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tv   [untitled]    December 29, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm IRST

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we think that with its development, our shared experience will also improve, and the speed of the internet and the speed of consumers are committed to that. yes, until this moment , your service covers more than 700 sites that have been activated and switched on, covering approximately 3.5%. this shows that in order to check to 10% , we need to turn on these 2000 sites for another 200 hours. the operation is very, very difficult and very, very heavy , but anyway, we sat down with the government and agreed , of course, not because of this increase in the tariff, mr. bhoudi also said that in no way, even maybe one-tenth of the amount of capital we want to provide in order to be able to fulfill these commitments will not really be provided, but due to the need of dollars, attention to the company's own strategy was based on the fact that by the end of 1403, we
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will increase this percentage to 10% of the urban population. and god willing, yes , our communication with mr. sepehr tawakli, the spokesperson of the competition council, is established . mr. tawakli, i am at your service . irancell is actually considering this increase now the tariff that has happened, the competition council will enter into this matter, so far the percentage of changes that have been applied, i agree with you that the competition council's duty is to enter the monopoly markets, which has anti-competitive procedures . we know that this market has been recognized as a monopoly once in the 623 resolution of the competition council at that time.
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this anti-competitive procedure was not related to the price , it was related to the quantity and access conditions . you had done it a few months ago. diversify the amount of their packages and make changes in terms of timing, quantity and volume, in the case of now the market access has also entered in the case of wire networks. this issue happened on the part of the regulator of the sector, which is the radio communications regulatory organization. if this issue means that the regulator of the sector cannot do its tasks correctly, the competition council here is based on a complaint. or the council itself will recognize the people's complaint
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as they said, now there is a 195 system and people can complain to the competition council itself. after all, how will you find out now that the regulatory organization has not done its job, so don't enter. what is the basis? well, let me tell you that we have an economic vice president who, in fact, has frequent meetings and is in contact with the dignitaries, and because of this, the tariffs have increased. god willing, we will invite our friends at the first opportunity , we will have meetings in the expert body, and then , if the council deems it appropriate , it will enter the council hall. will do, that is, if out of those 34 it has been set, canceled, and you are entering.
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or not at all, whether this 34 is actually true or not is being investigated . in both council areas, the competition has a voter, which means he will give an opinion. if so, who will give an opinion? enter or not, this should be decided by the council. as soon as it is decided, i informed you that a decision will be made in this regard. when the members of the council see fit they will definitely make a decision in this regard, but in any case , a discussion will be held regarding this matter and a decision will be made. it is true that discussions have already taken place and the necessary expertise has already been conducted . this work will be done , you can see that documents have already been taken from the operators, in fact requests have been made. this is a monopoly market
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. this is a monopoly market. it's a case of competition . we got in touch and we're talking. an exclusive market in many ways it is always monitored , now for the first time in terms of quantity , this is actually the issue of price, and in fact , the competition council is definitely sensitive about this issue, if in fact it comes to the conclusion that the regulator is actually part of it now. he could not do his duties in the best way, he will help this regulator who can do justice now. i will comply. yes , i thank you. we will say goodbye to you, mr. tavakli. we have a chance. friends, let me know . may i say something, do you have any time left?
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i would like to mention a few points about the very short price . q3 is our last second . you are talking that confuses people. i have the next point. look at the business plan in operators . if this is the form that our friend pictured in the first picture, we call this business plan a linear business plan of 20 years old, today's plan. there is non-linear business, what happens in non-linearity , mr. azrioga, what happens is that profit is not fixed, we do not need to reduce costs . rather, with the increase in the number of users, dear mr. siahkeli , i have known him for many years , he has been working in this field
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for a long time. so , you will get more money, not today in the world, there is a new business plan, only money is not the issue, this is a point , the next point, not the end point. yes, i want to say briefly, let people know if it is possible to increase the speed or not? yes me sir, your speed on my car used to be 200, now it's 300. is there a street ? they said that they will clean it up in 10 days. it's not ready, we call it a content delivery network. in our country , there is no such thing as a content delivery network
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, traffic engineering has not been formed, so you tell me that your speed has increased, but your data center is not responding, your access is not responding. i want to say that my operator if he wants to do this, he should go to the fi-j website and let us support him we don't want this to happen. my last point is that the subsidies of mr. azari waqa are being given here. if you hold another meeting , i will tell you about the transparent and non-transparent subsidies that the operators use. we do private companies with subsidies, of course. it is as if the duty of the country is to pay these subsidies so that the gentlemen can sit down and make such a profit . rezai's answer is, look, i wanted
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to make a few points. in this network, which has been measured , the government has not invested a single rial, not a single rial. he gave a subsidy, he didn't put money , i want to correct this, at least in the first mobile network , not in the mobile network, the situation is the same in general, this is my first point. i am afraid that the time will be short. we are currently paying 30% of the net income from every income we receive from the people as rights and contributions. 30 11 will be returned for what
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? sensitive investment means that it requires a very high investment. we have in recent years in recent years every year traffic growth either the growth of consumption was very, very high. the growth of investment or the amount of investment was not proportional to the growth of traffic or the growth of consumption . we are far behind. we have reached the speed of, for example, 25 megabits of high-speed megabits. now it is below 10. let's put it , thank you, and this really needs a famous saying. there is also the support of the people, and according to the famous saying of the government , a point that our friend said in shubat is that the market
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is a monopoly. i want to know why the market has been monopolized due to limited resources . there were three, and now you have almost 10 operators in this area. well, if all of you operate , why did it become a monopoly? why did two operators take the majority of the market, and no one else had the motivation to invest ? let's hear your final speech. i will correct it. our friend said that we should increase the number of users. right now , the penetration rate of mobile phones is 167. what does it mean that we have 167 mobile phones per person? we have sim cards in people's hands . in fact, our operator reached 70 million near irancell.
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i would like to thank you, dear viewers, for being with us. our time is over . we say goodbye to all of you. good night, god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am alireza hashem zadegan with the world, i am with you today. in the first case tonight
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, we will examine the military and political developments of the 8th day of the war against gaza in the presence of mr. mansour barati, an expert on the issues of the zionist regime, and in the second case, we will take a look. the french government took special security measures on the eve of the 9th year by deploying 90,000 police and 5,000 soldiers army, but first let's see pictures of what happened to palestine in the last 24 hours . i apologize for the scratches on some of these pictures.
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if you don't see the historical context, then you are condemned to repeat the same tragedy over and over again.
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the national tower of balskan, the emirate is full of residents, a small girl is injured
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, there is no god, there is no god. this child was martyred. this child was martyred. europe's double standard from ukraine to gaza . joseph brill said this the attacks left 16 dead and the european union will stand by ukraine as long as necessary. burrell already a few. he had called for an end to the zionist regime's attacks on gaza several times, but he has never been ready to condemn this regime . he also said in response to a journalist's question whether the killing of civilians in gaza is a violation of human rights or not, he is not a judge and cannot judge about it, and now
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we can see pictures of the latest gatherings in the world in support of the palestinian people. khalesnak or qaidna khalesnak foznak foznak or kagella foznak foznak foznak or kagella atrek sheikh ali lan atrek sheikh alik for the sects of muhammad or muhammad for the sects
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of muhammad . we are the resistance, we are the resist, but it's this country that's wagging a genocide against the palestinian people, it's this country, the united states that sets. the weapons manufactured by us companies, paid for by our tax dollars, mine and your tax dollars that have killed upwards of 10,000 palestinian children this year.
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now to check the latest development. palestine hosted mr. mansour barati on the 8th and 4th day of war we are experts in the issues of the zionist regime, mr. brati , welcome to the world today
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, what is your opinion about the developments that have recently reached the 88th day of the 4th? hello, i am at your service, mr. hashem zadegan, and also dear viewers. well, first of all, not many people expected the war to last 84 days or 3 months, and there was a feeling that the war would probably end much sooner, considering the record of the israelis in the past wars, and there was an idea that in approx. after the first month , the conflict may actually have a downward slope, but because the israelis in during the first months of the war , they still did not achieve the goals they announced. they are forced to continue the war. well, it was announced that they intend to destroy hamas in general . well, it is very clear that hamas still
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maintains its operational power in the gaza strip. even though we have all the pictures, we can see that the last pictures that even if all the claims of the israelis are true, for example, based on in fact, they were able to destroy 6,000 members of the hamas forces during this period. well, hamas actually has an army of about 40,000 people. a large number of hamas forces remain and can continue to fight. on the other hand, they had defined an operational area in the north of the gaza strip, which has been fighting for about 3 months. not being able to completely capture this area , the first phase of the ground battle was for the zionists in the northern part of gaza. yes, it is true
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, of course , it is still going on. even after the seven-day ceasefire, very intense clashes are still being reported in the north of gaza, although in the south in fact, clashes have started in gaza and khanyunos, and israeli forces are entering . what seems to be the case is that at least one next month. in fact, the war will last longer if an extraordinary factor does not prevent the continuation of the war, what could this extraordinary factor be, for example, for example, the peace plan that is actually being talked about by the egyptians, of course, i will ask about it yes, yes, it has been mentioned that if the two sides, for example , can reach an agreement about it, then maybe the situation will change, but apart from this, it is expected that we will actually have a battle for at least another month, it is possible that it will be longer, another variable. meanwhile , you can't see what you can see, for example, the situation and destiny netanyahu is very important because
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he is interested in the continuation of the war, and if the war actually ends today , he must answer from tomorrow inside israel that on the 7th of october, why they couldn't fight effectively, 120 israelis were killed during the first two days. war. as you mentioned, this is the last plan that the egyptians have presented . of course, they said that they have not yet received any response from the parties to the conflict . we do not have more details about this plan. on the course of the war since the beginning of the egyptian war in fact, they are trying to stop the war and a truce. the country of qatar was also involved in mediation from the beginning, but the qataris mainly tried to
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create a temporary ceasefire and create a short-term break , but in fact, except for egypt , and once they succeeded, this happened for 4 days. there was a break and then it was extended twice, which lasted up to 7 days, finally on the first of the month, actually december. resuming the war on both sides. in the first plan that was presented by the egyptians and was supposed to be followed up at the sharma sheikh meeting that was held about two months ago, it was actually announced it was said that the power in gaza should be handed over to the self-governing organizations completely and hamas would be eliminated, that is, this was one of the components that was presented in the plan, but at that point there was so much difference. there was an opinion in the sharm and sheikh meeting that they basically did not reach a final statement and could not make a statement that supports this, but
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in the recent plan that they gave in the event, several points are actually seen as positive. in fact, a 3-phase plan has been examined and it has been emphasized that in the first phase there will be a two-week ceasefire in the war. in these two weeks , the israelis must stop all military operations, and in exchange for that , it is proposed that hamas 40. one of those prisoners should be freed. during these two weeks , in fact, negotiations will be held to continue this initiative. after these two weeks, in fact, the terms of my assistance will be prepared for all palestinian groups to return to gaza, meaning the group. there is fatah in general and a national reconciliation between
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fatah and hamas. come into being and all the palestinian groups should fight for the future of gaza and the ruler should actually be the future of gaza and in fact this proposal the self-governing organization will return and hamas will play a role as a part of the self-governing organization in the next phase of the war and after the war in the third phase . we still haven't seen an answer from the israeli side, and the palestinian side rejected the plan at first, both hamas and islamic jihad rejected the plan, but later in the negotiations they actually had with the egyptian side, both sides agreed to send a delegation to cairo, now the delegation of palestinian resistance groups has gone to cairo and negotiations are underway
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it is supposed to start a delegation of opposition to the self-governing organization , it is not limited to the extreme right wing. in israel, the other groups are also opposing it, but it seems that we can almost talk about it with confidence. this is that in the following months, the israelis will have to accept this issue, even if, for example , they annex a small part of the gaza strip and leave it to the self-governing organizations, they will be forced to do this, that is, during
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the months of the war, when the war is still going on. it is going on, they are against asking to hand it over and they say we have already done this we did the work in 205, but let me tell you that the presence of the self-governing organization is weak, it could not preserve the food. there is a fundamental variable in the middle. i think there is a zionist who left gaza at the time of the elections that were held in palestine. hamas won the elections and if again another election should be held and different groups should start planning and advertising for that election. this
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is a very important event because the political process among the palestinian groups had stopped. during the recent years, the elections have been postponed for about 10-12 years . they were supposed to happen a year or two ago, but again, the self-governing organization and mahmoud abbas personally opposed and in fact used the excuse of the unpreparedness of the conditions and the fact that, for example, israel does not allow elections to be held in east jerusalem, and the elections were postponed again. well, it seems that this plan is a positive feature. it is very important and that is that he demands the participation of all palestinian groups in the future of gaza and he only wants the palestinians to actually determine the future of gaza. another point is that the israelis have not planned for the future of the case up to this point, which means that it is not at all clear that if they can, even if we assume that they can you can eat all the food.


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