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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 8:00pm-8:30pm IRST

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it is much less, of course, well, this university is like private and public universities, which is a face-to-face study . this university is supposed to be self-directed and the students study the course by themselves and take an exam. by the way, from the scientific point of view, payam noor university is one of the universities that has scientific standards and he respects education at the highest level. what you said is less privileged, i want to say that this is less privileged. you mean poor. this is in proportion to the amount of money they receive. it means that really poor people can afford to go to our university through the student welfare fund. dear students of payam noor university , we also provide educational loans, but because the capacity of this university has decreased from 1 million 200 thousand to 1 million 500 once, the income of this
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university has decreased if the number of members and employees of this university is less. you don't know the reason why it has decreased , well , it is because one of the people applying for education has finally decreased in number. the number of students, for example, is 30 to 40 they say that we have one-third to one-fourth of the candidates who are admitted, and in our public universities, the number has also decreased , and in non-profit and private universities, the number has also decreased.
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it has decreased. the result is that payam noor university has a high cost and a small number of students to manage it. both the staff and the members of the university we have signed a memorandum of understanding with our technical and vocational university . we have accepted a number of these professors and staff. payam noor university should be increased a bit so that it can
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follow up on the affairs of my dear students and provide conditions so that they can study and graduate and for the professors, now we should also ask about the professors, the promotion of the status of university professors and their dignity. in particular, one of the discussions that you were following was the discussion of, for example, the housing of the professors , who signed an understanding with the ministry of urban housing. the course of administrative work is annoying, of course, forgiveness is also natural, and obviously we signed this plan with the ministry of roads and urban development during the time of our late
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, mr. dr. rostam ghasemi, and then mr. dr. bazarbash, please continue and follow up on other matters . giving that we are out of context let's use the main campuses of the universities, let's move them into the housing plan and for our professors, especially the good professors. may we be able to build housing with the facilities that the same law allows , to use banks and build housing .
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we hope that this will happen with the banks that are going to be educated. we also used married ones. we hope that this process has started in some universities and some universities have their own initiatives. as an example, let me give you the university of tehran, having a dormitory inside the city, a lofty dormitory inside the city. getting permission to sell that dormitory through the law of productivity. all the money is from the government through the treasury. he went to the university, and the university, with that money, we in our board obliged him to bring at least 500 of that credit to build dormitories, of which the university brought about 70%, and the rest of the sixth for other projects.
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imrani used it and a dream of a dormitory complex for married people was actually a plan to build 500 units of transcendental dormitories. i would like to convey the point that mr. dr. manzoor said in his interview that based on our follow-up and our request and the special support of the honorable president, the first vice president, in the budget bill 1403, the ministry of science issued a decree that the universities and the centers affiliated to the ministry of science have the permission to take their own properties and assets which are outside the main campus and are scattered in different areas of the city. through thatar, thatar can
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build the spaces they need inside the main campus in two ways. tahader can be in two ways, one is that you exchange a building with another building, which is not what we were looking for. another thing is that you price the building that you want to hand over to a private company based on its own regulations . the private sector tries to own that building as soon as possible that this building, which is to be given to him, should be built in the shortest possible time, for example, in different provinces, as an example, at your service, khawaj nasiruddin tosi university of technology
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has different spaces and properties in 19 districts of tehran province. well , it uses this capacity. this was already approved for khajeh nasir university during the visit of the government delegation to tehran . we saw what a good experience it was. he prices the properties , then he comes again every 6 months , if the progress of that building is not suitable , he comes again. it was not possible for the government's properties to fall in price. fortunately, this year, the government was kind enough to include it in the 1403 budget bill based on our request and experience, so that we can use this capacity to consolidate universities and reduce transportation costs. ok , thank you very much. the discussion of student organizations and their demands has always been one of the important issues in the university environment. if you agree, we will send a report about
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the demands of the organizations and we will kill them. on the occasion of the arrival of student's day, student organizations said in a meeting about their concerns, at least say the question. chiz nashin radial, the representative of the union of islamic associations of independent students , pointed out the influential role of students as the middle link between the government and the people in different historical periods of the country. we are facing a combined war in iranian society, in the economic war, in the media war, in other events, the group that is effective and can play a role is definitely the student organizations. the representative of the student justice movement also considered the effort to establish social justice in the country as the main priority of this organization. when we say that we want to express our desire for social justice in the society
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do. we must have strong republican institutions . the representative of the student movement emphasized on the use of leadership guidelines in the activities of the student movement. sir, during the last few years , i have taken a more serious approach to some key words in the discussion of the middle circles of the jihad discussion section, which in the last few meetings i had with obviously , it has been mentioned a lot and now these are the main points that we have to have special plans to realize in the university environment and the community environment. the representative of tahkeem vahdat office also evaluated the influence of students in various currents of the country as very important. naturally, in the primary target audience of the student stream is student organizations and the general body of students and young people. if they can justify these
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, it will open the way for the implementation of various goals and policies of the government in the country. the representative of the union of islamic students' society also believes that special attention should be paid to the economy and people's livelihood. if it is based on the principles of the revolution and the principles of the revolution , we are ready to be on the side of the government regarding economic issues and cultural issues. today is a day that is tied to the student movement in history and is called student day has been named. mohammad ebrahim pakzad, a radio reporter. one of the platforms that can basically provide the expression of the demands of student movements and organizations are free thinking chairs. how much are these seats valued at now , will they be held, and the ministry of science is interested in developing this seat, yes. i would like to inform you that with a collaborative project that is being carried out
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between the ministry of science, the ministry of health and the islamic azad university, the discussion of the development of free-thinking chairs is fortunately on our agenda. the demand for opinions in free-thinking seats should actually increase and we should have the participation of students with different intellectual and political interests, so that the discussion actually feels safe that our students should have to express their opinions. and they should have the confidence that after expressing their opinions
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, they are finally students. during their time as a student, they can ask questions , be demanding , express their opinions, express their views. okay, this is what our professors teach the students in the classrooms issue. those who are teaching should ask any questions or doubts. the same point of view should be in the university regarding social and political issues. the seats of free thinking are one of the places where either the free forum or the free forum. well, we are facing the election debate in order to increase the participation. find and let people have a role in their own destiny and participate to be influential. well, it should be created by the authorities by the universities. one of them
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is the free-thinking chairs that can be seriously developed , provided that we act in a certain way in the universities. let's do that our students after stating they think that they have this beautiful feeling of security after expressing their opinion, that if they say something now, they will end up criticizing harshly, now they will make any mistake, the student period is the time to gain experience . they should try to be within the framework of the rules and regulations of the university. well, it is possible that eventually mistakes will be made . tens of thousands of cars go on the highway every day. in the end , no matter what you do, it will take two tires and one of them will have a problem. we have to accept some of the students' mistakes. and gaining experience because they are supposed
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to gain scientific, educational, research, artistic, sports, political, social experiences in the university environment, and this depends on the president of the university and the conditions that we create, we try to make this beautiful feeling in let's institutionalize the existence of our students that with your presence in free thinking chairs, you can be critical , have content, have questions , express your point of view. and you are completely safe, don't worry if we can provide these conditions in the real sense, alhamdulillah the capacity of the system of the islamic republic is very high , the level of activism in various fields, especially
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social and political, in our universities is high, the higher this capacity is, this is for the benefit of our system and country, and my dear students, this beautiful feeling is formed in them that we we can criticize every official in the holy system of the islamic republic , evaluate his work, make a suggestion for that executive body, for that official , if this beautiful feeling is formed in the existence of our students as much as possible . the level of social and political participation in the country is developing, and this is certainly for the benefit of the country it is ours, because through consultation through conflicting opinions , the level of rationality of a system and a society increases, and decision-making in that
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system has the lowest cost, and with the best , a knowledge base is actually formed. foreign students and medical students of other countries should not be confused with the introduction of the report that you will see and the end of this conversation. studying in the universities of the islamic republic of iran is one of the choices of foreign students from neighboring countries and the region. i am very happy to meet a number of afghan students. who are currently students or recently from the provinces various afghans entered the university. herat province, panjshahr province, daikundi province , i asked the reason for choosing the universities of the islamic republic of iran to continue their education. one of the reasons why iran chooses the same language is persian, which is not a language problem here. the academic level of iranian universities is very high compared to the region, even with europe and america and european countries can be compared to
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the world rankings, some of their universities are really high level. now that america has left afghanistan , they consider studying in the islamic republic of iran as an opportunity to be able to the students who learn here should be used for the settlement and development of their country. america left afghanistan and then it became a money for the development of afghanistan. people can think calmly and at least they don't have to worry about security. we really have to move forward ourselves if other countries never do. they cannot help us much, the main work should be done by ourselves. that every member of the country should be educated so that we can develop our country in terms of education. each of them are students of different fields and they tell me about their goals. if it is known from the political field i want to go to politics in afghanistan, because in 20 years, afghanistan is still a formal policy, a policy that
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can interact with the whole world, at least with the countries of the region. i finished my education , i want to go back to afghanistan, so that i can get rid of this chaos with the help of my fellow countrymen and others . currently, no girls can go out of their homes or study or learn an art. i came to a neighboring country where i want to study and be a very good role model . after iraq, afghanistan has the most foreign students in the universities of the islamic republic of iran alireza sharifi, sedavasima reporter. the 7th plan mandated that the number of foreign students should reach 300,000. how many foreign students do we have now? we currently have more than 94,000 foreign students and will reach 300,000 in 5 years . we are trying to create suitable platforms for accepting
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students . to prepare non-iranians , we asked our various universities to do this. fortunately, our neighboring countries have more than 60 million people, and the taliban have no shortage of knowledge in neighboring countries and in other islamic countries and other countries to study in iran. we just have to let's try to improve the welfare facilities and the process of recruiting them. fortunately, in the working group related to the supreme council of the cultural revolution, we
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have approved the basis of the order to give permission to institutions for accepting foreign students, which from now on will systematically recruit non-iranian students. we asked the universities of our country to continue their studies in the same main campuses with the dear students of our own country . learn and balance and cultural interaction it takes the students of other countries with our dear knowledge, of course we have some problems regarding the entry and exit of non-iranian scientists
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. also, have islamic azad university to make this issue of consularity and the issue of entry and exit of students easier and the possibility of movement of students . need to provide the cost of their education is to be able to work part-time and have an income. anyway, we should use the global experience in this regard and see
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what kind of policies and facilities the countries that accept foreign students in their own country have a lot of. you see, one of hashem's concerns is that mr. doctor is very interested in paying their tuition fees in rials, but they still pay in installments, and their request is to be able to pay in rials . they are successful in this field as well let's use and try to facilitate, accompany, help. fortunately, in our country and in our universities, the capacity is high. we once had four and a half million students. now, in 85 university fields, the admission of our students is based on academic records. therefore, this capacity is one minute. it is for our country to be able to achieve the number that was mentioned in the 7th development plan to attract foreign students. we have a second, mr. doctor. if
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there is a point that you would like to mention at this time and i did not raise it, please let me know if you are interested. my last and sincere word is that if local we are looking for effective investment in our country. we have no doubt that the best place to invest for the future of our country are universities , students and academicians of technological and innovative science . the program on the first page and thank you for
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watching. good evening. thank you very much. it has been reported that the purchase of a dowry is easy and fast in the city of shisht vaareh. major household appliances call this a quick and easy purchase with plans.
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page 100 million tomans from pak , let's get credit for the purchase , we have 730 days until the last payment, pak shuma, always with you in the evening , you know your problem. it is widespread in half of the world. isfahan, imam khomeini street, corner of mino street. why don't you reach yourself?
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i reached my heart full. when did you not eat? not myself, but my hair? why? parjang garlic shampoo with anti-hair loss properties should be saluted to nature again. pour the new brew so it doesn't get cold. i will count on you. this kid's cold voice is telling you to fight him. tail drink it we don't even know what it was. mom, finally, the gas increased by itself, what is the situation, why are the reading materials like this, how much do we have to change the equipment, the last time we went everywhere , we shouldn't have gone around so much, when the iranian house with great discounts and special conditions is right next to it, the biggest iranian house with a whole lot. an interesting event was opened in the city of tehran, tehran sarrah. officer
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , good night, at 20:30 , we are at your service with some news. deputy. educational and skilled islamic azad university of khorasan razavi said: now more than 270 non-iranian students study in different units of this university, 94% of them are from afghanistan. alighar yasaghi added that about 4% of non-iranian students of the islamic azad university of khorasan, razavi, iraq, and shamamar are not small.


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