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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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another city, another carpet nursery. where is the next carpet? iran is the cradle of its form. it is 4 am tehran time and dear viewers, welcome to this news section. the zionist vala website wrote that the southern port of this regime on the shores of the red sea has been exposed to collapse. according to this report , due to the blocking of the shipping route, the port of umm rashshrash mosom to eilat is facing a sharp decrease in economic activities. according to the mayor of amalri. many hotels
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will close soon due to the lack of tourists. the mayor of this city said that since the beginning of the gaza war, the sales of stores in eilat have decreased by 35% and unemployment in this city has reached 15%. in the past two months, the resistance of yemen and iraq repeatedly targeted the port of amorsharash with drone and missile attacks. also , due to yemeni attacks on zionist ships in the red sea, sea traffic to this port has practically stopped. the people of different cities of the world came to the streets in support of palestine and demand the cancellation of the celebration of the 9th year. in new york, people don't celebrate christmas without freedom. they demanded the freedom of palestine and the end of the genocide in gaza. beit lahem in silence, a city that
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christians believe is the birthplace of jesus christ the days of his birth are now quieter than ever and no celebration will be held on it. the reason is to support the palestinian people and protest against zionist crimes . this year, in protest of israel's actions in gaza and in solidarity with the palestinians, no celebration will be held in bethlehem. bethlehem church, which welcomed christians every year to celebrate christmas . this year, this ceremony was performed in a different way in this part of the church with the title of christ among the ruins. in this ceremony, a replica of the birth of christ is displayed symbolically, which can be seen among the rubble and is a reminder of the gaza war. i'm fine with this i wanted not only on behalf of the people of gaza, but also on behalf of all the palestinians who are stunned by the world's silence and indifference to the killing of people in gaza.
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the only green and red colors i want to see this christmas are green and red on the palestinian flag . we have come here to support the palestinian people. thousands of miles away from palestine, people in cyberspace also said to cancel the celebration of salno. tonight is christmas eve and this year's christmas party has been canceled. we are outside the governor's mansion and.
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phi phi , we express our solidarity with the palestinian people with all our hearts and souls, they do not celebrate and our prayers it is with them. the minister of economy informed the country about the official import of 19, excuse me, 19 tons of gold in the last 9 months . mr. khandozi said at the meeting of the iranian entrepreneurs forum, which was held on the topic of tracking and removing barriers to investment and production, that the regulations for the use of gold in investment have been approved. entrepreneurs and producers told about some of their problems in a meeting with the minister of economy. heartaches and
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knots that make the conditions difficult and complicated for the producer in the field of entrepreneurship. the problem is in ten ways. i want to give an example. today, i am in the uae factory with the iranian factory 10% of the finished price makes a difference, even though the price of energy may be hundreds of times the amount of 28 to 500 currency that you have, it will not help our industry in any way. let's do something. you should at least eat less from the places of those who are supporting. in fact, the high level of the government and the judiciary, and god willing, you will see in the coming months that this method and this process will be reversed
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. in fact, a large part of the companies that were kept by the banks and the executive bodies were not willing to take heart from them. in fact, it will be handed over. minister the economy asked the entrepreneurs and economic producers to announce their readiness as an opportunity for the better administration of the country in the way of handing over the companies. there was also a good theory in order to be able to transfer the transfers that are made to the real private sector of the economy , to diversify the financing methods by using more step bonds and methods based on factoring and guarantees, as well as tanweh. with a part to remove the land commitment , it was one of the points emphasized by the minister of economy for the effect of the production process in the country. we can facilitate the import of gold in the country in various ways let's pave the way for foreign investment in these formats. in 9 months of 1402, about 19 tons
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of official gold imports were registered in the country. monthly follow-up meetings and elimination of production obstacles in the ministry of economy. it is held to solve the problems of producers. faruzeh hasanpour, sed and cima news agency. the minister of economic affairs and finance announced the full implementation of the final benefit payment by the end of this year. according to mr. khandozi, the payment to the final benefit has been activated as a test, and it is supposed to complete the treasury database of devices, all payments without intermediaries to the final benefit. that's mean employees to be done. their sweat is dry. you don't have anything for the full years, the year 1401, nothing has been paid until now. their problem does not end with the lack of rights. i don't know what their duty is, what is the status of your insurance
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? why are our rights lost here and there? the government has given the budget to the employer to implement its plans, but some work. the law that was included in this year's budget and last year's budget means that we directly paid the money to the person who was the last person who provided services to us, the contractor, in his name. they say that the full implementation of this law is related to the centralization of the accounts of the devices in the treasury. we use a single account to pay the final installment. and this law is going through the final steps of implementation these days. we are now paying the final zainaf for all
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government salary earners. that is, the treasury makes payments directly to the accounts of all government employees. well, if direct payment is made to zineft's account without any intermediary, we we see that this process will be done much faster and more transparently. completion of the information related to the account of the treasury unit and the government's book of accounts with its apparatus and contractors will be transparent. now we completely we can monitor how much each device has used from the amount of allocations that we have given, and how much is left and will make the next allocations accordingly. as announced by the court of accounts , this law is suspended for about 3% of the system. it is that they have not yet been connected to the account of the treasury unit, and if these 3% stop their actions , another part of the problems of paying salaries to the workers will be solved. i will give the final project before the end to be opened. by consolidating 250,000
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sub-accounts into 4,000 main accounts and completing the database of contracting parties, the government implemented this the stage of financial discipline in other scenes. the government expands. narges meghazi, sed and sima news agency. thank you for your support.
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i stayed at the end of the road in al-masira, and i and my friends who were in the front , so that we did not defend our right, we fought for about 200 meters . we fought. the army set up an ambush and the soldiers fired at us. they shot
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at us . bagat maktoua jiba jiba allah akbar. the rest of mark is on the road in the confrontations between shabab and jaish, and mark is on the road of shafoni jaish. qadrwa yajibuni takhwa ali o haqquni zaktuni lma takhuni vaqat al-aarz armani jundayin and zalham talain above on the street oh and belshwa yessabsbwa ali and zarbwa fi wakalbi. later, i heard my sadness and sadness on the street near our settlement, and i accepted it that i am suffering
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from my current feeling, that it is not true in my dream, and later, when i heard a voice, i remembered that i am suffering and i am on the ground. you were killed , you were killed , you were killed, you were killed , you were killed. you liar, translate, and after we finish the investigation , do n't sneeze in the prison, sneeze later, return to your position
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, you will be isolated in the forbidden booth, let me know once, and later , i will disobey you, don't disobey us in the prison of the chastity of our soul. ali al-maskobiyeh rahna, we are connected to god, the world was a story for us, first of all, your children, then you intervene, the story of your father , he, i, enter with them, the ruling
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of zarvah, sarna na'it, the world was the story of sarna, we did not know, the world was the story of dakhlooni, i began to talk to you, you are a lot of people. a blow to ali han's bone azam al-li here is broken, broken , broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, broken, 3 poisons, and fathwa li me, here, so that they can grow black, you extended the curse of the basin, fathwa li me here, it means on the face , and on other faces, the next ones, they are late. do it on a normal mesh, even though it hit you and hit you, and yet we are a healer and when the blow is strong, take the condition from the doctor , so
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you can see the shaf al-zrbat al-fih saar, you are a factor in elementalism, and you are given an intoxicating pill that will make you fall asleep, so that the operation will be done, and you will find three cities in al-dar. our companions were very upset, and we were very upset at the booth of al-habiq, he told us, ibn amek, his doctor , i said, "no , no, no, no, no, i don't want to treat him
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." al-shabaab, who wants to know , is in the prison and in the forbidden and permitted jobs, and in the transaction of man al-suhriyyah, it does not mean that we are the names of my family and that we are the ghosts of the school.
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bolshua, they demand me in the ruling of the old and old age , and the payment of a fine of 9000 . and during the inspection of the transaction, it means that there will be chaos in the room. the purpose of al-jund al-taghni is that he suppresses our path and scares our children. it is enough for all of us, all of us, children's acceptance, the fragrance of all the youth, because
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of all of us, all of us, the generation of popular resistance, all of us, all of us. i am in prison, it is not natural for you to believe that the liberation of al-quds, palestine, and gaza is the country
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of my dreams, god willing, it will be the fulfillment of my dreams and the path will be opened. let us not cry like us and reject the occupation of our land and let us play like the rest of the world's children. in 2018, the knesset of israel approved a plan based on which palestinians have the right to enter al-aqsa at specific times and chose october 2015 to implement this plan. welcome to this episode of my arabic reality , in which we shed light on al-aqsa mosque
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and the plans of the israeli occupation to divide space and time. it presents al-aqsa mosque. the al-aqsa mosque in these days is witnessing a fierce attack before the zionist establishment, there is a clear and big escalation on the al-aqsa mosque and the people of the
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al-aqsa mosque, and specifically, the al-aqsa mosque is suffering in these days for the policy of emptying, unitizing and rejecting. my family, women and men are present in al-aqsa mosque, and on the other hand, they are trying to bring in settlers during their daily incursions from the maghrib area and providing for their provocation tours by surrounding them under the condition of israeli occupation , and i
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am present in al-aqsa mosque. in al-aqsa mosque with israeli soldiers. the people of palestine inside what is called israel are also a large part of them, and the men, especially those who are forbidden in al-quds medina, during the court orders, therefore, the women's game is far away, which means greater and greater in practice. the al-maribatah inside the al-aqsa mosque and in the process
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of defending the al-aqsa mosque in the form of the attack of the zionist monotheism, it is necessary to enter the al-aqsa mosque , the al-aqsa mosque for us, for the muslims, we have the right for them when we do not grow in the blessed al-aqsa mosque. the women are taken and held on the doors of the mosque outside of al-aqsa al-masjid al-mubarak, and the sound of our voices is awe-inspiring to the settlers and pilgrims who are
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in the mosque , and do not be arrogant when you meet jews, and do not be arrogant when you meet a tourist, and when you meet a tourist, he is a jew . it will move to the biggest stage, maybe that's it the next phase, he says, will begin with the arrest of people who are present at a certain time today in the al -aqsa mosque, god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great, god is great , god is great.
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part of my belief is that if the house of god, i am with the permission of god, i am not among them, but i am the most powerful of all types of technology, because i am defending the faith of the martyr hadeel al-hashlomon, who was raised by the israeli forces to fire on her at the container barrier at the entrance of the martyr's street, because of her attempts to taunt a soldier.
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quds university, october 2015, in our case of al-adalah , faskat minha al-shahada. every day , every day , we have a sense of patriotism . as i see it, it
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has started in the third phase. what happens to al-aqsa mosque actually affects our sanctuaries and our ascension and what happens to the women of al-aqsa actually happens to our mothers and sisters. so i don't think that the nation will be satisfied with humiliation. this nation of uprising they will, but he has risen. and with the help of god, my judges are for the mujahideen, and with the help of god, for my wrongdoings, and with the help of god, for al-quds
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, the palestinian is the one who resists in all kinds of resistance, despite the fact that i am the traitors of the arabs, the traitors of the muslims. reaching my political solution by peaceful means and not by any other means. it is a beautiful word, mr. chairman. but i want to honor, i don't know the holy quds divided into east and west. just know that the holiness that is for us is one and
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divided. it is unacceptable and all its places are sacred and i want to be a member, mr. president , stop what is happening to aqsa and his life from the pure muslim ways. you can't bring us up with humiliation . i thank you for your many efforts in our lands and your fists. look at his face , there are personal signs in it, the family is confident, happy, tall, and rashid is strong and strong.


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