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tv   [untitled]    December 24, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm IRST

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mr. hashemi, hello, welcome to the special news studio, i am also at the service of your excellency and dear viewers. hello and good night . thank you very much, mr. sharit madari. you are very welcome. dear friends, i would like to say hello and congratulate the birth of jesus christ, which is his birthday tonight, to all fellow christians and in fact to all the followers of abrahamic religions . they put the health security of your participation and the topic that we will talk about tonight in his conversation. rahman al-rahim thanks for your time
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which you have provided to me, and with greetings and good night, mr. shahit, i hope we will have a meaningful discussion with you . first, allow me to say hello and greetings. we had a plan before. i would like to congratulate the death of ayatollah hashemi rafsanjani and of course the martyrdom of general qassem soleimani, just as our dear brother congratulated all the followers of this religion on the birth of christ .
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it seems that it has become clear to all of them that the country there is a need for a competitive election with high participation. surely, a pluralistic, inclusive and efficient national assembly can solve many problems . these were exactly the words that he said. by the way , i was present at that event . i was invited as a kermani living in tehran. listening exactly to these words, they said that this election is very important to solve the problems of the country, and now that it is supposed to take place on the advice of the senior officials that such
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a discussion will take place here, i would like to go back and remind you about the past. mr. shahid, i don't have a good memory in 1992, the leader of the revolution named the year 1992 with the slogan of political epic and economic epic. well , in that year, 1991 was the last year of the ahmadinejad governments. well, the price of my bread was increasing , inflation had created many problems for the people , i think the inflation had exceeded 40%, as a result , the economic epic could not be formed, but the political epic that was intended by the leader of the revolution was well done by ayatollah hashemi rafsanjani. it was formed, that is, by passing and participating in the elections. this political saga
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appeared and we saw that after the election of the leader of the revolution said that this election was passionate in such a way that even the opponents of the revolution took part in this election. it was a statement that he said very clearly and interestingly, after this move by ayatollah hashemi rafsanjani, we have seen that in the next elections, such as the majlis elections that 1994 happened and then the elections of experts and after that the elections of the city councils and the presidency, which of course he had passed away in 1995, but the effect of this movement that he had started was completely evident and we witnessed passionate elections and unfortunately this the next trend in 2018 the parliamentary elections and then the presidential elections
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in 1400 did not continue, and it seems that if you look at the statistics at that time, you will see that in tehran, for example, the turnout was about 24%, and it was close to 25%, and in important cities, for example, i think the growth of this number was 33. of course, the total number of participants was 48 in the whole country, but in the big cities , this number was very low. the investigation of the guardian council, which even demanded compensation for the way it was done, but nothing happened god willing, in this election , they will think that we will once again have a political epic in the style of that time, but unfortunately, now we
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do not have the presence of ayatollah hashemi rafsanjani, but a serious move must be made to make the elections full of competition again. and high participation , god willing. mr. shoaid , you should know that one of the components is competition, and in his recent speech , the leadership talked about real competition. majesty sir, they accept the system. and they accept the authority of the jurist , they accept the whole system and express their own tastes and defend their own political tastes in the arena. well, it is necessary that they have the presence of educators and people who
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they think represent their views. and they can choose to follow their demands in the parliament. to vote, the requirement is that , as mr. hashemi has pointed out , the requirement is that the space for this election is ready for this competition . part of it is due to the political groups and currents that are present in this meeting. and encourage and promote others. now, mr. hashemi is pointing out that i am now trying to be of service during his
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order . what happened well, the election, as you said , was a passionate election, in the 1992 election and mr. rouhani was elected president, and then there were the majlis and shura elections. the fact is that just recently mr. mr. rouhani they have a hint, and it's been two or three days , you should be better informed about them from your newspaper. referring to the fact that in turkey the elections were held with 88 votes and it is not good that our elections here are for example 37-36, but now i don't know
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where to get 36-37 because the previous elections were 48 and 48. yes, the whole country is 38, but it has to be sent. they do 48 and look, i want to apologize . i want to point out that, god willing , they forgive me. please see in turkey, in the recent elections, that erdoğan voted, the difference between his votes and the other candidate, who was mr. aqlu. yes , the difference in the votes was two and a half million votes, which means that mr. erdogan won about 47 and a half percent of the votes and his rival got 45 and a half percent, but
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accepting everyone easily means obeying the law. . in the votes , there were 11 million votes, gentlemen, they did not vote for him, and then the so-called chaos and those issues. the next thing that appeared was this. well, see, this is effective in the eyes of the people. recently, hazrat agha said that one of the problems is that one of the problems is that people make promises and don't keep them. now , i don't know. let me make a point . you can see the story when you assume, for example, that
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mr. akhundi is the minister of housing. i don't know because they are not present. anyway, since he brought it up, it is public. mr. akhundi has been the minister of housing for 6 years. bodeh says that i was the first to say that my house is a joke, and what i am saying is the same as their words. my problem is that i didn't even open a housing estate, so why were you the minister of housing for 6 years ? it has an effect, or for example, suppose that mr. abdkanian, the minister of energy, says that the construction of a power plant is the construction of a power plant. it is entering the mafia and i am proud that they did not build a power plant and you witnessed
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those consecutive power outages. at that time, people did not even complain about the power outage, but they said that at least you should give the schedule of blackouts. mr. nematzadeh, minister of state, says that the manager should import from outside. this is the same demand , i want you to see its effect on the people, well, the media is here, i am raising it, mr. kalantari, they say that self-sufficiency in agriculture is nonsense, mr. zanganeh. the minister of oil says that the construction of a dirty power plant is our dirty work. you can't do anything, the result is that when they ask for our gasoline, when the gasoline reaches a certain level, and we
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experience a kind of desperation and we face a problem , well, we don't have a power plant, a refinery, so of course, a refinery or a power plant, yes , a refinery, that power plant it was mr. chis that i said that we had consecutive power outages. you don't have a refinery. then he will have to. now, thank god that star of the gulf, star of the persian gulf came to maidan and did something. look, this is what i want to say . it is effective in the eyes of the people, if you see that, for example, in some cases, the participation is less , that's why, why should it be, the competition is better, sir, this time it's me. of course, i believe that these recent statements , sir, are a manifesto, i will not say a manifesto now, you will say something later
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, it is a manifesto, it is a manifesto, and as always, it is short and as if raising the manifesto of the elections in the islamic republic regarding competition and advertising, and saying advertisements must be correct. and about the advertisements, we will go into it in detail. yes, i want to say that this affects people anyway, and as you mention mr. hashemi, it is obvious that hashemi is one of the it's not time for later, mr. moahsen, mr. sharid madari, giving an example of the issue of housing in the area of ​​making housing elections competitive can be an issue of election competition . let me take the discussion in a different way. after all
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, in order to be able to work, any system needs legitimacy and efficiency for its people. well, the part where they say the role of efficiency in the presence of the people in the election means that if the system is not efficient. non-participation can have an effect on the fate of the election. well, this is the discussion i can't give some examples now. i don't accept most of them, but because i don't have a chance to get into it anymore, what the leader of the revolution is thinking about is the leader of the revolution. this is that they want to increase the legitimacy of the system , now they do not talk about the efficiency of the system and think that with the legitimacy of the system, a lot can be done, very serious decisions can be made and problems solved in the system in the current state of the islamic republic
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, there are three views on the legitimacy of the system through elections of course, i said this in the conversation i had in your presence. that is, it is really assumed that we need people's vote for legitimacy, but there are some people who do they listen and see the leader's words. but in their own minds, they don't feel that the people's vote brings legitimacy , they think it brings acceptance to the system, they say, now, for example , there are people in the guardian council itself or in the teachers' community in qom, for example. now
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they are naming names, but i am not naming people, but the general assumption is that the legal system and the legal system of the religious authority are legitimate at all . they say that the legal system of the religious authority is a legitimate system, but now that the people also accept it. now let's hold an election to increase its acceptance , but the thing that is very dangerous are those people who see the election as an ornament . he can solve it, but leave it alone. no , leave it alone. i'm done. no, you can't leave it alone. do n't jump in. you were doing the same thing back then. i just wanted to ask what you think about the election, to which i said that we have not finished.
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what 's the point of me talking about you? i'll finish it, then i'll say it's over . we are also in any case, in any case , see that those who have them, in my opinion , are talking to such people, not to those who think about the legitimacy of the system , they are talking to people who think it is acceptable or ornamental. as a result, they want to say no to the election, the election is so important for the country that we all should try to create a high level of participation and competition in the country . some thoughts now, for example, maybe, for example, similar to the thoughts of mr. misbah, for example, yes
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, or for example, those who are my supporters, such as those who are stable , now, if they like mr. esbah , they should say that we accept the opinion of niyar, yes, but their behavior is like this. now, in any case, i think that the leader means the greatness of the revolution is that those who are reformists and moderates, who seriously believe in the legitimacy of the system through elections, are those who think about graves and adornment , and i treat the number of votes or high turnout from the same pre-registration. this is what they show so far it is in the hands of the people who are managing the elections now, the way you see it has been done in the executive boards, disqualifying so many people , disqualifying so many people , if not qualifying is not disqualification, when someone is not qualified qualification should be left to the people . the people will decide whether they are good people or
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vote for them or not. the way that is being done now in the government and in the executive boards that the government has set up, which are now my next discussions, is clear that they are not going towards a legitimacy. they still could not create a space for the people to show that the system it is moving towards a possibility of legitimacy through the elections. now i am done talking , there is no space for it to be presented to your presence. i will first say that it is better to first ask mr. hashemi somewhere that they say that zainat is from your point of view. first of all, i would like to say one thing first, that i believe that they should bring documents for me and them for their orders, and it cannot be said like this, for example, that mr. misbah says that we do not know anything about them either, considering that we, considering
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that, well, the mind the house cannot be done considering that we are in the news and all that fortunately, now, by god's grace , there is also a memory, but as far as i can remember, it is about acceptance. the only person who had such an opinion was mr. hashemi rafsanjani, may god have mercy on him, the only person who officially had the opinion that we should hold elections even with a minimal formation until our work is done, that is what mr. sanad has for this, yes, this is what they are saying. it is official and the only person in my mind who has such an opinion is mr. hashemi rafsanjani. i didn't see him. now, because of what they said, we are trying to follow up, so to speak, but i didn't see him begum
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, i didn't see any of them, that's why now someone is saying that i didn't see it, that ali is monitoring this news, we didn't see it. if mr. hashemi saw it and they tell us that, of course, i will tell you about the late mr. hashemi. well, mr. mohsen, sir. i know. but regarding the reforms, i would like to say, mr. hashemi, do you remember that you gave an interview to bahar newspaper? and then i am pressing my mind . i remember that you gave an interview to bahar newspaper and you said that the reformists cheated in the elections
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, the same as your interpretation of cheating in the elections of the 6th parliament, not allowing mr. hashemi to enter the parliament. then you said that reformists again, this is your same sentence, you said that reform. the supporters apparently say that they are looking for a plurality of voices, but in fact, both they themselves in the parliament and the executive boards of the reform government are looking for a single voice, so the one you were addressing is here, not there. my request is that if i make a mistake, you correct my mistakes what is better if we are
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someone in secret or in private or in the door. in a private meeting, for example, he says something, well, of course, it is not good to name him because he may not agree, but when it is very public, he will be free to say it. it should be said to you about the guardian council . they said that we should leave this to the people. see where they are doing this. this seems like a democratic statement, but it is the reality. the people of the year are not friends. why, everywhere in the world, everywhere in the world, there must be a center for the candidates
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. for example, in europe, some countries, such as england, france , germany, have a so-called constitutional court, or at all, like the united states, the united states has a supreme court. i will make a comparison because it is about the guardian council. and surely you know better than me about the supreme court in america the same thing is guarding, with the difference that the members of the supreme court choose the presidents . this is the reason why, for example, when bush becomes president, he wishes that some of them would die. let them die, let this representative do his own thing, no one can excuse them , what is their business, their business is nothing. no one has the right to protest in their opinion, no one is illegal at all. according to the supreme court, protest is illegal. so how? their attitude is different from here
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, the guardian council should make a law for its opinions this means that his opinions should be documented and if he does not announce the reasons for the disqualifications because the dignity of the party is at issue, the party is at stake, but if he wants to give it to him, it has happened many times . but we don't do it, but you are supreme. at the same time, the supreme court once announced that mr. bush is the president.
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in fact, this is the work of the guardian council to help the people , to help the people to know who they are, and for example, suppose i don't want to because i don't name mr. candidate. i was confirmed after them after i apologize for a while, sir. i was confirmed . he did not vote in one of the cities. now i don't say which one was in one of the cities in the north. i am in the north. well, god willing, there is room. we can't find anyone else. he voted in one of your cities. after a while, he was arrested. why? for the crime of murder, why did he extort a lot of money from a man because he was gone? you must remember that he extorted a lot of money. for
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his election campaigns and because he did not vote, that money was left. now that the vote had gone , he had threatened the party's house and the party . the party did not agree to his threats. look, what would a person like this, such a bigot , want to do if he entered the parliament . how do ordinary people know the guardian council ? competition means that political factions
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compete with each other to participate in the elections. different political and economic trends in the elections should be open for the competition of political factions, political views and political opinions as well. competition means that young people who want to enter the election field should compete with experienced people and they should try. a good and strong parliament. that both these young people
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and experienced and experienced ones should be in it , the competition means that this competition is one of the most important issues regarding the elections, this competition means that everyone should be able to advertise, but the advertisements right now, i will talk about my advertisements, inshallah i will advertise. it should be accompanied by morals and religion . advertisements should not be slanderous .


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