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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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it is important to open the lives of dear people , dear people, honorable people, you are not only thinking of yourselves, but of your neighbors today , you are thinking of the muslims of the world, the nation that is on the scene today to remove the oppression of the oppressed people of palestine, the people who are suffering today with everyone. they are dying for the cruelty that is being done to palestinian children, women and men.
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dear people, know that we will speak for you in all gatherings and in all international centers and with all our communications and we will shout against the oppressor on your behalf. dear people, as the wise leader of the revolution said, we have no doubts, as in iraq in syria, in yemen, in lebanon, in the region, in afghanistan , everywhere in this region, the us presence
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, despite spending a lot of money, did not succeed and failed in the palestinian arena and the resistance forces will definitely fail, this is a divine promise. this is the inviolable promise of hazrat haqq , those who strive for god will win, and we see this victory today after 60 days of fiercely resisting the issues of the region until today . he acknowledged . which is a resistance stream that does not have an air force,
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it does not have a navy, it does not have a land force. the zionist regime, with all its claims, with all the help that the americans give them, has failed today in front of this determined group with faith. inshaallah, the matters of the letters and the points that our loved ones gave to my colleagues on the way will surely be followed up in the presidential institution and the points of attention of the loved ones will be investigated. i am from all the dear ones
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, especially the respected representative of the supreme leader in the provinces and from the respected governor, all the directors of the basijian armed forces , dear delaver, the police force, the respected clergy. and dear students, dear boys and girls , dear teenagers who express their love in this way, honorable managers of the media , i am very grateful, and peace be upon you and may god bless you. in the name of god. hello dear viewers. i invite you to
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pay attention to the news of this hour. during the president's visit to alvorz province, the 280-bed shahid soleimani fardis hospital was opened. this hospital has different departments, including children. the heart of women is the intensive care unit. mr. raisi also attended the meeting of the people of this province in masla karaj a few minutes ago. the president also inaugurated the first stage of the karaj northern road and visited the construction of the largest bridge in west asia. it is about 19 km long and has 20 intersections. this
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project connects 14 provinces and practically solves the main traffic on the west side of the capital. this with technology. we are building the world day in the most way by our own internal engineers . alhamdulillah, there is a very good progress now . our prediction is that, god willing, within the next one year , we will complete the convoy of the bodies of the five anonymous martyrs of the holy defense, with the welcome of the people of the city. saveh crossed in central province. the bodies of these martyrs are to be buried in azar. with the anniversary of the martyrdom of hazrat fatima zahra , peace be upon her, funerals and burials are being held in different regions of the central province
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. people are waiting to see their martyrs. 5 people were martyred in an airstrike by the zionist regime on a house in al-nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip. local sources also reported hearing loud explosions in the center of the gaza strip . a number of people were martyred or injured in the air raids of the occupation regime on a house in deir al-bala. at these attacks also targeted a mosque. in the attack of the zionist regime fighters on the school.
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at least 25 people lost their lives in the attacks of the zionist regime on rafah. the government's media office in gaza announced that israel has dropped 52,000 tons of explosives on gaza city since the 7th of october. since the start of the zionist military attack against gaza, more than 170 palestinians, including more than 7,000 children, have lost their lives. palestine information center. he published the farewell image of the father of one of the palestinian martyrs. when saying goodbye to his son, this palestinian father says, "my children and all of you." i don't have the sacrifice of god for the holy of holies and the palestinians in your hands, or god for the whole, or god for the liberation of god for the holy of holies, or the lord
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of the worlds. may allah have mercy on you or abu yarahmahallah , according to the report of this network, the lack of drinking water , improper nutrition and the displacement of thousands of people have made the situation of the people of gaza disastrous. hospital services in southern gaza under pressure from attacks. conflicts have forced more people to flee the world health organization has announced that the number of people moving from central and southern gaza is increasing sharply. the situation
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is getting worse by the hour. heavy bombing everywhere, including the southern areas of gahza, including khanyounos and even dar rafe is in progress. one of the refugees is zakaria shada. this 13-year-old boy suffers from a terrible bone disease. he and his family have to cope with living in a makeshift shelter. we fled after the bombing of the houses around us . we were very scared. we fled to rifa. we were in khan yunus and we are still here . which was transferred during the cessation of hostilities for humanitarian purposes, according to un officials , lack of clean drinking water, lack of proper sanitation and taghzi it is obvious that the world food program officials announced yesterday that the
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catastrophic hunger crisis in gaza is intensifying. dear viewers, thank you very much for your attention to the news of this hour. good day. goodbye. bride, i ask for the third time, am i a lawyer? no, what's wrong? it's not possible. is it really possible
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? yes, why not wash it? it has been notified. buying dowry with 60 types in 60 times is the city of household appliances. yes. this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, we can receive purchase credit up to 100 million tomans from pak shuma. we only have 70 days until the last payment, pak shuma always. with you, why did my test fail? it's not finished yet . high quality sofa, long legs, reasonable price. get it from sarai irani. the price floor is in sarai irani
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. mahris carpet factory gives buyers a 4-meter carpet as a gift for buying 12 meters of carpet. while announcing this news, the public relations of the mahris carpet factory told our colleague: we are standing by our carpet. we are at the foot of our carpet, mahreez's carpet, sit on the first page , sit on the first page, sacrifice is there on the other side of the fence , look, the joy of meeting is there.
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on the other side of the table, the eyes of a martyr are on you. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful , good evening, dear members of the khabar network, we are very happy that the page program you look at the first and we will present the conversation that we will present to you tonight for about an hour. we hope that it will be useful for you. on the 16th of december , we congratulate all the students from the country and on this occasion, at the service of mr. we are dr. zulfi gol, the honorable minister of science, research and technology, and
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we will talk to the doctor about the student field and the series of events under the ministry of science . and iak nastein, i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect mr. ali and dear viewers of the program, what 's going on, mr. dr. awad ahwal, since it's student day , follow up on awad awad students. how are the students in the country during this time, the things we did for the first time, the selection recipe. we compiled the top students and informed the universities that based on this directive, students are selected in various fields of education, research, art, sports, and culture, and the top students enjoy special privileges, such as exemption and
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free sports welfare services and allowances for dissertations of master's students and continuing education without exams for higher levels . for the first time this year, we implemented professor-centered student admissions, which professors predict the plans of master's and doctoral students based on the system of ideas and needs. they can directly accept brilliant students who are among the 20% of their own entrance. this year, about a thousand students were accepted with this style. we hope that for next year , there will be another master's degree and doctoral degree for both the master's degree and the
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doctoral degree. it is going to be included in the seventh development program, good news. we are here in the development program seventh, the respected representatives of the people in the islamic council approved a decree in cooperation with the government , according to which the budget program organization is obliged to allocate 15% of the total credit of each university for research and 5% of the total credit of the university for cultural affairs. what does this mean? it means that from now on, the support given to doctoral students for doctoral theses and master's theses for doing research work during their student years will be multiplied, and that 5% cultural
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contribution that universities will help. their hands should be open cultural activities. some aspects were a little different because after all two years of the government had passed and the possibility of evaluating the programs. the government and the decisions of the government had become more realistic and in the conversations that our dear students had their questions and demands, their assessment was a little
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different than the previous years considering that it had been two years. see the concerns of iranian students. the biggest concern of our dear students is the public welfare of the society and job creation for our youth. see, when a youth has the hope that after all his education can become a job. he should find a suitable one related to his expertise. this will give our youth a peace of mind and the discussion of creating hope and identity will be strengthened. in my opinion, the
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main plan of our country and the main problem of our country are currently under discussion. there are programs for the employment of university graduates and postgraduates, but there is a need for a national determination to be formed and job creation to become a national movement, and my way is to pay special attention to the issue of production. it should be from the technical and variety direction, it should be knowledge-based products , when knowledge-based products are on the table begere studied in one of his own countries. academics can be attracted to the job market , our elites may have a job
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, and an elite will feel satisfied when they have a job related to their specialty, and on the other hand, a beautiful feeling of being effective. he should feel in himself that the knowledge, genius, talent and experience that he has in the field of science and technology will be used in a good way and can be effective in the society. discussion diploma. unemployment has decreased a lot in some unemployment has completely disappeared in the provinces, but for
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our university graduates , the main problem is still the issue of employment , which we hope to solve. it has been positive and we will try to develop it in the following years. fortunately, in this regard , there are good provisions in the law of the 7th development plan . about. welfare and sports issues of students during this for two years, we tried
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our best to make the most of the available facilities and capabilities, for example, in every trip of the president of the republic to different provinces of the country , they approve and approve the appropriations that those appropriations are for in the field of higher education, we have tried to cooperate with the support of the honorable government, especially the honorable first vice president of the presidency, mr. dr. mokhbar, and the honorable directorate of the budget program and ministers who have sources of income for higher education. let's see what are the special credits specially, during each visit of the honorable president , funds are allocated from the social responsibilities of the ministry of petroleum for married women's dormitories
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. the budget program organization allocates funds so that we can prioritize the construction of married women's dormitories and the completion of half-finished married women's dormitories to equip the laboratory. university. and the training of technical and professional codes, special funds have been allocated, for example, as an example, during the visit of the president of the republic to some provinces, such as east azerbaijan province or fars province, or most of the provinces, amounts between the extent of the province and the number of technical codes training it has is between 50 and 100 billion tomans of economic credit. it is given that spending on equipping laboratories , technical code training workshops for each laboratory, universities located in each province
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, credits for half-finished projects , half-finished dormitories, laboratories , special credits seen in our annual budget laws and bills we will try more credits. to take for the student welfare fund and every year we try to increase the amount of education that the student welfare fund allocates to the students we want to increase the issue of increasing sports facilities per capita in every university, developing clinics to discuss the physical and mental health of students. the issue of student counseling has been taken seriously both for its monitoring and we tried to act in such a way as to prevent the knowledge and science of counseling to
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prevent crises and problems that may happen to our dear students, and other work in different cultural sectors that it existed for the first time years ago, but with the advancement of virtual space and the use of information technology in the follow-up process. registration of educational affairs and the research of dear students, the role of the guidance counselor of the undergraduate course was diminished. for this year, we have notified the universities to have a mentor for each entry of master's students, and that mentor should always be in touch with our dear undergraduate and associate students. professors who have such
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responsibility. they are accepted and become tutors for the undergraduate course , we have to deduct units for them. follow their scientific activities in cultural issues for the first time in our culture system. in short, we designed frenma, this system records all the cultural activities of the universities daily in this system. we at the headquarters can follow up , evaluate the cultural activities, and know what programs each university has for students' free time and the geography of free time. because 85 hours of each week
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constitutes the free time of our students , a successful university that has various programs for 85 hours is based on the capacity of the students. be used, my dear. well, we have suitable platforms for cultural activities in universities , we have cultural centers , we have student islamic organizations, we have union councils , we have religious life. we have the semesters, and whatever the scientific associations can be, a meaningful and systematic communication between the students who work in scientific activities and science and technology parks . have been signed so that the students of our student scientific associations
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can participate and the academics who are in the parks science and technology centers or technology cores that are located in science and technology parks and growth centers affiliated with the ministry of science or other executive bodies, students can travel in science and technology parks and knowledge-based companies as a for your example, if i want to give you a report that one of the science and technology parks of our universities gave as an example, tarbiat modares university said that 15% of the students who travel between the knowledge-based companies of the technological cores located in the science and technology park of tarbiat university these teachers were attracted to knowledge-based companies, so we did our best we make it a suitable platform for gaining experience.
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to provide our dear students in every field of culture, technology, sports, art, social politics, and those dear ones will also have a new special task that has been done in addition to the educational and scientific record that every student will have after graduation, which will have the following grades in it. it is recorded that by using farhang-nama system , we actually create a cultural portfolio for every student who does cultural, social, political, artistic, and sports activities, and after graduation, he can add his scientific and academic portfolio along with that. submit my cultural record to the places where you want to be employed.


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