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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 8:30am-9:01am IRST

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[000:00:19;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, dear viewers, stay tuned to the news of the stock market for financing the capital market from the 19th to the 27th . the minister of economic affairs and finance announced this news and said that the president emphasizes financing from the stock market and the capital market, and we hope that the price investments in the field of exports and the approaches of state-owned companies have restored people's trust in the capital market, according to khandozi, by implementing the de-monopoly discussion of the number of financial institutions that
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were active in the stock market at the beginning of the government. it has increased from 760 institutions to more than a thousand financial institutions. primary market surveillance manager the stock exchange organization announced the issuance of capital increase permits for 148 companies since the beginning of this year. mr. roshanqalb said that out of the total of 20 thousand billion tomans authorized for capital increase, 99 thousand billion tomans of capital increase was brought from the place. it was cash and shareholders' demands. according to mr. roshan kalb, 7,000 billion tomans were from the foreclosure of the right of way, 76,000 billion tomans were from the accumulated profit and 18,000 billion were from the asset revaluation surplus. roshan qalb also said that the stock exchange organization and after reviewing the submitted documents, if the reports are complete,
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the license will be issued. issue capital increase. the hall in trading on tuesday, shihrai witnessed an increase in the total index and a decrease in the equal weight index. on this day , the volume and value of transactions decreased compared to monday, and more than 350 billion tomans of real money were withdrawn. hall of glass in tuesday's trading with the rise of the branch makers and the decline in the price of symbols. the total index in the trading of this day has a positive return of 19 hundred percent equal to 429 units at the level of 2 million and 2118 units, but the equal weight index on this day, unlike the trading days of last week , faced the outflow of real money and a decrease in stock prices , so that the equal weight index negative yield of 23 percent
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the percentage was at the level of 76289 units. on this day, the volume and value of transactions faced a sharp decrease compared to monday, and in total, the glass hall witnessed more than 10.888 billion shares and financial bonds change hands in 493 thousand times, with a value of 763 billion tomans. during trading on tuesday , parsan and shetran family steel symbols had the most positive impact on the stock market index, and in contrast to rampana akhaber hekshti and k gol symbols, they prevented further increase of the total index . he witnessed the withdrawal of more than 350 billion tomans of real money groups of banks, chemical products and automobile parts were made. but the condition of the symbols of the glass hall also indicated that 280 symbols were positive and 488 symbols were negative. also, 36 symbols faced buying queues and 49 symbols faced selling queues. the total value of buying queues was 153 billion tomans, and the total value of selling queues was 380 billion tomans. but on the other side of the market, the entire otc index, which is up to the first half
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of the transaction. the start of executive operations of a pet production unit with capacity. 1000 tons per year to compensate for the lack of conformity of this product. according to mr. shah mirzaei, the legislator, the duty of this industry is about solving the conflict and business has determined the production of pet products. the major production company, which is petershum shahid tendgoyan , must supply domestic needs, all its needs, all its production domestically
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, and make up for the deficit of domestic needs as well. the diagnosis made by the specialized committee of petrochemicals is that they should supply their balance from outside, which is 18,000 tons in the first 6 months , and 18,000 tons in the first 6 months. there were also problems in securing our currency , which, god willing, he is ready to state. do the value. the symbols of alborz sepid were stopped in order to implement the capital increase. this news and information on holding public and extraordinary meetings, as well as disclosure of important information in the kodal package on the news line. at the moment, nabbana symbol does not have any decision regarding revaluation of its assets and controlled companies. the approval report of the board of directors for the purpose of proposing
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an increase in capital from the accumulated profit in order to strengthen the foundation of the krazi symbol, which has been approved by the board of directors , has been sent to the accountant and legal auditor for comment. bank d considers no. damavand electricity production company's shares are mainly cash or conditionally traded through the second otc market to sell lakhma company plans to sell a piece of land through a public auction. the capital increase of the symbol and gift from the place of claims and cash receipts and from the place of accumulated profit was registered in the company registration authority on 27 december. white symbols, in order to increase capital by 200% from accumulated alborz, increase capital by 31% from accumulated and brought and claims were stopped at the end of trading on december 28. shtoli tfiro symbols
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were subject to the resolution of the trading knot. the symbol of shamwad after holding the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders regarding the capital increase and its application in the trading system on 28 azar the deal was made. at the end of trading on 28 azar. the symbol of fama was suspended to hold an extraordinary general assembly in order to amend the statutes. at the end of trading on december 28, the symbol of the unused pre-emptive right to kame was stopped due to the end of the public subscription period. the new symbol was stopped for the holding of the ordinary general meeting on the second day at the end of trading on tuesday, december 28. zahor, a scientist of sed and
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sima news agency. bras car hall. it has been a year, in addition to the discovered price, 9 value-added taxes, plus other costs, including taxes and fees, post numbering, smart card issuance, and third-party insurance at the final price. these trucks are added. the supply board of the domestic and international halls of the iran energy exchange today hosts more than 138 thousand tons of hydrocarbon products. the largest volume of supply is dedicated to more than 128 thousand tons of various products, including liquid gas, light petroleum, kerosene, methanol, raffinate, cut pentane and butane gas in the international hall . the inner hall of the energy exchange is also the place
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where more than 10 thousand tons of energy carriers are offered, such as solvents, light oils, normal butane, cut pentane, co, and amity b products. yesterday, in the transactions of the iran energy exchange, there were various types of the value of more than 246 billion tomans was sold. the end of capital market news, may god protect you. the construction of this house is in my own hands, the grocery store wants to be exported, to create competition and facilitate the
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removal of the golden signature in support of women, and this eid night is a very good day to be free from the import of wheat. those who have three or more children should get a car without a lottery . he surrendered. people are just walking and watching. navid had an accident on the street about 10 years ago but no one took him to the hospital. 15 to 20 minutes passed, the emergency room came. if you saw an injured person on the street , would you take him to the hospital? this is the question that we asked people , why should you bother at that time? let's prove it. it will take two
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days. i won't take it myself. it's the responsibility of the city. any person who takes it, i won't take it, because they get stuck. legally , why did you bring this? you have to call the emergency room or call the police. dude , you did it like this, it wasn't an accident, sir, if there was someone on the highway if he is injured, you as a driver will help him , take him to the hospital, it's not worth the 100 risk, one will get caught, according to the report of the judicial commission. and the law regarding the plan to ban the arrest of those who take muslims to medical centers is from 1379. parliament members have proposed that if approved , a person who takes an injured person to the hospital should not be arrested. in some cases , the carrier should not present himself as the culprit, and the victim should not be able to speak, and other people should also be witnesses.
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it is not the case and they do not state a problem, but there are evidences that these evidences show that the transporter of this magdoom person was the cause of the accident and the cause of the problem. anyway, in order to protect the rights of the people and protect the rights of muslims, a preliminary investigation should be done on the transporter of this person to the hospital. we want to encourage those who see muslims on the road to take them to a medical center. there are three differences between this resolution and the previous resolution . until the end in the current resolution. arresting has been removed and
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replaced with maintenance. this is far better than the previous version it is because detention can even include someone who has not been arrested. you had arrested and detained in egypt before. in this resolution, if someone says to bring a guarantor, he will be a guarantor. finally , after hours of discussion and days of review, this plan becomes a law with one article, 196 people who agree with the plan to ban the arrest of those who transfer muslims to medical centers, with the amendments made due to the objection of the guardian council, rise up.
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although some people don't know about this law , we went to the emergency room of a hospital to find out if people who drive traffic to the hospital are they kept by the police? companions who bring a patient or a person who brings a random muslim person will be arrested, no, there is no such thing at all, the law does not allow anyone to arrest and detain people, but this is logical. in order to complete the documentation of the case, to complete some information, which the police officers must do, and these matters are under their responsibility, the dear one who helped, took a month's time, maybe in minutes or even less than a regular police officer in the hospital, we have police stationed in the emergency room, our colleagues and law enforcement officers they coordinate with the 11th police or people who are more responsible, come here and complete the documentation of the case. the last thing the doctor
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wrote to me was that i had 6 seconds of brain and heart failure, which means both death. yes, i had 6 seconds of failure. in the hospital, the doctor said that if they had brought you earlier, these 6 seconds would not have happened. it was in the world and we are living. the opportunity to fly ca
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n't do anything. the opportunity to resist shows its roots and nature. undoubtedly , resistance, hope for victory and freedom. the palestinian people are comparing two real issues: agreement oslo, which increased the problems of the palestinian people, and al-aqsa storm, which confronts the occupying regime. after the recent incident and the killing of three israeli prisoners
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, the occupying regime wants to give a reassuring message to the people and calm them down and say that the atmosphere is positive, but in reality. our position is fixed and clear, and the mediators also know our position that there is no negotiation except for a complete ceasefire and an end to the aggression, and after that there will be negotiations on other issues. in our opinion , the main issue today is to stop the aggression. everyone should know that stopping the aggression does not come from our position that resistance still crushes the enemy and resistance. it still has more surprises in it, and i say that the resistance can withstand the occupation for the next few months with the same ability that the world sees from the resistance today, meaning that netanyahu's adventure in gaza will cause more losses and failures.
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will follow and he
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will leave gaza in despair if he withdraws today , he had published the military and political material damages of their work, the purpose of which was to influence and divert public opinion in the media. but this is not the only way that the occupying regime they are trying to use it to cast doubt on their violence, war crimes and genocidal actions against the palestinians. the zionists also claimed that the palestinians are falsifying statistics about death and destruction. the occupiers created a title called paliod for this claim . palestinian propaganda refers. welcome to paliod . palestinian propaganda scene. hollywood
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is a combination of two palestinian words hollywood. according to palestinian sources, the origin of this term is a documentary titled it was in 2005. since october 7 , this term has been used many times by the media zionist and pro-israeli accounts are positioned to directly target palestinians who are suffering from the devastating zionist bombing and siege of gaza. these terms are primarily used to demean the palestinians, to address them as if they were real. they are not and their pain and suffering is not real. in the next step, in order to gain legitimacy from them, he tries to show what the palestinians are doing or trying to do. zionists staged
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using the media to present an image they have a reputation for portraying themselves as victims or for blaming palestinians for israeli attacks , but these efforts have now proven to be their weakness. see the blood on his hand. this person whose picture you see is everywhere. msmbc does not pay attention to anything. this boy too. reporting the realities on the ground in gaza. in another video of the zionist regime, it is claimed that
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palestinians are holding fake funerals for people who were killed in israeli airstrikes. but this picture is actually from the year 2020. when a group of young people in jordan they had held a symbolic funeral to show their opposition to the corona restrictions in this country and to overcome it. in another case , an x user published this photo and wrote: palestinians are tired of pretending to be dead. but the photo that was published belongs to the halloween competition in 2022 in thailand. the fact that the suffering of the palestinians is called paliod or that the media fakes the pain of the palestinians
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has a great impact. but when we take a closer look, you see that the dead baby is a doll. if you have so many dead babies, then why do you use dolls? many on social networks were deceived by these deceptive claims that it is said that these palestinian babies are being made into dolls in a pathetic way because they no longer have control over the photos that are published. palestinian reporters who directly from. they report that along with the posts on social networks that expose the facts on the ground
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, they essentially made the zionist regime's tactic of spreading lies ineffective. social networks play a big role in helping more people understand the reality of field events. we are particularly fortunate to have these reporters report tirelessly in the field in gaza. politicians and information campaigns are spreading lies while solidarity with palestine is gaining momentum around the world. millions of people go in search of the palestinian voice and follow the field narratives in gaza. the question is whether the
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occupation regime's lying tactics will become a complete scandal as the number of people who discover the truth increases. an explosion in the children's hospital and mubarak maternity hospital in the city of khanyounis in the south. gaza happened, as a result of which one girl was killed and several others were injured. pictures show that smoke is coming from inside some children's rooms on the third floor of this medical center. at least one child was killed and five others were injured in this attack. people try to save injured children. i was the first to enter the room. that girl fell here.
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his hand was completely amputated and his brain was thrown out. every he was sitting and the bullet hit his head. only one side of his face was visible. the blow had hit here. despite the fact that palestinians from northern gaza came to the south in the early weeks of the conflict, the israeli army continued its offensive in khan younis. gives. also, as a result of an israeli airstrike on a school in khanyounis where palestinian refugees were sheltering, five people were killed and several others were injured. we were sitting on the bed when something exploded and the ceiling fell on us. we could not do anything. the debris fell on us and we could not see anything. i just grabbed my amputated daughter and ran away . i don't know what happened to the others. the bishop of quds announced that two christian women
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were killed by israeli snipers in a church in gaza. two days from the ceremony of choosing the best entrepreneur, i have to buy a new drawer for your father i get it, this is good for him, i will come to him more. visit my collection by referring to lcfasile and experience the joy of offline shopping . elziman special choice of tone. now is the time to buy
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a refrigerator. time to buy installments. his name is qastiye keli , they pay the fees. this is the method . the reason is not. the reason is not. the reason is not. let's find a way to exchange goods. a new solution product from golliz kashi to solve your challenges in the field of construction and participation in the development of national housing construction. for more information, you can visit the goldiskashi website. tile your dreams. gladys
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kashi! drink it, don't let it get cold! this kid's cold voice is saying fight with him. come on here, we don't know what happened, mom, the gas flame increased by itself, what's the situation , why are your things like this, how many things do you need to change , just the last time we searched everywhere, we shouldn't have searched so much, that's when sarai irani with all the special discounts and bargains are in this corner of the biggest house iranian with everything. it is attractive in the city of tehran, tehran sarah afsariah, third party insurance , it doesn't matter which site i buy my car from, you didn't say what weight i should give you, it doesn't matter, sir , which way should we go every day, it doesn't matter , it really doesn't matter which site i buy it from, let's compare i will do it later, this is good, i am afraid this is different
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, i am comparing and buying online. good morning, 9:00 am . another part of the news. the public meeting of the islamic council with the agenda of the general review of bill b next year has started from the previous hour . it is you. in the name of god , hello and good morning. i am at your service and the viewers of the news channel . the meeting of the islamic council of the islamic council of iran has started at 85:00 this morning under the chairmanship of mr. qalibaf, the speaker of the parliament, and this


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