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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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they themselves saw, even came looking for, in fact , storing weapons, touching our weapons, until the last statistics that we actually have, this is the last year, several years ago, only the terrorist groups of the hypocrites martyred more than 17 thousand people, both from the officials of the regime in in fact, more than people, more than women and children, their actions were not just a matter of terror, that is, in fact, you can see that they are actually involved in a hijacking of a plane . qobaei, torture and murder, actually being involved in robbery to finance terrorists, bank robbery , actually being involved means the crime of massive crimes. it is just to summarize that, for example , it is not about how many terror operations have been carried out , but about being involved in espionage for the enemy and carrying out many actions, when they are inside, and especially when they actually go to iraq and saddam's regime. he gave them shelter and even settled them in a camp. well
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, the information is actually taken, see some of the addresses of the ordinary people, the gatherings, the rocket rains , in general, some of them were based on the information that the hypocrites actually gave, and how many innocent people actually died as a result of this information. losing themselves again, their crimes can't be summed up in the crimes in iran, in iraq itself, well, we have the issue of the shabaniyah intifada, in just a few months... more than 180 thousand people were killed there. and a solid foundation is that the killing of these people along with saddam's forces are the hypocrites, and the interesting thing is that the iraqi food authority has filed a case against the hypocrites and issued arrest warrants for 118 of their leaders . we filed a case against the hypocrites, that case has been open for several years iraq is formed and continues. there are cases, and we
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are dealing with terrorists within the framework of the joint judicial committee. we are also following up on this case with iraq . it is being implemented in shuvreit . any country should find them anywhere, they should deliver them through interpol to the requesting country, that is, the iraqi judicial system and the iraqi police are still looking for those arrest warrants to implement. in syria, when we witnessed the presence of isis and terrorist groups again, these are going there to train these terrorists and fight crimes against the people and government of syria alongside them. these are actually massive crimes. the year you did it, so if the court actually gives a verdict, what will actually happen and the possibility? they have the talent to bring them back. look, we actually have talent agreements with some countries, the talent of criminals.
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well, naturally, with those countries that we actually have an agreement with, if we have information that the hypocrites are in those countries, according to that agreement, those countries should cooperate with iran. do it and return them , it's not just a matter of fact, you see, now these are mainly in european countries, most of them are in germany, and their center is located in france, unfortunately, although we recently saw some restrictions by the albanian government. and sometimes by the french government , which of course was the result of informing and presenting documents that iran did to these countries and they came to the conclusion that the hypocrites are dangerous for their own security, so those restrictions were actually done there. but naturally, see what we have done so far for the main members we did not have a court order for the hypocrites and the terrorist organization of the hypocrites. any follow-up before the courts
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of foreign countries, before the international courts , requires that you have first filed a court case regarding that group and their criminal activities and issued rulings in one process. you have illegally exported it, so this is a prerequisite. when this is done , it will not be easy for countries not to cooperate . see, for example, when we take care of it. with this volume of documents and court rulings , it will be very difficult for a country like france it will be very difficult for other countries like germany, where there are sometimes hypocrites , to actually oppose the judicial rulings and continue to support these terrorist groups. mr. dr. gharibadi , you talked about the western supporters of the hypocritical terrorist groups, and a hint. you had and you also emphasized that some countries are imposing restrictions on this reason.
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explain the shortcomings of the islamic republic in relation to the crimes committed by these groups of hypocrites . and... in our two neighboring countries, syria and iraq , you can see that these are very dangerous organizations that do not show mercy even to their own members . for example, look at the ideological revolution that actually took place within the framework of the terrorist organization of the hypocrites and the separation from it. women are actually separating their children from their husbands and the collapse of the family system and leaving them in the hands of other families or removing them from the family. in other countries, sterilization, torture, and even the killing of their own members, we actually witness all this, and we witnessed it, but even these in the same ways. another strange trend in european countries , for example, look at us, the european parliament
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issued a resolution just a few months ago, i think it was two or three months ago. this resolution is very new, even though, for example, the european union itself has recognized the terrorist group of the hypocrites several years ago. unfortunately, he removed the terrorist groups from the first group, but again they cannot avoid the facts about the exact nature of this group. well , what does this resolution say? one paragraph of this resolution has been dedicated to the actions of the hypocrites. they said that the hypocrites are a group. there are those who come to the conclusion of murder intimidation and torture, even against their own members , are used in dirty ways to abuse the name of the members of the european parliament. not supporting these statements or not actually signing them, or sometimes they threaten the representatives or assure that they can use their support to attend their meetings or to sign the statement, well,
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these are in front of the europeans. the next issue of the terrorist activities of the hypocrites is not over yet. allies like to present themselves as a political group now , and it is very ridiculous to know and the viewers. respected, these people also appear in human rights gatherings , their representatives give speeches under different guises , they adopt a completely human rights face , they adopt an apparently democratic face, well, but their terrorist activities have not stopped, we are still witnessing terrorist crimes. these are what i have right now. i am talking about the fact that we have several cases regarding terrorist acts which are now sometimes unsuccessfully successful and on a small level with very little impact, or actually acts which have been neutralized by our security forces and are now being tried by the terrorist groups of the hypocrites and their supporters in
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these cases, well, they are still terrorist groups, the documents of these have been presented to these countries, that sir , these are a political group or a group of their own accord, they are not human rights. after that, not doing any terrorist act at all , even in some european countries, they are doing the same terrorist acts, threatening some officials . in belgium, if you remember, we had the iranian diplomat mr. esadi there and a belgian prisoner as well. there was an agreement in iran the extradition, in fact, the transfer of the convicts between the two countries was signed and even approved in the parliament . the hypocrites are going to file a complaint in the belgian court against the belgian government. as i said to my belgian ambassador here, when you
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host a terrorist group, now the same terrorist group stands against you and your decisions, which are based on the sovereignty of your nation . don't think that if they actually come to this conclusion, they will also pull a gun on you terrorist operations will be carried out there as well, so see our collection of information , the terrorist nature of these continues, which has not been forgotten, and the threats that are actually directed at european citizens and the dirty methods that are used in europe itself, these are some european countries. faced with this conclusion, it is reasonable that they should limit these, allahu akbar, allahu akbar. allah is great. god is great. i testify that there is no god but allah
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. i testify that there is no god but allah. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger. the messenger of god is the witness of god, and god is the witness of god.
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hai ali khair al-alam, hi ali khair al-alam allah akbar allah
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, we will talk more about it, about what is the main topic of today's special conversation. there is news, as we mentioned at the beginning, the trial for the crimes of the terrorist group haq monafekin was held. in a part of the court, the indictment of one of the main accused was also read . let us see a report about a part of this reading. the fifth row of zahra akhiani , the son of mohammad hossein. born in 233 1341 in shahrood
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, birth certificate number 220, national code 459 105 299 58, the position of an active member and central cadre of the terrorist group , with the explanation that the mentioned activity since the victory the islamic revolution begins in 1358 with membership in the so-called national movement of hypocrites and the responsibility of the students of shahrood city. we have seen and heard that he was in charge of the main action teams in the court hearing the crimes of the terrorist group of the hypocrites in 1360
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, but in the case of hamid nouri, which we talked about in detail a few nights ago in an interview with the newspaper, and today mr. nouri was actually sentenced to life imprisonment. we want it confirmed by the court , we want to talk about it, mr. nezhandimesh. mr. noori's family lawyer and their lawyer are behind our communication line in this case, mr. nezhandimesh. greetings to you i hope you have a good time. how predictable was this decision that was confirmed today, and talk to us about the follow-up in international forums in higher courts, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. i would like to tell you that according to the evidences that existed, we assumed that
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the case was actually going away from a legal path and going to a political direction, but at the same time , this should have been proven to the public opinion. that maybe if we wanted to announce this and not at all don't enter the appeal stage, maybe they will say no, no, you didn't pursue an appeal and... if you went, the court would actually deal with the law , but we actually came and deliberately took this path, even though we knew what the result would be. we went ahead, we just wanted to prove that yes , i would like to tell you that there is actually a political process in the case . again, we will not be disappointed and we have about 21 days until the supreme court stage
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appeal this. we will follow and even go beyond the european court of human rights because we want to show how much you are in a case like this. in fact, the swedish judiciary wants to act independently , because if the verdict is actually the same. ok, in my opinion, this makes the terrorist groups arrogant and the victims of terrorist acts are called from the execution of justice . hi in the case and in the court of mr. hamid nouri's case , please tell us about this issue and the follow-up process of the islamic republic of iran regarding the confirmation of mr. nouri's court decision
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. two of the members of this group returned from england and did the designs there. i personally believe that the british were also involved in this case of mr. nouri, which means that it was not a case that only sweden actually decided because we when you look at the history of our relations with sweden we really didn't have such problems with sweden. yes, we saw the establishment of some terrorist groups in sweden. after the revolution , you can see some terrorist groups that actually have a separatist nanny, for example, parts of iran . they are generally established in sweden. we have always protested, but sweden has never gone further than to come and actually confront the islamic republic itself, and when terrorist groups are stationed there
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, come and officially support them and file a case against us. i took it that it is some other countries such as england are involved in this case. well, when these two people return from england and go to sweden, this case is actually cooked, and the swedish prosecutor and a basic reason, dozens of reasons to reject it, in fact, one reason can be given to this court. the main thing is that it took more than 3 years for the swedish prosecutor to submit the indictment to the court , when you saw that it took 3 years, what does it mean that you did not have a case against this person, and then you see, for example, turning this case of mr. noori into a case oh, against the islamic republic of iran, well , in defense of who did sweden do this for whom in order to support the terrorist group of the hypocrites , this is an important point. well, the groups there actually gave them a place to deploy and support them in the food case that we told the diplomatic
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authorities of sweden. well, you , who are actually a european country, claim human rights, why didn't you file a case against terrorist groups ? you filed a case in support of them . i will say this here tonight. this action of sweden in the trial of an innocent iranian citizen is free it will not be for sweden. mr. nejhande manesh you are still with us with the speech that mr. dr. gharibabadi had in the final part of his speech in 21 days . i would like to inform you that there is an appeal stage , which is to refer to the supreme court. naturally, the decision that was issued has not been read in detail yet, because it has not been a few hours since the decision was issued, in addition to the fact that the decision is in swedish, let's see if, in fact, with
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how did the court deal with the arguments raised in the appeal stage? then we will pursue them again in the supreme court. to especially when the enemy of the people was sided with the saddam regime and this group actually killed our people. in fact , we are determined to put an end to this bk order, to implement justice in any way we see fit. terrorists, including hypocrites, should not be allowed in any country . feel safe. thank you very much, dr. gharibabadi, for coming. your explanation regarding the court that was held regarding the handling of the crimes of the terrorist group of the hypocrites and also the case of mr. hamid nouri, thanks to mr. nezhandimesh, and as always , thank you for your good company. good night and god.
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to these photos. don't end this day of august, this youth notebook is 30
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he has been practicing the german language in qom in the 40s in front of the shrine of hazrat fatima masoumeh, because there were some foreign tourists, german and french, so he had to speak in his own language and why. the fact that the people revolted against the city on 15 khordad is talking about mohammad ali heydari, who left at the age of 27 to study in another city. qom mohammad ali was born in 1315, the son of mohammad wali heydari . he took care of people's problems and identified poor people. he used to send them money, he used to send them when muhammad ali was about 37 years old . saad ayatollah beheshti, who was the supervisor at that time the hamburg islamic center invited him to go there and become the head of that center, but
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abuishun haj, a great man, refused to accept saying that this is my last year of life. in 1952, when my father passed away, the people of nahavand no longer let him return to qom, the people of nahavand. it is desirable that he expressed nahavand, muhammad ali's activity in nahavand was not limited to the mosque and the pulpit, he went to the house of dekona , whoever had a problem , he would solve his problem. he invites people to march, but only for a few nights then they go to his house and he goes to jail for a few months and then exiled to another place. about a year later, when the revolution takes place, muhammad ali returns and becomes the imam's representative in nahavand. a year later, in 1958
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, there is talk of representing the majlis, and finally he became a candidate for the first term of the islamic council. basically, he did not need to advertise, not even a photo. and haj muhammad ali won more than 70% of the votes of the people of nahavand in the elections without even printing a post . nahavand had 34,500 votes. he brought them for 25.50 without advertising. it asks you to follow this rule. although there was no shortage of parliamentary work in tehran, he came to nahavand every week to follow the work of the constituency . the words of the people are heard by the officials of mersana. if people have a problem, i will talk to the buyer. this is the land and the next time, we came here , we saw the matter of the clothes here and this place, as promised to build for free for the employees, the story of the president
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when he disrupted the work of the war , he persuades haj muhammad ali to propose the impeachment of the president in the parliament. it is essential that you obey the resolutions of the parliament. and sign it, maybe the life of responsibility of martyr ayatollah muhammad ali heydari is around it was not more than a year and a half, but his services are still in the minds of the people of nahavand after 42 years. last night, it was blown up by the hands of american officials, which led to the martyrdom of this building of the islamic republic party, one day after the terrorist explosion of the hypocrites, and the name of mr. heydari. it was in the list of martyrs of this building. a man whose fate changed with shahid beheshti and in the end his name was placed next to his name. finally, martyr mohammad
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ali heydari is buried in nahavand city next to his father's grave. there is a burden from today that will make you fall for a lifetime. everyone is waiting for you to see where you will go on the road of love.
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5:58 am
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6:00 am
bari. in the name of allah, the most high, the most high, the schools of tehran were once again non-attendance due to the intensification and continuation
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of air pollution and the stability of the air, based on the resolution of the air pollution emergency working group, the educational activities of all levels of education in tehran province, except firouzkoh, in two shifts. in the morning and evening until thursday, the third day of azar , it will be held virtually. according to the deputy governor of tehran, traffic planning permits are also issued in this period of time.


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