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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 6:00am-6:31am IRST

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jani and jabdar of the islamic republic of ina. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. only two hospitals in gaza received more than 130 dead bodies in the last 24 hours. the spokesman of the gaza ministry of health also said that with the continued attacks of the zionist regime , during this period, gaza hospitals admitted at least 260 people as wounded. even though after the end of the ceasefire, no medical shipment and medicine have reached the hospitals. the
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zionist regime's attacks on gaza have entered the third month. the occupiers are still looking for a way to win over the resistance , but the field tells of another reality. airplane the israeli soldiers destroyed this residential house on the heads of its residents. this residential complex was completely destroyed. the palestinian youth says that the whole family of this little girl was martyred. his leg is infected and must be amputated. the palestinian ministry of health in gaza announced that in the last 24 hours, 71 martyrs and 160 wounded have reached al-aqsa hospital alone. the occupying army ordered the palestinians who took shelter in this school to evacuate it. they say this school is a military base. this palestinian man says: the occupiers told us: you are soldiers. you must evacuate here.
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deir al-balah, nasirat, rafah and khanyounes camps in the center and south of gaza were bombed again. some of the flooded areas are near the conflict areas and it is not possible to provide relief to them. in some areas, relief has been stopped due to the lack of facilities. every day more bodies of martyrs remain under the rubble. the zionist regime of palestinian doctors. demand to stop treating the wounded and sick and evacuate the hospital. the whole world sees the killing of palestinian children and women in gaza. western countries that claim human rights and children's rights do not prevent this massacre, and the security council also passed a resolution to stop this genocide. does not approve the secretary general of the united nations has warned that the situation in gaza has crossed the tribal border and the consequences will be dire. organizations affiliated to the united nations have said
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that aid to the people of gaza has reached the stage of collapse. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs said that the us government once again proved that it is the main actor and agent in the killing of civilians and palestinian citizens, especially women and children, and the destruction of critical infrastructure in gaza. in the continuation of the reactions to america's obstruction of the resolution. so, in the un security council, muhammad ali al-housi, a member of the supreme political council of yemen , described this action as issuing a verdict for the massacre of thousands of people in gaza. the president of colombia called the action of america a green light to the killers of the palestinian people and said: america allowed the genocide to continue. amnesty international said that the action of the united states shows a ruthless disregard for the suffering of civilians in the gaza strip. the secretary general of the arab league also said: the
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security council could not take a correct position to stop the insane military aggression of the zionist regime in gaza . the head of the palestinian authority also called washington responsible for the bloodshed in gaza by describing the american action as immoral. turkey, syria and afghanistan also condemned this action of washington they did at last night's meeting of the security council, 13 members of this body voted in favor of the ceasefire resolution. but america voted against and england abstained. the international conference on 120 years of relations between iran and latin america was held in tehran university. ambassadors and representatives of latin america and our country reviewed the development of cultural and media relations between the nations of the two regions in this conference. the opening of
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the permanent secretariat of the annual international conference of iran and latin america here in tehran is another step to develop relations with the country.
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provide multilateralism. palestine and the condemnation of the unconditional support of america. from zionist crime in gaza, it was one of the topics that attracted the attention of the participants in the 120th anniversary conference of relations between iran and latin american countries. america is responsible for the war in gaza. we want to stop the israeli crimes in gaza. a topic that was not strange for latin american countries. we condemn the genocide of the honorable and brave people of gaza. and the ceasefire resolution. it was not strange for us from america. we are familiar with such actions of america. now everyone knows who supports the genocide. of course , according to one of the ambassadors of latin american countries, once again the real face of the american government to the world shows. this american action
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has no diplomatic meaning. with this action , america's unconditional support for the israeli genocide and crimes in gaza was revealed once again. this complete mining complex is a little further from faravand unit mine, which
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was faced with a big challenge due to the presence of copper element with gold , where the gold was supposed to sit on the copper absorption columns and occupy the active spaces with occupying the space would reduce the efficiency of the system . the young engineers of this complex were able to achieve the knowledge of separating copper from gold solution for the first time in the country by relying on local power. orbit that if it was supposed to be going with a foreign company was about 3 to 4 million dollars. after that, 10 billion tomans was done with my knowledge. we can separate egypt in the first place. in the second place, the important consumable that we have, which is also high , that consumable ram, reduce its consumption rate , introduce the alloy-free solution into the cycle of our tanks, and there is no more news of the past problems in this complex, even the new product has been added to its product portfolio. this is the consensus copper copper, which
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was previously known as a disturbing element , has now become a profitable product, the product of a 600 egyptian concentrate. it is known that the annual production will be about 600 tons of concentrate in the industrial circuit for which the plans have been made. now, in the processing unit of shadan gold complex, the separated gold solution is easily converted into ingots. it has the capacity to extract 300 kg of gold bars per year. now, with iran's acquisition of the technology to separate copper from the gold solution, both the shadan gold complex development plan and many other materials are going to be implemented. the country's gold will prosper, seyyed mohammad reza hosseini , khosm city radio and television news agency, may your day be happy and full of goodness and blessings from god.
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this is a village in romania and this historical monument it dates back to the 16th century, which was the residence of influential people of its time, and later became a school. and it had the same use until a few decades ago. now, in a voluntary national project, a number of cultural heritage lovers and architecture students are trying to restore and revive this building. this is one of the important national monuments. we are trying to save it from complete destruction. probably , if we had come to it a little later, it would have reached a stage where it would be difficult to save it and it would have been destroyed. but the cultural heritage cannot be renewed and... efforts must be made to preserve it in the historical city of aleppo in syria as a result of the earthquake, the historical fabric of the soqatiye market and its citadel
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were damaged. the government and experts are renovating the citadel and historical markets of the old city of aleppo. the aim of this project is to preserve the cultural heritage of aleppo and restore the damaged places in the old part of shahreh. syria wants to return to the path of development, and accordingly, the places should be the same as they were historically. they were supposed to build a dam here in the ancient city of hasankiv, turkey, but this mosque from the 15th century was sinking, so the authorities decided to move it. it has a thousand feet, it was moved to the other side in china to save an old factory in the process of urban construction . here in the iraqi city of mosul, a number of volunteers and lovers of cultural heritage, after identifying
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the historical baths, plan to restore them to save them from falling into disrepair. this historical bath of mosul is about 400 years ago. this used to be a public bath and we are planning to restore it to a building by reviving the architecture and renovating it. convert to public. a place like a library or a restaurant and any space suitable for all people. copenhagen in denmark was named the architectural capital of the world this year. on this occasion, the architects tried to revive and re-promote the native architecture of this country. their goal is to create a model of sustainable architecture. they looked at the past and native architecture of this country, which used a lot of bricks. old copenhagen. built with bricks. brick lasts for 300 years and
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has a lower contribution to greenhouse gas production than other materials. this is toledo, spain. tourists come to this historical part of the city to watch the sunset. watching the historical perspective of the city for them it is attractive. tourists call this place one of the most beautiful views at night. a city that is one of spain's world heritages and, by preserving its historical identity, is now one of the most important tourist destinations. the world looks at historical buildings and old architecture as a national heritage. most countries are trying to identify and reconstruct each of their historical monuments and bring them back to life. we are living in an era that should be called the age of protection . before, we used to put it as a period of innovation , today we have to put it as a period of protection, protection of
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everything from the environment, leopards, and i don't know, deer. take culture, music, architecture , painting, clothing, food, and all these are in the field of culture and we must protect them . in iran, for 18 years, the fund for the development and restoration of historical monuments under the supervision of the ministry of cultural heritage has the task of identifying the restoration of historical monuments. it aims to attract people's participation and invest people. in this context, 150 historical monuments with different uses have returned to the cycle of life and activity. in some provinces, as soon as a building has been revived in a context and people have turned into a place of reference, it has caused to the domino look of other buildings should be revived by the people themselves in those contexts, and they should also contact us to see if
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you actually have a historical building in that context, in that place, in that place or not, in iran, with a history of 7 thousand years of civilization. it has more than one million cultural works , of which only 35,000 works have been identified and registered nationally, and some of them have been lost during the construction process . in addition to all this, sometimes it can be 300 tomans a day , 300 thousand tomans a day the cultural heritage cucumber association should be used by the people to restore and revive these buildings. creating a context for benefactors' participation in order to attract spiritual and material capital in the fields of preserving, restoring and revitalizing historical buildings is the goal that was mentioned in its constitution for the formation of the association of cultural heritage benefactors. the vastness and breadth of great cultural iran
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is beyond the ability. it is the government and every government , therefore, to the depth of this magnitude and greatness, requires great people to enter the stage and form a great people's movement in the preservation and protection of cultural heritage. identification and registration of national or global cultural heritage it requires planning and various platforms. people's associations and social partnerships are the supporting arms of the government. are in the assigned duties in the field of registration and protection of historical monuments. elham goran of sed and sima news agency. at the end of february, the finish line of supplementary insurance paperwork in the drug sector. by the end of february,
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we will remove paper from the country's pharmaceutical process in the field of supplementary insurers. despite the claim that the information flow between the insurance organizations has flowed well, the paperwork is still in place for the outpatient department until the end of june 1403. 3. statements of the insurance officials. merzi says that the outlook is not clear in the field of hospitalization. major deficiency in the sector related to private medical centers. most of all inpatient centers are private, and because supplementary insurance organizations work mostly with this sector, this has become the achilles heel of removing paper in supplementary insurance companies, although central insurance officials say that
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the ministry of health should oblige medical centers to submit information, regulations transition there is no central insurance for health in the country , who is the regulator of those health centers, the ministry of health, but the ministry of health says that the central insurance provides a lot of information they did not use the work sent here. has the central insurance now implemented its policy of removing paper documents in relation to the same hospitals that received the information? paskari is a public problem that should have been done by the end of last year according to the budget law, but despite the repeated deadlines of the legislator, the ball is still sometimes in the court of the central insurance and sometimes in the court of the ministry of health. if the oil of
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the central insurance needs time, then they clearly state that we we need some time for this to happen. the hospitals that are active in our country are about 900 hospitals with different cases we have received prescriptions, we have inpatient prescriptions from them, well, this number is small, it makes our processing at the end of the work by supplementary insurance companies whose nerves are here interrupted and accompanied by defects. there are 18 years left pending in the country , which should be completed by the end of june this year, but i came from rasht, but i don't know anyone here in tehran. please
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consider this extra cost. here, i will not sit on any street, i will find here with a thousand troubles i did it when it is spent here. the documents that are needed, we have to visit several times. this is very annoying . it is much better for us to have an online insurance, because it is so difficult to come here with the difficulty that i have done on my knee and prp. the budget law is under the responsibility of the court of accounts, and of course a case has been filed to handle it, razia ranjbar of sed and sima news agency. the construction of this house is in hand.
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it would be nice if he could say, sir, we get this much salary , we have this much income , and it should be very clear. but
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they had come to different ways for more payments. the money paid against the regulations must be returned. the money was returned , but the story of astronomical salaries was repeated again. constitutional experts had specified the means of monitoring treasury payments. but this principle turned into minor rules. it has been decided that a new treasury system will be established by 2015 , which the parliamentarians brought in the sixth plan , in order to increase the speed and efficiency of the circulation of income accounts and general government expenses. company institutions and government organizations and universities the government should only through kalor's treasury at the people's bank. after these discussions, all institutions were required to close all their accounts in other banks by the end of 2017 and
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open an account at the treasury of the whole country instead. please note that the country's budget should be concentrated in the general treasury. the mps demanded the implementation of the law from now on. all the accounts were supposed to be the same. yes, why not implement it? our reports come to the parliament, reports are sent to the judiciary, to the officials who are responsible for this. after these representatives, the story of the account of the treasury unit every year they brought in the budget law. all this is said about astronomical rights, but until now it was not possible to deal with them. from now on, the court of accounts can deal with it. therefore, the possibility of astronomical rights will disappear. by approving this article in the budget law of 1401, the parliament, for the sixth time
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, mandates opening an account with the treasury of the whole country to the ministry and institutions that use the government budget. it creates transparency and provides the possibility of monitoring for the monitoring device. it should have an income device that does not consume the circulation of the treasury the result is corruption. the result is costs. which may not be accepted by the legislator, the end of 1401, the result of the approval of 6 laws and the emphasis of the parliament to implement them ends here. in the whole year of 1401 and five months of 1402 rials, the treasury of the whole country did not borrow from the central bank. iran's treasury turned into a glass room to monitor the flow of government revenues. glass room that reduced. astronomical salaries were not the only result, the money we gave to all the clearinghouses, but we are looking at their accounts , we have them online, for example, there is money in the account, there is money in this account.
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yes, we withdraw from this account, for example, now we want to pay salaries, we are short of them, we withdraw from them, we pay the salaries, we just don't take them, in 15 days , our situation will improve , we will put them in their place again . in fact, be successful. this law of parliament brought the financial transactions of government agencies to the glass room. it was in january of last year when the media reported the loss of 32 thousand billion tomans in persian gulf holding. this receipt was deposited into the account of the treasury unit, which stopped the rumours. in account 241 and account 801, these are based on the principal of the account independent funds are available in the treasury account. this is the central bank statement account. the number 32 of our contribution is available and immediately after that it will be transferred to the account of the treasury unit in a
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systematic and impossible way. the withdrawal will be transferred to the treasury account. with the law of the parliament, 250,000 government sub-accounts have been converted into 4,000 main accounts at the general treasury, and the government says that relying on this law, it can better prevent financial sloppiness in the institutions. if we don't do anything, we won't get a chance to fly.
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bismillah akbar bismillah akbar bismillah
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, there are plans for your peaceful sleep. for a comfortable sleep , contact 15/29. look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the day of pilgrimage of agha imam reza, peace be upon him.


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