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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 12:00am-12:30am IRST

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having me get out of the car, but i said that i can't sit in the car with all the expressions of love from the people .
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others also ignored this coalition and stopped crossing the red sea . the friday prayers
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in several provinces of our country declared solidarity with the palestinian people in anti-zionist marches and imposed restrictions on the use of foreign messengers. in france, government officials were banned from using whatsapp and telegram, and support for pregnant or femicide mothers. shirkhor in less privileged provinces by donating a free judicial basket in the yesna plan. in the name of god. o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and hasten their salvation. dear compatriots , greetings to you. welcome to the 24 hour news section. schools. tehran is open today, tehran governor's office
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announced that tehran schools are open today in all schools. according to the meteorological organization , the air pollution index in tehran, mashhad, isfahan and ahvaz is unhealthy. meteorological organization from compatriots he asked them to refrain from unnecessary traffic and sports activities in open environments. president in the crowd of murad people. he told golestan province of the heads of the government to develop the less fortunate areas. mr. raisi said that with the efforts of the 13th government, economic growth in this province 8. it has increased. the president, who entered this city with the welcome of the people of marawa tepe , thanked the people of this city for their warm welcome . continuing his trip to golestan province, the president
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went to marav tepe city in the border region of iran and turkmenistan . i was against getting out of the car, but i said that i can't sit in the car with so many expressions of love from people. they welcomed us very much. mr. raisi told the people of marawa tepe about the government's plan for less privileged areas. in the government, we pay attention to land use, which is the basis of justice in the distribution of wealth. and attention to the less privileged areas. mr. raisi also told the people about the measures taken to improve the city of muraba tepe. he reported that some of the roads in this
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maraftpe area have problems and it is a village to build roads whatever leads to the center of the city must be reformed. for this , a significant amount has been invested. the president also talked about the construction of sports facilities and the renovation of schools and announced the government's plan to solve the water problem in the villages. the president pointed to the measures taken in the last two and a half years and said: we are progressing against the enemy's wishes. in these two years, andy and i tried to look differently. you see, this different view has caused us: our economic growth in golestan province was negative 5% before these two years and today it is positive 3%, big steps in the direction of growth.
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it will not be removed after this, our country will continue to grow and develop. the president said: we see the future very clearly and with the support of the people. and the presence of young people in the age of many problems will be solved is clear and bright. amir shuyanmehr of sed and broadcasting news agency. with the presence of the president, the plan to connect all cities and villages of golestan province to optical fiber was put into operation. with the opening of this plan , golestan province became the first smart province of the country. mr. raisi, on this occasion, the people will benefit from the national plan. fiber is considered a development in the light of justice or not, for example, a neighborhood from here to here sipkashi, which exists in the cities and alleys , starts at 100. it is domestically produced by ducks microsoft and
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a film, and all of these are domestically produced by children who have trouble producing, which is one of the first ones that is also here, with a speed of 92, which is possible for all citizens in all 37 cities of the province. the beauty of golestan is from bandar gezeb , in fact, the westernmost point of the province to the northeasternmost point, where there is a hot flower, we provided them with the cost. from now on, the price of part of the necessary resources for this work has been borne by the government, a significant part of which is private sector investment. what our dear people have brought will be the people in the province golestan modem if you get it.
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we were able to create a series of jobs for disabled people and other people who have difficulty in getting hired in the field of freelance and remote work. we are an income generation platform for housewives . online we are very happy that mr. president visited the innovation factory today and in fact today a fiber was opened in our province , an infrastructure that can greatly help the startup ecosystem of this province. also, golestan province is equipped with optical fiber and an important infrastructure. smart building and especially paying attention to the villages, which
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is also in the blanket of justice, mr. raisi also emphasized that today, easy and fast access to the internet is very important and necessary, and with the use and development of fiber , we can solve the problem of its slowness. this herd that sometimes exists, the slowness of the internet speed, this herd should be fixed forever, that is, the steps you took in the direction of speed are very important and lasting steps. by the end of the year, 8 million households will be covered by fiber optic network throughout the country. parsley golestan province broadcasting news agency, during the president's visit to gorgan, the dredging and revitalization plan of gorgan bay was put into operation. also, after 20 years , the ashura 10 nature tourism project was started, a project
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that is very important for the environment and economic prosperity of this region. has it. these pictures of gorgan bay have been dried up until two years ago, 2003 , when the water slowly went down, actually with the disconnection of the caspian sea with qarga bay. almost a quarter of iran dried up, so that the boats ran aground , the sailors were unemployed, and 20 plant and aquatic species were endangered. experts said that if that's it the situation continued, garga bay would be completely dry in a year or two. it was march of 1400 when the president visited golestan province, mr. raisi saw this situation and ordered the restoration of the gulf. he issued it, don't let this case pass even for a day. now, by carrying out the dredging in the ashura canal
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, the sound of the water in the gorgan bay can be heard towards the land. the most important discussion we had in revitalizing the gorgan bay was the transfer of water from the caspian sea . these additional measures are being taken to actually base this issue between 3,000 and 5,000 hectare, we had an increase in the level of the pond due to this layer of ruby ​​that was done, the restoration of the bandar gard wharf, which was completely dry before this , the restoration of the turkmen port wharf, which was unusable for nearly two decades, before this ruby ​​layer, and what has improved this situation? by doing this, both in terms of the environment, this is a paradise for migratory birds , and in terms of economic prosperity
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, it has many benefits for golestan province. now the situation is very good, very good. thank god, our work has improved. has also started and that order to revive ashurada island the president's visit to golestan province yesterday was an important one that he had actually stopped . this overnight stay was outside the village. it was somehow transferred to the village. there are exceptions. there is no contradiction . did the economic council approve the investment in ashrada island ? it happened that the economic council , its specialized committee, has actually issued the permit , and the people of this region have been waiting for the implementation of the nature tourism project of ashura island for 20 years . on the 77th day of the occupation regime's attacks on civilians in gaza
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, cnn reported that the zionist regime's army attacked some areas. attacks that previously compared civilians to settling in those areas. hospital sources in gaza reported in their latest statistics that more than 20,000 residents of this strip were martyred in the attacks of the zionist regime . more than 10 weeks have passed since the beginning of the gaza war, this palestinian man asks netanyahu a question, and he says that the father of this girl bara was martyred in khan younis bombings in the first days of the war against gaza. some time later
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, other members of his family were martyred. this is all that is left of them. he was also martyred in today's bombings. are these the goals that netanyahu and the zionist army are pursuing? area jabalia in the north of the gaza strip was bombed extensively. the damages are so great that the rescue forces are not able to reach the points. they are not bombed. one of the residents of this area says that 25 members of his family are under the rubble. the united nations announced that more than one million residents of gaza are in a state of emergency. the lack of food, water and medicine threatens the lives of the people of this region. more than half a million palestinians are dying of starvation in the gaza strip. infectious diseases also threaten them. the palestinian red crescent also announced that the forces of the occupying army entered the emergency center of jabalia
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and arrested all the medical and relief staff and took them to an unknown place. clashes in the jabalia camp between the resistance forces and the zionist army continue. the palestinian reporter says that the occupying army does not allow anyone to enter the area to help. he shoots anyone who approaches. this is the only way to reach the bombed area. ghassam battalions announced that since the beginning of the gaza ground operation, 20 tanks, personnel carriers and armored vehicles of the invaders were destroyed. the resistance fighters also reported that 9 zionist soldiers were killed and wounded in the joint operation in northern gaza. media the zionists announced the withdrawal of the occupying army's golani brigade from gaza after 60 days of conflict. the withdrawal of the golani brigade following the heavy blows of the
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resistance front and the killing and wounding of dozens of zionist soldiers on the spot. the shujaiyeh of gaza has taken place. approval of the un security council resolution on gaza , a resolution that was removed from the clauses referring to the cease-fire due to the threat of the united states. an hour ago, the security council passed a resolution with 13 votes in favor, no votes against, and two abstentions, which is limited to providing aid to gaza due to american pressure. this resolution was supposed to be voted on last week but due to america's threat to veto, this meeting was postponed until tonight .
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khatib nawaz juma of tehran stated that the record of western governments in the past 200 years was the killing of nations , and the same governments today support the crimes of the zionist regime . the crimes of the zionists have been exposed to the world. juma tehran also said that the people's participation in the elections it will make the enemies of the islamic revolution more desperate. a rally in support of the oppressed palestinian people was held in several provinces of the country. with slogans of death to america and death to israel, the marchers
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declared their support and solidarity with the oppressed people of palestine. we came to support the children of gaza. we wish for the destruction of israel and we have its supporters . i knew a duty for myself. it is a duty for every free person. israel, america , israel is death in the color of freedom. it is a giant
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of fire, although it is heavy, there is nothing left until the liberation of palestine, god willing, as soon as possible. be free as you wish may they reach and see the destruction of israel as soon as possible , the destruction of israel, this freedom of palestine, the man of israel, israel, israel, god willing, all these calls and voices will come true with the help of imam zaman. now whether we are muslims or non-muslims, we must understand that israel can do no wrong , god willing, it will be destroyed soon. god is great. death to america. death to
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israel. we must confront the global arrogance of america and israel. israel caused the brutal killing of oppressed palestinian children the veil of crimes of this arrogant regime, this usurping regime , this fake regime should be removed. mass demonstrations in several arab and non-arab countries, including lebanon. syria, jordan, yemen and the united states condemned the aggression of the zionist regime on the gaza strip. in yemen, tens of thousands of demonstrators are protesting against the zionist regime. they agreed with the residents of the gaza strip. yemenis also condemned america's support for the regime occupying jerusalem .
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the jordanian people greeted the american embassy in their own way . the participants in the demonstration in support of palestine in front of the american embassy in amman by taking off and on the united states has strongly criticized the policies of washington in support of the zionist regime . the united states of america also condemned the attack on gaza by thousands of demonstrators who gathered in front of the aipac building of the zionist lobby in new york.
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dutch activists to declare solidarity with gaza and to request a stop. they sat down in 11 main train stations of this country after the israeli attacks. similar demonstrations were held in lebanon and syria. the entry of the islamic resistance of iraq to target the positions of the zionists in the occupied territories. after the yemenis, the islamic resistance of iraq is also the port of its affairs in occupied palestine, he targeted an attack. the director of amurashrash port in occupied palestine has announced the activity in this port due to the attacks of the yemeni army on zionist ships. the managing director of this port said that without babolmandb, the main shipping artery to
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marsharash port will be closed. so far, several international shipping companies, including evergreen taiwan, maersk, denmark, cme france, hopak lloyd, germany, british petroleum, england, have stopped. announce your activity in the red sea until further notice. the american publication bloomberg also reported that 46 ships were instead selected due to the yemeni threats in order to reach the destination of the zionist regime, the red sea changed its route to south africa. seyyed abdul malik badreddin, in response to the american threats against the yemenis , said that if washington targets the houthis , yemen will be destroyed. will attack american ships. the ceo of dirat global, an english company active in the field of maritime security
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, called the american naval coalition in the gulf of aden and the red sea confusing and emphasized that no details are known. after one of our ships was attacked in the red sea. we changed the course of the ships. the situation is getting worse day by day. it is better that our journey should be extended by two weeks than that we should be delayed indefinitely. the german shipping company habagluid used to go through the babolmandb strait and the red sea to reach the ports of the occupied lands. but now the yemeni army has blocked this route for the supporters of the aggressor. habagloit is not the only shipping company. bloomberg in a research report. the current situation has been described and revealed by going back to the 18th century. about 180 container ships that planned to cross the red sea made their way to the south
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they changed the continent of africa. hundreds of other ships will soon be added to this number. unless the western powers assure the industry that the yemenis will be dealt with. these reckless, dangerous attacks violate international laws. therefore, we are taking action to create an international coalition to counter this threat. although the us department of defense had announced that it wanted to deploy a coalition of 40 countries in the gulf of aden, only 10 countries joined this coalition. algiers , seychelles with a population of 100,000 is one of these countries. reuters the effectiveness of this naval coalition he describes it like this. this coalition has confused the shipping companies even more and they are still not ready to cross the red sea and an english official writes: we still do not know exactly how many warships will participate
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. how long does it take for them to reach the area? what are their rules for conflict and what support plan will they implement? the member of the supreme political council of yemen has emphasized that the targeting of zionist ships will stop at the same time as the aggression against the gaza strip will stop. all options are on the table , they will respond to any country from which yemen is attacked to be maritime traffic in the gulf of aden except for ships. and he has a child. labor and social welfare said that pregnant or
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lactating mothers under the age of two who need support based on the vos test are identified and text messages are sent to them . they receive free health insurance. 400,000 tomans per month has been charged to the account of the head of the household and they can buy the dairy, protein, beans and grains they need from other stores. buy an electronic paper to the goods contract. in this plan with cooperation the 15 khordad foundation and the executive headquarters of farman imam bastahi provide health care and free clothes to these mothers. product planning was implemented in the field of clothing. the spokesperson of the headquarters for combating goods and currency smuggling, announcing this news, said that according to the arrangements made, this project
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will be implemented first in chain stores, and after that , the guilds must sell the goods that have knowledge of the goods. mr. dehghani nia stated that the main goal of the project is to deal with smuggled clothes and he said that one of the requirements for the implementation of the project is to equip trade unions with cash registers. according to the announcement the deputy minister of mines and trade, the implementation of the garment identification plan, was the subject of the economy table. product description if very brief. let's say there is a 16-digit code that shows which workshop and with what specifications, what gender and what color this product was produced . the headquarters for combating goods smuggling and width
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tells about the way manufacturers work in the implementation of this plan. register your existing items in the system of zailesh trade community , get product ids, paste the ids, and check your inventory. register and finally complete the statement in the trade society system. the priority is to implement this with chain stores, some of which have taken the necessary measures. all the goods that we offer for sale are all goods. the spokesman of the tehran clothing sellers union says that the necessary measures have been taken to join retail stores in the next stage of this project . warning, for not having id , they all went to the union and we got a commitment from them that they are my border, dear producers. we want to actually have product identifiers and sellers
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to buy from manufacturers that have product identifiers. but what is the duty of chain stores that offer clothes without identification in the first stage? if it is placed in the place of supply but does not have an id , it is classified as a contraband. if this product is not registered and credited in the chain in the trading community system, it will be included again. according to the director general of the clothing industry office of the ministry of producers. they have five months to declare the products in their warehouses and get product inspection for their new products sada and sima news agency meeting and discussion of the commander of the navy with the commanders of the naval forces of the countries bordering the indian ocean, combating piracy , safety.


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