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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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travel in world class with flyda. have a nice day . welcome to the economic and market news. it is illegal to charge mobile internet above the ceiling of 34 %, the deputy regulatory organization said that the price changes of mobile internet packages are monitored by the regulatory organization of the ministry of communications and any violation of the 34% increase will be dealt with. according to mr. rouhaninejad, the operators are obliged to increase the speed of their internet packages by 30% within 6 months in exchange for this tariff increase .
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it will make the investment available to the operators, a 30 people will open the side, more than 100 increase there is a price, tell me this, now this increase. the operator is required to return it and even legal action will be taken against him. crimes or actions that have even been seen in our account, the part of the contract that is legal, are so serious that we do not find even the smallest violations, that is , if an obligation is not fulfilled, we sometimes . i
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would like to pay up to 5% of the total annual income as a fine . apart from this, there is a possibility of canceling our license . according to the announcement of the ministry of communications and information technology , operators must fulfill 3 conditions for this increase in definitions. well, i invite the viewer. president's words at the commemoration ceremony of allameh misbah yazdi . on the occasion of the commemoration of the scientific, intellectual, intellectual and revolutionary position of the jurist nastuh , the philosopher and the noble sage, the thoughtful thinker, ayatollah misbah yazdi tabah. and on the epic day of the 9th
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of january, the day of insight and agreement with the province , i was able to be present in this gathering with glory . i thank the almighty god for this success. the personality of ayatollah mespah yazdi, who during this time after his death, the position of supreme leader and blessed death , paid attention to the occasions of the scientific and intellectual community of thought and revolution.
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the country is facing his character, his comprehensiveness and his existential capacity, which can be a beacon and a lamp for our scientific, intellectual and cultural centers, emphasizing on a lasting character. ayatollah misbah, looking at his lofty thoughts in various fields , i have to express my gratitude to ayatollah masbag publication institute, imam kamini institute, and his honorable children, his respected son-in-law, and all his relatives who strive, especially the students of the institute who
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collected his materials. i must appreciate that this work is very necessary and this is the emphasis that the leadership farzaneh of the islamic revolution has said in his statements that ayatollah misbah's thought can be used everywhere and all scientific and cultural centers can benefit from it because he is a thinker. and he had new thoughts and the face of free thinking, both in free thinking and in the new types
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of thinking in this field and type of thinking. they may have some people, but you can see that it is a foundation , that is, it is built with foundations, that is, it is based on a solid foundation, or is it a word, the type of this character trait is his free thinking and his type of thinking. it is based on foundations. this building has a solid foundation of thought and thought. it is an important point that he was not only a disciple-maker, but also a trend-setter . streamlining is very important and this streamlining was not limited to the time of his enlightened life, but
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even after his death, this stream of thought was able to continue and was the source of works and blessings. now, one of its manifestations is in the intellectual and scientific collection of imam rizwan institute , may god bless him and grant him peace. there is a flow of the plan of the province. as a servant of razavi's al quds threshold, this plan was implemented there in the presence of hazrat reza, peace be upon him. i witnessed how much for how attractive our youth is. it was able to open the doubts and mental knots of the children. this plan is important to untie the mental knots of a young person. when a mental knot is created for him, if this mental knot is not paid attention
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to and not opened, it will become a problem and an action and reaction in him. and in political life and society. he creates from the beginning in an institute on the path of truth, which i first met before the victory of the revolution when i was a teenager . there were mental issues in that time for my students to come to the field and facing the opinions and views, this attention to the wishes of the students was very important. today , this method is a model model for the owners of thought and
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thinking who look at doubts and mental knots , this is a symbolic movement. who are leading the islamic revolution, and it is a lesson for the students and you, the educated ones, that they themselves sit and their loved ones go behind the podium and express their points of view in a speech , and they also pay attention to their words with all their attention. this is a very good lesson for me. dear students and nobles, the important point is this rational and logical defense of ideas and beliefs islam, which is perhaps the grand intellectual project
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of ayatollah mesbaheh, the rational and logical defense of religious beliefs and confronting intellectual and ideological deviations, this is the central point that should be taken into consideration by all the owners of thought and wisdom , there is always a wave that time before piezo revolution is one way in the beginning, one way in the future, in the same way, these waves are always there, the important thing is actually standing on the basic positions and defending these principles. is that it gives authenticity to a thought and an idea and this is important in
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their scientific conduct and behavior, so i want to say that with this understanding of religion and with the understanding of the effectiveness of religion it is very important to stand up bravely to defend this field for the management of contemporary human life. space constructions sometimes do not allow standing to happen . al-marjfun al-madinah. scholars did little work on the subject of arjaf. the group that is in the war of parties against the islamic army, the hypocrites. being jews, they were infidels and polytheists beside him, the al-murjafun in
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al-madinah, the arjaf, the rumor mongers, the space mongers, the space mongers, sometimes people who understand the truth don't tell them to tell the truth, they say let's say something so that we can become famous tomorrow. they are not ready to do this when you talk to them you say, they understand well, they know well, but they are not ready . some did not know the truth , some did not know the truth, some knew the truth , and some knew the truth. let him stand and persevere in this path and explain the facts to
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the human society. this is an effective condition in the field of a lofty thought, and this is a very important point, perhaps on the occasion of a person with insight and insight. it is possible to say: i am missing al-basroon, i am missing al-basira, as the prophet said, it is very easy to not have eyes in a person's head it's better that he doesn't have eyes and a heart. with the eyes of the human head , he recognizes things and people, life becomes easier , and with the eyes of the human heart, he knows the way, he knows the friend, he knows the enemy, he recognizes the lost . and there are many people who do not have eyes
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, but they have clear hearts and eyes, and some have eyes, but they are blind, they do not know the way , they do not distinguish between friend and enemy, they cannot see the path of right and wrong. becoming a foreigner when you pay attention to them. the people of basr should have insight and know that those who
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stood in front of the holy presence of amir al-mu'minin those who are not infidels, they are muslims, those who do not have insight , those who stand up to imam mojtaba are not infidels, those who stand up against abi abdullah are not infidels, those who stand up against abi abdullah are not infidels, those who are not infidels are muslims, they are incompetent , those who cause trouble for the men of god , yes current. the infidels, the idolaters, and these are a movement , they are clear enemies, but this care that we have been warned so much by the leadership of the islamic revolution in the course of sedition is a warning to all of us , my dear educated servant and you, for all ages and generations to know that sedition is a matter and it does not make it dusty let us know the facts, he wants the facts not to be clarified , and a person with insight is the one who pushes aside the dust, he realizes the facts, he also realizes the others, sometimes he realizes it himself
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, but he is not ready to play the role of one time. who is the leader of political students and political students? some people think that a political university is a university where political parties and groups have offices and recruit people. i did not mean this when he said once. a politician is someone who knows his own society and understands the needs of society well. be ready to play a role to meet the need. be ready to take risks, come, you know what will happen. well, whatever happens, something will happen. it is very important for you to come to the field. it is very important for a person to have a firm belief and a firm determination, with trust in the holy prophet and
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with scientific knowledge and having a think high thoughts on the stage and be able to fulfill the needs of the society. risk taking. yes , reputation is possible. money is possible. all this is my struggle for myself, my property and my life . all this is jihad. all this is jihad. which a seeker person tries and this clarification is very important to be clear ok for the young ones. my dear , let it be clear for the age and generations that he is. if it is clarified , it will protect man against scientific doubts and against practical lust . it will protect against scientific doubts and against practical lust. knowing and emphasizing these basics
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and following these principles and then. another saying: unity in word and deed, the characteristic of ayatollah misbah was that unity in word and deed is very important. the most interesting discussion is this. he should say, sir , how much to read philosophy, how much i don't know, how much to read mysticism , how much to read faq, to ​​read the principles of reading is very good. what made the people yearn for the imam was that the imam felt for the people with the sincerity of the imam. it is very important, but this is very important for a seeker, especially those who want to play a role in social issues. it is very important to be honest and
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follow words and actions together, and whatever. we are starting from the closest, you can see the influential faces when people look at their surroundings, they see the people around them as this gentleman says, the people around them are like this, this is the most attractive point for generations of families, i want to say or not say about the issue of family. when we go and speak outside, not in the family , it is very effective in attracting and attracting the attention of the eyes to get closer to that character and the owner of that idea. very important the family and the centrality of the family in being attractive and influential is the first sphere of influence of a thinker and a thinker and an influential human being, which
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is definitely a matter of many measurements in different fields. and the final point that i want to say is not to take the time of the beloved elders, we need more than ever to introduce our influential thinkers to the society , to explain their lofty thoughts to the society today. it is thirsty for new perspectives and high thoughts that can be effective in the society. i consider this meeting, like these scientific research meetings, and the celebration of the revolutionary scientific position and thought of a thoughtful thinker to be very necessary . it can be done, because this meeting is a good meeting, but it is not a symbolic movement
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. if it continues, in order to introduce and explain this character, his scientific views and revolutionary thought, it will be very effective if influential figures are introduced. may ayatollah dr. beheshti have mercy on me in 1959, early 1959 in 1959, it was not more than a year after the revolution . the photo of the late ayatollah dr. beheshti in the karaj prosecutor's office. i was a servant at that time, for example, at the age of 19 or 20. now the imam believed in the youth and they knew that we were one of those who, well hazrat imam rezwan, may allah be pleased with him, we came with the blessing of the revolution, we had a responsibility , i had put a picture of him next to my hand, the good ones came and protested to me, why do you put mr. beheshti's picture next to your hand, not because you know that i did not expect anything from him, that's enough the situation
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was shaped in such a way that an influential character like ayatollah dr. beheshti, who appeared to be sympathetic to the nation and a rational, rational revolutionary organizational figure , said that those who came were often good. they would come and say, why were you doing this? they will darken the space so much that the bright faces and valuable faces that have an effect on people's minds will appear in a different way. we should be careful in this direction and we should learn this from the imam, from the leadership, from the elders like ayatollah misbah is one of the most influential figures that god almighty has given us the ability to know the truth, and to be inclined towards the truth, and to stand on the path of the truth, to be gracious.
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and if this is not the case, i think that if this is the case this effect can have a lot of effects and blessings . on the day of insight, people really showed that they knew the sedition well by their presence and brushed aside the dust and came to the stage to declare the stand and the flow of the sedition in the form of tabieh : farzaneh, the leader of the revolution. they terminated on the 9th of december. this day is really a great epic and it should always remain in the history of our nation that one day people felt that there was a current that wanted to create a deviation and their presence should put an end to this deviation and this sedition and the presence of the work. the people's section in your field ended the sedition and this day should be called the day of insight in order to create insight in our society
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, the dimensions of this day and the great movement of the iranian nation should be explained to the society even more. insight day is the day of covenant with the province. god willing, we will always be able to walk on the path of province until our last breath, and our work and activities will be blessed by imam asr. may god hasten the al-sharif period , god willing, and we are sure, we are sure, and we have faith, and with this insight and with this insight, the malicious current of the hostile current with the grated margin will be pushed further, when the understanding of the ummah is enlightened, this is what you see today. from the resistance and hamas the creation of the dear people of palestine
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, their exemplary resistance, in the light of religion, in the light of the qur'an, and in the light of hasban allah's namal al-wakila, the same thing that a mother who has lost her children looks to the sky. he says, "god, i have you, i have everything , this is very important , it has left this world in awe, what is it that this mother, this child who has lost his mother, he also says, hasbna allah naam, the lawyer of my mother says the same, my father says the same, these people who close your heart to the qur'an, close your heart to the messenger of god , close your heart to religion and divine values, and this has turned them into a strong faith and a fortress. firmly and truly impenetrable, this strong fortress promises the definitive victory of palestine, the destruction of israel, god
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almighty. according to all intellectuals and politicians in the world, the winner of the palestinian cause, and the one who lost , and the one who endured the defeat, the irreparable defeat , the zionist regime right now, that is, after 80 days , is a group that has no air force, no navy, no. the ground force has only strong faith with the equipment. and faith and honor
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have won against evil, this is in front of the eyes of the whole world, and this right position of the islamic republic of iran has become clear to all the world that if we today after 43 years, we are emphasizing on palestine and the freedom of al-quds, our position is a lie, and we are emphasizing that israel is going to disappear and disappear , our position is our position. right, well, these are very important, these are signs of authority for an ummah that speaks the truth , predicts correctly, for the leaders and for the imam of the ummah, the wise leaders of the revolution, who take the right direction, until today, emphasizing the positions to make this right, the positions of today on the whole world. it has become clear , god almighty, may allah reward ayatollah misbah yazdi
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and all of you who worked hard to organize this great meeting. let us do our duties in practice . i thank everyone for their presence, especially the son of the supreme leader, mr. hajj , mr. mostafa khamenei . realization not only in africa and in the region, but also from their existence both in science and in practice, in their desire and in their
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standing. thank you and lastly, i pray for him alhamdulillah, lord of the worlds, peace be upon you and may god's mercy be upon you. hey front row meeting, many talk about the people but not being with the people. hey front page meeting , stand up for justice. with our reports, we exchange the test that there is work on the ground
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. . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, please accompany us with the news section at 12 o'clock. specialists of a knowledge -based company succeeded in producing a new generation of nano polymers. these products are used as insulation in the construction industry and against corrosion and rusting of pipes.


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