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tv   [untitled]    December 12, 2023 3:30am-4:00am IRST

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we want to export to russia, turkey and iraq, and in the future, god willing , we want to export to more countries. every year, more than one billion cubic meters of water is used in the country's industry , and 20% of this need will be met by recycling the industrial effluent with the help of ozonating devices. samaya nasser of the sed and broadcasting news agency. hello , i would like to say hello, thank you very much for taking the time to help us. please, i would also like to say hello to all dear viewers. be healthy . how many years have you been a nurse? i have been a nurse for 50 years . yes, half a century. you retired a few years ago in
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2003. you retired in 2003. your retirement means 30 years of service hospital and all that, but i read news about you as a nurse who sat at home after retirement, that's exactly what i had intended to do after my retirement as my friends wanted. i want to come to the nursing home and serve the dear elderly people , and i wanted to be a servant so that i could provide them with the same affection and love that i have for them , and a few days after your retirement, you came back to the nursing home. 15 days only 15 days only 15 i was at home the day after 15 days,
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i started my work in the nursing home and on the side dear medjoyan , how many years have you been working at the nursing home after your retirement ? the 20th year will end in three to four months . in 20 years, that means you will get another pension . you didn't get paid in the nursing home, what was the story, why was it an intention that i had done from the heart, i had it in my heart and i didn't like that my heart's intention was bought with money, that is, you didn't say that i want a salary, i want it so much, you have to pay to come , not at all for me it was not mentioned, that is, did you intend to come here as a job? no, exactly
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always and only you can earn your pension . yes, how are you, my dear, you are good , my dear mother, maya, you are really our mother, as long as you smile and be happy, i am fine, we are more. we are fine, when we see you, yes, it will be better, my dear, we are fine now, i brought your medicine so that i can give you a drink. well, ali mohammad, drink some water . how many days a week does it come
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? i get up every morning at 5:00 a.m. i come sometimes, sometimes, yes, every day of the week, sometimes on fridays, if needed, i go to the charity nursing home and work. how many children do you have? two children. the fact is that you see my love. they say that you cannot be separated from this collection of love, you are in love, and nothing can be done. it is a service , i will certainly do this for them. to
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provide the peace that we want for our loved ones in the nursing home. an explanation about this client. tell us how he is doing now . god is a little better than the previous days . it's enough for me to be your friend, i'm going to go, i'll forgive you, i'll go back, i'll forgive you, you're feeling better, thank god, how much pension do you get this month? retirement, you could go to a private treatment center and get a good income from nursing . yes, why didn't you choose it? money can't always take the place of love and affection and
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create a life for a person that has spirituality in it. in spirituality, the reality is that every positive step that i take, the result is clearly visible in my life see i and my children will never get sick in my life. do you have a suggestion to go to inver onver private hospital? the head of my hospital invited me again , mrs. magdari, we would like you to come back and work in our own hospital. come back to our own hospital, continue here again, i said no
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, i have retired and i prefer to continue here where i started, you are 20 years old. . yes, but love for the homeland, love to the patient, the love for my people does not allow me to be separated from my community. you stayed, i stayed. did you have an offer from a foreign country? yes, yes, and how long are you going to stay here with the elderly? as long as there is life in my body! how are you? mr. pressin, how are you? how are you dad thanks god. i am very good. thank god. thank god, and by god. you are satisfied. it means a world. god is pleased with you. what is your wish? my wish is
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to die standing by myself. i have no other wishes. i do not want anything from the world but from god. i want, but my hope is that i will not fall ill and die standing the end is good. yes, the end is good. may the person live a dignified life and be able to serve his people . when you think about your life, only mention the name of god . be sure that god will never make you helpless and will never knock you to the ground. may your body be healthy and stay safe, god willing, we were very happy to see you, thank you very much for your kindness , for inviting me to your program, may you always be proud and proud.
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widely declaring their support for the residents of gaza and those who
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have been targeted for genocide and forced displacement. demonstrations to stop the killings and the occupiers were prosecuted as war criminals. the voice of palestine is loud. it is important that the voice of the world is loud. because the international community can stop this unruly barbarism that is israel . the zionist regime by killing the palestinian people. are the palestinian people given the right to arrange such a crime? naturally , this scene will be repeated in the west bank, or are these images related to the dissection of the martyr's body, or are they related to the demonstrations to support and transmit the voice of this city to the world . but in a world that
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is ruled by different standards and global arrogance, the palestinian people must they themselves should support each other so that the nations that have stood up to support palestine will influence their leaders. this battle is the battle of all the palestinian people. the west bank, like the gaza strip, has been attacked by aggressors. basically it was gaza that came to the aid of the west bank after seeing the daily crimes of the occupying regime and the violence of the city dwellers. the west bank is at a stage where the risk is no less than gaza, especially from a strategic point of view. as long as the voice of the palestinian people is loud and as long as they get their right with bullets and fire, no matter how long it takes. this right will finally return to its owners one day.
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palestine is our ancient and unforgettable land. jews who demand this land will find their country. we will finally live freely in our own land and die in peace in our own homes. at the end of the 19th century, when theodor hertzel, an austrian journalist , wrote these sentences in the book the jewish state: he also did not imagine that they would have a state in palestine 50 years later.
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herzl was born jewish, but he did not believe in the sacredness of the jewish religion. he had grown up in europe and his enlightened thoughts were more than the period europe had become enlightened. herzl to separation. dean was interested in politics and mentioned democracy as his main goal. the jewish sharia had no place in the government that hertzel had in mind, and the emphasis was only on ethnicity. at the beginning of its formation, zionism, in fact, looked at jews more as a discussion as a nationality than a religion wants to consider it. now, of course, over time, nahle and different groups were formed, some of them
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had a cultural point of view, emphasizing the issue of cultural zionism and... enriching their own people in terms of cultural resources and so-called production of civilization. and such issues, but the thing is that from the very beginning zionism did not have a religious view and this difference between zionism as a school that sought a kind of nationalism and defined jews as a race or a culture or a the people, in any case, religion is a part of it. because of that, this difference has always existed, of course , over time, religious spectrums also joined the zionist project, although at the very beginning of its formation, most of the people who had a religious view, and now religious leaders , either did not accompany or opposed it.
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the partition and state building plan is one of britain's tricks it was a colonial power in the early 20th century. by using this plan as a tool to continue its sovereignty and preserve its resources, england sought to weaken the foundations of the ottoman rule in the middle east. basically, the idea of ​​establishing the zionist regime was formed in this direction and with the aim of defending the interests of the west against the islamic world. the plan of western governments to fragment the islamic lands was implemented with the sykespico agreement, and along with that, the zionist movement provided the ground for jewish immigration to the occupied lands.
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see what colonialism tried to create in islamic countries since maybe three centuries ago it was ignorance, illiteracy and keeping the people of the communities silent, and in the same direction, they came to divide the region into smaller countries and try to open the region to the sovereigns under newer plans , or in arabic, what is called doyle , many countries. little. to establish the basis of clans and tribes . if it was not for england, the occupation of palestine would definitely not have happened. two people in england played a key role in the discussion of the establishment of the zionist regime . one is rochilde, who is a banker and a rich man who
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managed to get the balfarfour promise from the british government, and the other is weizman. to follow up on this promise it took a form from the british government, and between world war i and ii, many zionists were settled and transferred from europe to occupied palestine by such people. in 1917, british foreign secretary arthur j. balfour supported palestine as a homeland for the jews in a declaration that
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became known as the balfour declaration. he brought up not the jewish state, that is, jews from all over the world can go there and sometimes they can find accommodation, not in the sense that they will go there to form a government, and many people also oppose this national homeland, but because zionists like rochelle are behind it. it seems that those issues and global statesmen in america, england and european countries laid the groundwork for this in the first world war. the situation was arranged in their favor, even coming to the area of ​​the so-called countries existing between them during the sax agreement. to divide and in fact, the palestinian nation was the most civilizational and
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culturally in the region, it was necessary to have a guardian, and england became the guardian of the palestinians from that year onwards. according to lewis jude, the british prime minister at the time, the establishment of a nizam mesemre garrison in palestine for britain's interests are vital, this shows that the colonialist thought was looking for a base at the regional level and wanted the jews as a tool, that's why we discuss the immigration or relocation of jews from various countries, especially europe, to occupied palestine. it took place during the two periods of world war i and
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world war ii, especially after the occupation of palestine by the british and the establishment of a guardian government there during 3 decades of a guardian government that is independent in english. the jewish population increased from 50,000 in 1919 to nearly 600,000 in 1948 changed in the years after the second world war, while they were engaged in the genocide of the palestinians, with the cooperation of the united states , the zionists provided facilities for the continued immigration of jews to palestine. all their efforts were to facilitate the immigration of jews from all parts of the world to occupied palestine, and this was what
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gave meaning to the ideology of zionism. according to the statistics published by al-sharq al-awsat on march 19, 2020 , the number of palestinians in the occupied territories in 1948 was nearly 900,000 , some of whom israel took after the 1948 war. migrated to reach a population of around 900 thousand people in 1910 that was 93% palestinian arab and 67% jewish how did it suddenly become 80% jewish and 20% this was not a normal demographic transition this was the consequence of israel's desire to create a jewish state, and to do that it had to get rid of as many palestinians as possible. there's other more complex factors, but that's cutting it to its bare bones as we see it. that is, i think, in a certain sense the
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core of the conflict. the palestinians have suffered inordinately as a result of the creation of israel, the creation of a jewish state in a country that had an arab majority, necessarily and inevitably caused them irreparable harm. do you see palestinians as a demographic threat to israel? do you use that? it does not respond to the original plans of zionism. what proportion of the israeli population an ideal world in ami's ideal would be palestinian? i don't i mean it's it's an important question if you're going to talk about demography how many palestinians are too many? i can't say that don't know if it was 51% palestinian would that be a problem for you as a liberal zionist? guess not, but as a whole the state needs to have a jewish majority because that was the initial idea, this is the essential ideology. you're saying i guess not to 51%, but the state needs to have a jewish majority, you are discussing with me mathematics, i'm talking about the principle, i'm saying in a jewish state with a quote
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unquote demographic threat or demographic race is the phrase you use in your book, how many palestinians is how many, how many muslims do you want in britain, you are trying to turn israel as a special special case, it is a special case, it's the only, it's the only democracy that defines itself on ethnic grounds, but there are others that do not define. he mentioned that palestinians should be uprooted from the roots of arab culture and dissolve in the culture of israeli society . but the palestinians
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want with the resistance they have taken. teach their children the importance of preserving the history of palestine. one of the most important pillars of the zionist plan is racial cleansing palestinians in this land and the occupation of this land. however, during the implementation of the delta plan in 1948 , 400,000 palestinians remained out of a total of one million and 400,000 palestinians, and these palestinians consider population increase to be one of the ways to fight against the zionist regime. more than seven decades ago, ben graven gave this warning. we must
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do everything we can to make sure the palestinians never return. ben gurion had assured his zionist followers that the palestinians would never return to their homes . he said: the old will die and the young will be forgotten. will do the palestinians of jerusalem have come out of the ashes and are standing against judaization and racism and against israel's attempt to swallow their land and identity. the zionist regime has tried to eliminate the palestinians for seven decades, but the palestinians are still living in palestine , the first page meeting, many people talk about the people, but
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they are not with the people. questions from us, answers from the first page and evaluation and judgment with you, the first page every night at 7:30 pm of the khabar network.
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boy, let's run here, my son, wait a minute , what's going on here today ?
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take off your shoes. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the head of arbain's central headquarters announced the formation of a strategic policy-making council for arbain's major issues. mr. mir ahmadi said in the 12th meeting of arbaeen central headquarters: the first meeting of this council will soon be held to review the issues of the arbaeen committees and future cooperation with the iraqi government to be effective in facilitating affairs and satisfying the people.


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