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tv   [untitled]    December 25, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm IRST

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at the end, khes kol stood a little lower than the range of 2,200,000 units. experts say the closure of global markets and the drop in exchange rates are the cause of the neutralization of transactions. the value of transactions in the stock market has increased from 3 thousand billion tomans to 5 thousand billion in the last two months, and the total index of 13 has increased almost, which has seen positive movement today with the news of the capital increase of one of the banks. we were in the banking group, but with the approach of the new year and the closure of global markets , we do not expect a particular fluctuation in commodity stocks, and with the decrease in land prices, buyers be careful. today, the iran commodity exchange automobile hall witnessed the release of 20 tractors and 20 trucks. 13 devices in these deals. the m power towing truck
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was sold at the factory price of 4 billion 441 million 500 thousand tomans. also, 16 force 6 ton trucks were sold at a base price of 1 billion and 56 million tomans. the advance payment for the purchase of these trucks is 10% and the delivery time is the fourth of march this year. in addition to the discovered price, there are 9 value added taxes plus other costs, including taxes and post numbering duties. issuance of smart car card and third party insurance is added to the final price of these cars. today, more than 69 thousand tons of hydrocarbon products went on the supply board of the domestic and international halls of the iran energy exchange. the inner hall of the energy exchange hosts the supply of more than 33 thousand tons of products, including liquid nitrogen, solvent, light oil, light hydrocarbon, heavy cutting, blending naphtha, methanol, gas condensate and coal. in yesterday's transactions
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, the value of the iran energy exchange was over 631 billion tomans. today, the halls of the commodity exchange hosted the supply of more than 674 thousand tons of all kinds of goods and products. the most the volume of supplies was allocated to 230 thousand tons of bloom ingots. in the industrial hall. 326,000 tons of all kinds of goods, including long ingots, sponge iron , iron ore pellets, and all kinds of sheets went on the supply board. the petrochemical and petroleum products hall also recorded the supply of more than 34 thousand tons of polymeric and chemical materials . more than 242,000 tons of cement were sold in the cement hall. the supply board of the auction hall again hosted 30,000 tons of choices. the export hall also supplied 37 thousand tons. from raising capital
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to stopping some symbols and holding public and extraordinary meetings and disclosing important information in the closed kodal on the news line, based on the report published in the kodal system, the symbols of the three souths of afarin have been stopped at the end of trading on the 4th of december. symbols of the board of directors ' proposal to nirau regarding the capital increase of 48% of the accumulated profit to kavir qasim. fulaj azhar
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they recorded 52 and 166 percent of retained earnings respectively in the auditor's opinion about capital increase. the symbol of katsaba in order to increase capital 188 from the retained earnings of its assembly held on the 10th of december. ba pas and khavar symbols registered a capital increase of 22 and 42 percent of the accumulated profit, respectively. the symbol of three easts was suspended for one working day due to the existence of price manipulation or the use of confidential information. three south symbols were suspended for the afarin annual general meeting to elect board members at the close of business on december 4. the cash dividend of real and legal shareholders of kerman symbol ending on the financial year of june 31, 1402 will be paid in the first half of december. due to the expiration of the deadline for using the capital increase license and the approval of the stock exchange and securities organization, the deadline for using authorization to increase the capital of the symbol. tebasi
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was extended for 30 days until 2 bahman. according to the woman, buying and selling relying on the secret information of the trading and national symbol was stopped until 10th of december at the latest. the meeting of the public collection of the flemish symbol will be held on december 28. the trading symbols of kabadde, sajan se jawan, sheko, fenerji were included in the clearing of the trading knot. at the end of trading on the fourth day of shabdist, the symbol of shabdist was stopped to hold the annual general meeting in order to approve the extraordinary financial and public statements. zahra, a scientist of sed and cima news agency. issuance of activity license 51. investment fund for 42 financial institutions of the stock exchange organization bahadur announced that from the beginning of 1402 to the end of december, 51 investment funds have been licensed to 42 different financial institutions. based on this, capital supply, portfolio management, brokerage, and
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investment advisor were the financial institutions that received the license to operate investment funds. in the period of 9 months of this year, more than 50 approvals in principle were issued to the financial institution. based on these licenses, a wide range of investment funds have been provided to various financial institutions so that they can complete their service chain and help indirect investment. do thank you for your cooperation with this news section.
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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, you can receive purchase credit up to 100 million tomans from pak shuma. we have 730 days until the last payment. pak shuma is always with you. ko energy, milk ka state.
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single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron single macaron
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single macaron single macaron only at the top. it is very easy, up to 300 million tomans, no real estate collateral , no blocking of the guarantor deposit, up to 50 million , my husband does not want to pay back up to 5 years, no genuine. i said, wait, let me ask you about the rights of rome. excuse me, the conditions of roof for legal entities are up to 750 million tomans. with the same conditions, you can even transfer it to your employees. have you heard of the plan of nikan mills , the loan of al-hassan up to 3 billion. rials for natural persons and 7 billion and 500 million rials for legal entities. repayment of how many years , short-term deposit, long-term repayment of nikan melli project of melli credit institution.
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what difference does it make when a loaded gun is pointed at you? most of the misery in the world is due to the war, gentlemen, and when the war ends, no one knows what caused it to start. i remember in my city a person from the two-story building fell down . i need anyone who volunteers to cooperate. when i asked him how he was doing, he said that it was not bad. no one is always a loser.
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hardy expressed it with the dialogue he wrote for him and created it twice. if you listened to hardy , it wasn't like that, or louis dufonse, louis dufonso, mr. maqbeli was really creating, he was composing. mr. nasiryan's role has been composed in a way that kamal al-mulk's role was not.
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it helped, it was very important that now i tried not to fall below that level
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most of the movies that i have worked on are mostly good , the roles are very good, i have to be patient . why is the answer to this movie? why does this answer? why does it go in this direction? why does this mean that you are not crazy anymore? you are not crazier than those idiots who roam the streets . have you ever thought about my responsibilities? i thought about my responsibilities for a moment i think you think jazabet and raesam, you think good night , the inspector command yaxter, major reinhart, the inspector.
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come and inspect this, john samit , head of forestry at jenizon park, mr. jangelvan , sir, do you want to go to my pita, please let me see that, give me my hat, yes, sir, now go into the forest so that i don't see you, yogi's hand. ...jamel is all the bears, especially you, yes, sir, there is a long
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distance between, for example, commander kessler in the secret army , and yogi the bear, which you just said before. you say, for example, you say hemkesler, they themselves are good , just like i said, who can think that yogya is so funny? he is not too serious, he is too serious. a person like kessler, who thinks that he is right, is a very serious person, and the right to the other side is certain, that is, there is no doubt.
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but the two of you who said nicholson and hollywood, you think that comic cinema is a movie that lloyd, chaprin, and harriline, all those things , those who make it, are a noble cinema, barlayd is a noble person, a bit like gary cooper, for example. i when i stole my friend's money in the third grade , i didn't need money. to be honest, i never needed money, but
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i like it. i'm just telling you. just look at the movie , the retreat never attacks, what happened is that you always saw a so-called sewing man, his movie is very awkward, now it's better, yes, sir, jim, why should anyone worry that he lost his job on saturday, even though it is sunday and he can go to coney island. you know that i am always on monday what i find is that when you know these things, naturally, there is a film itself, there is a text , there is practice, it helps, you perform, well , you gain experience, it becomes less effective
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how do these different characters come about? it's not a special job, i don't think it's a job to sing , maybe it's not everyone's job to sing, no secret should be broken , no one has the right to reach out to people like others, don't insult anyone, anyone can't write his name behind that door, but his news service will inform him. when are you going to qil grant and how many soldiers are with you to ask for help?
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i came here because people are here . whatever you say, some of you must know, but those who don't , should be aware that frank miller is coming to this city by noon train. when he saw that i was not satisfied with only 10% of his income, he came together, that is, he was willing to agree to 505 the young generation is hoping that, naturally , there is no way to help them but to express, practice, experience, destroy, fix. don't you hope that now everyone will see me on the street, for example, they will say, "sir, we want to be dubbed , for example, go to tv, go somewhere, i don't know now." i'm bored later. he says, "how is my voice ? i'm a bachelor. he wants us to say your voice is good. come on, he doesn't think that this is the product of many years, how many days and nights
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. he understands moment by moment and time. a good speaker is two things. it is basic , he knows the minutes, he needs to keep it now, he needs to master it, he needs a very strange memory that you read this text, you gradually memorize it, and i have to finish my work with it. the biggest trick of satan was to create the belief that it does not exist . what will end will be a story.
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mrs. esadi is 45 years old and now it is her turn to have her limb amputated. her toe must be amputated because it has reached the bone. he turned black, this is just one of his problems . i hit someone in my eyes, my kidneys, and my pump . i am really upset because of this. my mother is also blind because of this. my mother is diabetic and i lost her eyes. they could have been prevented . i am very sorry that it happened like this. the member will not be suspended, mr the farmer is also here for this reason , his toe was amputated. i found out that i have diabetes. 300 of my right
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toes were amputated because of diabetes . you found out that you have this disease too late. i had not been tested for many years. 14% of the population over 25 years of age in our country has diabetes. which has no cure and is very complicated if not identified and controlled in time. in many cases, diabetes is asymptomatic and more than 30% of patients are unaware of its existence. how often do you control your blood sugar? the first time the first time? how many are you old 35. when was the last time you checked your blood sugar? i do not remember. two years ago it was 118. amount of sugar normal fasting blood should be less than 100, between 100 and 125 pre -diabetes and 126 and above are signs of this disease in the body. the statistics of the ministry of health
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show that 7.5 million people in iran and 530 million people in the world suffer from this disease. 30 thousand deaths in the country every year due to diabetes. according to experts, with a 5-7% reduction in body weight , walking a little and although small changes in lifestyle can be made, about 70% will not get diabetes. if if they reduce their weight a bit, exercise, most of them will not get diabetes anymore and they will be prevented from getting diabetes. non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and hypertension are diseases that cost the country's health system about 5% of the gdp annually. diseases that can be prevented and controlled with timely recognition. a very important issue is the disabilities that follow diabetes, which increases the treatment costs tremendously. the burden of this disease is 13 thousand billion tomans per year and each
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diabetic patient costs 3 times as much as other patients. now, in the national diabetes and blood pressure survey, which continues until december 15th, the ministry of health has asked all people over the age of 18 to participate in this survey to find out about their blood pressure and blood sugar status. sms has been sent to many people that they will be screened based on the results of screening in five healthy groups in the risk of disease of the patient or not, educational content will be sent to them via mobile phone . balgari is in the systems of the first level of health services and it is included in the electronic file of these, that is, this persons. after that, those who participate in this program , their electronic file will be completed and follow-up and follow-up care
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will be done according to the instructions. yes, a text message was sent to us , we visited. how was the number of people's visits and reception? the number of visits and reception was excellent. now, according to the calls that we gave and the sms messages that were sent to almost everyone, even those around me, their visits and reception were excellent and even our identification has been very good, many of my people have high sugar and are not informed at all and are referred and treated you only have until december 15th to get an appointment. if you have not received the sms, please visit the centers and get checked for free. maryam beikpour , radio and television news agency.
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this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, we can receive purchase credit from you for up to 100 million tomans . you have 730 days until the final payment . find a way, tahatar means exchange of goods. with the product
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, a new solution from golliskashi to solve your challenges in the field of construction and participation in development for more information on the construction of national housing, you can visit the golliz kashi website . tile your dreams. you know how to buy in installments . be careful, if the consumer price of a product or a basket of products is, for example, 20 million tomans, and we are supposed to pay 20% of it. let's pay in advance, this 20% should be deducted from the consumer's price , so our debt will be 16 million tomans, and fees and commissions must be calculated based on this amount, so pay attention to the consumer's price and the remaining cash. the home of the city of household appliances takes refuge there from every life
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i go home to the treasure of my home life.


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