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tv   [untitled]    December 31, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] we will host you at the central branch until 2:00 in the morning. have a good day, dear viewers , welcome to economy and market news. payment of rural housing construction loans in the amount of 350 million tomans from today, according to the deputy of the islamic revolution housing foundation , in the implementation of this project, the national export banks , sepeh mellat tejarat postbank, housing, welfare and agriculture are obliged to pay the corrections to 350,000 rural applicants. mr. jodi said that 122 thousand billion tomans
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have been allocated to pay for the construction of rural housing. banks that had overdrafts should be assigned immediately by the president at the meeting the annual general and extraordinary assembly of the central bank said that there are several financial institution banks in the country that have overdrafts from the central bank, that their case should be determined immediately, since they are institutional banks, they have a problem in relation to the fact that they are overdrawing one or two mr. fadzin's folding is pointed out. how many tasks are left to do quickly? time is running out. dealing with untrusted banks is a mission that the president has emphasized many times before. economic systems of the country this discussion is still in the meetings, until when are we going to have this discussion, how many private or non-private institutions are going to have overdrafts from the central bank , and their overdrafts will increase the monetary base
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and increase liquidity. the issue of overdrafts from the central bank should end in a limited time, and the situation of these institutions should be clarified . banks with problems that cannot be corrected, we are taking quick action to remove them from the monetary and banking system. we are talking about banks. it is that their imbalance is not for today and yesterday, a bank of 2 years imbalance, 3 years imbalance well, now it's not level anymore. in the past, its reform required several hundred thousand billion tomans. 210 hamat in order to have a capital adequacy of 8 in private banks, we have a lack of capital and, if i am not mistaken, in total, about 570 hamat, that is, private banks and state banks. carrying out the mission of dealing with the banks of natraz is one of the most important promises
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of the helm. it was with the central bank , can you promise that the first bank will be completed this year? how many banks will be completed ? the development credit institution was dissolved. the claim of noor credit institution in the national bank under the supervision of the central bank is the path that the central bank is at the beginning of. we are nearly 8 years old. we have already given the bank a reform plan, if they cannot make the necessary reforms, we should go to the second category of our policy, which means the use of article 39 or liquidation, which liquidation of the bank and delay in dealing with these banks will increase the cost of the reform. in 2018, the central bank requested special powers from the supreme council of economic coordination
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to several credit institutions. do homework one of these institutions was the noor institute. unfortunately, during that period, the central bank had the idea that by placing a supervisory board in noor institute , it could revive noor institute, therefore several years of time were lost . the resources of the central bank increased . the president also
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demanded the central bank managers to speed up the dealings with defaulting banks. banks where only one of the chickens in the last fall for the farmer, i.e. the harvest season, 8 tares are harvested a day with this machine. industrial to arable land has improved the condition of the farmer and made the sound of production louder. we had a 40% increase in production compared to the previous year and 90% compared to the previous year. in the past 534 years, all the records of exports and production have been broken, and this year we will reach the 40,000 mark, god willing. according to the announcement of the ministry , there are currently 95 vacancies. in fact, we are close to the point of realizing the production goal of our tractor production machine
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. our production growth in the first 8 months of this year compared to the same period last year was about 16, in the first 8 months , 23,500 tractors were produced. also in 8 months combine production this year. kalat 35% and rice combine has grown eight times. the products we produce are baler light combine in two models of rice combine and cooperation with the research unit to build semi-heavy combine until the end of the eighth month, 472 units of kalat combine and rice combine have been produced this year compared to 8 months same as last year. before, about 8 times the production of machines and tools that go to the country's farms with local knowledge is 93% domestic
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. it's not that we don't have the ability . it is not the goal this year's budget for the production of 42 thousand tractors by the end of the year, which can increase the export by 30%. reza safari of sed and sima news agency, during the last 24 hours, the amount of gas consumption in domestic, commercial and non-major industries reached 531 million cubic meters, of which the domestic sector consumed 70% with 371 million cubic meters. allocating the whole to themselves , i will discuss this with the director of the management center of the national gas company , mr. aqli. hello, please tell me how much gas consumption has increased compared to the same period last year and to which sector the increase in consumption is related. is it i also
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say hello to you and all your dear viewers. considering that our last day's consumption compared to our previous day is about 8. it shows an increase in consumption. our consumption in the commercial household sector and non-major industry. 531 million, of which 70% in the domestic sector, 9% in the commercial and public sector , about 5% in the transportation sector, 5% in the agricultural sector and 11% in the non-major industrial sector , we provided gas consumption, considering that in the same period of the year in the past, the weather is about 3 and a half degrees warmer than this amount of consumption. there was no increase compared to last year, but considering that especially in the sector commercial and public sector consumption is higher than usual. again, we emphasize that in this sector
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, commercial sectors can help by using and not using outdoor heating devices in the public sector, improving the comfort temperature in different sectors. gas management towards the productive sector of the industrial sector. and guide our big industry. mr. agari , do you have statistics on which thresholds have the most consumption? per capita consumption in january compared to other provinces, tehran province has the highest per capita consumption of 20.9 gas per household. then west azerbaijan and kurdistan with numbers the lower ones. this per capita in tehran province is 17% higher than the normal of other provinces . thank you for your explanation, mr. aqli, director
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of national gas company's management center. during the last decade, the share of the capital market from the financing of economic institutions has increased to 12%. however, experts believe that the stock market's capacity to finance the economy is more than this. and the capital market should replace the banking system for financing. the largest financing in the history of the stock exchange took place while the market share of sar. from equipping financial resources and directing them towards productive sectors to about 12% it seems that our sources of financing should be able to be influenced by the actual conditions of the economy . one of the places that literally reflects this influence is the capital market . land construction funds
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are part of the new financial instruments that have been used in the capital market in the past years. tools that are not efficient according to experts and the relationship between risk and return has not been taken into account in such a way that the opportunity cost that exists for high-return projects there is a low interest rate for projects , practically all of these are implemented with a single rate and that is the mandated rate announced by the central bank, and it can be said that the investors can't get the desire they should have in the project. in fact, they follow their expectations. markets that had transparency and formality can appear in the role of financing economic institutions, but in this cycle, the example of being neglected is the insurance industry, life and life insurance plans. it is because sustainable resources are used in these plans
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insurance companies can be collected, we can do a very good matching and inject the resources of these types of funds to economic enterprises through debt bonds, but creating a balance in the financing of economic enterprises requires a model that all parts of the money markets and involve money . define the project with a special label under the title of the project fund of its special insurance policies. this tool is used, the liquidity of members of the society is absorbed in the project, it is spent on the project, the project is loaded, and 3 financial statements are obtained from it, which we can hand over to the stock market . financing through the capital market and insurance life insurance is a solution for managing investment risk and increasing transparency in companies. ghazal arab gul of sed and cima news agency. specialists of academics
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of the country succeeded in flying. design and internalize vertical flight with the ability to map agricultural lands and pipelines. this drone does not need a runway to take off and land. vertical flight and fixed-wing geopods are efficient for making accurate maps of the earth's surface. this bird is a native bird, which means that it handles this issue in its own country, considering the sanctions and the issue of permission to fly. it can work it needs very high accuracy. now we don't need a special place to sit. we don't need that runway . we can install all kinds of sensors on these segkos and use it for various applications such as mapping, photogrammetry, pest detection, and other materials. features of geopath which is supposed to fly even in urban environments so that we can have more flight continuity and these four engines take energy from the battery. in order for us
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to be able to float in the sky for a longer period of time , we need wings that use vitols. let's not do it and our batman can support our bird in the air for more time. the ground station or the ability to control the bird by the user is also localized. our bird can travel up to 50 km from the ground station and all controls are completely automatic and intelligent. we have another part to design the program you want to do for us. in this way, we specify our area with a very simple click and the system intelligently arranges the flight for us. this 14 kg drone is equipped with a 60 mega pixel camera with various sensors which is installed on it will handle various missions. these are missions like
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maps. mining exploration lines , gas pipelines for power cables, road construction, for example, in mining mining, it can give us a report every month on how much of the mining soil has been extracted . it can tell us the slopes of the land in a completely accurate way. show it this geopod has the ability to take pictures with a resolution of 2 cm. abbas rasouli, radio and television news agency. these statistics are provided by the deputy minister of tourism of the ministry of heritage a culture has announced that the statistics that many tourism activists believe is low compared to the demand
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, there is no place to stay. five stars with few customers to one hotels. two stars and even guest houses, but as the hoteliers' association has announced, there is room, but it is not enough , they do not have a good turnover, and the answer is not their expenses . the provinces of khorasan, razavi with 168, mazandaran with 97 and tehran with 96 hotels have the most hotels. those who their owners say they need financial support. our existing hotels and guest houses need these. and the owners of this hotel and the guests cannot afford to ask for renovation. the deputy minister of tourism of the ministry of cultural heritage says that with the aim of expanding the tourism infrastructure in the 7th plan , support plans for the construction of hotels
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have been considered. the possibility of creating residential projects with mixed use, importing equipment needed for circulation. it takes a year and a half to get a building permit for a hotel. the vice president of tourism has promised that this trend will decrease. to facilitate matters investment. especially in the field of accommodation and large-scale projects, we
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issue licenses for the formation of investment facilitation companies. according to the announcement of the ministry of cultural heritage, tourism and handicrafts, more than 2,500 designs. tourism is being implemented with an investment of 360 thousand billion tomans. faizeh aghababai, sed and broadcasting news agency. with the spread of local covers of afghanistan, the sewing workshops of traditional clothes have flourished in this country. these days , wherever you step in afghanistan. everyone you see is wearing nothing but the traditional clothes of the people of this country . about. two and a half years after coming to power new in afghanistan, many things have changed in this country. one of them is the re-use of local and native clothes of the people of this country. the tailors say: whatever is ordered for them, it is a local dress. especially the clothes of the season with shirts and
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turbans that men wear. people wear a lot. he likes to wear old clothes. the boom of the market and clothes. especially the industry that is managed by the hands of afghan women, and it is spread within the country and to the world. to show you , mrs. hashemi also says in this center that she was a student until yesterday and today she has become a skilled designer and tailor . i read you are a nurse, yes, now you are a designer
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, yes, this is your work, yes, in this dress, it is sewn by me, and the local clothes of afghan women
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are embroidered and sewn with beautiful colors. o meeting of the first page, many people talked about the people, but they were not with the people. o meeting of the first page, to be fair to some of us, with your own reports
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, there is an exchange of tests that the bali train crashed and the work was left on the ground. in the name of god, i greet you , dear viewers of khabar network, i have to tell you that during today due to the passage of the rainfall system in the southern part of our country, we have witnessed rains in the provinces of bushehr, fars province, hormozgan province and we are also the central and southern slopes of zagros.
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the rains during this time in these areas in the form of torrential rain, sometimes accompanied by lightning, during tomorrow we expect that this system will strengthen , in addition to strengthening this system, this system will become more widespread and in addition to these areas, we will see rains in the provinces. khuzestan, isfahan province, yazb as well. kerman province is the southern parts of south khorasan province and also sistan baluchistan province. rains continue in these areas. in addition to these areas, due to the passing of weak waves from the parts of the northern belt of our country, there are rains in the form of rain scattered on the southern shores of the caspian sea . during tuesday, we expect this system to move eastward. only witness the rains in the provinces of sistan baluchistan, kerman and hormozgan. at the same time as the system leaves the eastern borders of the country, the rains will end in these areas, but still on tuesday
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due to the passage of our weak waves , there will be scattered rains. on the southern shores of the caspian sea , on wednesday, as you can see on the map, the weather is stable in most parts of the country, only rains in the southern part of the country. the caspian sea will happen, the stability of the atmosphere on wednesday will cause the amount of air pollutants to increase in the iraqi cities of karaj, tehran, isfahan, tabriz, mashhad, and the index will reach an unhealthy level for sensitive groups, so during this period, we recommend that children, the elderly, heart and respiratory patients avoid any movement and activity in the open space . we expect the persian gulf to be rough during today and tomorrow, and the caspian sea will be rough during tomorrow.
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thank you for accompanying us so far. this is called a quick and easy purchase. with kalanano's plan, we can pay up to 100 million tomans you will receive purchase credit. we still have 730 days until the last payment. pak shuma is always with you.
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price. back your shopping until 2 in the morning. the central branch is your host. hello again, dear viewers. please accompany us with the news at 12 o'clock. assembly the number of working hours of teachers and staff of non-government schools was determined. in the meeting of the house of representatives , by amending article 14 of the draft law on the establishment of the administration of non-government schools and educational centers , the full-time teaching hours of elementary school teachers in non- government schools will be 25 hours per week. and the presence


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