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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2023 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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they have a contract. i said in my report that some of the centers do not want to sign a contract with the insurance companies. the reason is because of the miscalculation of the insurance companies. contrary to what was stated in this report, now the average insurance payment is 7 months behind schedule. it is correct according to the annexation law 2 , which is now around the year 2019-2019. this is that the insurance companies must settle 60% of the claims within a month and settle within 3 months. well, now 10 years have passed since this law, except
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for the problems, there are many more problems than when we deal with the cause. we don't know what to do with the center without license we have to close the law. so , are there conditions now that we can close 110 hospitals? we are now trying to open 110 hospitals . don't think that these are private hospitals or some private social security hospitals. and military hospitals are no longer contracted with basic insurances, which means i have to come to hospitals that have been seen or, for example, another problem that has not been seen is that if i don't give a license , it can't sign a contract again, because the condition for signing a contract is that it has this license. ok where it does not have a license, it is no longer considered a hospital , this has not been seen in my opinion. instead of us coming, i said we are the first. we adhere
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to the law and we are implementing it. the medical center has 150,000 doctors and about 100,000 graduates of our own licensed medical department . we have three or four basic insurances . let 's bring in the ceos of these insurances . had the ministry of health, treatment, education win with the ministry of labor welfare and social security in the field of insurance or not? yes, there have been many meetings at the level of our dear ministers, there has been a meeting in the presence of university presidents, there has even been an understanding to be cleared within two months . we did not get a permit, let's close the hospital. which will be closed
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, more than 400,500 people will lose their jobs, a lot of patients will lose their treatment options , instead of these jobs, there are 3 or 4 people that the insurance officials will force them to pay. centers and bodies when a center contracts with an insurance company, its patients increase, which means that a center naturally likes to have a contract with an insurance company, when its patients increase, its profit increases, but when a private center knows how to contract with an insurance company.
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insuring it means that the center wants to bill the patient for free, then give him a bill and tell him to go and get the insurance, people are worried. this is because when the insurance centers , the insurance organizations have the money before paying . workers and employees are reducing, please act according to the law for 3 months, be sure that these centers are queuing up to sign contracts with doctors who are in in the context of the youth of the population having children , they sometimes complain that, for example, they may not be transferred to their own cities , do you have a plan in this field? yes, there is an article 27 of the youth of the population law, which states that doctors who are subject to the law on the service of doctors and paramedics doctors can serve in their own city and 6 months will be reduced from their obligations for each of my children. this is being done in the ministry of health.
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the obligations of medical groups are not included in this law. that is, we have different laws for various obligations. all the people who were covered by this law will be explained in their own city and the 6 months mentioned will be reduced, but there are other loved ones who have obligations according to other laws, they are not covered by this law and it is being done according to their own law. there are other facilities like the reduction of shifts for mothers , which was finally approved in the last meeting, that their shifts should be reduced, is about maternity leave . in fact, all of them were decided even during the period of maternity leave . they were not paid before. wanting to take leave and postponing this has been approved and is being done now , and of course, this issue
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is not only an issue of the ministry of health, medical education , but also in other ministries, well, due to the reasons of the people , the expert forces of this situation should be explained. there is a possibility of postponing the two-year plan in the field of medicine, for example, in the field of pregnancy . they take maternity leave and go. the leave of this period is not like that which is possible for anyone. expect it this period of pregnancy should be reduced from those two years of my commitment , should it be forgiven at all, this is not postponed according to the law , they take leave and after their child is actually born, when they themselves announce that they can return to work and fulfill their obligations this is apart from the 6 months
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that are reduced for each child. it is being implemented. it is being implemented. it is being implemented. those who are subject to the law on the service of doctors and paramedics regarding maternity leave right now. it will be implemented. if there are any violations, tell us. this part is actually a regulation that maternity leave during the plan period. we believe that there is definitely a question of therapeutic tourism or therapeutic tourism. in some provinces, we have seen that the number of people who come from the persian gulf countries is very high, some actually in some of their cities. how much have we done in this way that
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it is actually a new feature of doing this and in iran it is considered as an income for the country . the second income will also improve the health and treatment system, which means that if we say that we do tourism, we mean that we will treat foreigners, and our own people will be less at all like this. it doesn't make sense when a foreign tourist comes and here we have to raise our quality, my people will definitely use this and because our quality is high, foreign tourism comes to iran because of the good quality of medicine it has , it is actually liked by the people of neighboring countries, especially foreign countries. we have about 280 ipd centers, that is , those centers that have a license to treat international patients have special conditions in terms of standards, for example , arabic, english, that's enough. in which cities are the most, almost all the provinces? yes
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, our tourism treatment centers are very good. they have like tehran, mashhad, especially because of nazanin imam reza, peace be upon him. because of ziarat , there are medical discussions on the side of it, there is shiraz, there are also our borders, for example, ahvaz, well , about 1,200,000 people come to visit our 20 or 80 centers, which is one million, 200,000 people. last year, the end of the year 1401, yes, what we did, which was recently , in fact, the meeting of the ministers or anywhere to the treatment centers , discussing their hotelling. follow up on their relocation and the ministry of health in the medical centers where they are treated, what are the tariffs he wants a patient who comes to iran to be treated, we can't leave him, so he goes to his own country , if he has a problem, what should he do for his follow -up, follow-up, these are all planned, the agreements
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that have been made, a system at all for this purpose, so that we can treat a foreign patient. we are going to follow him to see where he is now. he goes through which treatment center he wants to go to. the more this official path is strengthened, the more the unofficial path is, now , god forbid, this patient may fall into the hands of a series of profiteers, and this will decrease because of these events that there may be discussions of brokering and profiteering. well, the medical baby is ruining the country. this work has been done. the system has actually been unveiled. it is working, and the three ministers have made a commitment, which means that they actually have this understanding with each other that, god willing, we can get as much as possible , about one billion dollars now. we had an income of 1,401 . we think that this can be increased to 5-6 billion dollars, and our goal is to reach this . we may not reach it in a year, but we are
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rapidly increasing the number of ipd centers, that is, centers that can treat patients. international acceptance has doubled in just two years they should raise their standards so that they can do a lot of work, both for presenting it and for making iran's capacity known to other countries, and for improving the health care situation, which will help a lot . is the private sector active in this field, or the public sector is also active, 60 private sectors, 40 public sectors , that is, both of them go side by side , we do not emphasize at all, it must be the private sector or the public sector, whichever one can attract patients , provide good treatment. the standard body we support is 600 private, 40 government, dear doctor, there is a concern that exists now, at any time, at least in drawing it is mentioned that there is a tendency among some doctors or other members of the treatment staff, even
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nurses, to migrate, which now has its own story. well, if we can standardize our tourism treatment centers and provide services according to international standards, maybe this is him. can prevent a person from moving to another country instead of working here. did you look at this issue from this point of view? you know it is multi-dimensional and the reasons there are many different ones, one of them is financial issues, and usually a person may find it very difficult to leave his homeland and go to another country. maybe we can provide them with the same financial issues for their livelihood, and their motivation to migrate will decrease. this is actually one of the reasons
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, when a foreign tourist comes here, the payments of foreigners, the tours that we considered , are something about 3 to 5 times iranian , so it is actually profitable for our center, and when someone comes for treatment on the way to the hotel , he has to pay for shopping, food, etc., and this is what the tourism industry actually does. this must have blessings for the country in addition to the cultural discussions. finally, when these people in iran get to know our islamic iranian culture, when they return, if they have received good treatment , they themselves will become ambassadors for the country of iran, who can actually guide the rest of them to express on our behalf, i would like to thank dr. saeed karimi, deputy minister of medicine of the ministry of health and education. medicine and thank you, dear viewers, may god bless you. thank you, doctor, stay healthy. you
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are very kind. or fatima al-zahra. or sahib al-zaman. god bless muhammad
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we are always behind the palestinian people and their support we will support the people of ghaza, say that we are behind them, we will never leave them alone. today , you are sending a message to the people of palestine. we always
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stand behind you and we will support you until the last drop of our blood. people on the stage and supporting the oppressed people of palestine , god willing, we will witness the destruction of israel as soon as possible. according to our leader, you will not see israel for the next 25 years, just as imam khomeini said , israel, you must be sure that these muslims will erase it from the scene. i came in the days of america to say that america is all of us all the girls who came today, we want to give you a big mouth and say that we stand behind gaza and the palestinian people. i declared my support for the oppressed people of gaza and palestine. islam in america, god is great, god willing, they will soon be destroyed from the failed resistance of their complexes. the head of the oppressed children of palestine is falling, god willing, they will win, with
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the grace of god, the imam of the time and israel, which is indestructible, support them until their last breath. let us be the oppressors of palestine and curse this vile , hollow race of israel or israel. i came to say that death is upon israel, we can destroy israel. let's
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defend palestine and say that israel can do no wrong, god willing, that victory with them is close to victory.
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i condemn humanity, with the aim of supporting the oppressed people of palestine, we always support them and tell them that god willing, you will win . as a student, i came to support the oppressed people of palestine and gaza. we came to say that we defend the palestinians and joe we are sorry for the cruelty of israel. as a student of this country, i came today to say how much genocide, how much child killing in gaza, this child killing should be killed, this child killing.
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it should be stopped. this magazine is sitting on the front page. many people are talking about people's words , but they are not with the people. hey, sitting on the front page , stand up for justice. we have self-reports, there are functions and estimates every moment, which is the most important reserve of vaccines, programs, strategies and horizons. previous question area from us, answer from the first page and evaluation and judgment with you. the front page of khabarabadi network every night at 7:30 p.m. is this house by the hand
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of a stranger and using a grocery store to create competition and remove the golden signature in support of women. who made the people of iran 6 million dollars in debt , they say to us, mr. taj, why did you say wilmos najibeh, really, why najibeh went away after
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complaining, wilmos didn't take money from us for 5 months or six months because he knew that he could get 66 thousand dollars a day in today's dollars, 3 billion and 300 million tomans . he is 3 years old. he has been talking for 3 years , that's the big reason. the discussion of the government, the discussion of people's money , followed these protests to the floor of the parliament. the people's representatives considered the way the contract was written with that noble man to be the reason for the people's debt. cruelty to the people of iran, cruelty to domestic footballers, and cruelty to the football industry. a huge carelessness of the face and this money that is going to be paid is going to be paid from the treasury. they themselves announced that there are no problems, but that case cannot be full of iran. the people asked the judiciary
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to deal with the perpetrators and managers of this contract. if sufficient care was taken in this process, it should not be said that these conditions are imposed on our country . according to the constitution, the commission of article 90 of the parliament is obliged to deal with the complaints received about the way everyone works. and all the forces should come in and check how it can be done in a situation where the country is facing many problems in the economic field and horizontal supply issues. we have problems in international situations in many contracts and we are generally condemned. this shows that there is a problem in the work of the football federation and the ministry of sports. we are following this problem. let's do it and report to the people after the complaints of the members of the parliament, the work
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went to the inspection organization. a very good contract that we have never seen before he did not come to tell us that there is a problem with this contract, 185 million. we pay nearly 186 billion tomans to a coach for 32 days, which means 58 billion tomans a day. this is the performance of the current president of the football federation, who should be held accountable. of course, according to his own words , wilmot's case is in his pocket, maybe because he was in his pocket , you couldn't investigate it . especially football and unusual expenses. and not dealing with abusers of the treasury in the contracts of foreign coaches of the national team, and failing to follow up on legal matters in a timely manner and repeatedly condemning
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and paying fines from the treasury under the pressure of the parliament. to the ministry of sports and federation and iran's litigation , the sports arbitration court in switzerland overturned the previous decision and iran's sentence was almost halved. in his own report, the director general of the general inspection of the country announced that he gave it to the prosecution authority that there is an issue, one about the authority that for you to sign a contract in which you have no credit, no budget , and no money means that the contract itself is concluded without having any kind of money, and this is a kind of credit itself. there is a violation .
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the text was another thing. another was after the parliament entered the wilmots case , the football federation put a cap on the contracts of coaches and players. the contract with dragan skocic, the next head coach of rialdi , was closed a few months later. these regulations are fined, you can't fly, don't do anything
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, they call this a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, we can receive purchase credit from you for up to 100 million tomans. you have 730 days until the last payment. clean up always with you bride, i will tell you for the third time .
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1:59 pm
hello, welcome to the half-day news. signing of six cooperation documents and a memorandum of understanding between iran and syria in tehran, establishment of a joint bank and export of technical and engineering services from the provisions of the documents. intensification of attacks on gaza after the us action in vetoing the resolution
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security council about fire. hamas vetoed the security council resolution and called the us government's direct participation in the killing of the palestinian people. biden asked congress for permission.


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