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tv   [untitled]    December 20, 2023 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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the diagnosis was not included in the pricing , it depends on the customer's choice, which direction to go. i will come back to you. if you have an example , tell me about the cars. we can move the discussion forward much better. in order to be able to examine this issue further, mr. esfanani, regarding this issue, if i am, please see, with the respect i have for mr. imani, first of all, i would like to say one thing that these complaints in this style are not justified. there is something that was also heard in our primary branch in our dissenting branch, naturally, if the defense was acceptable and justified, this opinion would have been issued in a different style . and
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it must be stated as a defense at the appointed time, saying, for example , the 9th, let us know, or the 10th and the 11th , come and defend. by the way, the difference between the penal organization and the judiciary is precisely this. he says that he must be notified 5 days before the hearing. the reason is that sometimes we face the delay of the hearing in the judiciary, it is because in some cases, formalities must be observed. the existential philosophy of the penal organization is quick investigation. not specifying at all how to notify when to defend. in any case , i believe that this procedure is completely logical and legal . i have a question for them, ask them to see if the car we don't have two companies that
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produce the same type of car, maybe i don't have enough information , so to say that 30% is lower than that price requires a basis, and at the same time, if 30% even if it is lower, it is not their price , it is the price announced by the competition council or according to the regulations. are that they comply with the regulations related to the pricing regulations, if it is checked on these two bases and they have not complied with the regulations, or the selling price is higher than the price announced by the competition council, in any case, it is a general violation of high selling by asking less than others, or more than that, mr. imani, let's hear your answer. we also have devotion to serve mr. esfanani.
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dear sir, you asked about the competitors, how did we tell you that the car is exactly the same no, but the car in a so-called class in a range is comparable and can be matched with each other, and these similar cars are actually available in the market right now , so give me an example, mr. imani. for example, suppose they rightly pointed out that our competition council is also the competition council of the council. the competition
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of this seller has been recognized as competitive, so he himself is clearly in his letter, if it can be shown in the picture, he clearly said, sir, from 2008 to 1401, i am a supervisor of the car market. i am in the car pricing, so our cars were not included in the pricing, now we say that except for now, let's assume that they are the same cars at all. let us say that the index that has been taken care of, for example, we should assume that we were selling arial, in addition, for example, we sold a number . seventh , the supreme council
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repeals the policies of both the protection organization law itself and this directive in relation to the cars entered by the competition council. he knows and in the worst case, or should we say in the best case, he referred the market regulation headquarters to the heads of the forces in mehr 1400 and 1400, or the resolution 97 with the headquarters of the heads of the forces . we should follow a practice, according to mr. letters, instructions and guidelines should be communicated. i apologize for adding this one line. such instructions and guidelines were never set by the market regulator because they did not believe that they should be included in assembled cars, and they were never notified. also
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, what recipe should we follow? it has not been done, anyway, that market has seen a monopoly. now , how did you pay this money and this fine anyway? kurd, well, this is one of the very interesting things, for example , instead of this sentence being communicated to us first , they mentioned that now they probably want to communicate it tomorrow, it will be published today , it will be published in the media. before notifying us , because there is no room for further discussion that mr. esfan's vote is definitive, yes, against al-qaeda, of course. notification must be made, it may have been sent to notify them, and at the same time, since it has become certain, this is my announcement from the legal point of view, mr. imani. now, in any case, it can be notified , in any case, how will he pay you ? let's see, in 2019
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, our sales totaled 9,000 billion tomans. out of that 9 thousand billion tomans , he presented 500 billion tomans to the ministry of finance. that is, if we shut down our company and gave all our cars to the people for free , it would be 2,300 tomans, for example , our loss. don't do it. there are two more steps that can be challenged . we will teach mr. esfanani a lesson. we can also follow article 23, follow the administrative court of justice, and we will definitely do this because we believe that we have not cheated the people even a single rial. none of these cases mentioned are in our name in your reporter's report , and we
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are fortunately a well-known car manufacturer that we have tried to produce twice as much as in the previous year. we tried to work for the economic growth of the country. we are 300 thousand we also have shareholders who are monitoring our behavior and performance separately from all regulatory organizations. very well, mr. imani, now with the announcement that mr. esfanani made, now also the people who came to buy during that period, if they come to file a complaint , it will be dealt with anyway. thank you very much for being with us mr. imani. do you have a number of all the cases related to cars in the government tazirat organization or not that
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have not yet been decided? i think that all the cases that were recently entered in tazirat are the same number. dear viewer, you accepted our invitation and answered our questions. thank you for being with the economy table. good time bye
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most respected viewers, hello, have a good evening. welcome to the news of the stock exchange . more than 145 thousand tons of energy carriers went on sale today on the iran energy exchange. it was dedicated in the international hall. in this hall, more than 128 thousand tons of various products including methanol, raffinate, cut pentane, butane gas, base gas, light oils, kerosene were offered. the hall the energy exchange also hosted the supply of more than 17,000 tons of energy carriers, such as solvent types, light oils, normal butane, cut pentane and 3 base baskets, 23 kermanshah oil rewards. in yesterday's transactions, a variety of products worth more than 246
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billion tomans were sold in the iran energy exchange. capital market indicators were down on the last trading day of the week. at the end of the market, about 40 symbols were in the positive range. the group of chemical products also registered the highest withdrawal of money from real people. hello to you. wednesday 29 azar is the last day. dealer power week deals was more in the market and the total index had a negative return of 700 percent and recorded a decrease of 1,600 units and reached 2,1100 million. the value of the market reached about 5 thousand billion tomans . based on the future of buying and the method of real people
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, it shows the withdrawal of money from stocks and mutual funds. the symbols of vakhare are, well, ahmad, three shahid and safa have the most transactions, the most positive impact of fars is on fashf melli and shepna, the most negative impact is also on tapiko, fouldah, keshti, and khabehmen. on the total index of having towards the end of the market. as we went , the currencies increased and in the end about 40 symbols were in the positive range and the highest transaction value was related to the automotive and metal group and we can almost say that we witnessed negative movements in all groups, purchase orders of 57 and 525 billion tomans. the total number of sell orders at the end of the market was 50 symbols and 40 symbols that reached the buy page. 26 million tomans per capita purchase
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and 28 million tomans per capita sales were recorded. the most inflow of money comes from the ore mining group the metal industry recorded 22 billion tomans of metal products and 7 billion tomans of food products. the largest withdrawal of real investors' money from. the group of chemical products was with 69 billion, banking group 51 and petroleum products , which shows the outflow of 49 billion tomans, and finally, two asset funds, the first asset and refining the final asset price, the first 6/10 and the refining 9%, both were negative, the total index the tehran stock exchange ended the last working day of the fall season of 1402 with a decreasing trend , according to experts, the trend of the stock indicators in the last few days was normal and according to the general approval
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the budget bill is expected to increase the trend of the stock market in the coming months. in the past two days, we have seen that the hamoz index has decreased more than the total index, which is in line with the expectations of the shareholders regarding the market correction. with the performance of the revolving market and the analysis of the market trend , we predict that this correction will be temporary and the market in the coming weeks. it has returned to its equilibrium state after several days in a row and the withdrawal of real money from fixed income funds, today's statistics showed the entry of real money into these funds. from the news that can affect the future trend of the capital market we can point to the general approval of the budget bill by the parliamentarians, which can affect the inflationary expectations of investors during the coming week and determine the market trend. 15% increase in the value of capital market transactions
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, the value of capital market transactions at the end of november 1402 was about 1500 thousand billion tomans, which increased by 15% compared to the previous month, according to the monthly report of november, the value of the capital market in this month was about 970 thousand billion tomans receipt, which has decreased by about 1% compared to last month , as well as the provision of financial resources through the market since the beginning of the year, capital from two methods, capital and debt, reached about 368 thousand billion tomans, which has increased by 30% compared to the same period of the previous year . the largest supply was for more than 600,000 tons of steel sections in the industrial and mining hall, including all types of sheets, rebars, beams, corners and studs. petrochemical and petroleum products hall also hosted the supply of more than 34 thousand tons of polymer and
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chemical materials. in the export hall, more than 55 thousand tons of sanga pellets. from raising capital to stopping some symbols and holding public and extraordinary meetings and disclosing information with the community in the kadar package on the news line based on the published report. in the kodal system, 10% of datem financial group's shares are initially offered in the second market of the stock exchange. at the end of trading on 29 azar , ghenisha symbol was stopped to hold the annual general meeting in order to approve the financial statements. 10%
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of datam financial group's shares were 6d in the second market. it was initially announced that the final re-evaluation issue will be revealed in the coming months as soon as the report is received. according to the opening of bank date on the yellow board over-the-counter base market, shareholders should pay attention to the information published in the kodal system regarding the appointment of the supervisory broker. the symbols of viran ardestan in order to hold an extraordinary general meeting regarding the capital increase at the end of the 29 transactions. azar stopped . the trading symbols of al-tajjar and sarmat with the range of daily price fluctuations will start from 29th of december in the otc base market. the trading symbols of avan management were stopped for holding the extraordinary general meeting on sunday, january 3, at the end of trading on december 29. the trading symbol of the right of pre-emption to purchase
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shares of gohar zemin iron and steel company in the symbol of gohar through continuous auction. it was traded without any limit on the range of price fluctuations. at the end of trading , shabandar symbol was stopped in order to hold a regular meeting. the plan and method of handing over 55943492 treasury shares to ekhtaz novin bank was approved in the meeting of the board of directors of this bank on 28 azar. after holding the annual general meeting based on the distribution of cash profit, bumuto trading symbol was traded using the auction mechanism without price fluctuation restrictions. zahra, a scientist of sed and cima news agency. the minister of economy says that the program agreed with the former minister of state regarding the transfer of the government's shares in the automobile sazan should also coordinate with the new minister. albeit the transfer of government shares in iran khodro and saipa has been keyed by the government,
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it has not been finalized between the two ministries of position and economy. the president's re-emphasis on forgiveness. 22 months ago, in march 1400, iran has some problems in terms of how it is run . 20 months after this decree , i went to the minister of economy. during the tenure of the former minister of mining industry and trade , we had an agreement between the privatization organization and the ministry regarding the transfer of automobile companies, which is a part of it.
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it started to be implemented, but it is stopped due to the changes in the ministry. hopefully soon. witness this path with self-made organization. d months after this promise. we still haven't come to a conclusion with the sambat ministry about it. after mr. dr. ali came, it was decided that a correction should be made compared to the previous plan. we hope to modify the previous program with the opinion of dr. aliabadi. the problem that caused the delay in the implementation of this order is the collateral of the shares of these two companies with the bank and the existence of todelli shares or the following companies. investors submitted applications, applicants now
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in the country, there are very serious investments in the automobile industry and the creation of the third and fourth poles, and perhaps other large self-build complexes, which we are currently negotiating and reviewing their proposals. now, with the president's re-emphasis on handing over the government's shares in top automobile manufacturers , in the field of the ministries of economy and the position of fayez shabani of the sed and sima news agency, thank you for your support.
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the construction of this house is by my own hand, as a foreigner wants to export a frozen grocery, creating competition and creating a golden signature in support of women, and this eid night is very eid. but no one takes him to the hospital 15 to 20 minutes passed, the emergency department came . if you see an injured person on the street
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, would you take him to the hospital? this is the question that we asked people, under these conditions, why should you be worried? then it will take two days to prove it. i won't go because it is the responsibility of every person to take it, i won't take it because they will get stuck . legally, they will be caught, why did you bring this , you have to call the emergency room, or the police will come, you will get into trouble, you go there , you say, sir, you hit this guy yourself , it was not an accident, sir, if someone was injured on the highway. ok, as a driver, you help him, take him to the hospital, it's not worth the 100 risk, the person is going to get caught. the report of the judicial and legal commission on the plan to ban the arrest of those who transport the injured to medical centers is from 1379. parliament members have proposed that if approved , a person who takes an injured person to the hospital should not be arrested. in some cases
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, the transferor should not present himself as the culprit, and the victim should not be able to speak, and other people should not witness the case and should not mention any issues. but there are evidences that these evidences. show it is said that the person who transported this person was the cause of the accident and the cause of the problem. in any case, in order to protect the rights of the people and the rights of the victims , a preliminary investigation should be conducted on the person who transported this person to the hospital. we want to encourage those who see this on the road to take it to a medical center. this resolution is different from the previous resolution. the first one was that in the previous resolution, this phrase was from the date of approval of this
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law, the arrest of those who detained the muslims was removed until the end of the current resolution. better than the previous one it is because detention can even include someone who has not been arrested in the so-called case. in the previous case, you had brought arrest and arrest. in this resolution, if someone says that he should bring a guarantor and does not have a guarantor, they will hold him . it turns into discussions and days of review. according to a law with one article, 196 people agree with the plan to ban the arrest of those who
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take muslims to medical centers. they want to rise with the reforms made due to the protest of the guardian council . image although some people do not know about this law, but to the emergency room of a hospital. we went to find out if the people who bring muslim traffic to the hospital are detained by the police, the attendants who bring the patient, or a private person who brings a random muslim person. he will be arrested, no , there is no such thing at all, the law does not allow anyone to arrest and detain people, but it is logical that in order to complete the documentation of the case, to complete some information that the police officers must do this and this the issues are up to them . the dear one who helped brought a random month , maybe i can say in minutes or even less than a month. we have police stationed in the hospital
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, we have police stationed in or, our colleagues and the law enforcement officer themselves coordinate. police 11 or people who have more responsibility come here . they complete the document of the case. the last note the doctor wrote to me was that i 6 seconds of brain and heart failure means death together. yes , i had 6 seconds of death. in the hospital, the doctor said that if they had brought you earlier , these 6 seconds would not have happened. no chance to fly.
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in two days, i will announce the ceremony of selecting the best entrepreneur we need to buy a new drawer for your father. i am buying it for him. it is good
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global with good evening, dear compatriots , the amendment of the 1403 budget bill was approved today with 154 votes. 60 votes against and five abstentions were approved in the public hall of the islamic council. the consolidation commission will start examining the details of this bill soon. one of the most important reforms of this bill is related to the rights of retirees, which according to the spokesperson of the commission.


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