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tv   [untitled]    December 23, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the half-day news. the leader of the revolution , elections are the basis of transformation. the nation should prepare itself for holding elections with the four characteristics of strong and intelligent participation, real factional competition and different views, real health and complete security. ayatollah khamenei, referring to america's support for zionist crimes in gaza, is a great victory for the palestinian nation in that they dishonored the west and america and their false human rights claims.
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today, no one in the world makes a difference between the zionist regime and america or england. everyone knows that these are the same. us opposition to the addition the ceasefire clause in the security council resolution and oxfam and hamas' criticism of the security council's performance. in tehran , representatives of 50 countries with the aim of putting pressure on the regime. zionists came together to stop the attacks. the end of the withdrawal process of french troops from niger. the last group of french soldiers left niger in africa . registering the depth of domestication of manufactured goods , implementing another part of the law of maximum use of production and service capacity of the country. in the economics table
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, we will examine what is the disadvantage of determining the depth of internal manufacturing in manufactured goods for the producers, is iran's power system a comprehensive reference to prevent is the import of similar goods considered domestically ? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad , and hasten their fate. good day, dear and respected viewers . welcome to the detailed news of this hour . they called the 11th of esfand very important as a determining factor and grounding for transformation and by explaining the importance
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of the islamic council in solving existing problems and determining the direction of the country, they emphasized that their nation should hold elections in the best way, that is, with the four characteristics of strong and intelligent participation, real competition. jinnah and prepare different views of real health and complete security. hazrat ayatollah khamenei, referring to the important position of the election of the assembly of experts, about the assembly and the position. they also said that the parliament is based on the constitution of the future of the country, while solving the country's problems requires proper legislation and prudent presence of the parliament. explaining the importance of the principle and logic of elections in the islamic republic, he said: the two words "republic" and "islamic" are both related to elections. republic means democracy means
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the rule of the country by the people, so how can the people interfere in the rule, there is no other way except elections no, the leader of the revolution also said about the effect of elections in the realization of islamization of the system, it is through elections that the jurist is determined through the people's elected representatives in the assembly of experts, while the parliament representatives must also approve laws according to the islamic education regulations. some people complain about the necessity of elections . discourage they don't pay attention. that if there are no elections in the country , it is either a dictatorship or anarchy. is sleepy the thing that prevents the emergence
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of a dictatorship in the country is elections. elections are the thing that prevents chaos and chaos. the election is the right way that people can secure national sovereignty, democracy, and republic in the country by means of it and from that path. ayatollah khamenei called the strong participation a miracle and said that holding a grand election with the intelligent presence of the people will bring about national unity, national unity and the powerful presence of the people on the stage will bring about national power, and
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national power will bring about security, which is also a foundation for security. scientific progress will be economic prosperity and solving various economic, political and cultural problems. he considered the elections to be the foundation of transformation and said: some people call transformation and express one side of transformation, but in reality it is nothing. which is the inevitable introduction of transformation , it is ignored by them, that is, elections will bring about transformation in the country. owners of different political, economic and cultural viewpoints want to create change for the benefit
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of their own political or cultural economic viewpoint. what is the way? the way is to bring those who are with their political thought and their political or economic or cultural orientation to work with the elections, whether it is the election of the assembly, the election of the assembly of experts, the presidential election, or the council election. election. majesty ayatollah khamenei called all those who have an audience in the society, including scholars, university professors and the media, to invite the people to participate in the elections and added that the youth and family members should also
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encourage their audiences to hold passionate elections. . he enumerated and emphasized that the weak participation led to the formation of a weak parliament unable to completely solve the problems. solving problems requires strong participation and forming a strong parliament. the leader of the revolution explained the second element of holding passionate elections, i.e. real political competition various political, economic, and cultural tendencies should be open in the big election contest, so that all viewpoints and viewpoints are active in this field. he called the competition between young people and experienced people to enter the parliament as another type of competition and said that of course a good and strong parliament should have both young representatives and experienced representatives. ayatollah khamenei
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added that competition means that everyone can advertise. of course, advertisements other than lying, slandering and making false promises. advertising means expressing opinions to people along with the ethics and religion of some people in order to discourage the people from the elections , they bring the country's problems to the fore, so if there are problems, what is the solution to the problems, the solution to the election problems, by the way, in order to solve the problems, you have to participate in the elections. the leader of the revolution devoted another part of his speech to the international and islamic issue of gaza and said that this incident is unique from two aspects, from the side of the zionist regime, because there has never been such brutality
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, criminality, bloodlust, childishness, cruelty, and throwing a grenade on one's head. patients and hospitals have not been seen, and from the people of palestinian fighters such as such patience of resistance and driving the enemy crazy is unprecedented. he pointed out that although there is no water, food, medicine and fuel for these people. not giving up makes them victorious, because god is with the patient, as the signs of victory can be seen today. ayatollah khamenei called the inability of the zionist regime, despite the abundance of equipment and facilities, as another important aspect of this unique confrontation, and to express the basic point, he said: the failure of the zionist regime in this incident was a failure. there is also america, today no one in the world makes a difference between the zionist regime and america
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or england, everyone knows that this is the same america , it shamelessly ignores the security council resolution to stop the bombings and the ceasefire, shamelessly , these two are not different, they are the same, what does it do to you, it means that it is involved in dropping a bomb on a child and the woman, the sick, the old, and the defenseless people of america's reputation. the veil fell from the face of western civilization. in this incident, the great victory of the palestinian nation
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is that they have disgraced the west and the united states with their false claims of human rights. resisting everyone's duty and helping the regime zionism is a crime and betrayal. ayatollah khamenei expressed regret for the criminal assistance of some islamic governments to the zionist regime and said: muslim nations will not forget this issue. he prevented goods, oil and fuel from reaching the zionist regime, which has even prevented water from reaching the people of gaza. minister. islamic governments read and added: muslim nations should ask their governments to
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cut off any relations and aid to zionist criminals, or if they are not able to cut ties permanently, at least by temporarily cutting off the evil, cruel and bloodthirsty regime under pressure. put the leader of the islamic revolution added: today , the conscience of the world has been hurt. people come to the streets in america and europe and then. political figures, university presidents and their scientists protest their governments' support of the zionist regime , but despite this, some governments continue to help the brutal regime. ayatollah khamenei emphasized that with god's help, the victory of the right front will undoubtedly be won, and the zionist usurper regime will be eradicated, and we hope that you will read this verse. see the certainty with your own eyes. the leader of the revolution pointed out in another part of his speech
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it is necessary for the young generation of khuzestan and kerman and the whole country to know about the historical honors of the nation and the valuable heritage of iran, they said that khuzestan has been the most important center of the nation's resistance against foreigners for more than a century, and that it stood against the british military attack in the following years. from the first world war and active presence in the nationalization of the oil industry has been one of the important cases of this stand. he emphasized that it is most important to shield all arab and non-arab ethnic groups, ler, bakhtiari and other ethnic groups against saddam's invasion and nullify his miscalculation regarding the acceptance of the arab-speaking people of khuzestan. it was the attackers that is an eternal honor. ayatollah khamenei called the pure soil of khuzestan the place where the blood of the best youth of all provinces was spilled and
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added that khuzestan is a symbol of empathy and solidarity of the whole nation in defense of islam and the revolution and iran is a manifestation of the outstanding characteristics of the iranian nation. he also glorified the deep cultural identity of the people of kerman, elite breeding, moral decency, intellectual health, sincere faith. and they counted the pioneer in joining the islamic movement as one of the characteristics of the people of this province and said: these characteristics provided the basis for the emergence of a great personality like haj qasim. is the leader of the revolution of characteristics the people of khuzestan and kerman considered it a source of pride for the youth of this province and the whole country and emphasized that
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we should use this generational and historical heritage to compensate for the existing deficiencies and lags in the construction of iran and to prove the ability of islam to run the country. field reports indicate the intensification of the zionist regime's air and artillery attacks on the gaza strip. in the early morning and early morning, this time , especially in the south of the center , 18 palestinians, including 15 members of a family, were martyred in nusirat refugee camp, most of them women and children. in khan yunus from the night in the past, at least 42 people
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were martyred due to air and artillery attacks. the palestine red crescent society in gaza has announced that the occupying forces continue to allow emergency medical and ambulance workers access to the bodies of palestinian martyrs and wounded. they do not open the door to the gaza strip. zionist soldiers also besieged one of the medical centers affiliated to the gaza red crescent and arrested at least 8 staff members of this center. the palestinian ministry of health in gaza has also announced that more than 5,000 palestinians were injured as a result of the military attack by the bombers of the occupying regime
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be transferred out of gaza immediately. after about a week of american pressure and obstruction, the un security council finally approved a weak resolution that allows the zionist regime to continue killing the people of gaza. the representative of russia described the moment of passing this resolution as a sad moment for the security council. this is a sad moment for the security council. this is the description of the representative of russia as one of the permanent members of the security council since this council approved a weak resolution to continue killing the palestinian people , a resolution that did not ask the zionist regime to stop its attacks. stop to gaza this
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is a sad moment for the security council, not another stage triumph.
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there is no protection for civilians in gaza. nothing can justify israel's attacks and firing of rockets at civilian targets in gaza. until these attacks stop, it is not possible to provide aid to the people of gaza. in this meeting, the united states vetoed russia's proposal to add a clause to stop attacks by the zionist regime to the resolution. that a permanent ceasefire should be immediately established in gaza and the necessary humanitarian aid should be provided without any obstacles. and to enter gaza under the supervision of the united nations, one of the main axes of the text the first of this resolution was about a week ago , but with the pressure of the united states, there was a clause related to setting fire. shepps was completely removed from this resolution and it was decided that humanitarian aid
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would be allowed to enter gaza only under the supervision of the direct inspection of the zionist regime's military. ali rajabi , united nations security council broadcasting news agency , new york. aid organization oxfam condemned the security council resolution on gaza. following the global critical reactions to security council resolution 22 72. united nations about the war in gaza, head of oxfam's region in the middle east and north africa he described the inability of the security council to issue a resolution to stop the war as incomprehensible and pure inconsistency. he described this resolution as a dereliction of duty by the united nations to protect civilian lives . also, the senior member of the political bureau of hamas, in response to this resolution, said: america once again fully participates in the crimes. the zionist regime proved it in the gaza strip. osama hamdan added that the un security council resolution on the gaza strip
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has left the occupation regime's hands free to monitor the delivery of aid to the gaza strip, and the united states has misled this resolution from its contents and nature. speaker the ministry of foreign affairs said that the security council's resolution on sending urgent humanitarian aid to gaza is a positive but unsuccessful step. mr. kanani emphasized that the approval of this resolution does not reduce anything from the responsibilities of the security council and said: " it is practically impossible to send aid in the shadow of the relentless attacks of the zionist regime." the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs , referring to the us's obstruction of the adoption of a binding resolution to end the war in gaza , added: the us government is still the main responsible for the war crimes of the israeli regime against the palestinian citizens in gaza. well, to find out about the latest developments in gaza
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, we will go to this area and accompany our reporter mrs. esra bahisi, hello , we are waiting to hear your report .
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very difficult conditions are happening in the gaza strip now, more than 2,300,000 people are actually having a very difficult time, or they are displaced , they are in illegal schools, or they are sheltering in hospitals , or they are sheltering in open places , they are protecting themselves now. the evacuation continues to make the human situation worse and worse.
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and in addition to this , there is an epidemic blockade in the gaza strip and in the north of the gaza strip, preventing any entry they are taking humanitarian aid to these areas and the siege is getting more and more intense, even though they say that aid is going to enter the gaza strip. thanks to esra bouhisi, our reporter from gaza.
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the tehran international conference on palestine started with the presence of high-ranking government officials, prominent political, religious and media figures from more than 50 countries. this conference aims to strengthen international support for the oppressed palestinian nation in gaza and the west bank, to strengthen the pressure on the zionist regime to completely stop military attacks against gaza and to completely lift the blockade and send international humanitarian aid to the palestinian people. is being held the political and legal effects of the gaza war, the role of the media, intellectuals and religious leaders in the war against gaza is one of the most important axes of this history. cnn reported that the zionist regime
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has dropped hundreds of 1,000-kilogram bombs on this cargo during its attack on gaza. an action that has resulted in a dramatic increase in human casualties in gaza. according to cnn, these bombs are at least 4 times more powerful than most of the bombs that america used in the fight against isis. cn , in cooperation with a company active in the field of artificial intelligence , was able to identify more than 1,900 large pits which is caused by the bombing of gaza during the first month of the war. diameter. more than 500 of these pits have been estimated to be more than 12 meters using artificial intelligence. so far, more than 20,000 palestinians have been martyred in the aggression of the zionist regime in gaza. the islamic resistance of iraq has announced for the first time a drone attack on an important target in the mediterranean sea. iraqi sources consider this important target to be the platform of the gas field that the zionist regime
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is trying to extract. the gas started from it. karish oil and natural gas field in the mediterranean waters , 100 km from the coast of occupied palestine and about 75 it is located a kilometer from haifa beach. the statement of the iraqi islamic resistance stated that this attack was carried out in support of the people of gaza and in response to the crimes of the zionist regime . the iraqi islamic resistance has announced that it will continue its anti-zionist operations. the zionist newspaper yediot aharanot writes that a large number of settlers who were forced to leave their homes around the southern borders of lebanon after the escalation of tensions in israel's northern borders do not intend to return to their homes. now we will go with my colleague stationed at the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. hello mr. azimzadeh. media
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what are the contents of the zionist regime? they published about the terror of the settlers in the north of the occupied lands, and please tell us about the latest developments in the northern front of the occupied lands. hello, have a good time. from this morning until now, the danger siren has been sounding again in various areas in the north of the occupied lands, including the areas of asb al-jalil, al-jalil al-ala and western galilee. it has been heard that the media of the zionist regime reported the penetration of several drones into the north of the occupied lands in the west galilee area. also, the fighters of the zionist regime attacked the two areas of kafarkala and yaron with heavy stone-breaking bombs donated by the united states. these areas are targeted by the zionist regime's artillery in several areas in southern lebanon.


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