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tv   [untitled]    December 14, 2023 12:30pm-12:51pm IRST

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we have snowfall in the highlands and there is a possibility of a snowstorm and also an avalanche . we have a snowfall in the highlands and there is a possibility of a snowstorm and an avalanche. it is snowing in the highlands and there is a possibility of a snowstorm and also an avalanche. it should not be done because we have snowfall in the highlands and there is a possibility of a snowstorm. and it should not be done because we have snowfall in the heights and there is a possibility of blizzard. it should not be done because we have snowfall in the heights and there is a possibility of snow blizzards not happening because we have snowfall in the heights and a possibility of snow blizzards and not happening because we have snowfall in the heights and a possibility of snow blizzards. it should not be done
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because we have snowfall in the highlands and there is a possibility of a snowstorm. that we have snowfall in the highlands and the possibility of a blizzard it should not snow because we have snowfall in the heights and there is a possibility of blizzard. it should not be done because we have snowfall in the highlands and there is a possibility of a snowstorm. there is also the possibility that it should not be done because we have snowfall in the highlands and there is a possibility of blizzards and avalanches , the value of goods was more than 18.10 billion dollars, which
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is 9% in value compared to the same period last year and 21 has increased in weight. the highest growth in exports to our neighboring countries is pakistan, where our exports have increased from 85 million dollars to a share of billion dollars. the second rank is the growth of our exports to the russian federation, which increased from 46 million dollars to 60,616 million dollars. billions of dollars have been imported from these countries, which has increased by 14 in terms of value and 7 in terms of weight compared to the same period last year. our highest growth is related to our imports from armenia, which increased from 9 million dollars to 34 million dollars . the second place belongs to iraq. our imports from iraq are from 120 million dollars.
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it has grown to 343 million dollars. of course, the weight growth is still higher than the value growth of goods. this means there should be more focus on creating added value . we are trying to direct the programs that we are doing, the incentives and punishments that are allowed in the law , towards the export of higher refined goods. mustafa mohebi of sed and sima news agency.
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the axis that exists in the system is to pay the desired amount, this amount is kept in an intermediate account, our dear people, after applying the designated bakery will automatically receive a discount in their purchases, which is actually the use of the amount of charity that a benefactor has paid, and according to the report of the ministry of communications, the ministry of economy has provided 60% of its services in the national window of smart government services. according to the head of the information technology center of the ministry of economy, the headquarters of this ministry has provided 100 services in the national window of government services, and soon the subordinate institutions will fully implement the budget law. i was able to easily get the butterfly , approx. that the ministry of economy through the window
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national offers smart government services. within the next one month at the latest, all devices should be connected to the smart government system in such a way that no device is missing. after this connection, according to the budget law , all devices are required to be identified by the end of november this year, that is, services that can be made electronic only through provide a smart window, sir, to quickly fulfill this legal duty so that we can witness providing this good opportunity for all our dear people. the headquarters of the ministry of economy, like some other ministries, is a hundred. to the smart government window connected and provide services. but some units under this ministry still
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do not fully provide their services in the smart window of government services. the follow-ups that have been done and in fact the commitments that the organizations have made are that by the end of december, 90% of the services will be through the window. the e-government service unit will actually be provided, and the remaining 10%, we are waiting for if the friends can receive the non-receipt from the employment office organization , then the matter will be eliminated and 100% will be realized, if they can't, all services will be completed by the end of february. from through the unit window of intelligent government services will be provided according to the budget law if a device in the national window of intelligent government services is staffed. the report through the supervisory committee will first be submitted to the honorable president, who will issue orders regarding the executive body, and then it
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will be submitted to the supervisory bodies of the inspection organization and the principle 90 commission. since the beginning of this year, more than one million permits have been obtained and working from the national portal, licenses are issued without the presence of applicants, a process that is the result of the implementation of the law. and the electronicization of government services for the people. zahra shafiei, sada news agency and sima the vice president of commercial development of the ministry of jihad and agriculture announced the decrease in the price of frozen chicken with the increase in its value in the consumer market. according to mr. khani nuzari , due to the lack of demand in the market, frozen chicken is supplied without restrictions. this supply is supposed to be until the price of hot chicken reaches the approved figure of 73. it will continue up to 78 thousand tomans. it used to be 72 tomans. frozen chicken means until today, from today, how many will be
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supplied ? it will be 6570 tomans according to the amount hatching in different months may be different in the production volume of hot meat and hot chicken . during december and november compared to october , the hatching volume of the whole country has increased, so from january we hope that with the hatching volume that it has happened that the amount of chicken that is produced will be higher and this deficit will be compensated and practically we will not even need to supply frozen chicken at this level in the market . by sending the necessary information in the next two weeks for the final step electronicization of supplementary insurance will take away in outpatient cases. health insurance, which is the most common basic insurance in the country , has not yet announced a time to send this information. the 33-month delay in
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the electronicization of supplementary insurances is very annoying, when the required documents are spent here, we have to refer several times. based on the sixth development plan and the budget laws of 1400 , 401 and 4002, supplementary insurance services should have been provided electronically, but it has not yet been done. the ministry of health says that i have done all my work. if there is anything to do, go to the insurance and supplementary insurance to clarify their duties. according to the officials of the ministry of health , electronic devices have been provided to check the chain of health documents, but so far the work is in the outpatient department. only between 30 and 50% of information is loaded. 50 to 70% of the information does not reach you, whose fault is it? see, in my opinion , basic insurance organizations. this is a requirement of the law , according to the central insurance statistics, from november 20 to december 17 of this year, only 99 cases
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were received in the field of prescription drugs from the two basic insurances and in the field of no information has been received about the prescription of outpatient treatment. this means zero. we went to two different basic insurance organizations. a couple of months ago, this service was divided into 4 services: prescription and prescription, medicine and service separately from each other. due to this change in the process and practically improving the quality of information, social security officials promised that all the prescription files in the field of medicine and outpatients will be completed within the next two weeks. between the next 10 and 15 days, all the so-called information in the field of prescriptions and prescriptions will be sent to the ministry of health, and after that, insurances they can use it additionally. however , health insurance officials do not make any specific promises in this regard. when will the problem on your side be solved? may be different and the nature of these
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may be different, but for all problems such as the interdepartmental approach with interaction and joint meetings between organizations , we are solving the problems that exist in the middle . 18 million people in the country use supplementary insurance with electronicization. supplementary insurances for people's colleagues will be easier to receive treatment costs, and one of the important cases left on the ground after 18 years will be suspended. became. razia ranjbar of sed and sima news agency. the head of the national weather and climate change center of the environmental protection organization said: power plants inside the cities are not allowed to use diesel fuel in the cold season. mr. golalizadeh added that the power plants outside the city
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are only allowed to use limited use of this fuel if there is a discrepancy in energy consumption and an increase in household gas consumption per capita. the pollution of big cities during the past days and weeks has led to talk about fuel burning in power plants as the main culprit of air pollution. you really can't breathe anymore. breathing is difficult. at all there is no place to breathe. centers that pollute the air should be removed. matters were actually narrowed down in the society about the cause of tehran's air pollution and its appointment as a maze and burning in tehran power plants in the power plants around tehran. the fact is that basad power plant since 1391, according to a court order regarding the mazozush torch of plumbeh montazer qain power plant in fardis. karaje will certainly not consume this year . we have two power plants in isfahan, a power plant in islamabad , isfahan, like the power plant. it is located inside the city, which does not use diesel fuel for many years, and
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shahin shahr power plant, which is a very large heating power plant, is there. he has not used fuel oil so far. this year, the question is, if the main culprit of air pollution is not fuel oil burning in power plants, then what is the cause of air pollution in those cities? according to the black report, emissions from the point of view of the production of polluting gases are about 83 related to mobile sources of polluting gases, such as in the emission of pollution to especially in tehran, we have 84,000 megawatts of thermal power plant capacity, of which only 15.8% is approximately equivalent to 15,000 megawatts. use if the priority of fuel is not the first fuel of the power plants that use it, but in a situation where gas fuel
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increases in other sectors, including in our domestic and commercial sectors, we will use backup fuel, which is mainly diesel fuel, and then we will soon use experts. the gas company says that with only 15 % saving in gas consumption , there is no need to burn fuel in 14 power plants in the country. moshiri radio news agency. changing the price of electricity purchase rate from renewable power plants for investment in this area, the deputy minister of energy said that every year according to the law on the modification of the energy consumption pattern, the gazetted rate the ministry of energy announces. last year, the number of our purchases for 5 kilowatt supported power plants was 2,200 tomans, which this year reached 3,000 tomans . for regular, non-supported power plants, our number was about 1,800 tomans, which this year
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reached 2,500 tomans. 3 thousand tomans has reached 360 tomans for coastal cities and big cities to help build biomass power plants faster, 20% of the watershed management projects have been implemented this year, according to the deputy director of watershed management of the natural resources organization. by allocating 12% of watershed management credits have been implemented in 30,000 hectares of watersheds in the country since the beginning of the year. pointing out that the judicial security of the country is dependent on the provision of water and soil, the deputy minister of agricultural jihad
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said that watershed management provides this possibility by producing 500 cubic meters of water per hectare and fertilizing the soil . watershed management is a type of investment. in fact , with simple solutions, we can reduce the damage caused by floods by 70-80%. so far, 12% of this year's budget of 1300 billion tomans has been allocated for the implementation of irrigation operations, which does not require more than 300,400,000. because it is a delay we had a lot of discussions about the watershed program , so a memorandum of understanding was concluded with the imam hassan camp , that within 3 years, the imam hassan camp can make up for this backlog of 100 billion cubic meters per year out of the 400 billion cubic meters of atmospheric precipitation in the agricultural sector, industry and drinking water is consumed and the remaining 300 billion cubic meters either evaporates or is out of reach due to floods and
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runoff. if it goes to the underground water tables, we can get 10 billion cubic meters of water let's compensate for this by completing 20 million hectares of watershed projects, 14 thousand billion tomans, we must have credit to be able to do that 400 billion tomans, according to the statistics of the crisis management office of the ministry of jihad, in the last decade, more than 5400 billion tomans have been poured into the agricultural sector. there has been damage, but in the areas where flood control measures have been taken, the flood damage has decreased by an average of 70 percent .
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in the name and memory of god, with greetings, your presence , dear viewers of khabar network, with the activity of the rain-making system on the surface country. we are witnessing extensive coverage of lightning across the country from the early hours of the morning in the provinces of gilan, mazandaran, golestan, north khorasan, semnan, as well as tehran, alborz. fallen the output of rainfall models shows that in most areas of our country,
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we will have rain for this thursday. in some areas , the rains are more intense, especially in the northern coasts. mazandaran, golestan, alborz heights, towards north khorasan, we have more heavy rains, an orange meteorological warning has been issued, there is a possibility of water flow, rising water. rivers for these regions are predicted in other regions of our country. you can see that we will have less intense rainfall. for today , we are predicting rainfall in most regions of the country. and the electricity happens for the northern region and high altitude, sometimes we will have snowfall along with snowfall and wind blowing snowstorms on the mountain roads and heights . the reason is that we have snowfall in the highlands the possibility of a snowstorm and the freestyle wrestling competitions
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of the country this morning with the holding of the second three-weight bodyweight competition in sari, followed in this competition, which is considered the first stage of the national team's selection cycle , today the three-weight wrestlers of 74, 86, 74, 86 and 125 kg are equal. they went to the mat yesterday in the first three weights, alireza sarlakak and ahmad mohammadnejad jovan in 57 kilos, ali khorramdel and abbas ebrahimzadeh in 65 and mohammad hossein mohammadian, amirali azarpira in 97 kilos, made it to the final match. thank you for your companion, have a nice day.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family and hasten their fate at 13:00, welcome the bodies of the unknown martyrs in several provinces of our compatriots in the provinces of isfahan, khorasan. north hamadan, lorestan and west azerbaijan welcomed the bodies of the unknown martyrs of the holy defense . the bodies of these martyrs were found in the operational areas of majnoon, mehran, shalamche, east tigris, basra, somar, panjvin, shahrani, feke, mehran, and khorram shahr.


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