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tv   [untitled]    December 26, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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because of this, there was a trench on the street , there was a shooting, there was a martyr beheshti who created such a dynamism that there was no one who was the basis of things. we learn from teachers and people, or many faces who were in those days, today, if there are people who love the revolution, whose path should be this , they love their country. it should be like this, even there are other friends, the leader should say the key sentence, he said that everything will be clear through the election , that is, there is no other way but the election, so what we are saying is that the field should be left open for competition, but the knowledge of the people and our knowledge , the knowledge of the currents, and the knowledge of the parties should come to the aid of the society and not allow the line of the aristocracy. those
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who want to corrupt people's money or want to corrupt that line will win. thank you mr. mahjoub. thank you mr. ganji for the presence of both honorable people in the studio of vijeh khabari. thank you as always, mr. mojoob. thank you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashemzadegan with jahan today, in the first case of tonight's program in person. sardar martyr seyyed
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uzi mousavi will be discussed in the attack yesterday the terrorist of the zionist regime was martyred in zainabi of damascus. in the second case , we will examine the latest developments of the war on the 8th and 1st, along with the perspective of its end, but before that , let's see some pictures of what happened to palestine in the last 24 hours.
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allah, the martyrs, the party of allah, and the martyrs, the servants of allah , and the moon, the moon, and the grave, upon the righteous. oh mahmoud laqina, or mahmoud laqina, or
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mahmoud laqina, jebna al-shahda, al-jabna al-shahda, there is no god but allah, and now, tsa'. let's see a world of the people of palestine and gaza that continues no celebration.
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it is enough that we can no longer pretend that nothing happened and we turn a blind eye to the tragedies that are happening in gaza in support of what is happening in gaza and because of all those we have lost in gaza the whole world has closed christmas. in a situation where such brutal violence is happening against innocent citizens in gaza, no one can be happy and celebrate in salno.
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because that land is right for ours, that is the land, ghaza taught us to fight oppression with what little we have, by any means necessary. hearts newspaper announced that 40 in the last 24 hours
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zionist soldiers were wounded in the battles in gaza , five of them are in serious condition, of course , the zionist losses in the last 24 hours are only higher according to this report of the zionist resistance newspaper. qassam battalions targeted two merkava tanks and one person on the zionist army in elgridge camp in the center of the gaza strip. quds battalions also announced that they targeted the gathering of zionist soldiers in khanyounis with anti-armor bullets and mortars. put. field facts show that the resistance forces have prevented the occupation army from achieving its ground attack goals and now the war are managed well. at the same time, the operations of the resistance forces
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continued by firing dozens of rockets at the occupied city of esqlan and the zionist settlements around gaza. at least 16 tanks and armored vehicles of the zionists have been destroyed since last night. about 50 zionist soldiers have been killed or injured in these clashes. resistance field sources reported the retreat of the paratrooper brigade and some armored forces of the zionist army towards the borders of the occupied territories . the occupying army suffered greatly from strategic failure in command, war management, coordination between combat units and support. the most important the index of the war cabinet of the zionist regime is far from the realities of the field. qassam fighters blew up the entrance of one of the bombed tunnels when one of the military units of the zionist regime was present in the east of el brij camp. as a result of this explosion , 8 zionist soldiers were killed or injured. isaac
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brik, a retired zionist general, said that it will take years to destroy these tunnels, and israel will suffer huge losses along the way. on the other side the field of zionist crimes continues . khanyounes, rafah, deir al-bala, jabalia and al-maghazi are under the most intense bombardment since this morning were placed palestine red crescent. he announced that the bodies of 300 martyrs were delivered to al-aqsa hospital in the last hour. the representative of the world health organization describes part of the humanitarian situation in gaza in this way . the situation in shafa hospital is catastrophic. the wounded are lying on the ground and it is difficult to walk in the corridors of the hospital. the cries of pain and suffering are excruciating. there is no medical equipment, medicine or blood. at the same time as the bombings in different areas of the gaza strip intensified, the internet and all
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telecommunication connections were cut off once again. in the latest attacks of the zionist army following the bombing of a house in khanios, south of the gaza strip, one person was martyred and 8 people were injured. khamis al-najjar, a representative of the palestinian legislative assembly, along with his wife and two children and some of his grandchildren. he was martyred when his house was bombed in this city. the number of martyrs in gaza has reached 20,915 and the number of wounded has reached 549. according to the announcement of the palestinian ministry of health, 180 displaced women give birth in unsafe conditions every day, and about 900,000 displaced children are at risk of hunger, dehydration and disease. in addition to the gaza strip, the zionist regime
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targeted several towns in southern lebanon, including the town of khian a house placed its own phosphorus bombs. two people were injured in the drone attack of this regime on a car in tolin town. hamas announced netanyahu by describing the actions of the zionist regime's cabinet as aimless. one failure after another, netanyahu is moving from one failure to another. osama hamadan , one of the leaders of this movement in beirut, said: the prime minister of the zionist regime has only one option, and that is to admit defeat and face his own destiny. he considered america to be in charge of the war and its president's hands stained with the blood of gaza children. hamadan said the american government: about saving other people's lives nizamian talks in gaza and at the same time
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gives weapons to the zionist regime. this hamas official also emphasized the necessity of a complete stop to the crimes against the people of gaza and said that the palestinian people demand a complete ceasefire and society. the chief of general staff of the armed forces said that the leaders of the zionist regime made a strategic mistake in the assassination of martyr mousavi. general bagheri pointed out that the crazy actions of the zionist regime will make the siege of this regime by the axis of resistance more complete . undoubtedly, their crimes will not go unanswered. the capital of syria
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was surrounded by terrorists. 6 years ago terrorists are strong they came from the east of damascus. and advancing towards zainabiyah. seyyed razi mousavi, one of the irgc's senior advisers , participated in the planning of operations that ended in the hands of isis and other terrorist groups during the war years . martyr seyyed razi, along with martyr haj qasim soleimani , had a continuous presence on the front of the war against terrorists. this high-ranking martyr played a key role in the fight against takfiri groups in syria, especially isis. martyr seyyed razi mousavi was responsible for the support of the resistance axis in the past few decades, which defended the palestinian people against the genocide and
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placing the zionist regime today as a failure. the ones that have been eaten and obtained in gaza and the global pressures that human conscience is exerting against the zionist regime. he is trying to make up for his big failures with any kind of crime, with any kind of anti-human and terrorist act, violation of international conventions in dealing with the officials of the islamic republic of iran and other countries. the news of the martyrdom of the irgc's senior adviser in
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syria coincided with the dismissal of the commander of the golan brigade. whose battalions are currently retreating from ghazhand after losing dozens of their most elite troops. essam helali damascus radio agency. now i want to have a conversation with sardar alireza jahid, one of the comrades of martyr mousavi, so that we can know more about martyr mousavi, sardar salam. salam alaikum and may god's mercy have a good night. thank you sardar for martyr mousavi. tell us what his role and activities were in these years when the zionists put him on their terror list and were looking to target him . may god have mercy on the martyr. venerable martyr sirzai in
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the resistance area of ​​martyr sirzai. martyr soleimani was the second, martyr soleimani was the second nobleman , and he had accurate information about the enemy from the region, despite that he was responsible for the support of the resistance front , but the nobles had strong information about the enemy, because he had served in the region for more than 20 years and was in place. there has been resistance from the nobles everywhere. he has strong connections with palestinian groups. both hamas, islamic jihad, hezbollah, hasht al-shaabi and groups inside syria. he has a detailed knowledge of isis. in the syrian wars,
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jaish al-hoor, jabhat. ahrar al-sham means that it has taken the first place in the responsibility of support in information matters. the resistance front has been from iran, from the countries of the region , from kuwait, from the arab countries. and have a strong relationship in attracting facilities to transfer to the resistance front. thank god, he had a high intelligence and talent , he was fluent in arabic, and with these qualities , he could adapt himself to all the people of the resistance front . he was completely obedient to the commander, that is, if haj qasim
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wanted the noble martyr seyyed ghazi mousavi wanted something, and he determined it once and for all because he was in the service of the resistance front and under the command of martyr soleimani, and thank god he has done so well in this regard that he is definitely his enemy. used to target and on different occasions our great martyr was injured in the bombings of the damascus airport and considering this greatness, the zionist enemy targeted him with the intention that if he hits the resistance front he will be weakened, in the event that martyr seyyed razi seyyed he has trained other razis
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who can continue his path today. yes, sardar , he was martyred in the previous battles, such as the 3-day war and the syrian war. i wanted to tell you about your service at the beginning of the formation of isis, jabhat al-nusra, ahrar al-sham you can almost say that they are perfect in all aspects. in order to support yourself.
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characters like brigadier mousavi, etc., when they were in action, it is only after their martyrdom that we get to know their character and characteristics. they were probably unknown to many iranian people until their death. if you have something in mind , thank god. thank you. the commanders of the resistance front, dear brothers of our guard, one of their characteristics
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is a self-made religious believer, and the fact that the martyr seyyed fadzi was responsible for action was one of the prominent characteristics of these characteristics, he was truly a believer. he was pious and a servant of hazrat zainab's shrine and hazrat ruqiya's shrine and in most of the ceremonies. he used to pay personally so that he could find that closeness. on all fronts, in spite of, for example, maybe he was in damascus, but the nobles had information from deir al-zour, aleppo and all different places. he was very smart, he was a case, he was in charge of all the issues of the region and he played a major role in all the support of the front. resistance was popular with the syrian government, which means that if the syrian government wanted something from mr. seyyed razi, he
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would provide it immediately, and naturally, whatever he wanted from the syrian government, the syrian government would prepare for seyed razi. kurds were the strong advisors of our brother haj qassem soleimani, and he played a decisive role in all the operations rooms. on the one hand, there is a lack today . it can be said that we have lost one of the biggest forces, but it is not like that now that this has happened, we no longer have sidouzi. we have others who are currently serving the resistance front, the palestinian groups of hezbollah, the eight branches, and the syrian groups, god willing. thank you .
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now, as i said at the beginning of the program , the file. we will also deal with the first war the future and the end of the war in this regard, mr. nasser torabi, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime , mr. torabi's presence in studio jahan today. hello , welcome. it is not bad to start a conversation with the assassination of martyr mousavi. anyway, you are one of the analysts of the zionist regime. do you think that the issue is a problem? was it as a part of this war or not just at the same time as the war? yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful and the most merciful. i offer my greetings, courtesy and respect to you
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, your respected colleagues and all dear viewers. see , we must look at this assassination in the form of a general puzzle. let's do it and have a macro view from above microbe, let's see what is the state of israel in your situation. let's face it, i named this work the battle between wars. you see, we have a war, a battle. these two are different. a war consists of several battles. well, palestine and israel are in a long-term war, which some say, sir. in my opinion, there has been a long-term war of 75 years of occupation . now the situation in israel is extremely critical. you see, i sometimes hear people saying that mr. golani brigade retreated and came back, and many people do not know what the golani brigade is. i am just a hint. oh you i will only
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claim this before the 33-day war. our golani is a commando force, and now this category of commando forces and airborne forces requires a detailed section. they claim that our golani brigade has 13 commandos against the airborne forces , and now each commando or an airborne force is the talk of the old war. that one person in front of now, yes, yes, 13 people , it was their claim, now they say that there is one new person, 13 commandos or 13 airborne forces. or delta force or special forces, then see how to withdraw from gaza . i saw an article by ronin berg. in the last few days, i have written a book called "first to kill" or "first to kill" and it has two points. the author of this article had mentioned that he was the first to die. what i saw was interesting to me, he said.
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our officials are lying, and it is very difficult for me to see them lying. two, he mentioned that we have to withdraw from the case in this war. this is new. yes , these words were said 48 hours ago. now the israelis are trying to create a crisis and transfer the crisis to a larger policy they are saying in the name of the octopus that we should hit the head of the octopus, because it is iran. well, look at me personally, mr. seyed razi. i didn't know that we are now hearing their names, and even i found it interesting that israeli tv introduced them , but i myself had never seen this. well, when a person with a strategy to this extent , what does this mean? i read that last month they wanted to assassinate him at this very spot and they couldn't, so it's not something that should be hidden. pay attention to the assassination of someone like haj qasim and someone like mr. seyyed razi mousavi. work
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it is not a very prominent security force, that is to say, a spy force, or a force that is security , yes, you have a level, they call that thirty, in opposition to that octopus policy, to define two strategies , one is that death through a thousand injuries means telling iran a thousand i think that this is the main strategy of the serise regime towards iran . would you like to explain more about it ? what is this death in a thousand wounds, yes, or death through a thousand stabs, a thousand daggers, they say that they can't be an opponent with iran , they can't fight a direct war with iran. the countries of the region that started a proxy war , they also did not accept the project of striking terror and such things. well, iran is such a strong and strong tree that it cannot be hit by these things
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. defining another strategy as putting everyone in front of all the people in front of the people . well, now i am asking that this is the process that happened last year and the interesting thing is that now i see that the employers of the same project are now busy with a lot of this. the events that we have seen in the past 10 years, even in the past 20 years now we don't see why because the conflicts they have there are against these two names. the situation of netanyahu and israel is not a favorable situation, so they are carrying out such assassinations that no matter what happens , they will force iran to show a reaction, a reaction equal to this case. it will work and it is not like that as you have seen that the positions of the leaders of the system were that we will respond at the right time
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. now i will explain its components and variables for you in the first days of the war we were talking with you 80 days ago . you mentioned patience. at that time, this battle is a battle where patience will play a role in determining the winner. that is exactly what strategic patience and rationality are. now, if the time is now, see now. we have three components in this battle of mine. if you remember, in the second week of the war, i told you that if the third week of the war does not end, it will be the third month, the fourth, and here i am telling you that in this third month, there are 3 very effective components: the first component, the initiative , the second component, time. the third component of tabavarieh ebtekar , see from here on, it specifies that initiatives show who is taking the field , look at something like the israelis saying, sir, we will pour water into these tunnels. well
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, it was an initiative, but okay. actually, it did not form from here.


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