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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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how will its implementation be and what achievements are expected to happen after the implementation of this document in the country and in the judicial table of the people. two guests will accompany us in this conversation . along with mr. dr. barzoui, secretary of the scientific and technological staff of the supreme council of cultural revolution, announcing the introduction of guests from the respected viewers of channel one. i say goodbye to sima and i invite you to join us for the beginning of the discussion on the khabar network. as i mentioned in tonight's special news talk about the security document. we want a national judiciary
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let's talk about the dimensions of the angles and the way of implementation and the achievements that it is going to achieve according to the routine of the special news discussion every night, first a report and then the beginning of the conversation about the progress of the agricultural industry in the shadow of scientists' companies for the first time the application of deep learning in artificial intelligence with measurement technology far and information technology in identifying the type of cultivation, level of intelligence and quality. this product has been used by us. this product, which we actually worked on, has not happened so far, whether it is inside iran or outside iran. the product that we produce, the technical knowledge is exclusively related to our company. the production of protein is in the ration of animal food in the current product under the name of microgreens. they are vegetables that are harvested before they are mature, and their taste and properties
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are much, much more than mature vegetables. the role of the innovation and prosperity fund is also as an accelerator of these technologies. the innovation and prosperity fund , in the form of a series of co-investment programs , helps to attract the funds needed by new businesses and startups . we have various investments. all of them are invited to research technology become. those whose field of expertise may be agriculture naturally have a stronger presence. these technologies are also attractive for investors. because we are active in the field of insurance and finance, and in this field , for example, one of the products that we develop is agricultural insurance in commercial insurance. well, some of these startups can help in completing our value chain, and this makes us want to focus on these teams. make an appointment. alireza shaukati
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, radio and television news agency, mr. dr. khian , i greet you. you are very welcome. the unveiling of the security document. what does national judicial security mean? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i would like to say hello to mrs. emami and the dear viewers of this news section, and first of all, i feel it necessary to say a special thank you to the secretary of the revolutionary council. since 2009 , he has been working hard to compile a document in the field of judicial security, and also the honorable president of the islamic republic of iran, who announced the judicial security document as the head of the supreme council of the cultural revolution, the honorable minister of jihad , the honorable representative of the religious jurist in jihad, who had many doubts that in fact, this document
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should be communicated quickly, as well as the set of devices that are compiled there were 26 devices involved in the document, and it was unveiled today with the honorable chairman of the legislature . i believe that this document gained many dimensions from the moment it was implemented . he started the discussion of discourse creation and explanation. if you allow me to have a definition of the issue of judicial security , then i will enter how necessary it is for this document to be implemented, and then tell us that each of these must be discussed now during the conversation. we will pay that each of these devices that you mentioned and duties in this document are their responsibility what a set of duties to perform, but what is revealed now is what is the definition of judicial security for the people. look, until 1986, when we
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were talking about providing judicial security, now a country can become a judicial system that the people need. now, how can they have access to this food and from the economic aspect or providing the protein needed by their bodies , these are not desired in the judicial regime , but when we talk about judicial security today , it means that we can have physical and economic access during the night. today, people have access to enough halal nutritious food for an active life to be and under the judicial regime to provide for their own needs, that's why judicial security today
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has different dimensions, one of the dimensions of judicial security is actually provision, the meaning of provision is that countries can now either on the basis of domestic production or trade or from through extraterritorial cultivation, they can provide this food for their people, then there is the question of judicial security, then access, which means that people can have access to sufficient justice from the economic point of view, and from the economic point of view. the supplier is actually their food. it's not like we could supply if only we could people's economy was not enough, judicial security is realized. so mr. dr. khayyam nakoi can conclude that a society document that takes into account different dimensions
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and has different implementation tools in the same period of time. i will talk more about this matter with his highness. document of knowledge base of judicial national security in the council. the highness of the cultural revolution, mr. dr. khim, posted that you started working and discussing this topic from about 99. it was related to the supreme council of the cultural revolution and what was the necessity of the way you worked, mr. dr. barzoui. and dear viewers, the supreme council of the cultural revolution has two main tasks. culture and society and the discussion of science and technology, after the policy making and direction of the country's science and technology , is the responsibility of the supreme council
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of cultural revolution. the judicial security document is also one of the documents. it has already approved such documents and has approved such documents. as an example , the nano document, the medicinal plant document, the aerospace document , the cognitive science document and similar documents, but these are all the science and technology documents that we have right now. we are finalizing some documents , the artificial intelligence document, the national artificial intelligence document, the quantum document , the marine document, the biotechnology document are documents that are actually being compiled, so it is one of their duties. the supreme vote of the cultural revolution of policy-making in the field of macro-science, technology, variety and accumulation of basic knowledge. on the other hand, in his statements , especially in recent years, especially in the last few years,
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he has especially emphasized the issue of knowledge-based economy in the field of judicial security . we entered this. unfortunately, the department agriculture is a bit further from the knowledge-based field than industry and service sectors and the like. if we increase knowledge-based companies in agriculture and apply knowledge in agriculture , we can improve crop production, new irrigation, new production methods , and productivity. we should make maximum use of water and soil and increase our productivity . when we are able to make these advances in agriculture and make serious changes , this will lead to the judicial security of the country
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, which means that the words of mr. my last on 8 september 1401, he said that the issue of judicial security is an issue that should not be neglected. as you can see, this document is a science and technology document. and we really thank the ministry of jihad. agriculture, almost since 1998, when hazrat agha gave an order to compile this document , a secretariat was formed in the ministry of agriculture , in fact, with the coordination of the supreme council, this document was worked on for 2 years. the community and finally alhamdulillah finalization and came to the conclusion that there are four devices that help the most here to do to have the ministry of jihad, agriculture, ministry of health, educational medicine and scientific vice-chancellor, and
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ministry of energy contributed the most in compiling this document . mr. dr. khayyam nekouri, before the program , you mentioned that we started working in the field of judicial security a long time ago . what will happen with the implementation of the national judicial security document? number. the figures that we have from the increase in the production of agricultural products have been implemented in various sectors, a major part of which is thanks to the ministry of agricultural jihad. what kind of vision is it going to have? yes, look, now, of course, if i get a chance later , i will talk about the necessity of the document, why we needed a document for our society, but the order you have, i will give two examples, one of the features of this document. it means that you have very few indicators. first, this document is 10 years old. therefore
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, for the first time, 44 years after the victory of our revolution, we have a railroad in the field of judicial security. we now produce a total of 125 million tons of agricultural products. before the victory of the revolution, there were 25 million themes. and during 44 years. 100 million tons increase we had production, but our current conditions are not such that we can actually meet 100 of our needs , we have a self-sufficiency ratio of about 80. for that amount , we import between 10 and 16 billion dollars every year. the horizon of the landscape . the document has been seen that without our greenhouse production in 1411
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, our production will reach 145 million tons from approximately 100 tons. in fact, our total production, which is 125 million tons today, will reach 160 million tons, so you can see if we want. in order to have an increase of a little loss, we need some events synergy in a fallen country. in the past, it was thought that judicial security was the responsibility of a ministry, such as the ministry of roads, agriculture. if you see today, the document was approved by the supreme council of the cultural revolution and announced by the honorable chairman of the council, who is the honorable president. the document of eight home ministries is involved in the judicial security tent in
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the ministry of agricultural jihad, but without the ministry of science, which actually trains the human resources needed in the agriculture sector, or the ministry of health , which is in charge of the health sector, or the ministry of industry , the ministry of oil. vice-chancellor of science and technology, each of whom has duties they are responsible for this document. naturally , it is not possible to implement a society document, so the most important thing that will happen is that we will be on the verge of self-sufficiency or complete self-sufficiency in many strategic products in 1411. there is, for example, in the production of wheat, sugar, legumes, and grain barley
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. it is predicted that we will be able to achieve self-sufficiency in the production of our aquatics. now, from the 125 million tons produced in our agricultural sector, 1% of the total aquatic production is now that we are 570 km. actually ride. we have now and in the horizon of 1411 it was seen in the document that if this rate increases by 100, it means it will reach 2.6 million tons in other areas. therefore, in fact, one of the dimensions of this document, which is fully defined with indicators , is from the quantitative dimension, and one is from the qualitative dimension, which is the health field , and now there is an opportunity. some of the products are fully self-sufficient, and some
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are on the threshold of self-sufficiency. my question will be your doctor from egypt. mr. dr. borzoi, we have pathology of various documents, maybe at some point in time, it will be strongly approved. it will be followed. and at some other time, due to various economic and political reasons or maybe different circumstances , its importance is reduced or sometimes it is forgotten . let's go back to the judicial security itself, that is, first of all, i will give you some answers to your second part, then i will go back to your first part , we have proof, that is, in different governments, 2 ministers of
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agriculture have different approaches. reach self-sufficiency create security without imports , this is one approach. if this is the approach, in that government, the agricultural sector will be under pressure. in this direction , another government will come and say the same thing . it will say that the country does not have the capacity to provide food for more than 60 million people. so, we should go and import, see that having a document actually helps the country to make the right decisions, as the doctor said, this document is 10 years old, at least we know what path to take in the next 10 years, because the indicators are completely the characteristics of the numbers are the characteristics of the approvals of the supreme council it is exactly the rule of the law, that is, the legislator of the islamic council is correct, but the policies that
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are actually in the council must be implemented by all the executive bodies, because the supreme council of the supreme council has a supervisory aspect in all documents, for any reason, in fact , if a body does not implement the systems in fact, the country's regulatory authorities are obliged to take care of them. this year, we brought many of my documents to the country's regulatory department, which is in the jurisdiction of the judiciary , and obliged them to implement them . therefore, in fact, our documents have an operational aspect, at least with the change of governments approaches in this area, because this area costs a lot , if you change an approach , it will have many losses and many benefits for the country, so at least we know that for the next 10 years, it is the responsibility of every government to come , no matter what minister comes
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, we should move in this direction in all institutions. god willing, he will be able to achieve favorable results. we have a report ready, but before the doctor's report, you mentioned that now in this 10-year horizon, the numbers and figures will have major changes . we also had plans for self-sufficiency the threshold of self-sufficiency of some agricultural products , i want to reach the question of whether we have the capacity to reach the vision you defined in this 10-year horizon. in my opinion, this is a very important question , perhaps the most fundamental question. this is that if we are writing a society document, is it even possible to achieve it or not, because in fact even experts have different views in this field, i believe that despite all the limitations we have, you can see that our year was almost 50 years ago until now.
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iran's temperature has warmed up. today we have the phenomenon of climate change. we are facing a reduction today rainfall during these four decades , the country's average rainfall increased from 250 mm to 220 mm in the good year. we saw an increase in population . after the victory of the revolution, it was 36 million, now it is 87 million. year 140. there is a million population with this growth trend, so it needs more jurisdiction and many other restrictions. we now have 18 million sets of soils, the area under cultivation of our crops is both in the irrigated area and in the rainfed area, so when you
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see these with a set the characteristics that we have lead us to the conclusion that we really have the capacity to provide stable judicial security let's find it. now you can see how we have a knowledge capacity. in our country , we have 12,000 faculty members only in the agricultural sector. that's right. well, in this document, it is predicted that we now have 10,000 faculty members in the agricultural college and university. perhaps their direct involvement in the implementation of this document, in general, in the field of judicial security, was very limited in the previous document. this has happened, on the other hand, one of the most important components that should make this document successful is the farmer. see, we are now seen in
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this document. see, we are now the average age of our farmers. almost 54 years old and we have about 5 million users who are producers, while we do not train enough human resources in proportion to the fact that these people are retiring. therefore, it is seen in the document that we have to train future farmers based on the policies of the farmer education society system from the ministry of science . islamia is home to more than 220 species of medicinal plants. in other areas, we also have the capacity to
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have 300 days of sunshine out of the 366 days of the country, that is, the capacity the energy that we can use in the agricultural sector, so all the arrows go that we can and we have the capacity to exist in 13 climates in the world and we have four climates at the same time. the totality of factors completely leads us to the point that it is possible to implement the document and achieve judicial security. our next question is to broadcast this report from egypt . a challenge that was more than 50 years old. from 1350 to today, we had various debates in the country about the cache model. an issue that the officials mentioned as a concern. we are still between. and we could not make policy in reality let's establish a communication , a system, an organization that can actually tell
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the farmer how much this year, how much onion can be harvested this year . upstream on the one hand and the head of government's emphasis on its implementation on the other hand , it was finally announced on the 18th of mehr. the cash model for all provinces has been notified by the high authority of the ministry of agricultural jihad. creating dialogue in these provinces are priority provinces . and with the experts of the agricultural sector, the managers of that province and the academicians and all of them were in fact a neighbor the unveiling , which was accompanied by many promises, subsidized facilities, the first priority are those who accept our cultivation model , pressurized irrigation, which is 85% subsidy
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, will be given to those who accept our cultivation model , insurance discounts. we have a special for those who accept the cultivation model, but the field investigations are different. the onion is not profitable for the farmer. the cache pattern is passing and the question here is how much progress ali akbar abbasi has made. sed and sima news agency also asked the question of mr. abbasi let's answer how much progress has been made, tell us that the discussion of the cultivation pattern, which is now also seen in the discussion of the document
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, is based on land use, mr. dr. khian, yes , you see, the cultivation pattern has two main components, one is to increase productivity, the other is to optimize the increase in productivity without paying attention. it is for optimization, and for this purpose , good things can be achieved in the agricultural sector by increasing the penetration of knowledge, such as the wheat of 1401 with an increase in yield and 3 million tons added to our wheat this year, 6 million tons. it requires financial effort, which means you cannot tell the farmer that he killed a certain crop don't do it, but you can't create utility. if you want to create a ship that is not economically viable, you should be able to support it and
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provide it . many good things have happened, i would like to point out here that the main fruit of knowledge-based development is the increase in productivity, that is, in knowledge-based development, if we say , they increase a little because you increase the penetration rate of knowledge and benefit from what happens. i think mr. dr. borzoi's collection will increase about two or three minutes until the end of the conversation . besides , i have a final question for mr. dr. khayyam . please refer to the major policies that you mentioned in the document. implementation from the moment that the image was unveiled, now what will the image be like after it has been unveiled?
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for example, in the discussion of our production capacity , what number should we take? we chose that we should have predicted for 100 million people in the document in the production of products. well , we have strategic products , we have products with high added value , we have single-product agricultural products . the policy that was used in this document was strategic products. supplying institutions, which was one of the serious discussions , was the issue of imports or domestic production with a knowledge approach , the point that mr. doctor said, if the knowledge approach and knowledge economy is based, we will definitely reach this goal , tell us about the budget and credit policy, we have one minute. we must see any document for that pawn yes, the necessary resources should be seen, god willing , this year, the program organization should see the necessary resources for the implementation of this document, which
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is really over 10 years. if not, it will not be implemented. i am asking our colleagues in the country's budget planning organization and our colleagues in the parliament to come together if they are really concerned about judicial security. we should consider an independent credit and support for the implementation of the document in accordance with the duties of various institutions . dear sir, i say goodbye and thank you very much like habinshe for your good company. good night and god bless you . thank you very much.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, i am alireza hashemzadegan with the world today. after reviewing the latest developments and news of the war against gaza, in the first case , we will examine tonight's program to remove the president of the university of pennsylvania after his interrogation in congress for the gatherings in support of palestine at this university. after that, in the second case to


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