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tv   [untitled]    December 24, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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advertisements other than slanderous , other than lying, other than breaking promises, advertisements mean to express one's opinions to human beings . these advertisements should be available to everyone. well, in this context, there is too much talk about the health and security of the elections, god willing, more information later. if there is a lifetime, i will tell you. well , we saw and heard parts of the leadership's statements together . i invite all viewers to follow this discussion if they are interested . thank you.
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well, we are with the economy table, we want to talk about real economic competition here economist mr. nemati, the economist , is present in the meiz ekotom studio. also, mr. shakri is another economist of the ekonom meiz program. mr. lilaz from yazd will join us and we will talk with him. they are from qom, we will talk with them, also mr. qolizadeh is another economist online. there are those who will discuss the economic issues today, the issue that i presented to you , hello to all the guests of the program, i would like to start with mr. nemati, and this question is our key question. the real competition of the economic trends that exist in the upcoming elections in march , what should be the topic and what topic can it actually be? . the elections
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are for the dear people to pay attention to the political tendencies of the candidates instead of paying attention to the economic tendencies in addition to that . there are economic discussions, so it is better for people to be very transparent about it economic trends are not familiar. in my opinion, one of the issues that can cause a good competition between different parties in the field of economy for the islamic council is that the honorable representatives express their opinions very clearly and their suggestions to get out of the country's economic imbalances . we have almost 4 very important disagreements
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, of course the number may be more, but now the main one is financial , and the discussion of the government's budget cuts is always and soon between the parliament and the government every year when the government's bill is presented to the parliament. there can be a difference of opinion on this matter well, we know that there are many projects that need to be done and many plans need to be done. the representatives also want the plans to finally happen. there is also a government with limited resources. and we clearly know that we are clear by obtaining the budget. friends , you should state very clearly and clearly what your proposal is for this financial imbalance of the budget . your presence in the field of both gasoline consumption and width the rest of the energy carriers, especially gas, even sometimes electricity
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, we are at a disadvantage without the carriers, for example , it is predicted that if we want to continue with the same weight , in the gasoline sector, in the next year , 20 to 25 million per day of consumption may decrease. also, and gazem , well, they should be very clear and express their opinion, and announce what their suggestions are for naterzi energy , the third naterzi, maybe the width will come back and we will finally be fine.
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i am at your service, except for the budget deduction , there are important matters, the energy budget, the width and when, and the fourth , the fourth. we have a fund. please let them know what their solution is for these numerous economic problems. thank you, mr. shakri . what is your opinion, where do you think this real competition should be formed and how will it start? that our life
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has changed from around 89-90 onwards, that is, although we had good and bad years in the past during the era of iran under the modern government, but nothing. it has been almost a decade of negative fixed capital formation or negative growth except for exceptions during this period, and this is something beyond the usual questions of governance or discussion. talking about dissatisfactions or discussing the budget deficit or things like this , based on the way we used to live in the world, which i may have used this phrase several times here, which is based on the sale of oil or the security of persian gulf oil. westerners are basically america and receiving capital goods at its peak or essential goods at its bottom during these years from 2013 to almost 2018 without any change, that is, without the islamic revolution of iran making any changes in this situation
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, that is the way to the end it has reached and we see its end in different aspects the country is on the development track of non-separation. mai sabet, which shows itself a little naturally in the form of dissatisfaction, is very wrong if we want to start the conversation in the style that is usually in the media, in newspapers, or in cyberspace , by starting with a series of we have separate disagreements, let's decide for each of these one by one. the truth is that since 2089 , after the boycott of sisada, some people think that the boycott is not important. the reason for the loss of iran's role in the world is sanctions, not because of the loss of iran's role in the world. the world we used to live in is over and we are still insisting on that way of life, that is , when we go to deal with the other side
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, we put a deal on security in front of the economy , we are trying to rebuild the world before 1989. while that world is over , let's skip this first. when we accept this, the level of conversation will be very different from the things that are usually discussed now, that is, the discussion will no longer be about finding a way for the imbalance in the banking system. this what should we do? no, this is all the result of stopping the development process in iran. stopping the development process in iran . what is the memory of the memory that we used to live in the world ? what should we do? how can the parliament enter and how will it be? this point that you mention should be resolved, what shapes governance , its official structures are usually not the political establishment of informal relations between
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political agencies, the political establishment in iran has not yet reached the conclusion that the previous world is over and has not yet accepted at the point front side. that my solution means nothing avoiding considering development as a principle , development in the conditions of embargo on development , knowing that no stable society agreement will be obtained from a foreign deal . what should we choose about the parliament? it will definitely affect the quality of our parliament during the past periods of strategy in the field of nuclear negotiations, which
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has improved mr. rouhani's government's facilities for negotiations from march 99 to summer 1400 and vienna 6. in the end, governance is nothing but its own place having an image of the future and selling it to the people of today. first of all, before we talk about which representatives are important or what voting method is important or otherwise , the political establishment in the country should be accepted. this is because there is no escape from development and there is no need to create new solutions for the issue of development, there is no magic wand or internal initiatives. this is the case now , that is, for example, in our three branches, in different branches in the political field, they completely think that they are all with there used to be a world, something called tharim has come and cut off that world. now if there is a way let's find this piece, remove these from the wire, we will go back to the previous world, everyone thinks like this, no matter what they say, and
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that's why even those who talk about resistance talk about a resistance that destroys space. in order to make a deal, a deal to go back to the past, and there is really no special difference between our different political groups . what kind of change should take place? we are talking about one of the powers of the country , which is our legislative power. the political establishment that you are referring to can naturally have a serious leadership . what strategy do you think should be put on its agenda to achieve the development that you are referring to ? it means that we can't do all the good things together, our facilities , our brains, our time, our limits, well, this development. vertical means that instead of me saying that i will sit as a ruler, i will produce some general rules
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, the economy will do its own thing, not on the contrary , i will focus on a few main sectors and politics. i use our real development to remove them , which sectors to choose is a political question, and then a parliament that has a provincial approach , not a national approach, and seeks to spread facilities as much as possible inside. geographically, the whole economy of such a parliament is an obstacle to such a vertical development program. are the representatives of the new round willing to ignore their city and provincial approach to some extent and have a more national view ? more will become clear in practice and the day after the election thank you very much, mr. leila saeed. lilaz is on our communication line from yazab. mr. lilaz , what do you think? do you agree with mr. nemati? mr. shakri, do you think we should come to natrazia or not? we should look a little earlier and change bigger things in the country in order for this
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real competition to take place in the elections . if you tell any economist or any expert or even any ordinary person in the street and market to come and list the issue of imbalance and economic problems of iran, everyone. they say the same thing that mr. nemati said , or mr. shakri may say, or i may say, the issue is much, much more fundamental. i agree with the more fundamental position of mr. shakri, but i want to raise this from a different perspective. for 70-80 years, we managed to govern iran with the price of oil and with oil money. if we want
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to calculate the share of oil in the iranian economy in 1390, i once calculated that we should export three and a half million and four million barrels of oil a day. let's make my oil 200 dollars per barrel , well, such a thing is impossible, so the administration it is impossible for iran to turn the economic wheel in the way that we sell oil instead of taxes instead of people's participation. in the middle of 138 solar year, at the end of mr. khatami's government, the share of gross domestic savings in gdp was between 37, 35 and 40 percent, now it is 18, 17, that is, one or two years , two or three years old, even capital formation was less than capital depreciation. you know, the capital stock in iran is going down, although it has improved a little since 1401. but it is clear that our brother can't go to tajrish with this beard, that is, if we want to do something, let's assume that there is a tajrish now.
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if we want to do something serious and reach the 88 that is desired by the government and the honorable government , a transformation must happen, and this transformation is not possible without the political participation of the majority of the people in the decision-making process . i would like to raise the issue with mr. shakri and say that it is not a matter of what the parliament wants to decide or what it does not want to decide, the issue is that if the middle class feels a sense of belonging. if the political system is not related to the social and cultural system that governs the country, then you will leave your car on the ground. without the participation of the middle class, you can no longer invest in iran. kurds and it is not possible to move the country forward. for 1402 , we have decided to tax between 100 and 120 trillion tomans from the people of this bill
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that the honorable government has given. i am your supporter. understand that this is not possible without obtaining a minimum of political legitimacy. if you have paid attention to the statements of the leadership yesterday, they also pointed out the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, but not a parliament that wants 40% of the people's votes with 35% of the votes. people should be formed, for example, in big cities i respect all countries equally. but now we are talking about the economy , well, when we say that 1/3 of iran's non-exportable domestic production is produced in tehran, you cannot expect that the middle class will be able to accompany you in the process with tehran's 15% and 10% participation level. development i
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do not know whether to accept all the proposals related to the jcpoa . we have from iran now, in order to prevent capital flight , what should we do? we should be able to respect property. we should be able to respect people . let's imagine that we can talk to each other in a clear and friendly manner, just because it's a discussion, if he says something that is against the official views of your country , what do you have to do with his house in lavasan, if you want to close it, if you want to confiscate it, or what are we going to do with mr.'s restaurant in ardabil, if
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we want to see him in front of him. these behaviors lead to there will be unrest, which will instill in the investors to the middle class that iran is not a place to invest, iran is a place to make money , but it is not a place to spend that money . look now, you will see that the import of luxury cars is prohibited in iran, and anyone can build a luxury house. it will be dealt with immediately, because in practice, i apologize, i speak frankly, in practice, we say, sir, if you can steal, steal in iran, but you are not allowed to spend it, at least we won't see it, so by product , this is a natural product, please take it out of our country. the basic and macroeconomic issues of iran's economy should be addressed let's look for it in the political structure. now, without the participation of the middle class, without the participation of productive capitalism, the owners of productive capital, which have never
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been officially announced in iran, should go and lose their groups , but in practice we have constantly stopped their investment. we can govern iran . you see, now we are facing the phenomenon of doctors fleeing the country . let's train, sir, prime minister of canada he is happy about your decision and says, "oh, because they are not allowed to invest from their own internal resources to send people to iran and canada." first of all, brother, we must make iran livable for the urban middle class, thank you. if this country is not livable, if capital ownership is not respected, if we do not fight corruption under the current laws, then the real fight is not the fight that is happening now. i really disagree
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with finger-pointing and exaggerated emphasis on the government's budget deficit, social fund dissatisfaction , i think most of the time knowingly or unknowingly. this movement is done with the aim of hiding the corruption of the banking network in the non-governmental banking network, which by the way is the main part of the government's property, without dealing with the main imbalance of iran's economy, which is actually the printing of money without backing, most of it owned by the government. banks are not satisfied. now i ask the two honorable presidents of the central bank, my voice. at that time, there is a possibility of fundamental reforms, otherwise
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, i have already said this, we cannot deal with any imbalance in iran's economy in the conditions of heavy inflation, because first of all , it will cause widespread social crises, like in 2018, like in 2018. 1401 like 1996. and secondly, we can't do this in a situation where we don't have political legitimacy. you see, many of your examples have stopped. if the price of gasoline is higher than the level of my voice, then until we establish this relationship with saddam, let's go back to mr. lilaz and ask them the rest of the question. let's go to mr. keshwari , mr. kashori , which of these three points of view that you have expressed is closest to your opinion, basically, do you think that we should come to the disagreements, our new representatives should focus or solve it more fundamentally, as mr. shakae said? like mr. lila, he's a total jerk
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we should look beyond the two discussions that have been discussed so far . let me speak a little differently than your experts. in my opinion, let's go more into the system of iran's economic issues and reach everyone. this is not what your experts are saying , but we should solve economic issues and create competition in elections and attract people. let's follow through addressing other issues. this
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is my summary until our experts talk based on the concepts of which issues, specifically the 2030 sustainable development document and these conventional indicators of development. people do not get a good connection with economic discussions. one of the reasons why participation in some past elections has gone down is this system of issues that the gentlemen raise. when people hear an issue from the mouth of an economic expert , they should relate it to let them know their own lives . strategic council of the islamic progress model i would like to raise a set of issues related to iran's economy. our opinion in qom is that if
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these issues are addressed , iran's economic issues will be better resolved in the next decade. in this upcoming election, people's participation will increase. i will list a few of these important economic issues for you, and i know that the main focus of all of these is popularizing the economy, which means that all the suggestions that i will present in this meeting will help the participation if there are more people in the economy , so to speak, it will become a people's economy, and when the economy becomes a people's economy, your comments will be more political. what i mean by the popular economy is not the private sector or the public sector
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, and what i mean is that iranian families can increase their level of decision-making in the iranian economy . my first suggestion is to the future representatives of this is to refine the current laws of the country's economy . we have many current laws that only support capitalists and do not provide any support for the economic presence of ordinary people. for example, if i want to give an example, the issue of giving free land to the people is an important economic measure that can help the people of iran to work. bring hope back to them. to solve the economic problems of the country, there is the issue of land liberation. this is a progressive law of revitalization of materials and giving free land. to
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business owners, i know the most important economic issue of the country in the coming decades, if the land is in the face if we give it to the people for free, we can solve many economic problems in the future, but now we only give free land to the capitalists, so this is one problem , another example if i want to give it, my question is how much of the common people i believe that if you publicize the business, the competition will be more real. when people see the programs of economic experts, for example , you give a prize for
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exports. it has capital , but it does not strengthen the role of people in business. you see, we have to revive the idea of ​​publicizing business in the country if you want the people to be more competitive in the elections and to be more confident in the political governance of the country, their contribution should be made clear from the country's business sector. now the country's business law, which was revised in the last one or two years, you will see that it only supports capital business. the doors basically, our economists and some mps do not understand the concept of general business. if i want to give a third example for the main examples of iran's economy, it is the discussion of top jobs. unfortunately, the top jobs that actually
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provide food and clothing for a nation. these are in planning economic issues are not taken into account. our farmer does not hope that his agricultural product will be sold at a good price with a good profit. i want to solve iran's agricultural problems, solve iran's horticulture problems, solve iran's animal husbandry problems. among the important economic issues, i know that if the future parliament does not solve the problems related to the top jobs, the result will be that, like now, we will have to import the meat of the iranian people from brazil or from other parts of the world, even though iran's land and iran's facilities allow food production. and he gives enough clothes to our people, but
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our officials pay special attention to the revival of top jobs i don't have them. i will gather my petitions. only if i think completely differently from your experts . i think that iran's economic issues, disagreements , these are not the discussions that mr. dr. lilaz said and such . the generalization of trade and the issue of jobs is superior. mr. keshwauri, an expert on islamic civilization, who was with us. on three issues , as you mentioned, materials, superior jobs and general business. mr. qolizadeh is on our communication line , mr. qolizadeh, what is your opinion? do you think there is real competition for this keyword? how will it be achieved? what should be done? do you agree with mr. nemati regarding the disagreements, mr. shakri, or his view is much broader.
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let's let the political establishment come and solve this problem , mr. lila. it is the middle class or mr. country who have so far brought up favors, public trade, and superior jobs. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. considering that i am connecting remotely , i was not very aware of the topic, but the discussion. natrazia is an issue that is discussed in the market, if it is an issue that we have in the media space we are discussing related to, obviously, now let me tell you once again that what can be contested for the elections, and it is petrochemical products, so i look at the issue from this point of view, an issue that has been very controversial in recent years.


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