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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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we are now at a point where because our criminal movements, our party movements , even our people are not in a strong position , we all have to strengthen each other first, our path must also be strengthened. let's see some of the worker's table, let's see his hand, let's see how little we have added to his salary. we added to his expenses , we found inflation in this mess , if you want to talk about it , there is a lot of it. target whoever targeted the people. now these people are saying that this way, i will reach the people so much that the inflation will not bother them. this way , i will try to increase their salaries
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. let's target the pensioners and make them a target. if we close our politics in this way , you know that the field will open again, but as a rule, follow here. or, these fields are not looking for this. from the beginning of my sentence, let 's move the field towards the poor, why don't we have the love of jurists, why are they not looking for this field , mr. mahjoub, are they not looking for this field now? you point out that most of those who really know the competition between you because all those statements are without commitment or with little commitment, these statements are committed, later i will say the same as them. first
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of all, i said that it is not the work of one person that the movement of factions should be the leader , pointing out the main point correctly. this should be the trend. therefore, today , when it becomes the 15th, the drivers of each parliamentary candidacy are factions and movements that can speak, now the candidate cannot speak. officially, the candidate should leave it in the days of official advertising, in the press, in the media, now in a private meeting , you may have something to say, which is very much the past of the imam, even the leadership, taking even this as the basis of their order , means saying, "don't pass my circles , say it in your homes, recommending this to the whole society, it shows that our factions and our crime are weak . see, my party, i believe in the party, the party is a political school, the party is closed." ok, if the party does not work well , there is no political education . if there is no political education, participation will have meaning.
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this is why it is an invitation to factions, an invitation to views , an invitation to individuals, an invitation to our unit, in fact, it is so well and completely worded that the need to repeat this motto means that the best is what you spread. you said that the repetition of the same words means the beginning , the end, the beginning and the end of these things. this is not the place to say it. i would like to
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say something to you in front of you. he is sitting here talking against aristocracy. this is really an honor for us and an honor for our workers, but at the same time, there may be a spectrum that, for example , comes from billionaire ministers. rides because the party alone
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cannot carry the load, so i will join i join together during the election season. after the election , the parties will go again during their winter break, but the parties , mainly the media, have a news base. now , whether it's a newspaper, virtual or online, it's natural that in the era we're in now we didn't make official advertisements because now they are busy. dehban, who announces the results on the 14th , has 30 days to protest again , which means that we now have about 40 more days until the end of these 40 days . bring
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present it, but see, we have three types of competition , without compliments, we have this kind of competition , there are really a few people , they are not purely for the people. with power and responsibility, it is very dangerous that he himself lobbies , he looks for him, he sees this, he sees that, in my opinion , our law does not allow such people , especially here where the people's choice is made, but in general, anyone who is looking for a responsibility has the same goals. he follows himself, which is in his mind. we also have a section now, in our country , i think it's mainly non-registration. now, as i heard , non-registration is competing with the system . i mean , look at the countries that practice democracy a lot, especially in the
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west. what are they competing for? social security, unemployment insurance, retirement age of foreign immigrants is all about this. then we will come here, what is our competition about ? you see, the islamic republic is competing on its own side, and it is fighting with the basis of the system . he chants the slogans he gives, you feel that this iran international is chanting slogans, we really have this, so we have these three groups, in my opinion , people should know those who really want to serve. being a friend , being a candidate, i knew both of them, one of them voted, one of them voted, then a gentleman who is an expert in analysis said, "do you know why he voted, he didn't vote, because he who voted
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was a person who had nothing in the world, people knew that he is not looking for anything for himself and people vote for him by giving him these properties and facilities, people will understand that he wants to increase them. look at this vote, our people recognize this, mr. bahjo, i think we will have two minutes until the end of the conversation to focus on what should be contested, i.e. specific components and expectations from the next parliament, of course what he said is all-round competition. but in my opinion, i think that the solution is very important, the competition should have a solution aspect, and the attacks on each other should be stopped, i mean the attacks, sir.
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or the many faces that were that day, that day , today, if there are people who love the revolution their path should be this, they are lovers of the country , their path should be this, even there are other friends , they should be leaders, they should say a key sentence, he said that everything will be clear through the election , that is, there is no other way but the election, so our point is that the field should be left open for competition, but knowing the people and knowing us , knowing the currents, knowing the parties, should come to the help of the society, not allow the line of the aristocracy, the wrongdoers, the line of those who
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want to corrupt or want to corrupt the people's money, let that line win. thank you mr. mahjoub. in vijeh conversation studio news and thank you as always. in a statement, the zionist army announced the blocking of the roads leading to the west galilee and the upper galilee and the creation of a security buffer zone in the north of the occupied territories. today there is a security strip inside israel. hezbollah
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has captured the north and this fact should not continue. also, in response to the zionist military attacks on residential areas in southern lebanon , hezbollah targeted a house in the military and zionist settlement of avivim, which was the resting place of the zionist army forces . two military gathering places. fighters of the zionist regime also to labbon and rab selasin attacked and the drones of this regime also
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targeted a school in tayyaba. the zionist military artillery also targeted seven areas, including misra and ita shab. the zionist newspaper israel alyoun has warned the authorities of the zionist regime and said that the high accuracy of hezbollah's offensive operations shows their complete nobility in the north of the occupied territories and attacks. the expansion of the zionist military to the south of lebanon was not possible due to the high precision of this operation. hasan azimzadeh of sada and sima news agency marjayoun border of lebanon with occupied palestine . this light is in the name of allah, the light
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of allah is great, god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god . i testify that muhammad is the messenger. the messenger of god is the witness of god
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, and god is the witness of god. hai ali al-salalah hai ali al-salalah hai ali al-falah hai ali al-halal
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hai ali khair al-amal hai ali khair al-amal allah akbar allah
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more than 5 thousand teenage students in the 10th and 11th grades across the country in the 8th edition of the olympiad. media literacy of registration and participants is one of the serious axes that we have pursued and are trying to realize, opening a new path. in order to find and rate artistic and media talents, omid club is the focus of this event , that is, we at omid club identify artistic and media talents in various ways and give them opportunities for their own professional growth in the field of art and media. badim media literacy olympiad helps to improve the media literacy of teenagers . do it and then their own skills and abilities now i want to mediate a much deeper scientific competition . the media is the architect of the dreams of children and teenagers. our language
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, our words, our thoughts are formed by interacting with the outside world. and obviously it is guided from that side , sometimes from the side until a certain age , so to speak, it is from the side of the family, from a certain age onwards, when we say the beginning of youth, my help, the family loses its place and is replaced by a group of friends, and with the words that are thrown he is trying to make this teenager look like his group and help me. houses step into this arena and start giving ideas that a teenager well, what should a different teenager look like, how should he dress, what games should he play, what movies should he watch, and during this process they are forming in his mind so that this mind will know what to do with this body and
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control the behavior of today's children and teenagers with yesterday's children. it is different. this segment of the society, they are very, very different even from their highly educated mothers and fathers. why are they different? because these are the children of the technology generation. these are associated with the field of new technologies and in this field of media technology, they are very, very similar. with what to use or to be drunk with the media affects them more than even their family, that is, even social communication , the way they use the media, in fact , the media is like a family. now
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he has the childlike characteristics of rome. it also has the characteristics of purity. it also has the characteristics of that mental blank slate. this is why these media are very powerful and they create fundamental changes in his mind, in his thinking, in his method, in the context of his life. the media is powerful they create a need for the generation of children and teenagers to have a fake lifestyle. media networks. virtual ones are very powerful, they spend time studying , they sell us our children until we need them, and then they disappoint us , make us unhappy , and thus buy our time.
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move the path and help me, they will buy us, we will be stuffed puppets of the media and the mentality that the media has created for us, according to the strategic document of the islamic republic of iran in the virtual space, we should promote media literacy of akshar and special social groups. pay special attention to children and teenagers. media awareness and literacy is very important for children and teenagers to be less influenced by the media. our teenage generation gets involved in a fake lifestyle and doesn't realize it. that's mean. you often see what influencers or influencers, as they say , do in the fields of cyberspace, among the many ways of life. in fact, we are saying that the elements of the cultural sphere are precisely
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controlled by the hands and precisely this generation is attracted to it, but the solution to deal with the high impressionability of children and teenagers from the media have a connection with the mind, what should i do in the virtual space, what should i do in the moment , be aware of one, now this is a part of it, we must know that the context always tries to influence our behavior. billions of moments of my learning are trying to influence my behavior and how i am supposed to be. my behavior is supposed to be based on the deepest desires of my heart . i know what the deepest desires of my heart are. i know what i want to be. research has shown that teenagers know. to experience ahmad aminfard, news agency
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radio beit lahem, unlike usual, on the occasion of the beginning of the christian new year, new clothes. it hasn't because while the occupying regime continues to kill the people of gaza with genocide and ethnic cleansing, bethlehem rejects any manifestation of celebration and joy. the atmosphere of celebration and joy on the occasion of new year's eve is not seen in bethlehem, and christians and muslims declare their support for the palestinian nation in gaza . what you see in bethlehem to declare unity. it is with the brothers in the gaza strip. they are our brothers who have suffered and suffered due to the daily killings of the occupying regime they live in difficult conditions. our work
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is a declaration of solidarity, an invitation to pray for peace and tranquility. in the courtyard of al-mukht church, which is the place where the mosque and the church are separated, a number of statues have been placed instead of the eid pine tree, indicating murder and destruction. it is in the gaza strip to send the message of the palestinians to the world and to show that muslims and christians express their sympathy with the oppressed people of gaza and refrain from any celebration and joy in this situation. christians are a part of the palestinian nation and any problem caused by the occupying regime is more important to the palestinian nation than to the muslims christians should arise before muslims.
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the city of peace declares its solidarity with gaza in its own way , so there is no news of the eid tree, nor of any lights on the occasion of the beginning of the new year, thus gaza is at the top of the priorities of all muslims and christians. this is a happy hour that adnan spends with his one-year-old son, but since two months ago, this father is worried about his child, who was born in belgium
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, asking me to hand over my son's identification documents , but if i don't have these documents, i can't prove my son. belgium because they deleted all the information from the system. this little boy from later, he received belgian citizenship at birth. according to the law, a child who does not have any other nationality receives the citizenship of this country in belgium, but the authorities announced to this family that this right has been taken away from them . they do not have their child's profile registered. if they cannot return to their country, it means that their child cannot have palestinian identification documents. the judicial system of this country
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has made a final decision and says that palestinians are not stateless, but from the point of view of this lawyer, it is retracted naturalization is a wrong action. this tool is completely illegal. it is not within the jurisdiction of the foreign press office to determine whether these children are stateless. palestinians are the third largest foreign community in belgium.
5:57 am
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sazad wafa like khamran qorud didina and vahan for this. our lives, days from now, our independence, freedom , the role of our lives, martyrs wrapped in the ears of time , your cry, tainde mani and jabdan, o islamic republic.
6:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family and hasten their fate. hello and good morning . dear viewers , welcome to the level 6 morning news section. the country's trade balance in 9 months this year, $15 billion was positive. the minister of economic affairs and finance said that the country's trade has reached 112 billion dollars during this period, which has grown by more than 7% compared to the same period last year. according to mr. khandozi, the share of oil exports.


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