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tv   [untitled]    December 28, 2023 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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if we declare a position, it means that they speak well in the speeches , but it is time to act and implement , that strong heart that the elders have, the heart that the mujahideen and generals of rashid islam had and have those who were able to be effective in the society, their words, their actions , and their actions had an impact. ok, it's not like that, i think the most important thing in this regard is what we learned in the field, to all the statesmen, to all the officials and to all those who are involved, when we say statesmen , it is not only the government in a special sense, all those who are involved in the affairs people play a role and serve in the filth there are people and they have a role in shaping people's beliefs, people's lives and moving society
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towards the sacred goals of all of them. this is very important in success in this matter . see, i will give an example in the economic field because i will not take up the time of your huge meeting. when we started it in the government , many people said in disbelief, is it possible? some of them said in heartburn, "no, they should ask us to talk to you. how do you want to continue the work ?" well, we believed that the trust that the imam taught us, they taught us leadership, and taught us how to lead, after all , the country has no small capacity by trusting in god almighty. the country has no shortage of capacity and facilities, and in this field, with all the bottlenecks created by the enemy , at the beginning and in the middle of the way, it tried to advance with a combined war. no, we tried
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to follow the work by relying on god almighty and what the country has. one of the most worrying issues at that time was the long list that i mentioned in some of the meetings. we were facing difficulties and problems , we were facing someone. corona, we were faced with the shortage of some goods, we were faced with some bottlenecks in the economic and social fields yes, but god almighty blessed us and we were able to grow by 4% in 1400, which was the first year of the government, despite the fact that some people rightly call the previous decade the holiday decade. no
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, by printing money and creating income for the country, we were able to achieve 4% economic growth, if before that we had 4%, not 4% in 2001, with the effort that was made, the costs, resources and expenses found a match, who are we? don't have a budget . you know that one of the important causes of inflation has been someone who is the mother of trouble in the budget. this is what we have done let's not increase the cost so that we suffer budget cuts. we tried ourselves. this is our effort this year, that is,
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in 1400 and 1401, we tried not to have a budget as one of the causes of inflation. the second cause of inflation is liquidity growth. when we started , we had a 42% cash growth. today we have 26% at your service. we have set a target of 25% cash growth by the end of this year, which is a good number. that is , we were able to control the liquidity, which plays a role in reducing inflation. the third point is the disharmony in the country, which we predicted in the 7th plan . let it be announced that in many of these conflicts that have caused problems in the country, conflict in the banking and monetary system, conflict in pension funds , conflict in the field of energy, water, electricity, gas,
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etc., we believe that we have prepared a plan for all of these conflicts. it is possible to have a plan for all of this, and it is possible to fix this dissatisfaction. it is not the case that the country is always suffering from dissatisfaction . it is possible to explain jihad by planning with the participation of the people, and by involving the people, many of these steps can be taken. we were successful when it was done, so this bank dispute is one one of the problems caused by inflation are the institutions with high withdrawals from the central bank's resources , which have been taking place intensively since the beginning of the year . the economic reality is that we can control the extra withdrawals from the central bank, all
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the causes that cause inflation have been tried to be controlled and inflation will definitely decrease, these are my signs , but that's the end. you have seen the atmosphere of combined war, which , despite these successes, is a combined war that is both a political war, an economic war, and a psychological war. perceptions in different fields are trying to cause problems for the country, but our dear nation , our dear intellectuals, and the islamic revolution failed them to achieve their evil goals, despite the presence in their hearts and souls. they could not reach their goals. indeed, people failed them. thanks to the almighty god, things are progressing with dignity . americans and our enemies
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have two important goals. one is to disappoint the people, two are the political isolation of the islamic republic of iran. to none of their two goals. they didn't arrive until today, but they couldn't isolate us. well, you saw that we despite they wanted to isolate us. we became a member of shanghai, we became a member of brics. recently , we became a member of the eurasian union . we are connected to all the economic infrastructures of asia and the region. what they say is possible in the past. he did it without signing some contracts and documents, but we said that the islamic revolution's capacity is higher than this . we are soldiers in this system, we are soldiers of the province, and we are servants of the people . we believe that many good things can be done with the support of the people. it's not that i'm not paying attention to the services that
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have been done so far, i 'm open to everything that's been done so far and i'm grateful to all of them, but i believe that this is the view in the country today. it can be savior and bring happiness , we can see it, and this view can move the country forward, god is great, god is great
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, the work of science is based on knowledge , many of the people of bushehr and many oil regions are working to save your country. the rise of a country that always colors you is the burners that are burning the gas, which also creates pollutants. the space it is polluting, causing diseases and ruining the wealth of the country. well , the knowledge-based children are planning to do this. the problem of the country's villages, many of you are related to the country's villages, we have set a target of 10 thousand villages by the end of this government. we can
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solve the water problem, so far 3,600 villages have been solved , the rest of the plans are being implemented quickly , the problem of water tension in many cities is being solved day by day. when the government started working, we had a deficit of 22,000 megawatts of electricity in the country . you don't have blackouts at home, in the industries , we are planning and managing. until today, 8,000 cows have produced electricity in these two years, at the rate of one government period, almost or more than one government period . it is possible and the imbalances of gas are being followed. you will see that measures are being taken and we believe that the capacity is more than this . some people in the country are paying taxes, there are many people who are evading
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taxes. it is the amount that people pay taxes before this government, i.e. the new tax payers are not more than the taxpayers who pay taxes so far. it turns out that the maadi system is a tax system, it does not pay taxes, it is tax evasion, not double taxing of people , which is sometimes wrongly said. well, this balances the country's income, balances the budget , the implementation of justice, the status of the shia according to the old definition, or what the amir al-mu'minin, peace be upon him, said, giving a kaldi, the right to cheat, everything in its place. whatever is spent in its place, this is the justice it is necessary. we are divided now and we are considering the credits and capacities of the country, which can be interpreted as being ready for it. we have a land based on the purpose of a land. there are areas in the country where
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sometimes they say that a governor has not arrived there . we go and say hello to the people . i said that it has been done, i am saying about the work that has been done, but i believe that many of these services are new, these services are a prelude to great works, great works that should be done. in the country with the efficient manpower that we have in the country today, in our dear young people, in two/third of the provinces of our country, our factories are in need of workers, and they are demanding workers, not the educated ones , but the uneducated ones. educated people, we have to do a lot of work, which means, in fact, the need for workers in many of our provinces has become such that our workshops and factories are in need of manpower and labor. the statistics of employment,
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housing, work, effort, a lot of work is being done and we are facing many problems am. however , we believe that ayatollah mr. bushehari said that it is the government's duty to work and make efforts that can create hope, and you elders and scholars in the field of jihad-e-tabehin can play a role and create hope . especially all of us who are serving our people with our work and efforts and you elders with your words and explanations and clarifying the public opinion , you can surely strengthen the faiths and create hope as a great capital . that if this statement of yours has no practical support in action, naturally there will be no result in the talk
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you can't be either, and if i and i have complaints , but the environment of media and enlightenment of public opinion is not that good, all our good works may be seen as inappropriate things in the eyes of people. but due to the lack of good media work, it was made to look bad. it means making the right look invalid and neutralizing a good thing that should be done , so the leadership has repeatedly emphasized that both the government and different sectors should do this . it can be very may your movement work both in strengthening hopes and in strengthening faith in the people who are enemies. he targeted these, well, he couldn't isolate
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us, he wanted to disappoint our hopes, he also couldn't see this attack that happened earlier in may 1401 , it was a cyber attack on all gas stations , it stopped working for 24 hours or 48 hours, he thought that the people there should show a reaction, the people should cooperate and do this again this time. they want to test to see if the people are ready for the revolution of the country's system, values, and systems. well, this time , the people have failed them. are they seek to create disappointment. we believe that the enemy did not succeed in either of these two projects, neither in isolating the islamic republic of iran nor in disappointing the people. the arena today is an arena that is completely clear to the people of the world. in riyadh, at that meeting of heads of islamic and arab countries, i said that as a
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serving student who spoke for the people, i spoke for the revolution. i stated there that position. the islamic republic has a position regarding palestine that the whole world has reached today. the whole world understands the truth of what the imam said today, saying that palestine is the first issue of the islamic world, and the world is right with the palestinians. this is what the leadership of israel said today, the cancer of israel has come to this, that is, the truth of the position of the islamic republic of iran on the whole world has been discovered and made clear to the whole world. it revealed how much they are criminals and how much they are working against human rights, pretending to be supporters of human rights .
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i will conclude my speech, dear professors and scholars, today's announcement is a heavy duty for all of us, and the most heavy duty for the government is to show the effectiveness of religion in the field of contemporary human life. efficiency that is efficient. yes, but we must show this to the people in our actions. efficiency should be the things that can transform people's lives in different fields. we believe that the words that the leader said in the razavi shrine, peace be upon him , is the most central point of change that
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is facing the government today and even the seminaries in the future. looking at the transformation, what is being done and what should be done, and reducing the gap between the current situation and the desired situation, this is the duty of all of us, and in the government, this duty weighs heavily on the shoulders of our friends and in the government, which we must try to this distance do less and less, and it is definitely possible that we can make the way closer and our dear people can hope more day by day, and in this regard , the efforts that are being made can definitely have the critical and reformist views of scholars on the correctness of the work. add your valuable view is a great help for the government and statesmen, and we know these views from criticism, compassion and reform, and
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we believe that it can help to reform affairs and neglect. and make the statesmen in all fields understand that the implementation of justice in the society is the implementation of the fair law. fair, fair judgment can be very hopeful for the people. this justice in various fields , both judicial and executive, can be a lot of action from the official. may we be able to fulfill the heavy duty that is on us today, may we be able to be proud in the presence of the almighty god, god willing, in the presence of the families of the great martyrs,
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veterans, and sacrificers, and you, the scholars, and the service of the leader. the wise man of the islamic revolution, the authority of imitating the teachers of great teachers from the field, god willing, is always ready we would like to benefit from your views and opinions . the office in the field is ready, mr. dolabi is active in this office to have the opinions of the gentlemen, and friends who are in the center and in the provinces are always ready to valuable views of the beneficiaries. may almighty god help us as much as he pleases and as much as he can, increase people's trust day by day , increase social capital day by day , increase social participation and social vitality day by day, god willing, we can
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achieve what is promised to us, god willing. let's do it honorable gentlemen whom we are serving , honorable chairman of hazrat hojat-ul-islam wal-muslimin, honorable mr. mohammadi golpayegani, chief of the office of the supreme leader, and honorable scholars who are present in the meeting , i apologize for delaying my words and i hope that god almighty will do what is good for us, our nation. may peace and blessings of allah be upon him in the name of the beautiful and beautiful lord. we will start with short news from jahan mard programs
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, a special day of our house and my small world . this program is about the 40 years of jihadi activities of the bad sepah qasem soleimani in west asia. a special day will be broadcast on omid channel every day until december 13th at 17:30. the teenagers met and talked with the mothers of the martyrs and increased their awareness about the history of the holy defense.
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this is the broadcast of the twelfth season of our house competition documentary. it starts tomorrow . well, those who are in the sea understand each other . sea anemones from various types of animals protect and the documentary on the small world is rebroadcast every thursday at 23:00 on the documentary network at 14:00 the next day . although they are the size of a paper clip , they have the necessary fearlessness to work with big fish. this series is about the smallest animals on planet earth and how they try to survive. marjan sadeghzadeh, radio and television news agency, the taj sar video, read by ms. soraya ghasemi
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, is the story of the life of the mother of three martyrs. on the snow he leaves their footprints. the snow is sitting on his memories. the snow is sitting on his body. he undresses three men's clothes
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and puts them on the fence to dry. he has a beautiful agate ring in his hand. he says how patient he is. during the years that wars in the country. different countries and regions are formed and it is an inevitable thing . well, in the old days, we had this , unfortunately, world war i and world war ii
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are dog wars. libya created regional wars in the world and an issue called protecting the homeland was actually formed, and in islam, this issue of being killed in the way of the homeland became a restriction in the way of god, and this issue led to martyrdom in iranian culture and in our culture. it should be formed in our country and these people who in the name of mothers of martyrs and raising these warriors who could actually defend their homeland formed this identity. well, we have seen this pattern in
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reality . mothers who three. and i directly addressed these mothers, mothers who have three martyrs and four it was interesting to have martyrs because we did this in reality. we were faced with the order of the leader of the revolution, who said why nothing is being done about these mothers and martyrs and the four martyrs. artists should follow this path. when his request was raised, i had created two works, one of which was a mother, which was read by mr. ahmad babaei , a dear poet and my dear friend, and it happened that he himself did the reading and my poem was from them, and this work is aired every year on the day of honoring the mothers of the martyrs, and this work
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was the crown of the second incident that happened with khanash soriyeh ghasemi. we went to a rural and beautiful and simple life that a martyr mother actually has with the pains and wishes she has about her children and hears her children's voices and remembers my husband, of course they say yes yes and she is my wife, well, only 3 he had children , those three children were martyred and his wife. he also passed away and we actually moved the story forward like this, and those voices that are still in that house, the children who wanted to go to school, and the mother hears those voices, and this happens, she is still preparing that food, it is still morning. he gets up and moves forward with the events of his life along with memories that this mother has, yes
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, well, you got this from the mother of the martyr, in fact, we have a clear idea of ​​this or not, a symbol of all the mothers of the martyrs, especially the mothers who have two or even four martyrs, your service, which is many, now we are really mothers who have three martyrs and four martyrs be that as it may, but we mostly considered this as a symbol , which in general means that you visited them , did you get to know their lives or not? shahid is the same story and the photos you have are actually the same pictures you see these are the martyrs of the family of mr. al-alai that we used, so i am really grateful to them for cooperating with us and completely as a people, so there is an aspect of documentary in the work . who are in the same family
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, why did you choose a village? sir, why does this matter happen in a village? i wanted to create a culture, in fact, that we are a bit outside of the urban category and those beauties that exist in iran, and by the way, the families that are not seen in the villages are the families of martyrs. who are in many villages and are unclaimed . it is interesting that we who give their lives to their children on the way to the country may god have mercy on mrs. parvaneh masoumi . tell me, what should i do? i want to use your experience. they told me that i know an alley in gilan that has 8 houses and 9 martyrs.


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