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tv   [untitled]    December 13, 2023 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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local authorities, especially in the border provinces. the meeting of ministers agreed that the honorable governors of the border provinces of the country will be members of the joint economic commissions between the islamic republic of iran and the country on the opposite side of the border of that province in biyan , that is, in the joint economic commission between the islamic republic of iran and the neighboring countries, the governors of those border provinces will also be members. as. the members of this commission came so that , god willing, the capacity of these dignitaries and the capacity of the local authorities can be utilized to the maximum extent, and have a good day, dear compatriots. the minister of tourism
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, cultural heritage has canceled one-way visas for traveling to iran. he announced for 32 countries in order to promote the tourism industry . for 32 countries, the proposal of the ministry of heritage was approved and the one-way cancellation of visas with the priorities that we had specified was approved by the government today . i have a place to thank all the members of the government. it has decided to open the doors of the country to the world. there is a time when we only chant and there is a time when we act . this was a very brave and prudent decision that the government made. we are working with the people of the world. the registration
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started with the first group of umrah farda pilgrims, according to the head of the organization the first hajj and pilgrimage group will be sent from imam airport on 28 azar, and 70 thousand people will be sent to the land of revelation by 10 march in the form of 550 caravans. the cost of umrah trip is between 40 and 44 million tomans. the end of waiting for those who registered to travel to the land of revelation nine years ago , but were not sent. and their visitation priorities are from priority 1 to 150 according to umrah system with umrah address.
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they go and do their own preliminary registration, which includes the bandedist group, so that family and friends who want to be together do their own grouping at this stage, after at this stage, on thursday at 9:00 a.m. , they will go through this initial action and their group will complete their final registration and choose the price group they want and the date of their departure. priorities from 1 to 150 can register for the first round trip, which continues until march 10 of this year. hajj ziarat organization has the ability to organize 800 to 1 million people annually. to know the priorities of hajj and umrah, you can use the four-star star command code. take the square with your mobile phone
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or go to the umrah preferences section of the portal hajj organization, applicants of the first group, according to the coordination made with the operating banks of bank melli and mellat, and they will be present on the upcoming holidays , register themselves and pay the fees on friday and sunday next week. complete the the head of the hajj organization also said that the amount of accompanying umrah pilgrims is in line with the rest of the foreign trips and recommended that if the pilgrims have less than seven months of validity on their passports , they should postpone their trip to the next period starting from ramadan. vale nematian of sed and sima news agency. the zionist newspaper artes revealed the zionist soldiers on the 7th of october 15 seal of approval.
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he killed them out of fear that these people would be captured by hamas. the information office of the zionist regime also announced that 19 of the 135 prisoners were killed by hamas. the palestinian media said that all these 19 people were killed as a result of the bombardment of the israeli warplanes. a number of british people gathered in front of the store of a company that supports the zionist regime and called for a boycott of this company. the protesters were protesting against the advertising pictures of the zara clothing and jewelry company and said that these pictures were of gazan mothers who the deceased children are mocked by hugging their shrouds. many
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social network users also criticized the actions of the spanish company zara, and the hashtag boycott or embargo of this company became frequent on the x social network. after being raised. the possibility of a decrease in zara sales, the company apologized for publishing promotional images. earlier, supporters of palestine had boycotted a number of other companies supporting the zionist regime, including starbucks mcdonald's. osama hamdan, a senior member of the hamas movement, said that until the palestinian nation is not secure, neither will the zionist regime it will not be safe. hamedan added: the zionist regime failed and cannot. none of his goals will be achieved in gaza. a senior member of hamas said: the resistance fighters have rubbed the nose of the zionist regime and brought this regime close to destruction. this official of the palestinian resistance movement pointed out that the main targets of the zionist regime are children
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, and the western countries should declare their innocence against this regime and review their relations with it. osama hamdan once again said that the zionist regime will continue its military actions. he puts the lives of his captives in gaza at risk. hamadan establishing a ceasefire in bar he announced gaza as one of the conditions for the release of the prisoners of the zionist regime. rejection of the french government's immigration bill. this controversial bill aimed to control more immigrants . the french government's controversial and controversial bill related to immigrants was rejected on the first day of discussion in the parliament, and the government faced a heavy setback. this bill was put to a vote before the poem and examination in the public stage with the proposal of some representatives to reject it, and it
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was approved by the french national assembly with 270 in favor against 265 against. with this failure of the government, which has the majority in the parliament, the first technical blow in the direction yes, the speech of mr. qalibaf, speaker of the parliament, at the conference on transportation and economic development , challenges and opportunities is presented to you . in the company of you , dear industrialists , i have the opportunity to serve you for a few minutes in this important and essential section. of course, i
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have always been looking for this discussion for a long time. in every gathering and every meeting, whether you sit in the government sector, in the private sector or in non-governmental public institutions, we talk to each other , we criticize, we make suggestions. raise the problems we do it and then we go and repeat it twice . in my opinion
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, we should hold a meeting in the policy-making and government discussion sections of all three branches of course. i sometimes say that we have four powers, we don't have three powers, there is a bureaucratic power that is the ruler of those three powers, sometimes the private sector and the public sector run together, but now it has its own discussion in its own place, but what is the solution? believe me, after the holy defense period, i am aware of the details of some issues because of the many responsibilities i had. because i was the manager of that department, i know the details today
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i am a servant, as a representative of the people of tehran, and you, who are the chamber of tehran , are your representative in the islamic council and the servants of my colleagues are there in the highest levels of meetings. up to the lowest level of meetings where we meet with people , we talk to each other, it is our duty to stand up. the next two generations and the next three generations that came are exactly the same two times in c. the professor says, and then the interesting thing is that the suggestions that these are the same suggestions that have been given before
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, now they are either written, enacted, implemented, or not, but what is certain is that the problem still exists. when should the government department answer this question? our private sector really has to think of a solution. our elites have any taste . anyway, some issues are clear and have nothing to do with political discussions. the issues are managerial issues . nationalist issues are issues of the country's reputation. the issues of people's lives, the security of the country, the honor of the country, we cannot
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not pay attention to these issues, mr. safarzadeh, mr. dr. safarzadeh. i came at the end of his power point, but without a doubt , i can now say what mr. safarzadeh said. because at least sitting here, you should know that we have discussed these issues more than several times in the field of transport, at least in tehran, and then in some places at the national level , mr. safarzadeh, since then , we have taken a step forward, and we have gone back to this question . we want to give an answer , so let me say here that we are to blame first, i am to blame, if
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we don't get an answer in this world , we will have to answer in front of god tomorrow, but friends, don't feel that the private sector is not to blame, the private sector is also to blame, we should both go. to reach a common understanding. in the eight clauses that mr. eshghi wrote here , let me be clear , we seriously included two, five, and seven in the seventh program, but i don't know if it should be implemented or not, maybe it was like the same air rules that i read when i i was serving in the police force
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. i presented the plan and the complete solution to air pollution in the government of mr. khatami's government at that time. i said that i was a police force and the responsibility for clean air was not with the police force, but the investigations showed that 80% of the pollution is from mobile vehicles. that move in the city. several time there were different opinions, but we focused and proved that this is the same with the next government. mr. rouhani's government, i was the mayor of tehran and we made some amendments to that plan according to the circumstances that had arisen . we gave him the government twice
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. god forbid if i speak politically. i am having a management discussion , i am having a technical discussion, 10 i want to say that we do not have anything to say, if something is left to the ground, in my opinion, it is not beyond the limit or the will is not there. or he does not understand that the work will be left on the ground and will not be solved. well, don't we all know that today our depreciation is more than our investment, but don't we see now that every year the economy of the country is getting smaller, well, we all know that we are under a cruel embargo, and again, we all know that the
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private sector knows it too. the government knows. that every year several billion dollars of capital leave the country , in any case, i don't regret this or that, it's our work in the government, the government in the general sense, i don't say to this government, not at all to the parliament, i mean the decision-making powers, politicians , the work of the government in the general sense. or is it a problem? in the middle private sector, which does not exist anymore, there is a third factor. in my opinion, we need that common understanding. we have capital in the country . yes, we must
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advance the 8% growth based on your policies. we have to make inflation a single digit. i mentioned this point to our friends in different places, both to the honorable government and to the honorable guardian council during the review of the 7th plan. i said, anyway, the growth of 88 must have an investment ceiling with which we invest, at least an estimate. let's say what it is. so that we don't get caught up in the absurd discussions of saying that this is 75 or not 75, well, when we want to let's reach the growth of 88, there is at least one floor , the minimum is enough to not lose time, well, we are
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growing when we are ten and eight economic efficiency is our issue, when we have free fuel in the field of transportation, it really means that you use another fuel , diesel, which costs 300 tomans per liter today. in the same country, in turkey, as you mentioned, how much is a liter today , in our money, 60 tomans. 70 tomans yes, 60 , 70,000 tomans, i mean 300 tomans, look at the distance . again, the cost of our transportation is more than double there. fuel, this is the exit price,
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this is the next price. let's collect them, put the gas aside, put the gas standards aside, turn all this into barrels of oil, we waste 3.5 million barrels of oil per year, if you pay $85, i have said this many times because the sensitivity of our elites let it be clear in the society , it can be more than 100 billion dollars a year, why should our economy be small
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when we are under the cruel sanctions of america, he is oppressing us, but why are we oppressing ourselves, this money is just one step away from us , don't open it we have fixed prices. but raising prices is definitely not the way to optimize fuel there are other ways, well, when this capital is being destroyed, this capital must be optimized by the people and the government, the private sector together, if we all benefit from this together. he must
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do this through optimization and industry, he corrects the consumption , he is willing to invest, he is willing to use the part that the consumer is using, the possibility of buying. that car does not have that equipment, those facilities, to optimize the private sector , if he is sure that he will benefit from that place in practice, that this wasted money will be returned. it will also help the national interest of our people who are sitting at home, if they see that in this third week of azar , anyone in the business sector is doing big business or sitting at home, if a cubic meter of gas
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consumption decreases compared to the same week last year, part of this reduction in consumption goes to his own pocket and his own benefit , no matter how much he should feel, in this partner, both his personal benefit and his national benefit are tied together . it is not a question of making it more expensive at all . we are talking about this capital that is disappearing. this is a problem, this is a mistake, this is not applicable . sometimes we are like that, capitals, capitals we are lost. both our material capitals and our human capitals. well, look, i myself
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am a critic of some debates. i have no right to be a critic anymore. i have to answer. i have to be responsible for these issues, but i am asking you to look at other friends. was not now, for example, pay such a fine, well, it's not really a scrapped car, we are still in the field of transporting cars , trucks from the 70s, 2000s, in the third decade of the 21st century, in the city of tehran, what are we talking about? we are in the field
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cash transportation needs a transformation in the field of intelligentization . more than 80% of our cars are self-driving . now some people may say that we need big transportation companies. i say that we definitely need them. we should definitely do this, it's definitely a good thing, but we have to send them back and get caught up in the issue of how to get them to become their company , that is, let's go back to the 1950s, for example, the road transport of shams al-amare and mihantur buses. let's go to levantor, let's go, take that route , let's update, let's come here in the evening. there is us we can
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open this hand and foot with the platforms that we have to make. let's collect these rents , let's give these opportunities to the private sector equally , let's seriously decide not to strengthen the state economy, but in the seventh program of public-private partnerships, which was written by mr. eshghi, paragraph six or seven is one of the things there. the related discussion is that today there are more than 100 hardworking workers in the technical and engineering departments of different government departments, we should sign them with papers that will return to the country's economy twice, except for the approvals. well, it is necessary for the private sector and the government to sit together. to where we fight with each other instead of seeing each other as rivals. and then we
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will go to the people with a detailed plan that can be implemented. the people will surely accept us to solve these problems . i really wanted to say the important parts here. from me in the field. they are transportation, but in any case, yes, the importance of transportation is definitely in the economy , in any case, we have an opportunity, our driver is definitely in the oil and gas sector, and that sector is definitely an opportunity for us , there is mines, and definitely an opportunity for us is transportation and the transportation of the complex, which it spreads to sections
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our other economy. transportation is not dependent anymore. today, transportation is independent. transportation to our production . transportation of cash to our business. transportation of cash to our transit. it produces big ones for us. however, we feel this about transportation, but our grief is that we are dealing with the problems of fixing the substation . sometimes our policies are wrong. now , look at it. in any case, ask anyone about rail or road, and everyone will say it is rail. it's all over again they agree, whether it is raining or traveling
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, now you look at where we invested our capital in the past 10 years between the road and the road . how many times more did we invest in the road than in the rail. now we have invested in the road. i will round the numbers today. we have about 14,000 kilometers of rails on which trains run. now, how much does the train travel? in some places, there are traffic jams, and in some places, maybe a train passes through it every few days , but all the investigations in the field of productivity show that out of these 14,000 kilometers, 4,000 kilometers have no traffic. an effect in the field of interest exploitation
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vari in the country. no, at least it is not necessary, it was not our priority, we invested the capital in a place where there is no return, that is, we had free money that we invested, only oil money can be spent like this, and if we had spent these 4 thousand kilometers correctly, we would be in the north-south corridor today. which is now in the seventh program. we have decided to invest 3020 km in our north-south and east-west corridors. well, we have already invested, but we will cut our railway in such a way that everyone will be satisfied. there was a train, but what is the speed of our train in the field of cargo per hour?


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