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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm IRST

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[000:00:31;00] we are going to attack, la
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al-hala, la ilah , la al-hala, but allah, la la ilah, but allah, ahlah , ahlah, ahlah, welcome, we have, we have, we have , welcome. with the news section at 7 p.m. we are with you. more than 330 million dollars a day, the cost of war for the zionist regime. the zionist newspaper yediot aharonot published this news while earlier the ministry of finance of this regime announced the need for at least 14 billion dollars for war expenses in 2024 from a budget deficit three times compared to
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it was reported last year. yediot aharonot also. in another report, referring to the cost of about one billion dollars to build a concrete wall around gaza , he called it a symbol of tel aviv's wasted budget. nine months ago, the ministry of war of the zionist regime called the construction of a 4.6-tenth kilometer border wall around gaza the biggest plan of the army of this regime, but this hebrew publication says that the al-aqsa storm turned it into a symbol of tel aviv's defeat. targeting another ship in the ports of the occupied territory, brigadier general yahya serihi , the spokesman of the yemeni armed forces, announced this news and said that the yemeni navy, with god's help, is a merchant ship. the sc targeted the united with cruise missiles
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. this point of the world is where more than 80% of the world's trade passes through the bab al-mandeb strait , where the people of yemen have been blocking the passage of ships to and from the zionist regime by putting pressure on the government of this country, which has complete control over it. either through seizing or shooting at the ships of the zionist regime. this is the last state of the ship. it is a crossing that cooperates with the zionist regime. the 15 largest shipping companies in the world announced their route changed to the south of the african continent and the cape of good hope, which means that at least 2 months have been added to their sea route, and instead of crossing the swiss channel , they have to enter the mediterranean sea through the straits of gibraltar and tariq, except for the higher costs of the attack that the world has it
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pays for america's support of the zionist regime in killing the people of gaza. english companies are one of these 15 companies. however, the yemeni government has announced that the bab al-mandab strait will be safe for countries that do not cooperate with the zionist regime. but until the end, according to them, the crime and childishness of the regime the zionist regime's ships will continue to be a legitimate target for attacks by the yemeni government. babolmandb strait is one of the strategic straits. the world is like the strait of hormuz in the possession of iran and the strait of malaga in the possession of the muslim country of indonesia. about 95 percent of the world's trade passes through these three straits, and the trade and connection between east and west is through the sea, and all roads eventually reach bab al-mandab. also, all the use of the swiss canal in the north of the red sea depends on the south of this canal in the babolmandb strait. this
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is a picture of the only ships passing through the babalmandb strait belonging to iran in less than a day 70 years ago. when the iranians expelled the british and nationalized their oil industry. the british navy seized iranian ships in the babol mandab strait and dumped iranian oil shipments into the sea, such as the rosmari ship with the iranian flag , younes shadlou, sda and radio news agency , global support for the people of gaza and condemning the crimes committed by the zionist regime in different areas. the world continues . the american people showed their support for palestine and the people of gaza by holding a car rally on one of the roads in the state of new jersey. pro-palestinian activists in the city of lyon, france, also named palestinian children they were killed in the attacks of the zionist regime on gaza
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. as in the past weeks, various areas of the west bank witnessed marches and rallies in support of the people of gaza. many from palestine. in the city of ramallah , they demonstrated in solidarity with the palestinians in the prisons of the occupying regime and also to condemn the aggression of this regime in the gaza strip. no, hamas is a terrorist. the people of beit lahem in the west bank also staged a sit-in in support of their compatriots in gaza. and support for the palestinian asra prisoners
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was held in the city of hebron. the irgc spokesman emphasized that the zionists should wait for revenge. sardar ramzan sharif in a press conference with the media. that with the testimony of sardar seyed razi mousavi , there will be no disruption in the missions against the zionist regime , he said that iran considers it its right to respond to this crime . can be under the pressure of attacks. the fighters of the resistance front in gaza have been relentlessly eliminated and they should know that the irgc the islamic revolution guards corps
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knows the reason for this attack and the necessary measures to pay for this operation by the zionists . the zionists will never be safe from this revenge. the scientific and technological deputy of the president announced the addition of two vaccines to the national vaccination portfolio. according to mr. dehghani firouzabadi , iran has now acquired the knowledge of obtaining a ten-strain vaccine. there are two vaccines: pneumococcal vaccine and rotavirus vaccine. d to disease , rota disease. the good news is that more digestion and flatulence are caused by the same nature or by pneumonia that a scientific company
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that had started research and development on these two vaccines since 2016 has sent the documents to the food and drug organization two or three months after its technical knowledge has been completed. let it start and hope to god if it gets approved. from next year , children born in the country will receive two vaccines at a very low price, god willing. the services of the late dr. abbas shibani were appreciated in the ceremony of lasting service. in this ceremony , the first all-iranian angioket production line was unveiled became. here is the first permanent service conference. the late dr. abbas shivani, the politician and founder of the board of expenditure of erzi, worked very brilliantly in this regard . the discussion of the treatment of patients inside the country, preventing
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the sending of patients, the board of expenditure of erzi was formed with the approval of the parliament, and one of its most important tasks is the provision of facilities for treatment units. the country and equipping them is to improve the quality and quantity of medical facilities, send specialists for training courses abroad and invest in production. the law on the formation of the board of trustees has powers and privileges that are not in other laws. for this reason usually the equipment materials and consumables that are used in cardiovascular diseases are provided to the centers and in fact to the patients at a much cheaper price. the implementation of the board of trustees provided 16,000 additional beds during the last two years. but how are the services of this non-governmental public institution
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monitored? two members of the parliament, one from the budget and budget commission and one from the health commission, are present in the meetings of the meaning board they actually monitor the performance of the board of trustees , and continuous reports are given to the parliament. today, this conference had different guests. the first pilot who performed cochlear implantation in the country in 7.
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now, thanks to the efforts of the transversal committee, the queue for hearing test implantation in our country has been reduced to zero, and this equipment is available to patients free of charge. maryam bikpour, radio and television news agency. the general director of scholarships and sending students abroad announced the new details of the three government scholarships of hungary, china and the asia pacific space organization. according to mohammadi. applicants to register until the 20th of december refer to the uniform system of student scholarships . in the master's and doctorate degrees, the hungarian scholarship in all fields of study for master's students is about 150 euros per month, for doctoral students about 500 euros per month, in addition to the cost of insurance and accommodation, which the hungarian government has assumed. monthly academic
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fees of about 400 euros plus the cost of the dormitory, the cost of insurance and round-trip tickets for students and the aerospace scholarship in fields related to aerospace and the field of aerospace law. the traffic police chief said that with the approval of the cabinet, the waiting time for converting a class 3 driver's license to class 2 and a class 2 driver's license to class 1 will be reduced from two years to one year, as soon as the cabinet of ministers issues a notification to us. ok, yesterday i notified the deputy technical engineer to prepare the order of action , as soon as the government announces it, we will implement it in general. the country and those who are loved ones
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who are actually trying to get into driving can change their license to one after stopping for one year. also, those who are able to, after one year , can apply for a first class certificate , so that god willing, they can actually work as drivers in the public fleet. sardar hadianfar has also started the printing of thief certificates. farsi and english announced today and said: from now on , iranian driving licenses are valid in 72 countries. those who receive this certificate can actually drive in these 72 countries. 13 my country is interactive and communicative through the ministry of affairs in fact, we followed it abroad, which is in its final stage for the memorandum of understanding. according to these memorandums, turkey
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is ready with the visit of the president, it will be confirmed with the signature of our interior minister, the turkish interior minister, this exchange will happen . mr. selajgeh said that the president emphasizes on the implementation of this law and the institutions have the necessary funds to implement it. honorable president of the republic , you have given a very important task and brought up a discussion that everyone's system is in terms of credit, the device does not have any credit issues regarding the executive law of the air law. rather, they should know that it is their inherent duty to use their existing credits. the excuse they often have when discussing the implementation of the pak air law is the issue of lack of credits . so that they use their credits in line with the implementation of the country's clean air law
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, which is happening and the second annual wildlife census in chahar province. environmentalist and helper environment together with wildlife photographers will complete the wildlife census of this province in the next two weeks . environmentalists and environmental assistants in the morning of a winter day. ready to enter tang siad national park and protected area. in the second annual census. to start counting animals in this area , there is a question of seeing wildlife, which is very enjoyable . it is the first time that we are working in this province. in this plan , about 70 environmentalists and assistants will count animals in
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the areas of tanglasan, komasan, beidhel, sargaye, bostan, shir , jilan, maroon valley, and panther. the program we have now is the interaction of local communities in order to increase awareness and help explain the values ​​of this area, which is the core of tang sayad and sabzkoh biodiversity reserves and has global value, it is emphasized to the groups to record what they observe in direct observation so that it becomes a plan. in order to plan the future of the region, when the weak points are identified, the strong points are identified and we can have a good management of the region. striped wolf, rock otter, and iranian leopard, a valuable and endangered species
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, are among the important mammals of teng siat. as you can see in the upper part of the rock, there are several clay pots is grazing environmental assistants and environmentalists are observing and counting animals in the same way. thank god , the conditions in the region are stable now, and we predict that in this year's census , we will see an increase in the population compared to last year's census. the 12 groups present in this census account for the majority of the population of people who are narcissists. vahush census plan. it will continue for another two weeks
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. in the name of god, peace be upon you today, a clear sky and we had a sunny day at the end of the day, starting tomorrow with the northerly direction of the air currents. in the coastal provinces of caspian, we expect the weather to gradually become cloudy, in parts of gilan , mazandaran, golestan provinces, we also expect rain, now these rains will continue until friday afternoon , gradually in parts of north khorasan, in the northern and eastern regions. khorasan, rozavi ram
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will be affected by these rains in some areas of ardabil province, we also have rains ahead, although the wave from the western parts that passes through our country will make the weather cloudy and rain in some areas of the province. high in ilam, khuzestan , lorestan, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, bibi rahmat in the western highlands of isfahan province. this rain will only occur in a scattered form for tomorrow. however , let me tell you that the rains in the high areas of alborz and zakros will generally appear in the form of snow. the temperature is decreasing in the caspian coastal provinces and in general. in the northern part of the country, from ardabil in west and east azerbaijan to north khorasan , we will see a drop in temperature on thursday, friday and saturday, especially for friday. will be quite noticeable tomorrow we predict to
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the temperature will gradually decrease in ardeville, gilan provinces, mazandaran , this condition will continue on friday, in north khorasan provinces, parts of golestan province will show more on friday and saturday, it can occur between 3 and 10 degrees for ardabil province. in the city of ardabil , we expect the temperature of 14 degrees to decrease to 4 degrees all at once on friday . it will also affect the southern slopes of alborz, including tehran . tehran, which reached 16 degrees in the hottest hour of the day today, we expect this decrease gradually. the temperature should be 2 to 3 degrees and for saturday the temperature will drop to 3 degrees and we will feel a temperature of 13 degrees at that time, but we have a wind, the wind tomorrow will gradually affect parts of the northeast of the country. for friday , in addition to the northeast, especially in zabul region , which can lead to the reduction of air quality and even the rise of dust in these areas
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, the advice we can give to our dear farmers is to do the winter pruning, don't forget that the winter frost also does the same operation in the gardens, of course, this too. let me tell you that the waters of the caspian sea will gradually become rough waters especially from tomorrow night onwards for friday, the wave height can be up to one and a half meters in the coastal areas of gilan and mazandaran. as for the conditions for the traffic of light vessels, it can be accompanied by restrictions , it can even cause problems for carrying out fishing operations. be sure to pay attention to this issue . we expect the same conditions for the northern and central parts of the persian gulf on saturdays and sundays. in the future, the trend of increasing
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concentrations in industrial cities will be a special phenomenon. good night. he talks about that era and writes with humor like this: the descent of glory. to the zoo of this world in the year 1302 without exaggeration, i have visited seven girls, of course , none of them were blind, but except for four of them , they did not survive. two of them died of chicken pox and diarrhea in their childhood, and another one died of cancer at the age of 35. my childhood was spent in a kind of aristocratic welfare of the clergy until the ministry of justice put its hands on the prohibitions and my father did not go under the burden of stigma and government supervision and closed his shop and was content
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to be only mr. mahal. jalal spent his childhood in a completely religious environment with a stubborn and stubborn father. at that time, which was very fateful, no one could defeat jalal's spirit be influential. this was while two husbands. his sister and one of his nephews were clerics. i grew up in a spiritual family. my father and elder brother and one of my sisters' husbands died in clerical positions. and now i have a nephew and another sister's husband who are clerics. this is just the beginning of love that the rest of the family are all religious. al-murtaza
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al-murtaza or al-imam al-taqqi al-naqi. your argument against me is above the earth. and under the ultrasound. al-sadiq al-shahid with the blessing of blessings upon muhammad and his family , i invite my honorable brother
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mr. rahimi, the honorable governor of bushar city, to offer my welcome. welcomes we have not forgotten what haj qassem soleimani said, we
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are the nation of imam hossein . you can choose your birthday gift. my birthday gift is kabir's motorbike . choose any motorbike you want. you don't like me to ride a motorbike. only kabir can ride a motorbike because i feel comfortable that you ride a motorbike safely and peacefully, no more pain and traffic. it is not easy to park, and kabir motor also gives helmets to its buyers, most importantly, more time
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enjoy motorcycle riding with your family with the safety equipment of kavir motorcycle products. when i wake up in the morning, the first thing i do is to go see garakhi . hello, how is my mother who took the trouble to eat ? we are supposed
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to pay 20% in advance, this 20% should be from the consumer price. if it is reduced , our debt will be 16 million tomans, and the fees and commissions must be calculated based on this amount, so pay attention to the consumer price and the remaining cash. okay, the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances. orbital car battery with 20 months sepahan
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battery warranty. 6 years ago, the al-hur army forces targeted damascus international airport, the capital of syria, under the siege of terrorists. the terrorists had come to the eastern quarter of damascus and were advancing towards zainabiyah seyyed razia mousavi, one of the senior advisors of the islamic revolutionary guard corps during the war years , participated in the planning of operations that led to the defeat of isis and other terrorist groups. qassem soleimani


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