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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 7:00am-7:31am IRST

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subsidy and they use this card, the card of zionist prisoners to stop the crimes of the zionist regime. thank you very much, mr. mossadeghpour . i say goodbye to you, mrs. hajipour. this is the international news at your service. thank you very much, mr. shani , reporter of the sda news agency, for you, the viewers. my dear, thank you very much for being with us . let's watch the news at 7 o'clock. after the news, we will continue the morning program. hello, reporter. we will be with you, mr. hossein.
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good morning, sardar seyed razi mousavi's body will be carried from imam hossein square in tehran to shahada square at 8:00 am today and to the courtyard for burial. astan imamzadeh saleh will be transferred to tajrish. the body of martyr seyyed razi mousavi was touched yesterday in karbala and najaf ashraf by the large presence of iraqi people. najaf hosted a traveler from the levant. while chanting anti-american and zionist slogans, thousands of heartbroken mourners carried the body of martyred sardar razi mousavi and circumambulated him in the shrine of his grandfather amirul momineen ali (peace be upon him). there is no god except allah. america is the enemy of god
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. america is the enemy of god. god is great . god is great. america is the great devil. they describe it and it is at the entrance door of imam ali's holy shrine.
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although many did not know this general before his martyrdom, everyone was familiar with his ideals. salutations to the noble martyr who guarded the shrines of hazrat zainab and hazrat ruqiya for 36 years and did not leave the shrine of haj qasim empty after the martyrdom of haj qasim. this honorable martyr was one of the lion men who defended the shrine. the enthusiastic presence of iraqis in the preparation of this martyr is a shame in the eyes of the enemies. if the zionists consider his body to be assassinated , his soul is with us, according to the loyalty of iraqis. the holy shrine of abul fazl al-abbas (peace be upon him) was escorted by jalal khalidi of sada and sima news agency, the holy shrine of aba abdullah al-hussein karbala, the spokesman of the transfer organization.
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khoon announced the implementation of the mehr fatemi campaign for the participation of women in donating blood. mr. haji beigi said that this campaign is being held from the martyrdom to the birth of hazrat fatima zahra, peace be upon her. in order to be able to help patients who need blood, i have been doing this for a few years now. according to statistics, iranian women donate about 5% of the blood needed by patients .
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five years, definitely women who have a history of diseases they should not come to donate blood if they have blood or anemia, and the next thing is in special conditions such as pregnancy or breastfeeding, which they definitely should not come in these conditions. however, women should pay attention to several indicators when donating blood to maintain their health. the minimum hemoglobin allowed for women to donate blood is 12 grams per deciliter. the national campaign of mehr fatemi is being implemented from the martyrdom to the birth of hazrat fatemeh zahra, peace be upon her, for the blood donation of women in the country. mosfa fazli, sedav and sima news agency, a 34% increase in the production of mining and road construction machinery since the beginning of the director's year the entire mining and road construction machinery industry office of the ministry of samit says that 300
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mining and road construction machinery have been produced since the beginning of the year and will reach 4,500 by the end of the year. the halls are filled with the sound of our production. in 1401 , we managed to produce 300 machines of all kinds of mining and agricultural road construction machines, machines that were imported in the past, but now domestically produced , have reached the highest level of production in the last 10 years until now, according to the deputy. the growth trend of the production of mining machinery and road construction has accelerated since last year with the efforts of the private sector 10 powerful iranian companies were able to increase production by 100% in 1401 compared to 1400 and we produced nearly 3500 road construction and mining machines in the country. the secretary of the association
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of mining and road construction machinery manufacturers says that the average life of these machines in the country is over 18 years, and their wear and tear has created problems for production. including low productivity, depreciation. high and high cost of repairs, the pollution that it creates for the environment, the high fuel consumption, now the manufacturers say that they can meet the domestic needs with high-quality machines, excavators. we produce loaders , we produce graders, and we produce livestock trucks . the mining machines that exist in iran now, their processing is above 85 to 90%, they can greatly increase the workload by using production machines and replace them very much. mineral products will be suitable for the discussion of oil. the director general of the office of mining machinery and road construction of the ministry of roads, sammit , says that this year's goal is to increase production by 100%, which we predicted in 1402
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. and we are looking for that, god willing to supply a large amount of the country's needs from domestic producers. paizi shabani radio news. and the second annual wildlife census is being implemented in chaharmahal bakhtiari province. 70 environmentalists and environmental assistants along with wildlife photographers will complete the wildlife census of this province in the next two weeks. environmentalists and environmental assistants in the morning of a winter day. ready to enter tang siad national park and protected area. in the second annual census to start counting animals in this area. there is talk of seeing wildlife, which is
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very enjoyable. it is the first time in this province we operate. about 70 environmentalists in this plan. counting of animals is done in tanglasan, komasan, bidhel, sarqaye bostan shir jilan, maroon valley, and panlang darreh regions. the plan we have now is to interact with local communities so that we can help explain the values ​​of this area by raising awareness, which is the core of tang sayad and sabzkouh biodiversity reserve and has global value. it is emphasized that the groups should record what they write in direct observation so that the plan for the future planning of the region, where the weaknesses are identified, the strengths are identified and we can manage well to have relative to the region. ghoshumish, goat, wild cat, striped sable, wolf, stone otter, and
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the valuable and endangered species of the iranian leopard are among the important inhabitants of teng siyat. as you can see in the upper part of the rock , several goats and goats are grazing. in this year's census , we will see an increase in population compared to last year's census . the 12 groups present in this census have the largest population the plotters count the plotters. the census will continue for another two weeks. nasser
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akbarpour, national park and protected area of ​​teng sayad chaharmahalo bakhtiari national broadcasting agency. end of this news section. greetings to you dear and honorable compatriots who have joined us from this moment. good morning . thank you very much for watching the reporter's greetings. you have chosen, as i promised you at the beginning of today's sabgah program, dear and respected viewers
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, and we are going to have a special segment on the occasion of the burial ceremony of the martyred sardar seyed razi mousavi, which is supposed to be held today and in about 45 minutes , it will start in tehran at the foot of imam hossein square, we are trying to get our journalist colleague, who we contacted before the 7 o'clock news, and he was on the way to hold the ceremony , to reach imam hossein square and hear his report from imam hossein square, but in the studio is also hosting a noble person who was very familiar with shahid razi, and we would like to hear more about the spirit of how they got to know and cooperate with this noble martyr, dr. kazemi qomi , senior diplomat, and also. the special representative of the president for afghanistan affairs
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is with us in the studio of the morning program, dr. kazemi sobh hello, you are very welcome. thank you very much. my greetings and courtesy to your excellency and respected viewers. may you be healthy. i would like your excellency , considering that you were very familiar with this noble martyr, to tell us how you got to know this noble martyr so that we can proceed step by step. at the beginning, i would like to say that another pioneer in the field of jihad and martyrdom from the resistance axis, this hero brother mulaqa seyyed razi mousavi, joined the many martyrs . he was also one of the pioneers at the hands of the brutal, bloodthirsty and child-killing regime of israel. 25. he spent five years in the resistance zone in the resistance front
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his comrade and companion was the great commander of the international fight against terrorism, the honorable martyr hajj qassem soleimani . yes, the anniversary of his martyrdom is also on the eve. let's face it, in fact, since the beginning of the american occupation, which entered afghanistan under the pretext of fighting terrorism , then it entered iraq, syria came to lebanon , afghanistan, occupied palestine , and yemen. on the one hand, interference
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american, and on the other hand, the aggressions of this occupying regime, one of the people who was in the battle scene in this resistance front with this great commander and commanders and the resistance forces was mr. seyed razi, this was a choice. on behalf of our greatest commander, to come to an extremely sensitive area of ​​syria was a geographical one, not for syria itself. i mean, you were at the heart of this axis of resistance, on one side it is to iraq, on one side to lebanon, on the other side to occupied palestine, while syria itself was also targeted, that is, in fact , syria was a center to support the resistance front, that's what i said. doubtful here
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not exist since the beginning of 2001. that the region suffered a security and political turmoil due to the policies of america and america's allies , it was natural that the governments that were threatened, well , we saw iraq itself, yes, syria was one of those countries, that's why in the framework of military cooperation and security that was between the government of the islamic republic of iran and the syrian regime. some of our country's military advisors help in the framework of official cooperation between the two countries, just as we once did in iraq, when terrorist groups like isis came, the iraqi government requested the islamic republic to come. and to help in the field of security and defense. well, from
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the very beginning, this martyred brother of ours, seyyed razei, who was one of the confidants of hajj qasim shahid , he was the dear commander of all of us. he understood combat and operations well. one of the issues that is important in the resistance front or even in military scenes is the issue of how to manage and support you in one area of ​​your own geography , that is, inside iran or the borders of your country in one area. there is a distance where the forces have to go to fight terrorism and deal with threats consulting with another government has its own conditions and its own special situation
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, how to interact with that army, how to interact with that government, how to interact with the forces. the resistance and jihad that today is against the enemy's conspiracy in syria since 2001 2011, when you see that syria entered the arena of intense conflicts , that is, the arrogant front of reaction and zionism came and formed terrorist groups, of course , the american was trying very hard. and israel to pretend a civil war against the syrian regime. while a terrorist act was a proxy war that followed the fact that the americans have failed in their military campaigns today replaced the terrorist groups with themselves to deal with that government and the resistance front. well, now you see, since 2011 , this resistance front has been supported against this
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set of proxy and terrorist wars only. there was no daesh, there was no jabhat al-nusra , there was no fylaq al-sham in syria, terrorist groups or terrorist operational teams have formed more than 800 groups . unfortunately, with the support of some regional countries, they support this front and interact with the syrian army and cooperate with government and create a trust with frontline. the forces that exist, well, they want a pious man, they want a hardworking man , a man of tactfulness, trusted by the commander, yes, we saw it in that scene, well , i witnessed that mr. seyed razi was really one of the warriors that haji shahid
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was very considerate of the community when he worked with them. that was his reason. it was that he did not have any concerns or worries about the work he had assigned to him. the manager was in a scene where because of the good interactions he had created, that is, you, the syrian officials , the lebanese brothers, even the palestinians, from an iraqi place , the forces that would later be called the axis gathering place from badriun and zainbiun and i don't know, fatemiyoun and this front, the cooperation of the support group with the command with this diversity of nationalities in the resistance front was formed . i was one of the geniuses of mr. seyyed razi. this was one of his characteristics. please, mr. doctor, let us go to imam hossein square. my journalist colleague, mr.
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ahmadi. hello, reporter. hello, ms. hajipour, and dear viewers of the program. hello, my reporter. as i said in the previous communication, we were coming. you know, imam hossein, we have arrived here now, and you know that preparations have been made for the announcement, but a crowd has come here, families have come and are waiting for the body to arrive. it should be here so that they will be among the first to see the body here. well, almost according to the announcement , from here, from imam hossein square to martyrs' square, a farewell ceremony will be held for the martyr and from there on, it is supposed to be before noon. in imamzadeh saleh, the burial ceremony
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should be held there and the martyr's grave should be there, as announced, but here is almost imam hossein square . iran's military advisors who were martyred in syria earlier, it was during the eid holiday that martyr heydari was martyred there in syria . this is almost the third time that iranian military advisers were martyred by the zionist regime in syria . it can be done in imamzadeh hall. peace be upon you and the people can participate in the funeral ceremony of the martyr, god willing , mr. ahmadi. thank you very much for the report
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you presented. god willing, the burial ceremony of the martyr sardar seyed razi mousavi will be held in a magnificent manner, and we will surely include some parts of it, god willing. we will broadcast the news live and directly in imamzadeh saleh, which is supposed to be. thank you very much. we will return to mr. dr. kazemi qoumi and continue his command and explanations regarding the character of the official martyr. well, one issue was that the mission that he was assigned to provide support for the entire fronts of the resistance axis . yes, this was not only for syria. yes, you said
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that he went there and had diplomatic responsibility. when
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we say that we support the axis of resistance, this is it the remarkable thing is that it was not a small front in one front line, the spread of terrorist actions was in the whole of syria, you can take it from damascus, come to aleppo , come to idlib, then come and go to the southern region , support was a heavy task. no one can take it away from you. this was one of the characteristics of his hard work, his wisdom, his management in his stage . haj qasim's trustworthiness was a very important issue, yes , it is so important that you mentioned this point several times in different sentences. this is a fact
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it was that the issues of resistance and national security issues should be brought to your service because it deals with human lives and considering that you are on the front line where the occupying regime is, the americans are the main enemies of the world of humanity and islam, which means that you are extremely sensitive. lt is. that's why the fact that he chose them was an important issue. the other issue was his spirit of empathy and interaction. when you look at the collections that come from iraq , pakistan, afghanistan, these are all islamic religious brothers, jihadis, which means a difference to them. you wouldn't say that this warrior is now it is iranian, so it should, for example, be the first priority.
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in fact, we were trying to invite different guests to sabgahi programs . it was evident . thank you very much, mr. dr. kazemi oumi, senior diplomat and representative. it is special for the president on afghanistan affairs. the morning program, hello , dear compatriots, we would like to present you with a report from the martyr seyyed razi mousavi. when you search , you won't find many pictures from his youth. from 40 years ago, like this picture
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, he was 19 years old in ahvaz and before the muharram operation of seyed razi mousavi. how many times have the fronts of fighting against the regime been discussed? in those days, sayyid razi, according to his comrades , had become the communications officer of the 17th army of ali bin abi talib, peace be upon him, because of his intelligence and skill. apparently, his friendship with martyr lieutenant general haj qasim soleimani started from this period. their presence together did not end only in those years. for seyyed razi, his experiences from the war became a responsibility an advisor in lebanon and syria, shahid razi mousavi, who for more than 25 years as a trained and experienced advisor in syria and lebanon
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was responsible for the support and logistics of the irgc complex and the strengthening of the resistance axis. now that the anniversary of sardar soleimani's martyrdom is less than a few days away, his words about the last few hours of the sardar's life are circulating . sir, you too are old, you are no longer in pain, you too must be martyred. may god hear from him before his martyrdom, the palace had been targeted three times by the zionists. at 2 o'clock: i was at the embassy, ​​and after they finished their work they finished here and went to their homes. i moved and at 40 minutes there, in their residence where i was the only one present and my respected wife was working as a teacher in the school , she was targeted by three rockets through the zionist regime and she was martyred. i have given what i said , we have to go to haji nishti year. the last sequence
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of his life was these images of circumambulation in the shrines of hazrat ruqyah and karbala. perhaps this is the end of the story of a soldier whose actions are the result of today's resistance in gaza. sarakia, morning news agency, viewers be well and happy, dear and honorable, until we are in the axis of resistance and tell the news related to the martyr seyed razi mousavi and also the great martyr soleimani, about the large gathering of female students of tehran city under the name of the children and daughters of haj qasim, which of course is supposed to be in other places. if the country is held today , we will hear more details from ms. shabani, a reporter of the sed and sima news agency. mrs. shabani, in the morning.


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