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tv   [untitled]    December 18, 2023 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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that they can make a gesture in front of their own public opinion. mr. sarosani , i want you to mention human rights circles. last year, german officials participated in human rights circles and accused iran of violating human rights. now they are referring to the death of a young lady in iran whose documents it was a state of uncertainty, but now we see that they choose silence in the face of the clear and certain killing of thousands of women and children. mr. nishad also mentioned it. this inconsistency in behavior after the al-aqsa storm, how much is the credit of germany and these europeans who actually did they challenge themselves as claimants of human rights ? yes, after years of apartheid in the media that we have had for more than seven decades in the field of gaza and palestine issues, and they tried to justify this in the form of the holocaust and in the form of anti-semitism , and they are against it. even in germany, not only in france
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, we see that professor rozharudi is being imprisoned for the crime of denying the holocaust. after years , a loophole has been opened to break this official narrative that is circulating in the western media, and we see that due to the expansion and with the spread of media and virtual space, we see the official narrative breaking and people coming to reality they find out it means that no sun will stay behind egypt forever and this oppression and this as if this should happen so that this historical gap between right and wrong is clarified and the people and public opinion of the world realize the oppression of the oppressed people of palestine and gaza, and we see the slogans that maybe we only heard it in tehran or in the islamic republic of iran as a policy to support the oppressed
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. today we see that the same voices and cries are louder in the heart of europe. the behavioral contradiction divided germany into the period before and after from this storm, considering the revelation that you mentioned and challenged the one-sided narrative of the west, which never allowed the voices of palestine and gaza to be heard, they may no longer be able to make those human rights claims as before. to have and gain credit for themselves. yes , exactly this question arose for all public opinion, what happens when a country that claims the highest standards of human rights and international law, so brazenly supports not only war-mongering policy. but even with a ceasefire , it means a country that is not at all a party to the war, but is opposed to it the ceasefire is even temporary for humanitarian aid . this shows that, first of all, this is being stuck in an environment
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where public opinion is not important to them, even all european leaders and politicians have created an environment where they are under influence, that is, all public opinion has realized that this influence and the zionist lobby which is making decisions for european countries, and the european union is political not only in terms of military, not only in terms of politics, but also in terms of human rights. in the middle of the normative power that they themselves do not adhere to, and in all fields , it remains a political, military and human rights cartel and is still dependent on the states. united states of america, thank you very much, mr. abbas sarosani, an expert on european issues.
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the emergency department is just covered in blood and there are very few staff uh children are being treated on the floor for serious injuries for burns
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for open wounds there. it is enough to see the features outside.
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halama ani atlaa, doctor, for example, the war is not finished, don't go back to the house, it's a good situation now, they are going back , you are still a viewer of today's world. today hamas was announced by releasing a video. the issue was that the zionists
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visited an empty tunnel that had been hit in that area on the 7th of october or the 15th of october and considered this a kind of achievement. hamas also reacted and addressed. i will talk more about this with mr. hossein mohammadi, an expert on west asian issues, who is with us on the phone. mr. mohammadi, hello to you. today, some experts believed that you arrived late when hamas talked about it , it was an irony that our operation we did it and while the work was done, you went to this tunnel you have entered your analysis. hello and courtesy. i respect your service and dear viewers. well , it is a news that has been called a scandal in most of the media
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. brought to kill asra means that in addition to massacring people , it is committing genocide. it is past childhood to kill asra, and i witnessed several statements regarding the fact that they are currently killing some prisoners. 15 people so far the unofficial statistics of these captives is the zionist regime , according to the access and capabilities it shows. in the satellite field of various observations , even we have witnessed that recently they are bragging that we carry out our terror operations indirectly, in the case of the martyrdom of fakhrizadeh, they are very self-indulgent in the case of even assassinations with knife bombs.
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an example of what happened in iraq was hajj qassem soleimani, who was a martyr of sepah, who was with the participation of america and zionism. but this was broken, that is, practically, many of their own media they are protesting to them, where are you in the story ? the zionists have been told that you will be harmed once again through the same tunnel.
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regarding the assassination of important figures of the islamic world in the last two decades, this four- legged savage was an active player, but you saw what a scandal. the time has come with all these claims and i want to tell you something. they dig a barrier between the tunnels. and your security institutions don't understand that the security institutions put cameras there meter by meter, this is a scandal, this is an indication of the analysis that the europeans are making today to netanyahu, you have suffered a security failure and a severe information failure in the al-aqsa storm operation , this permission is given to others. the nations have given that to america and its allies and the zionist regime as its watchdog in the region. let them have any action and reaction now. i
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am not confirming what the korean leader said, but he is saying to the zionists and to the americans if there is a war. this is an international achievement that is unique to the epic and they should be congratulated for injecting this courage to the nations of the world, not only the muslims, to the nations of the world, to america and zionism. the international. show the definite reaction , mr. mohammadi. you used the word "scandal" about these pictures of the tunnel that the zionists reached late. language among users who live in the region there was a lot of tension on social networks, but my question is whether a group or within the public opinion of israel or now maybe the west
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has a buyer for the publication of these images, which can be interpreted as a scandal , that is, is it acceptable to do this? you and i see a part of the reflection that you have in the international space related to why you are so intimidated, you are so afraid of yourself. tunnel and there he is trying to make himself known and show himself as a conqueror give it, but the people who reacted in the virtual space and in the international media say to him, "you are afraid, this is a sign of collapse. today, one thing that must be emphasized very clearly is that the immigrant and invading minority that came one day for 75 years of this nation. he exploited and killed raswand , assassinated him and martyred him. today, that minority has returned to its military and terrorist nature, and these
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are the people who do not know what to do today. you see , abdul bari al-atwan from the rayalum rayali newspaper says to the zionists that you no longer have the ability to continue the war, even the arabs, even those who in the arab media, one day they will analyze these as active activists and say to them , you will be able to witness more active activism , that is, even in european countries
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, political groups will succeed in finding power. who are against continuing to support the zionists, there is very little time left to talk to you , i also have a short question, if you can answer it, we have seen in the past days that the zionists are slowly publishing statistics that admit that their military killed. that they are actually waiting for the zionists to destroy hamas they should announce that they have achieved ground , does reaching this stage mean acceptance of defeat by the zionists? if you answer, i would be grateful. according to the statistics that they say, the number of people killed is higher. the achievement of a total of nearly 500 people is the hope
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of the total number of dead zionists, what they have said so far and again, the lies of the zionists do not have a rectum in their stomachs, these are the people who are behind many crimes, even towards our islamic country. always denying that the reason why they publish the statistics gradually is because they are afraid of their people . reforming the universities , suspending the population there, taking them into captivity, and the concern of these people is that this population will be intimidated by these victories of the resistance, go out, go back, go back to morocco , go back to russia, even a part of these are few, go back to china. these are training, training, leaving, working, bringing here, settling and different groups, well, so far, the winner of public opinion, winner of this mental space it is the resistance forces that
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are leading the world to this conclusion, even those aggressors who immigrated to the zionist regime. let them come to this conclusion, this land is desolate and it must return one day. i will finish my sentence. it is very important that the sentence that was said to the terrorist jews , that you came too late , the job is done. say, you woke up late, you disappeared from the face of the earth . god willing, this day will come true. this is the promise of the commander and leader of the martyrs. resistance of hazrat ayatollah khamenei, god willing, one day from this media it should be published. thank you very much, mr. hossein mohammadi, an expert on west asian issues.
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abdul fattah hasis. he was elected as the president of egypt for another 6-year term, according to the announcement of the egyptian electoral body, in the presidential elections of this country, the president of egypt, abdel fattah al-sisi, won with 896 votes. the rate of people's participation in egypt's presidential election was about 66. in this election , which was held last week, more than 39 million voters voted for scc. abdul fatahi a decade the president is in charge of the presidency of egypt . in this regard, i am having a conversation with mr. jafar qonadabashi, an expert on african issues, who
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is with us on video. mr. qanadbashi , in what atmosphere were the egyptian elections held? how do you evaluate the result? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i am at your service and the esteemed viewers of the khabar salam channel, i would like to say that you see the atmosphere, which unfortunately was not a proud atmosphere in any way, and the expectation was that egypt with a population of 19 million and a country with a very great civilizational history and with strong islamic culture. show a democracy and a democracy that is actually proud be the islamic world and if the world looks at the islamic world as a precursor to the ruin of democracy and to the presence of the present that it is a precursor to the ruin and actually an interesting example of the term to present to the world , but the atmosphere that was there, no one
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in the egyptian elections maafal is not considered serious political means wherever you look. do it, not the newspapers , not the media, those who know about the egypt debate, in fact , they don't know it as an election, they say that it is an extension of mr. sisi's presidency, and that too for 6 years, that is, he changed the constitution a few years ago, about 4 years ago. and the 4-year period it turned into 6 years, which has reduced the so-called disturbances of problems related to the elections, so what happened, mr. assisi. he was elected once again for 6 years until 203, which i would like to say that if there is no problem with his physical health, we should expect him to be in power until 204, which was about 10 years ago when he was on the job. the discussion came to attribute him for 30 years , unfortunately, this view of the analysts was
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the right view, that is, the character that was created, he was the head of the army during mr. mubarak's time. and they were actually brought up and in fact with a coup, a general who staged a coup tried to give a face of democracy to his government, who, well , you know for a while , he was educated in england for a period. let's look at arabs, asia and west asia. unfortunately, many of them took courses in england, which were very decisive in their so-called knowledge and choice. therefore, in our egyptian elections, there is something called "choice" if instead of the word "choice of body".
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you point out that this choice or now the interpretation that you use is the appointment of the continuity of a situation it has existed since the past and will continue until 2030, but as you said, i want to know if it is possible to hope for a change in egypt's behavior in the gaza issue, considering that it is a very important crossing and a way to provide aid. is it geographically from egypt to gaza? look, if i say this , it can automatically express the answer to your question in a different way. if mr. stacey
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is important to the west and they support him a lot, then the british , then the americans and israelis, are interested in his work. mobilize the media in fact making him introduce a character as the savior of egypt is one of the so-called importance. they will come back to prevent the anti-zionist waves that exist in egypt. in egypt's 19 million population, the majority are really strongly against israel, they are against cooperation with israel, and we saw in the person of mr. mubarak that 70% the people's demand for a place where the economic and domestic issues are , was to counter the sourness of israeli policies, and even now, his art was that he did not let the waves of people go from gaza to egypt in these two issues of gaza, as a it became an important ingredient in a so-called explosion in egypt and did not allow the waves of people to move towards
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gaza. well, you see, this is what we saw in jordan , the crowds that came to the israeli embassy and set fire to egypt. the bed of the muslim brotherhood and hamas, a branch of the muslim brotherhood, in fact. they also used islam there , of course, they made a lot of mistakes. therefore , i would like to say that what happened should be presented to you, which was an issue that was not allowed , so this should not be an additional voice in our future. yes, a voice see an addition on my corner , i am telling you that what happened in egypt was actually their stabilization in order not to let such
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a thing happen, but some believe that we should witness the third wave of awakening in egypt, in the islamic countries of north africa and let's be in west asia, because these dissatisfactions that are happening now are due to the country's cooperation. arabs with israel may create a wave, that is, in fact, another spark, and as you know, now egypt is sending a part of its gas to israel, so to speak, because they do not have fuel. there is real cooperation and epicness with the israelis . thank you very much, mr. jafar qonadabashi, an expert on african issues . goodbye.
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