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tv   [untitled]    December 24, 2023 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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the leader of the islamic revolution's emphasis on the necessity of real competition in the elections means that the political factions compete against each other to participate in the elections . the president
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of the united states and the zionist regime should be tried in the international court on charges of war crimes at the international meeting on palestine. intensification of attacks by the zionist regime in the south of the center of the gaza strip. martyrdom of 18 palestinians, including 15 members of a family, in the bombing of the building. in nusirat camp, five more zionist soldiers were killed in the operation of warriors in khan younis attack drone to a ship belonging to the zionist regime in the indian ocean. the design and production of a new generation of dual
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-life drones with the ability to fly vertically and horizontally for mapping in various industries can facilitate mapping projects and greatly reduce costs. in fact, we have provided the ability to completely eliminate ground control points. in the name of god . o allah, peace and blessings be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, and speedy their fate. hello dear viewers . welcome to the news section of 24. supreme leader of the islamic revolution in the enthusiastic meeting of thousands of proud people of khuzestan and kerman provinces. they called the march 11 elections very important, decisive and grounding for change and explained the importance.
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in solving the existing problems and determining the direction of the country, the islamic council emphasized that the nation should prepare itself for holding elections in the best way, that is, with the four characteristics of strong and intelligent participation, real factional competition and different perspectives, real health and complete security. ayatollah khamenei referring to the important role of elections. the assembly of experts said about the assembly and its position that the assembly is based on the constitution of the future of the country, while the solution of the country's problems is through appropriate legislation and attendance. it needs the wisdom of the parliament. explaining the importance of the principle and logic of elections in the islamic republic, he said: the two words "republic" and "islamic" are both related to the elections. republic means democracy means
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the rule of the country in the hands of the people, so how can the people interfere in the governance , there is no other way than elections. the leader of the revolution also said about the effect of elections in realizing the islamization of the system, it is through elections , but the jurist is determined by the people's elected representatives in the assembly of experts. it is possible that while the members of the parliament must approve laws according to the islamic education regulations , some people make problems regarding the necessity of elections they discourage, they don't pay attention to the fact that if there are no elections in the country, either it is a dictatorship or it's a disgrace, it's not what is in front of it. the
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emergence of dictatorship in the country is prevented by elections. elections are the right path through which people can secure national sovereignty, democracy, and republic in the country. ayatollah khamenei called the strong participation a miracle and said: "holding a glorious election with the intelligent participation of the people will lead to national unity. people's power brings national power to the stage and national power creates security, which security
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will also be the basis for scientific progress, economic prosperity and the solution of various economic, political and cultural problems. they say one side of the transformation, but in practice, what is the inevitable introduction of the transformation is ignored by them, that is, election after election , a transformation was created in the country with different political views. and culturally, they want to create a change for the benefit of their own political or cultural economic view, very well, what is the way? the way is to
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the elections now, whether the parliamentary elections, the elections of the assembly of experts, the presidential elections or the council elections. put those who are with their political thought and their political or economic or cultural orientation to work . this will be the basis of transformation. therefore, the election of hazrat ayatollah khamenei is for all those who have an audience in the society, including scholars and university professors. and the radio and television sector called the press to invite people to participate in the elections and added: youth and family members should also encourage their audience to hold passionate elections. they lead to poor participation
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they listed the weak assembly as unable to fully solve the problems and emphasized that solving the problems requires strong participation and the formation of a strong assembly. the leader of the revolution in explaining the second element of the event. passionate elections means real political competition, they said: the field should be open for the presence of political factions and various political, economic, and cultural tendencies in the big election race, so that all viewpoints are active in this field. he called the competition between young people and experienced people to enter the parliament as another kind of competition and said: of course, the good and strong parliament should have both young and old representatives. veteran and experienced. ayatollah khamenei added: competition means that everyone can advertise. of course, advertising
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is different from lying, slandering and making false promises. advertising means expressing views to people, along with ethics and religion. some of them are for choosing people. to discourage the problems of the country, so if there are problems, what is the solution to the problems, the solution to the electoral problems, by the way, in order to solve the problems, in the elections, the leader of the revolution dedicated another part of his speech to the international and islamic issue of gaza and said this the incident is unique in two aspects, both from the side of the zionist regime, because such brutality, criminality, bloodlust, infanticide, brutality, cruelty , and throwing grenades on the heads of patients and hospitals have never been seen, and from the people. palestinian fighters, such patience, resistance and
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driving the enemy crazy is unprecedented. he pointed out: although water, food, medicine, and fuel do not reach these people, they are standing like a mountain, and their non-surrender will make them victorious, because god is patient, as he has seen the signs of victory today. will be hazrat ayat allah khamenei called the inability of the zionist regime despite the abundance of equipment and facilities to be one of the other important aspects of this unique confrontation, and in stating the main point, he said that the failure of the zionist regime in this incident is also the failure of the united states. today, no one in the world differentiates between the zionist regime. everyone knows that they are the same with america or england. america shamelessly
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vetoes the security council resolution to stop bombing and cease fire. shamelessly , these are not different, they are one and the same. what does it mean? he is complicit in dropping bombs on children, women, the sick, the elderly, and defenseless people the reputation of america went away, the mask fell from the face of western civilization . in this incident, the great victory of the palestinian nation is the west. america was dishonored by false claims of human rights. he
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called the duty of the government and nations to help the resistance in any way possible and emphasized: helping the resistance is everyone's duty and helping the zionist regime is a crime and treason. hazrat ayatollah khamenei expressed regret for the criminal assistance of some islamic governments to the zionist regime and said: muslim nations, do not forget this issue. will do he prevented goods, oil and fuel from reaching the zionist regime, which even prevented water from reaching them to the people of gaza. they called it the duty of islamic governments and added: muslim nations should ask their governments to cut off any ties and aid to zionist criminals, or if they are not able to cut ties permanently, put pressure on the bloodthirsty and evil regime. the leader of the islamic revolution added: today, the conscience of the world has been hurt. people in america and europe
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come to the streets and some political figures and their university presidents and scientists protest their governments' support of the zionist regime, but despite this, some governments continue to provide aid. they continue their brutal regime. ayatollah khamenei emphasized that god's help is without doubt. see this certain future with your own eyes. in another part of his speech, the leader of the revolution pointed out the need for the young generation of khuzestan, kerman and the whole country to know about the historical honors of the nation and the valuable heritage of iran . the nation has been against foreigners, and standing against
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the british military invasion in the years after the first world war and active participation in the nationalization of the oil industry have been important aspects of this resistance. he emphasized most importantly, they shielded all arab and non-arab tribes, ler, bakhtiari and other tribes against saddam's invasion and humiliated his miscalculation. it was about the welcoming of the arab-speaking people of khuzestan to the invaders, which is an eternal honor. ayatollah khamenei called the pure soil of khuzestan the place where the blood of the best youth of all provinces was spilled and added that khuzestan is a symbol of the solidarity and solidarity of the whole nation in defense of islam, the revolution and iranians, and a manifestation of the outstanding characteristics of the iranian nation. he also glorified the deep cultural identity of the people of kerman, elite breeding, moral decency, intellectual health, faith.
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they listed honesty and pioneering in joining the islamic movement as one of the characteristics of the people of this province and said: these characteristics have provided a background for the emergence of a great personality like haj qasim. the leader of the revolution called the characteristics of the people of khuzestan and kerman a source of pride for the youth of these provinces and the whole country. they knew and emphasized that we should use this generational and historical heritage to compensate for the existing shortcomings and lags in the construction of iran and to prove the power of islam in the administration of the country. march 11 election is very important, decisive and grounding for change. the leader of the revolution emphasized in the meeting with the people of khuzestan and kerman
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prepare yourself for holding elections with four characteristics of strong and enthusiastic participation, real factional competition and different views, true health and... complete intention. iran's political calendar is turning. in nearly 70 days , what comes out of these funds will send 290 representatives to the floor of the islamic council and 88 people to represent the assembly of leadership experts. it's been a few months, the bell of the election process has been ringing. mid- april, when the amendment of the election law had not yet been completed. in imam khomeini's husseiniyya , four election strategies became the agenda of the system. determine the strategy of participation, the strategy of security of elections , the safety of elections, determine the competition of elections from now on
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, we will have good and healthy elections with high participation, god willing, at the end of the year. more than 8 months have passed since that date. officials repeatedly failed to implement the 4 strategies of the system. they have said high participation and at the same time the political camps of independents, fundamentalists and reformists were busy raising and lowering electoral lists. the election has again become the key word of the news published by imam khomeini's hosseini. if there are no elections in the country, either it is a dictatorship or it is a disgrace. an election with real competition until a parliament is established that at least has the same ideals. there is something written in the head of the old parliament. ibrahim asadi bidmashki of sed and sima news agency emphasized that
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we have always loudly declared our support for the liberation of al-quds sharif and said that the reason for carrying out the al-aqsa storming operation is the terrible crimes of the zionist regime. . and it is to the levels of the palestinian people throughout history. at the tehran international conference on palestine, mr. raisi stated that the americans are the biggest violators of democracy in the world by claiming democracy and said: americans for the future of gaza do not make plans because the future of this region will be determined by the people and its legal government. gaza flow he removed the mask from the face of hypocrisy and it was proved to the whole world that america is committing crimes . the president said at the international meeting in tehran on the issue of palestine that humanity should seek the formation of a new world order. these kinds of intellectual meetings of like-mindedness and cooperation should be
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a help and a partner to shape the new world order. and bring serious effort . mr. raisi stated that the us and some countries should not plan for the issue and said: the solution to the occupation is one, expelling the occupiers, two, punishing the occupation. the way to pay damages from the occupier is this. this is in all legal standards. if this occupation becomes 70 years instead of one year , its continuation is not conditional. people who believe that the zionist regime should be formalized should answer whether the continuation of the occupation brings legitimacy, which school of law says that when the occupier continues its occupation , it creates property rights, mr. raisi , referring to iran's solution and registering it in the united nations
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on the issue of palestine he said that this solution is completely democratic and hamas represents the people of gaza and we believe that the palestinian solution is a fair solution the solution to the palestinian issue lies in letting the palestinians determine their own destiny. we have presented a solution to the palestinian issue in the past years at the initiative of the wise leadership of the revolution in the islamic republic of iran, and this solution was the solution that the leadership said in the united nations. it has also been registered the completely democratic solution of referring to the general votes of every palestinian, one muslim, christian, jewish vote . this is the proposal of the islamic republic of iran. the president further emphasized that the immediate stop of the attacks on
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the people of gaza should be the priority of these days. one of the important issues is lifting the blockade of gaza. open the passage is to help the oppressed people of gaza and palestine. it is a special fund to help the people of gaza. it is for the reconstruction of gaza. forced migration is on the agenda of the americans. the americans are looking to shape and some other countries are looking to move the gazans and the palestinian people from there. where do they go? where do they take someone out of their home? what is this cruelty towards the palestinian people and what is the politics of the game that the world is caught up in. and what a disregard for the rights of the people that are so common. the oppression and cruelty of mr. raisi's speech to the security council for nearly 80 days desperate for a place called the security council, which
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should establish security, he officially declared his desperation, saying that it is useless for us to declare international organizations, the inability and ineffectiveness of international organizations became clear to everyone today in the world. he hoped that the voice of oppression and the cry of authority of the people of gaza would enlighten the world more than ever before and that the world would decide for a new and just order. khadem jafari, sed and sima news agency. in the first telephone call between the presidents of iran and egypt, mr. raisi of the new presidential term of abdul fattah from sisi he congratulated the election of this country. the president said that on everyone. he is serious about security and peace in the region, he said: america hypocritically invites everyone to exercise self-restraint, but
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it is the main supporter and cause of continuing the crimes of the zionist regime. while announcing iran's readiness to use all its capacities in order to stop the zionist regime's genocide and provide aid to the palestinians, mr. raisi asked egypt to use all its capacities to establish stability in the region.
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the palestinian ministry of health in the gaza strip announced that since the start of the al-aqsa storm battle on the 15th of october, the number of casualties in gaza has increased to 20,258 and the number of injured. it has reached 5360 people. according to local sources , dozens of people are also displaced. various areas of the gaza strip are still under the fire of military planes and artillery of the zionist regime. nusirat, elbrij and khanyounes camps witnessed the heaviest attacks. dozens of women and children were martyred and injured in these bombings. cnn reported that during the attack on gaza, the invaders dropped hundreds of 1,000-kilogram bombs on this barricade, an action that led to an eye-popping increase
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in human casualties in gaza. the decomposed bodies arrive at the emergency room. some bodies are completely burnt. the zionist regime in the use of prohibited weapons do not impose any restrictions on themselves. the medical officials of gaza announced that the occupying forces still do not allow medical workers and ambulances access to the bodies of palestinian martyrs and wounded in the gaza strip. the united nations announced that 80% of children in gaza suffer from a severe lack of food. the director of the united nations agency for palestinian refugees said that the israeli authorities ordered the evacuation of the residents of central gaza under the pretext of military operations. the latest evacuation order includes more than 150,000 palestinians living in gaza. it is not a question of revenge against hamas. target
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the zionists expelled the palestinians. zionist media claimed that the occupying army is preparing for the third phase of the war in gaza. this army is preparing for the third stage , while the golani brigade of the occupying army withdrew from gaza after 60 days of fighting with the resistance forces. this retreat follows hard blows. there has been resistance and killing and wounding of dozens of zionist soldiers in gaza. the possibility of killing asra zionists in the attacks of the occupying regime , the spokesman of the qassam brigades announced that as a result of the bombing of the occupying regime, their connection with the five the captive of the occupier is lost. another news is that the qassam battalions announced at least 5 zionist soldiers when they entered the khanyounis tunnels.
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from the south of khanyounes, it has also been reported that zionist military centers have been targeted by rockets fired by al-quds rockets. according to the resistance forces , the unexploded rockets of the zionist regime were used in this operation. according to news sources , the mortars of the resistance also landed on the headquarters of the field command in the southern axis of gaza city . in the resistance ambush operation in jahorodik in the center of the gaza strip, all the enemy forces.
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belonging to the zionist regime in the indian ocean. the british maritime trade organization claimed that a drone attack on an israeli ship off the coast of india led to a fire in this ship. this ship was carrying chemicals and according to this report, the fire was extinguished and no one was injured. according to news sources, this ship with the flag of liberia, belonging to the zionist regime, is moving towards the ports
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of india. have been. no group has yet claimed responsibility for this attack. condemning the anti-human crimes of the zionist regime of our compatriots in tehran, chaharmahal bakhtiari and south khorasan declaring their disgust with the actions of their child zionist regime , they declared their support for the palestinian people until the liberation of quds sharif.
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