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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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and have registered in these systems, from this amount, we can somehow identify their sales amount by using the databases that we have at our disposal. statement of the invoice and added value and these things or not, if they have the statement and sending of the invoice through the maadian system, according to article 7 of the law of shops, this issue is sufficient because in the transaction systems of the season. they should register their own statements and information, that is, if it is enough to register in the maadian system there is no need to take any other action, i must say that until 10, in fact, if no one is connected, according to this law, in fact, the facilitation of the assignments of maadian has not taken any action, and naturally , the tax affairs organization will not have a special encounter with these people until this moment. from the date of 10th onwards
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, the organization can actually consider all legal entities to be subject to sending invoices, so legal entities will have the possibility and the obligation to send invoices. this is the decision of the organization based on . article 14. repeatedly, this should happen from the other side now you said legal, but real persons , real persons, it is necessary to remove the concern of real persons and business owners, and in fact , our maadi are usually like this.
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they have the fact that due to the impossibility of obtaining advanced technologies or technologies that need to be connected to the system to send invoices , they may not have the ability to work with the system, or for example, suppose that they allocate a store terminal if needed. for their own store, they don't know where to get this store terminal, at what price, and until the end or some people. lawyers have this concern that they don't need to go and hire an accountant , hire a tax consultant, in fact , with the current economic situation, these are the concerns that confuse legal entities, so to speak. we should know the real people and their duties, what happened? now i have real people at your service again.
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real persons are considered real persons according to an estimate and a quorum that article 14 has repeatedly considered for them is that we must express a sales amount for a sale amount, we must consider a quorum as a quorum for them. the sale above which the sale of natural persons is required.
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they will use the store terminal and send invoices for the year 1402 , it will be 18 billion tomans, which means that the quorum of the previous year means, for example, let's have a fruit shop, let's have a gold shop, any trade that the year 1401 1402 the total sales is the quorum, for example , the highest is 18 billion tomans in a year, you say this for the next year up to this limit. we oblige those who, in 1402, yes , real persons, business owners, whose sales amount in 1402 is higher than 18 billion tomans, yes. they are required to send electronic invoices through store terminals from 10 , this is also from 10 onwards. therefore , let's repeat one more time, so which of the
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natural persons are covered from 10, which tradesmen , which unions those who sold more than 18 billion tomans in the year 1402 must be recognized by the tax system whenever their sales of 18 billion are registered with the tax administration and it is confirmed that they have exceeded 18 billion. it is clear who these real persons are they are
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not very many. which is actually subject to this quorum , we don't have an exact estimate for it at the moment, but it is about a few thousand, for example, suppose a few thousand to over 18, for example , suppose, for example, because they don't have an accurate estimate, about 10,000 to 10,000 real people, for example, in the year 1402 the important thing is that we have about 8 million people who are real people. currently, the number of real people who are supposed to be added to the jirga of those who have to send invoices will be added gradually and
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what will be found will increase more and more and this planning is that we in fact we decided in such a way that, for example , suppose that after 1404, we will provide a number of 90% and more than those who were not in this jirga by 1404 , and we will do more. you are going now, mr. eskandari. well, before we reached the gathering , there was a lot of traffic, we could not use them from their comments, but in any case , you took this 18 billion tomans up to 1404 steps.
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there are four laws of direct taxes that depend on what number we see as an exemption from article 84 in the budget law 143, if for example, this exemption for the year 1403 should be 150 million tomans, the amount of the exemption should be 150 million tomans, by multiplying this 150 million by 100, we estimate that for the year 1403, this number is about 15. this number will depend on the exemption of article 84, which is determined annually in the budget law , and after 14
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, there is currently a lot of opportunity for real miners. yes, these real miners and our real persons should not worry. i would like to ask you that if we come and identify this stomach. real persons for the year 1402, for example, about 10 thousand in fact these 10,000 taxpayers are obliged to us from the departments of kalmun, our trusted companies are obliged to have every general office of every trusted company, no matter how many of these people, visit them in person, in fact, take their needs and provide the conditions in such a way. it's very easy even these people are over 18 billion tomans. it is possible to connect them to the tax system. therefore , there should not be any serious concern to connect with maadian from the side of real persons. thank you very much , we will definitely have other programs on this topic to serve you we will be thank you very much for your companion, may god protect you.
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battle shrapnel. what is going on in gaza, thousands of kilometers away , is being victimized in american universities. for 20 years, hesham ortani, the bullet that hit his spine has stuck him on the ground forever. ashan is of palestinian origin. because he was wearing a chafieh , he was shot near the university of vermont campus along with his two other friends who are also palestinians.
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he has been in charge of american universities. the war in gaza cost him dearly . losing his job. during a congressional hearing on my anti-semitism by law the university, which was taken from the us constitution , emphasized that speaking alone. they were questioned and answered because they are not strict enough with the opponents of the zionist regime. even as their students chanted the slogan of palestinian freedom from nahr to behrdan, the three were accused of being silent in the face of calls for the genocide of the jews. violate pens rules or code of conduct? yes or no if the
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speech turns into conduct, it can be harassment. yes i am asking specifically calling for the genocide of jews. does that constitute harassment? if it is directed and severe or provocative, it is harassment. so the answer is yes. it is a context. a goal that is the president of harard university. he , who attended the congress meeting with magill , is now under pressure to resign. more than 650 members of harvard university in a letter demanding support for gay in the face of political pressure for his resignation. the authors of the letter believe that his resignation is a violation of the freedom of universities. everyone should be able to express their opinion freely in the academic environment. a survey by the university of maryland shows that in recent weeks 81. academics focused on west asian studies are forced to censor their expert opinions
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became 72% of them said: after the beginning of the gaza war, they had more requirements for self-censorship. azadeh taheri, radio and television news agency.
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a festival in the field of basic sciences, a festival whose purpose is to support ideas and businesses in this field. the 7th festival of thinkers and young scientists with honoring of the 16 finalists at the university of tehran. held. 3 of these chosen ones are in the field of business and they
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will receive special assistance. what help, for example? financial aid for the first person 350 million tomans, for the second person 250 million tomans, per person third, 150 million. also, in this festival , a cash gift of 200 million tomans was paid to an exemplary young professor. deprivation of the supply of raw materials and chemical intermediates is considered a serious depredation . our company has succeeded in identifying this area well and supplying it to a certain extent . special attention to the elite is one of the main approaches of this festival. we are the approach that is being promoted. through this festival and year by year , it is becoming more and more perfect, that is, god willing, in the process of cultivating the elite in our country, we can act in such a way as to correctly identify both the elite and the elite.
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this festival is included in the research calendar of the ministry of science and we requested the ministry of science to give the same privileges to the winners of this festival as the winners of other festivals such as khwarazmi farabi razi and others. i will give these privileges to the winners of the festival. the festival of young thinkers and scientists has been held in various departments of basic sciences . but the feature of this period of the festival compared to the previous periods, i can say that we are intelligent we added artificial intelligence to the approaches of the festival, and the chosen one, who had worked in the field of artificial intelligence , participated with the idea of ​​a shopping consultant chatbot in this festival, where
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we are going to use chatbots to help in the buying process. and find the solution.
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hossein makki is the son of mirza mohammad baqer meyebdi, born in 1290. this yazdi businessman came to tehran after completing his primary and secondary education. after mastering persian and arabic literature, hossein makki joined the newly established air force of reza shah. but he left the army very soon. office the railway employed hossein makki in a managerial position . garib makki started journalism at the age of 18 and wrote footnotes for newspapers such as mehr iran . the subject of hossein makki's writings was contemporary history, especially qajar political figures
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. after reading makki's 20-year history book , qavam informed makki about the formation of the democratic party and asked him to become a member of the party . hossein makki founded the democratic party in central province , considering the people's acceptance of the party in this city. makki became the representative of the iraqi people in the 15th parliament. in the 15th parliament, we mentioned this issue . the new contract of gaskalshahs should be formed . the 15th parliament is over. the 16th majlis requested the presence of dr. mohammad mossadegh and ayatollah kashani to represent in the majlis because at that time dr. mossadegh was staying at home and isolated, and ayatollah kashani was in exile in the 16th majlis when the oil industry was nationalized because of makki's activity in the oil nationalization party. the people of tehran called him a soldier of the homeland, and in the 17th parliament, with
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112,000 direct votes from the people of tehran , he became the first person in the parliament in iran. kurd, hey, we were looking for paper , we didn't miss the time of the parliament, we couldn't find anything, we came and a piece of paper 10 cm by 10 cm was from the back of a cigarette. at ten they took up to 7 signatures and caused the same . after the nationalization of oil, in the 16th parliament , the expropriation law was approved. in this way, a delegation from the majlis will go to abadan and take over all the administrative staff and start up and continue the production process of the abadan refinery. hossein makki also
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went to abadan as a member of the khulait delegation after this oil nationalization law, the dispossession law , was formed with 9 articles. mr. makki was assigned to dispossess the british, because he was a member of the parliament , he went to abadan to dispossess the british forces and earned the title of a dedicated soldier. in one of the sessions of the 16th parliament, rosmarara came to the parliament with a statement in his pocket that agreed to give iran's oil to the british. when rosmarara stood in the parliament and said that you can't make a single song, why are you talking about nationalization? he was sitting in the first row of the assembly, he hit his fist on his table so hard that the edge of the table broke and a glass, a saucer, fell from the table. the american and european media said
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that the next prime minister will definitely be hossein makki , the errant soldier of the country. why was it said that he was opposed to the authority of reza pahlavi between the years of 1934 and 2014, when he made suggestions, but makki did not accept it since then. makki's political isolation began . after this year, hossein makki turned to writing. seyyed hossein makki stayed in iran after the revolution, saying that he wanted to die in iran and be buried in iran . my life was simple. mr. dr. mackey. mr. mackey, the same kind of life he was living at the end of his life. makki
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did not even accept the invitation of emory university of america to teach the history of healing in iran. makki's condition for teaching the interview was his presence in his home in iran. seyyed hossein makki died on 19 december 1378 due to lung cancer in arad hospital, tehran. enough, by god, let us fight steadfastly, and by god, if we kill all of us, let us fight steadfastly, and despite all the arab countries that sell them, we have steadfastness, and all of them will be martyred, they will be martyred, that is gaza, gaza, al-azza, the way of the tzallha is steadfast against all. the world that gave us, despite the whole world that is after us, all the spies that help us, we are our lord the meaning of lahalla, waboi, wakhawiya, cut
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off, martyrs in this country, martyrs in this palestine, martyrs in it, may god have mercy on them and pray for them all. this is one of the demonstrations that took place in taez and ab provinces in the center of yemen to support the palestinian people of the gaza strip and to declare readiness to confront the american zionist programs have been held. the participants in this demonstration carried the palestinian flag and chanted slogans against the crimes of the occupying regime and condemned the weak position of the international community against these crimes.
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they emphasize the readiness to deal with zionist attacks and crimes, we also support we declare ourselves against naval operations against israeli ships. all yemeni people and official authorities support the palestinian nation. there is a consensus and the current language of all of them is one word. labik or aqsa. holy yemeni
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, we say to the president of america and the zionists and those who falsely claim to be pacifists , we will not surrender to them and we support the palestinians and the people of gaza with all our strength. for zionists and america, it is that they are not afraid of your threats and what they say. may god have mercy on us, our martyrs abolition, we are not gaza. this is you, the arab countries, the hamak of god , or gaza, your knowledge of all the countries of the world , may god bless you.
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have you ever bought your shoes by text message? do we have tetis shoes with a series of special conditions that you can buy and pay later? tetis shoes are a very light and flexible shoe , designed in such a way that you can easily use them during long walks the upper of my shoe is very cool because the air is flowing in it. how can it be prepared? it's very easy, just text the number 1 to the thousand 79 78 system and it will be updated to 7. daym has given the guarantee, what else do we want? yes, this
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is free. yes, this is free. yes, this is free. this is free. this is free. yes, all of this is free . his behavior has become strange, what happened? saeed has become aggressive at a special age . farzana is also stressed about the entrance exam . i am tired. i am very stressed these days. i do n't know what to do. it is better to talk to a good specialist . call hamraz first. i am also for marriage. maryam took advice from their psychologist
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, i was very satisfied. well, to receive services psychology and counseling with our experts , send number 1 to 6886 thousand system or call 0219. 2:00 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news segment. the registration started with the first group of umrah pilgrims. according to the head of hajj ziarat organization, the first group will be sent from imam airport on the 28th of december and it is supposed
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to be until the 10th of march. 70 thousand people in the form of 550 caravans will be sent to the land of revelation. the cost of umrah trip is between 40 and 44 million tomans. the end of waiting for those who have lived for 9 years.


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