, and 49,000 of them are working on the so-called implementation of industrial plans. 70 and we are proud to host 780 bovonian knowledge units in industrial cities. in addition to these danian production units , there are 40 more projects under construction. instead of very specific statistics, tell me what facility i am offering. these statistics are so-called numbers. i will also announce that i will go to this issue that you you said we
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have 420 projects under construction in danani area. 50 of my contracts have been closed this year in the year 1402 until today in the field of science. first of all, we dream of conditions for the establishment of these units in the field of sub-construction. from the discussion of industrial land, do they need the so-called non-industrial mines in the form of buildings that are finally built today and compromise in the discussion of their settlement inside the cities. in our technology companies, in the business service centers that we have inside the industrial cities, these are places that are used by knowledge-based companies, but that something which we specially predicted for the knowledge bases , the transfer conditions are ours, well, our transfer conditions are specific. finally, those who refer to us usually pay a percentage as an initial payment, and the rest is in the so-called installment format, which is enough for the type of transfer. for them , we made a lot of conditions for them, so to speak, this was the first conference
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that was held and it was announced that their advance payment share was reduced to 10%. the length of the so-called installment payment cycle is 36 months, 42 months and 48 months depending on the type of activity and the so-called request they have. this has increased in the field of discussions related to the field of infrastructure, in the field of software fields , well, as i said, the connection between these is one of the most important issues, which gives hope to daneshmunian companies. we have done so that we can meet some of the technological needs that we need inside the so-called industrial complexes and as centers that produce technology , we can bring them together in the form of a market. inside us now at 20 we have 20 technology markets all over the country. today , i am reporting to you and my dear people
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. we have identified more than 200 and 115 technological needs across the country. the technological needs of industrial units to identify these are the anticipated mechanism. that mechanism is that we there are so-called consulting companies that are located within our business service groups . they are located in industrial units. 70% of the so-called contract amount for identifying and recording this technology is paid by the organization itself as a subsidy. . after this once the needs are identified , we communicate between those who finally have the technology and these needs . these are the technical brokers of our markets. if we can
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find a so-called person or group or company that can meet these needs. . 70% of the contract amount to meet this requirement will be borne by the organization in order to establish this connection. fortunately, until today, within the last two years , there are more than 120 billion tomans of so-called investment in this space. happened and the financial transactions that took place in this field well, this is a so-called promising part for our danesh units. by the way , there is a conference on the 7th of diyeh, the focus of which is with the small industry organization. a number of our industrial units will sign several contracts here in a symbolic way, so to speak, a contract between the danesh company. the basis of the managers of the so-called industrial city managers is in the form of assigning the necessary infrastructure or the contracts between the companies of the so-called
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industrial units active in the country today and knowledge-based companies to meet the technological needs on the same day. the so-called the technology that is on the website of the organization itself will be uploaded to the system of the ministry of industry , that is, we will invite me there, and i will also invite any so-called group or any so-called people inside the country who can meet the needs of this technology. we invite them to resolve the issue of technology. we invite them to refer to the collections of the industrial cities company in the provinces , register this or their request in the collection of our small industry deputy, and guide our colleagues on the next steps . to be able to make this happen it seems to me that one of the places where one of the most important points that can help, of course, well , now the whites may be asking now is that, well, now i want to meet the need, i need , for example, suppose i have financial resources for this work
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here . also, the funds of the ministry of industry are organized through the order of the honorable minister of industry and trade, which also provide these services . now, perhaps, there is no time here for me to discuss all these issues in detail and with, for example, very low accuracy. i would like to explain it more, but if it is necessary, it will take five minutes we have less than five minutes about energy consumption , considering the problems that have arisen in the past years, the disagreements that have been, well, one side is the industry anyway, you see, finally, we can do two things, mr. one, then let's go to let's help in the same way that finally , in the laws of my regulations, a part of rome's energy production was put under the responsibility of the industry. there was also the order of the president of the honorable president to finally cut off the industry's electricity and separate it from the so-called household electricity, and these are the measures that we have taken in the so-called
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we followed the set of organizations centered on the ministry of industry in three areas let me tell you, first of all, that we are at your service today, more than 79 electricity production units, which is equivalent to 728 megawatts of electricity , are producing electricity in the cities through digi, and they also have a nationwide network. we have come to deliver . we are focused on these issues . we have identified new investment in this area. well, our investigation shows that by the end of the year, we will reach 138 megawatts of new exploitation through the so-called investment units inside the cities. something equivalent to your presence, which is 15 new units it will be added. next, in 1402
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, 4 units will be added to the production cycle before the next year's peak, which are about 21 megawatts . we also identified these , equivalent to 215 megawatts of halved capacity , inside the cities because their contract with the ministry of energy has ended. today , it is not possible to produce them, they need to be overhauled , they need the so-called spare parts, now there is a good interaction between the ministry of industry and the ministry of energy has been formed, we are making understandings , and this understanding will probably be exchanged on the same day of the conference, so that we can create conditions for these 21 megawatts that are now installed in the cities to be added to the electricity production cycle. there are other so-called investments that will not be exploited until the year 1402 and before the peak of the year 433, but this number
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is a significant number of about 260 megawatts, which will last from june 1403 to the end of the year. 43 these are related to the electricity production cycle in the country's industrial infrastructure it is added that this is an axis in relation to the improvement of small and scattered power plants. the next topic is the discussion of new energy or renewable energy settlements. well, first of all, we will discuss the so-called infrastructures for the creation of special power plant settlements. we have prepared the first one in ghazmin and it has been put into operation . soon, god willing, the discussion about awareness will be published with the satba collection. in kerman, we are currently creating an industrial city , sometimes in some of our cities . there needs to be we are planning to make it available to investors so that these settlements
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can use the so-called solar panels to generate electricity. let it take shape, this is one of the other discussions with some industrial units . just last week, i was in central province, in the city of dilijan. well, there, because of the great need that some whites have due to the change in the nature of their activities. they need more electricity and each of these industrial bytes, for example , need about two-tenths of megawatts of electricity, which is not possible and the infrastructure is not there today. yes , i have announced their arrival, only if it is possible to announce their arrival so that they can invest, we also have the infrastructure for this. we provide terms for investment, and even based on article 16 of the law, which requires that the villages that consume more than one megawatt of electricity
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, obtain part of their energy through solar power plants and invest in this, we also have the conditions. we make it possible to get a certificate of capacity from i am very grateful, mr. moghimi, for accepting our invitation . following the start of the zionists' attacks on the gaza strip, demonstrations and protests resumed in europe, especially in france. the palestine urgent group in france announced a national day of solidarity with the palestinian resistance in paris and several cities
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, but we ask the government leaders to stop the general slaughter of the palestinian people again. zionism and racism are mentioned is. i participated in this demonstration for humanity . every day when i look at the events in the gaza strip, my soul trembles. we demand the cessation of attacks and a permanent ceasefire in gaza. a permanent ceasefire to stop the genocide of free palestine and israel, the killer of france , was one of the slogans of the demonstrations in support of palestine in france. in the seventh week of popular demonstrations around the world, the french asked the leaders of their country to
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refrain from accompanying the officials of the zionist regime. shahrar hosseini khabar says this is a quick and easy purchase with kalanano's plan, we can get credit from you up to 10 million tomans. 730 days until my last payment we have pak shuma, always with you, chi chi, the price floor is guaranteed, the city of household appliances. hello
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, how are you, your victim? mom, this is seder prajak shampoo. thank you, my daughter, why prajak now? because first of all, his job is to produce natural shampoo, it is also exported, and it has fresh vitamins. harmful substances, parabens , parabens, no parabens. wow, where did you get all this information , mrs. doctor, she said, isn't it true
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? mom suggested prjek to solve the problem of cedar hair. where are the people at this time of the day? aha, so everyone goes to sarai irani. the largest iranian palace was opened in tehran shop easier than ever. tehran, serra. do we want to invest? sometimes with an exciting investment, everything goes wrong at once. we have a special offer for you. enjoying a significant profit by depositing in the credit institution of the nations. the profit that comes from helping the industry and economy of the country. by depositing in the credit institution of the nations , be a part of enhancing the economic growth of the country. credibility of the nations:
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in the name of god, the deputy police commander of the country during his visit to the shihdai mimak border post in ilam province said, "gift and lasting peace in the borders of the country." especially on the common borders with iraq. sardar rezaei added that in the past few months , there is drug smuggling and traffic from the borders of the country


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