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tv   [untitled]    December 21, 2023 11:30am-11:49am IRST

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it is narrated differently and is tied to people's livelihood. abbandan is an earthen structure that our ancestors in mazandaran every year considering that we have environmental crises and we have to deal with this issue. this festival will last until december 2. continues. farzaneh azarfam,
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sed and sima news agency. end of this news section. thank you very much, god willing. mr. khatir is also a shining star of management, god willing. you have read and considering that the police press club has the right to talk about this issue, we asked a lot of questions from mr. sami, but my friends are not responding to calls , saying that we don't think it's good , but to love anytime in the coming nights.
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it will be a car party tonight.
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i am happy that today i am in golestan province and in the company of the dear people of gorgan, indeed people who are in various political fields. the people who supported islam, the quran and the imam before the victory of the islamic revolution gave a good test, and after the victory of the islamic revolution , they have shone well in defending the sacred. they offered great martyrs. veterans and
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dear sacrificers, their own health. they lost the system to defend the revolution. people whose unity and integrity are exemplary, sunni, shia, farsi , turkmen, baluch, sistani, mazandarani, and all ethnic groups together and all religions, warm-blooded people loyal to the revolution system and islamic values
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, truly golestan region and the people of this saman , who came together from different ethnic groups and are leading a peaceful life together with striving for spirituality and coexistence , they are exemplary people, women and men, girls and boys, the success of my servant and my colleagues is that today in this group we are with saffa, dear gentlemen and ladies , our country has authority with the presence of you, men and women, and young forces with faith, the first component
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of power in our society, people with faith are always on stage. what has disappointed the enemy about the people of iran is the strength of the people with faith loyal to the islamic revolution and always on the scene and ready to take risks. this is the most important component of power. the most important component of national security in our society. our armed forces are our pride. our armed forces , our valiant mobilization, are considered among the components of power.
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economic developments in the country are important components there is power. in the country, the progress of the country in science and technology in our academic centers and research institutes is considered as one of the components of power. these are the components of the power of the amazing progress that has emerged in the country despite the threats and sanctions and the great honors that our creative youth have created. it is a powerful component in our country to convey the message of the islamic revolution and the message of independence and freedom to live as a muslim. today
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, the region has received this message from the islamic revolution and you , the people. resistant against the enemy of the nation today's islam has formed the resistance force and the force in the faithful and loyal to islam scene, these are the forces that have given the region a new shape and a force has emerged in our society today, the power of the people , the people who want to stand, resist,
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have independence enemies should not surrender. these are the emerging powers in the region. these are the emerging powers in the region. in the region, these are the emerging powers. in the region, these are the emerging powers . in the region, these are the emerging powers. in the region, these are the emerging powers in the region. these are emerging powers. which are emerging powers in the region, which
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are emerging powers in the region, which are emerging powers in the region, which are emerging powers in the region, which are emerging powers in the region. that these are the emerging powers in the region, that these are the emerging powers in the region, that will enliven the region and make our trip pleasant for the people, those are the things that have been done , i do not want to come to golestan province as a second trip i said that in the province of humans, if necessary, i will repeat these trips when i feel that the problems that people
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are suffering from today, these problems have been solved, god willing, dear young people, girls and boys, and all of you , dear people, know that the future is very bright, the future is bright. that the future that the pure blood of the martyrs drew for us was drawn by imam azim al-shaan, the leadership promised it , a very bright future. zionist is the future for the iranian nation. we see it very clearly , the enemies may not like it, it doesn't matter, it is important
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that the great nation of iran with one world will not lose the hope of its struggle and the last words of the dear people, women, men, girls, boys, dear youth , the future makers of this country, know that the government is trying with all its might, what you people, whether at the country level, whether at the regional level, promises were made, god willing, as a true government, all promises will be fulfilled, god willing. from the presence of the epic, from the presence of the epic and the presence.
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i thank each and every one of you, women and men, both on the way that i was ashamed of your presence and in this very historic meeting of simane, but i know that all these expressions of feelings are related to this. a student is not a servant, it is related to the revolution , it is related to the system, it is related to the leadership, it is related to the blood of the martyrs . it is true that you respect me, but i consider myself nothing more than a servant of the people and a soldier of the province and a soldier of the islamic system, and therefore all this respect i put my face to the account of the system and to the account of the martyrs' blood. please pray for us to be successful in sincerely serving our dear people . god willing, it will definitely be noticed, ladies and
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gentlemen, know that, god willing, my colleagues will follow the work and we hope that god almighty will may god grant the best for the people of golestan and the people of our beloved country, with the blessing of blessings on muhammad and his family. humanity has been included. and i hope that by relying on these civilizational values ​​more than in the past , it will help to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, new friendship, coexistence, understanding and
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multilateralism . inter-civilization and culture is a valuable element of soft power for the member countries so that they can make the most of it to introduce a new discourse in the global arena and help solve common human problems. stay today, culture and cultural power is considered a fundamental pillar in the development of the discourse of peace and coexistence, and one of the important missions of ancient civilizations as carriers of culture and civilization is to counter the discourse
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of supremacy. and the exclusivity of racism is in the interactions between governments in the international scene. the world today continues to suffer from the effects of the discourse of dominance and violence, the instrumental use of international principles and standards, and double standards. in return. according to this non-constructive approach , there are important achievements and values ​​of ancient civilizations, some of which are: pointing to interaction and friendship, respecting values ​​and traditions , promoting peaceful coexistence and striving for understanding
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and developing a culture of dialogue . the first thing is to draw attention to the fact that there is a living and ongoing history and the crimes and barbarities of a tyrannical and illegitimate regime in committing a collection of crimes that
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are defined in the international dictionary or even not defined. it is beyond human imagination. actions and crimes that are confirmed in the light of silence.


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