tv [untitled] December 9, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST
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and it has not appeared for a year. unfortunately, this has become our administrative and organizational culture. in the sense of the same bureaucracy that we say takes root in the heart of our institutions. i think i told you a sentence in the previous programs. i said that our devices are still more than our executive devices . its human resources organization has its regulations , it is actually tacit knowledge and its tacit knowledge, its beliefs are that the organization is concerned with preserving natural resources, but people want to destroy natural resources. this view causes strict regulations. if this view is adopted, it will make the implementation of strict regulations
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more difficult and the difficulty of doing business will increase . you refer to it as you instead of as an entrepreneur, someone who wants to create a job, someone who wants to make a fortune. let him create , see you as someone who maybe wants to pollute the water with slime, maybe you want to destroy the forest , maybe he wants to say hello to you. take a risk, it's natural that he will behave differently with you, you can't blame him, he grew up in this culture, he grew up like this , he was hired like this, it's like if someone is a traffic police officer, for example, and we expect him not to issue a fine. or, for example, someone
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entering a device, let's assume they are security and maintenance colleagues and such, but they have nothing to do with who comes. now, in the middle of this, other things have happened in some places, and that is that the income of that organization is connected to this fine, what else? can i complete your example now and then have a discussion now we are seeing it again . before a person enters a profession , we are very hard on him. after he enters the profession , we have nothing to do with him or we cannot supervise him. this law wants to create an institutional transformation. i will return. a few minutes ago , i said about the budget. look at the economic reforms . the highest and most difficult level is the institutional reforms. we
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have an analysis or a school of economics called institutionalist economists, which , of course, in our country sometimes who have leftist and socialist views they confiscate this for their own benefit. he says that if the market structure is to work, the institutional conditions must be provided, assuming the exchange cost is low . in our economy, the exchange cost has gone up a lot, and institutional reforms are even more difficult than structural reforms. this law wants to carry out these institutional reforms , and now you can see that a significant part of the resistance, even inside the executive bodies , did not take place in the conventional sense , but took place inside the institutions that we call civil institutions , that is, we have an analysis in the economy. we say that the public sector is the border between the private sector or the people and the government in general, a wall is not so narrow that we
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can say that we are going to remove this wall and build this wall. sometimes we have to create a spectrum that understands both this and that, that is, at the same time. the ease of doing business is actually desirable for him, and the background supervision is also desirable for him, but you see that these institutions are many of these civil institutions, when they are established, they are now competitors of the people. we say that the government should not be a competitor of the people . it was just now in mr. president's speech. we also welcome it. our constitution says so says. our constitution says the same thing, the 44th constitution says the same thing. or it says at the beginning of the constitution that the government should not become a big employer, that 's it. it means that the government should not make room for the people of the private sector. now between us the government and the people
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have created institutions under the name of civil institutions. these institutions are allowed to leave the place for the people to say that if you come, these people who are doing business here now, their business will be damaged. the market has become corrupt, because the market has become corrupt, even if you do not have the qualifications and competence to operate in this market, you should not come. because my bread will be less, my bread will be scattered, or we will witness that some of these institutions tighten the previous supervisions, for example, say yes, suppose that people who graduate and study now. they are illiterate and we literate people should filter them , but they should not have anything to do with themselves or those who are in that collection. well, it will take a long time, but if we come to have an executive classification, let's say this law, suppose one of the steps is to
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review the permits. now, friends of the minister of finance, i say that more than 92% of us know the conditions for issuing licenses we did, i say 9. has this been done or going in the direction of making the processes electronic , say more than 90, i don't say more than 90, because a significant part of this electronicization and connecting to this type of business license portal, these are really forgiveness of syria itself. my friends agree, but we can say that 60-70 have been done. and another part is that now we are going to identify the abnormal conditions. indeed, many of the abnormal conditions have been identified, part or most of it is the internal procedures of the government
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, if it is necessary, it can fix it. the administration of the administration is partly due to the approvals of the cabinet and a smaller portion is due to the law of the friends of the ministry of economy. following the discussions we had, we will prepare a bill and present the draft to the government. you can be sure that as soon as it comes to us we are taking care of it and giving priority to the completion of the same completion here or we ourselves in the form of the plans we had , following the promises we gave to you, we gave to the people wherever we thought they wanted a place. either knowingly or unknowingly, with the right intention or the wrong intention, perhaps we tried instead of relying on it. in fact, let's remove that reliance , so to speak, these things happened in this law. in general
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, i would like to thank you once again for your sedasarama and our media community for accepting that it should be accepted from me, a member of parliament, from the minister of economy, even from the president. follow it, i say that the 30-40% that wanted to happen, according to the institutional and cultural analysis , it is not optimistic , it is realistic. in
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other words, he should know that he cannot get a paper permit to issue a paper permit, he has violated , he cannot request conditions outside the so-called permit, what was approved by the regulatory body , he cannot call the person, these must be done without exception, for now, it is possible to do this informally people and friends who or actually economic activists who happen to be in accordance with the law. there are nobles and they stand behind these rulings and do the work, so i believe that good things have happened , now we are completing this law in different laws.
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the program promised that you would see a report of the devices that are not connected yet, maybe you have published this report, now this report is updated. see if it has been done or not, that is, in our work , we know which devices are violating what was assigned to them. in line with that, in fact , not only did we take care of the promise you had, but we also submitted a preliminary report. of course, you are waiting. what were we busy with until last week ? what was the plan? we are still waiting for him we are involved in the budget and we have an internal regulation law that when the program and budget are included in the order, what is in the order, in the meantime, we have announced our report, you have now announced which one
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is ready, we have sent it. in the same program , the devices are not connected. that's it. organizations that some are with the government headquarters, for example, the budget program organization , the administrative and employment organization of the country, sports federations , sports federations, municipalities, lawyers' association , these are the organizations that actually. not doing now an important point is that we thought about this solution and that was that we noticed that some of these using, let's say, the interpretations of the same authorities of the administrative court of justice to criticize , that is, for example, the bar association or some other place said that suppose we are not subject to this law, then the court of justice has also voted. we also have to follow up with the judicial branch. in the end, we as the branch actually
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do not have a coercive branch. we do not have a judicial branch . beyond the discussions that we are constantly having , we follow up on the meetings that we have . another action was taken and in the law. production and infrastructure financing, with the consultations that took place , we added an article, article 13, which complements article 7 it does, and in our opinion , i will close the place for interpretation and all these devices that you mentioned, i closed them. they were clearly there, saying that this is not a license at all. see, in some cases , i think the government should. take action , otherwise it will be recorded in the government's record
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. government administration is not about money. government administration is not only about budget . government administration is not only about program approval. the most important job of the government today is facilitation, but in the part that they actually claim, suppose that we my business when i said that we had included this phrase in article 7, we said that in line with, for example, increasing investment. we realized that there are no more excuses , and we mentioned them explicitly in the note in article 13 of the so-called construction minister's production financing plan law , which amends article 7. not only in the guardian council , but also in the supreme supervisory board of the system's expediency detection group, there have been no objections to the financing plan for production and substrains
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. basic and discussions of this category, but it does not exist in this iranian part, which i think in line with the same point you said, this will help to complete this law . let me tell you that when a person goes to tafsir, your service has taken the court of justice , so the way would have been closed for us, so we had to remove that obstacle , we will remove that obstacle with this resolution . they are the main ones and the economic and employment organization, i think, but now , for example, there are still no mining permits. not connected they are mostly connected in syriac. here
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, the ministry of economy and finance should come to work as a firm enforcer of the law. you see, one of the problems that we have is that sometimes the reports that are given to us are reports that what is presented as healing is different from what is written . but we still stand by this law as we have done so far automatic, yes, automatic issuance, see a fact. let me tell you, i think that the ministry of economy and finance was under a lot of pressure in the implementation of this law and is under pressure. at one point, we met with the ministry of economy and finance. it is causing unwanted challenges with various devices, we are more, but we have followed up on this, now compared to the past
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, it is actually better to issue automatic licenses, but it has not been completed, but you remember that it was not done at all for a while, but it is being done now and then. i said the reason, i said really strict, 30% to 40%. now , you actually tell every department you refer to. suppose, are the permits issued through the national portal ? you say more than one million have been issued . we say, are the permits issued automatically? it is being issued. but has it been completed? and a series of places that are connected now but are putting conditions or all of these are violations at the same time ? people are weak, you should assume that you have left the verb somewhere
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it happens somewhere with the prosecutor. it comes as a public complaint, and you can see that there are rare cases in some places . the main part of the food's work is handling the cases. now these complaints must be made because they come to us. complaints should be made when they come to us. they give examples, they say, sir, this part of the institutions is not doing their job properly . i am also asking you to help me with a part regarding the executive guarantees that are now available you mentioned another one of the executive guarantees are the guarantees that come back, they have to complain , that is, they can either complain to the governors, or they can complain to the head of the department, they can even complain to the competition council, this capacity should
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be used, so let's go. find out another issue is the competition between the public and private sectors, which the leader of the revolution has mentioned several times in recent years, including in his nowruz speech this year, and reiterated that wherever people can do something , the government should not enter, and if it has already entered, this leave it to the people themselves in this particular case the parliament has entered and is following up on something, whether in the form of a plan or in the form of follow-up and monitoring. yes, see the general policies of article 44. when it is announced, you must be aware of some economists who happened to
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be the nanny of islamic economics. both the general policies and the law are violated. and that view still exists in the various governing bodies of the country, and in general, basically, regarding this institutional reform , i see the general policies of article 44 from the type of institutional reforms, and some of these i want to say frankly. that in some institutions governments are also present. for example, even in the expediency council, some members of the expediency council have this view, but let's go back to what the parliament did. when the general policies of article 44 of the constitution were promulgated, the parliament implemented the general policies of the principle. he wrote 44 of the constitution and it reached the implementation stage, but
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there are some points in it that forgiveness is politics itself . if we ask many friends what is the difference between the public sector and the private sector, they may give an answer that is very expert from their point of view, but at least it is not in line with general policies. the general policies of miad say the public sector and the non- governmental sector. the parentheses say the non-governmental sector , the private sector, the cooperative sector, and public non-governmental institutions . yes. by the way, i wanted to reach here that many institutions have not yet been under the burden of implementing this law with the title that we are not a government and a non-governmental public institution. if in the general policies of article 44, this distinction
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has been made to consider non-governmental public institutions as non-governmental, now can the legislator go beyond the general policies and actually attach the law , in my opinion, he cannot. it has general policies pay attention, but in spite of this issue, in spite of this issue, in the law, in fact, the 7th development program tried to highlight this distinction , that is, in fact, the trend towards the private sector and the cooperative sector should be paid more attention , but i am emphasizing again. if we are looking to remove the non-governmental public institution from the non-governmental sector, we need to
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reform the general policies and this is not within the scope of the powers of the islamic council. and stay, this is a key point, but now i am talking it is something else. the debate is also whether the obstacle and all obstacles to the implementation of article 44 is that these non-governmental public institutions are also among the non-governmental sector . my answer is no. basically, a part remained in the government , that is, they did not come this way at all. now, no, look, the funds of the pension funds depend, some of them are private , some of them are special funds, some of them are public institutions , not equity shares, not equity shares , which is a different issue. the whole refinery
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all of our petrochemical companies are asking if this is a waiver or not. now there is another discussion regarding the general policies of article 44, and that is that we always approach the general policies of article 44 from the point of view of transfers. we emphasize that it is important, but the fact of the matter is that, mr. qudsi, it is the improvement of the business environment that causes the non-governmental sector to develop, so be careful so that the share of the non-governmental sector, not those three sectors , increases, especially the private and cooperative sectors. we have to do two things. we only have a minute. one thing is to kill those who actually came. to create, to stay in the public sector, to leave this sector, one way is to give them a chance to go to the non-government sector, we must do both at the same time
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, so i would like to say that a significant part of our effort to improve the working and personal environment is done. we want to do it for delicensing. we are doing it for deregulation. in fact , to make room for the non-governmental sector, which is lacking . okay, so you believe that with the implementation of this law, that law will also be implemented more . yes, when you and we allow it. the people of bayan should build a power plant, we will let the people of bayan build a power plant build a refinery, we will let people speak , even build a hospital , the weight of their share will increase relatively. but thank you very much for always inviting us. in spite of all the busyness, i am grateful to you , good night people, good night.
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this meeting is the first page of justice some with our reports, we exchange the test that there is an elevated train, the function and estimates every moment, the most important in the field of vaccine storage, when the height of plans, strategies and horizons of the region, questions from us, answers from the first page and evaluation. and judging with
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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, you can buy up to 100 million tomans pak shuma , let's get credit for the purchase. you have 70 days until my last payment. pak shuma , arti has always been with you. drink it , it won't get cold. i'll count on you. the sound of the refrigerator, this kid says to fight with him , drink it. eat politics, what's the situation, why are your blood vessels like this, how many times do you have to change your devices, just last time , we went everywhere together, we shouldn't have gone around so much
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, iranian, with a lot of interesting events , tehran sareh afsarieh, i'm here, is the reason to wash your door. let me introduce you, let's see this it cleans the stain, the laundry detergent has great cleaning and stain removal properties, there is bergamot around you, you know the name of your problem , isfahan, imam khomeini st., corner of mino st.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers . at 23:30 , i am at your service with the national news section. the conference of supporters of palestine was held in kabul with the presence of muslim thinkers and human rights activists. according to press tv, in this conference, the necessity of unity and integrity of muslims to support palestine was emphasized. kabul national university hosts a conference about
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