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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the registration of the government gift internet package has started. the minister of communication and information technology announced this news and said: this package is designed in such a way that it provides a significant part of the needs of the compatriots until the end of the year . the registration of the government's free internet package for all deciles has started. this news was given by the minister of communications today. everyone may have several phone numbers. my dear compatriots should go
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to the national window of khorram dolat shushmand at the address r. and choose one of their phones there . an hour after your presence , specifying the number on their phone is active monthly for all iranians. yes, for all iranians, an hour ago , the free internet registration option was added to the maiji system, and people can register there . yes, the volume is yes. i will solve a significant part of the need. in response to the increase in the price of the internet tariff, mr. dharehpour said that the cost of the internet had not increased for 6 years, and we were forced to increase it . it is true that we have finally made the difficult decision for the sake of the people, because i said that the quality of the network
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is really having a problem, we are actually monitoring it, we will follow it up, if the smallest violation of this promise is made , we will definitely deal with it. we want you to show the status and quality so that people can judge that the promise made by the end of june next year to increase mobile internet speed by 30% has actually been achieved or not . . i will buy all the expenses in order to understand the condition of your people i pay for my internet myself, 67580 tomans , buy two packages of the same 15 gb package, then it will run out soon or not, doctor, because mine is very high, you noticed that two packages in two months are enough for 4 15 gb, my internet consumption is high, i am from the operators . dear mr. salami , i want you to do this in the software, in fact, irancell, me or my partner, so that you can see in detail
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what is the status of your internet usage, the internet here shows the details of the package here, how much is your usage, how much is full price, how much is half price, and even because social network messengers are worth a share, they wrote here how much i am i used the social network and internal network. we asked other friends and other operators to do this so that you can see in detail what your internet usage was exactly . if you witness a violation by any operator , call the phone number 195. yousef salami , reporter of sed and sima news agency, according to the latest report of the national license portal, the ministry of interior with 39% and the ministry of culture and islamic guidance with 19% have the highest delay in issuing licenses. they had a business according to the law on facilitation of issuance. if a device
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has a delay in issuing a license, the requested license must be issued automatically through the national license portal. the national permits portal published the latest level of performance of the devices in issuing permits , based on which the home businesses of the ministry of cooperatives, the society of tax consultants, and the atomic energy organization issued all requested permits without delay. the purchase license was sent to us. we took action 20 days ago and it was ready in just 20 days. there was no problem at all . on may 13th, 1401, the government obliged the authorities to obtain a business license from the national permits portal. to issue one million and 100 thousand people, mr. president , started to go online and get their work permits. but there are also institutions that are delayed in issuing licenses, such as the ministry of interior, the ministry of culture and islamic guidance, the ministry of sindh, and the scientific vice-chancellor. the republic of sports federations and
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the bar association are still not connected to the national license portal. of course , we asked mr. vahidi, the minister of the interior , the reason for the delay in issuing the licenses of the ministry of the interior. the ministry of the interior does not give any business license to anyone. they know consulting for approval-oriented and registration-oriented licenses. there is a difference of opinion regarding the actual issuing of permits, which we are following with our friends in the ministry of economy yesterday and today with mr. khandozi . of course, according to the law, if a device is delayed in issuing a license, the national license portal must issue the license automatically. the delay does not mean the approval of a business license application, or if it is not eligible, the documents are incomplete, for example
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, the documents have not been uploaded enough, the rejection of the automatic issuance of licenses that was supposed to be delayed to be issued weekly this november. now it has been stopped, unfortunately, some devices operate under the conditions they gave in the port and the conditions they have . for this reason, we have stopped the automatic issuance and we are checking all the licenses once to make sure that there are no conditions or mistakes in the conditions . for the full implementation of the law on facilitating the issuance of licenses, one should wait for the performance of the ministry of economy in issuing pending licenses. zahra shafiei of sed and cima news agency. according to the director of non-communicable diseases of the ministry of health and medical education , 60% of the goals of the national health campaign have been achieved. dr. etamed said: we hope that in the final days of the implementation of this campaign, the participation of women
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will increase by 50% according to the demographic statistics of the country. obesity, inactivity and inappropriate judicial regime, three risk factors. in recent years, the prevalence of diabetes and high blood pressure has increased by 30%, an increase that has resulted in a national campaign, which only a few days remain until its end . in fact , the lifestyle of iranians should be improved in the field of diseases that we can get rid of if we recognize them early many deaths are caused by inability to pay huge costs to prevent. our expectation is that with this screening and timely and early diagnosis , we will identify people who are in the pre-stage of developing these two diseases, i.e. pre-hypertension and pre-diabetes, and we will intervene at the time
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of these diseases. we delay, and as a result , the complications of these are reduced, the mortality of these is reduced, and sometimes in the pre- diabetes stage, we can do it with effective interventions. in a few cases, let's prevent this disease . early awareness, more effective care is the slogan it is the stage of the national health survey, which is carried out with the aim of timely diagnosis and treatment. the goal is to identify people. if they are sick , they should be cared for and treated, and people's awareness of the disease, its causes, risk factors, consequences, diagnosis and control of the disease should be increased. from the 20th of november. how many patients with diabetes and high blood pressure have been identified by december 10th? 56,231 people with new high blood pressure were identified and 3,3696 people with diabetes according to the analyzes done, i
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would like to request that considering that the participation level of dear women of our country is about 35%, our expectation is this is the women of the country and this week. they should have more participation in the future. also , we had the largest participation in the age group of 35 to 45 years. we request that through the help of the students , the parents of the students also participate in this campaign until the coordination is done with the universities. it may end by december 15, but the service will definitely continue on this platform. fatemeh hasanpour, sed and broadcasting news agency. the next part of the news of the hour and
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you are the viewer of the economic table, the leader of the revolution recently on real competition as one of the pillars elections emphasized, he said in explaining the real competition that the field should be open for the presence of various political, economic and cultural tendencies in the big election race so that all viewpoints and viewpoints are active in this field. one of the topics about which different views have been formed is the formation of the ministry of commerce. parliament in different periods. addressing this issue, the last time was a month ago when the parliament decided that in fact the formation
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of this ministry will be decided in 6 months and it will be discussed at the economic table today with the presence of the afghan opposition to the issue of the formation of the ministry. we will review commerce completely, but first, a report on separating the commerce department from the ministry of mining industry and trade and re-establishing the ministry of commerce , an issue that was accompanied by agreement and opposition in the past years. mohsen bahrami , a member of the delegation of the tehran chamber of commerce, says: the pathologies that have taken place show that the merger of these two ministries was a hasty decision and the revival of the ministry of commerce can solve some of the current problems. according to alireza kolahi, head of the industry commission of the tehran chamber, the merger of the two ministries of commerce and industry and mining in the past with the support of a accurate and correct planning. it did not happen, and in a sense, these two ministries were simply stitched together. in fact, the design of this asset integration was flawed.
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ghasem nodeh farahani, the head of tehran chamber of commerce and industry, said: currently, some duties of the ministry of industry, mines, trade and agriculture are overlapping and the responsibility of these ministries is heavy. and this is in a situation where the revival of the ministry of commerce can reduce these interferences. mehdi fallah, an expert in agricultural economics , referring to the benefits of the formation plan. for importers, the ministry of commerce considered it a threat to export and support domestic production and said this action it is completely to the detriment of domestic producers and self-sufficiency of the country. ahmadreza farshchiyan, a member of the delegation of the tehran chamber of representatives, said that this separation will not benefit the activists of this sector. in fact, with this separation , the trade channel is separated from the industry, and the field of trade will not serve the industry as before. according to qabadian, the former deputy of the ministry of education, research and technology. the mining industry and business is the implementation of this plan of water in the mortar. it seems that those who
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are looking for the separation of the commercial sector could not understand the policy of developing foreign exports. i think it makes no sense to make the mistake you made before we have to repeat again. haratian, sed and broadcasting news agency. you are the viewer of the economy desk. i want to introduce the guests of the program to you. mr. ali rizvanizadeh, the head of the country's commission. iran and mr. mojtaba pouyamehr, an economic expert , we have other guests that i will introduce during your service program . sharif of iran, i congratulate everyone on the last day of the new year, which coincides with the beginning of 2024
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our christian patriots, as in fact in favor of the establishment of the ministry of commerce, i would like to allow you to present a few points to you and dear viewers , one of which is a historical discussion of the activities that the private sector and, in fact, the economic community of the country witnessed in the years in the past, before 2012 , with the ministry of commerce, there were no problems, and we can say that most of the problems that we are witnessing today are in the field of indiscipline in import and export and the embezzlements that are raised , these are issues that are reviewed. we are witnessing the history of the past during the time of the ministry of commerce
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we were not aware of the point, so why is it canceled and its duties are transferred to other ministries ? this is another part of my submissions. well, we have seen many times that this issue was pursued in mr. raisi's government and in each of mr. rouhani's two governments, but it was welcomed and in in fact, it was not trusted by the parliament , maybe because the regulatory bill that was presented lacked the necessary structure and description of duties. we were precise and certain for the ministry of commerce. you can see this structure that we have in the last two years, which is part of the regulation of the market in agricultural products at the disposal of the ministry of jihad and agriculture is in the position of not having this structure that both the market is out of that regulation and
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the domestic farmer has suffered. in addition to the fact that the consumer is in difficulty and pressure, this structure does not exist, and that regulatory bill, the deferiti bill, does not even pay proper attention to creating a structure for the description of duties and responsibilities. an important point that i want to make is that based on the global indicators of countries that are advanced and developed countries, more than 70% are actually. the economy is the share of commercial services sector and you see this number in developing countries between 40% and 50%, and backward or backward countries share less than 30% of the economy in the commercial services sector
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. part of this is due to the negative view that may have been very prominent in the past years and it is needed. it should be a cultural work that we did not see the commercial sector as a driving engine and in fact a production mover. we always had a negative view of the commercial sector. do you agree with the establishment of the ministry of commerce or not? in the name of god, my servant hello, i would like to offer my greetings to my dear viewers, and on the occasion of the new year with the blessings of hazrat fatima zahra, to the service of my fellow countrymen, dear women of our islamic country , dear mothers of our country, i would like to congratulate you, see that it finally has a historical precedent
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, that the establishment of the ministry of commerce, if we look at history let's do it in the country. let's say that the division of the ministry of commerce has a history of about 115 years in this country. this happened 12 times , about 11 times . we about 11 times in the past 115 years , we had to say that during the period when the ministry of commerce was in place, everything was correct and the market was completely regulated. this is not the case. after all , there was a situation that led the parliament and the government to the decision to remove the ministry of commerce. let him claim what the conditions are in the ministries in charge of production. look at one logic, logic actually had global studies, this decision was made in 2011, and another aspect
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was the conditions of the domestic market. market and which ministry is responsible for this mess? it is the house, and the parliament as a supervisory body should take the collar of which minister, well, this was a problem in those years, because finally a series of bad things happened, let's say it happened in the field of imported sugar, which was about 5 times more. for example, let's assume that within one year compared to 5 years ago , our sugar import increased 5 times. now, if i give you the exact statistics, in 2083, we reached the threshold of self-sufficiency in the basic sugar product, only 12% of our household's consumption needs. it was provided by imports and
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we reached a stage where around october 2004, the minister of agriculture he came hard and promised self-sufficiency in the field of the basic sugar product, but what happened in the same period of november 2004, the ministry of commerce was making a decision that now raises many questions. to 10%, the import gate was opened for sugar, but now their logic at that time was that they want to regulate the market, and so on. but what was the result of this decision? the result of this decision was that the company's import increased 3 and a half times during that year, and during the year 83 to 85, that is, almost 14 times , the import of sugar increased in our country to a we reached a stage where in 2008, half of our domestic sugar production capacity was lost, so
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the members of the parliament, as the supervisory body , complained about 157 members at that time, they corresponded with the then president, which means they are disappointed by the taunts of these ministers, they finally find the problem. they don't know how to solve the problem facing the then head of government. they declare that even now i have nothing to do with regulating the market. if the logic of the ministry of commerce was to regulate the market at that time, the world price of sugar was decreasing at that time. in the market our internal affairs were increasing, well, these were the issues that went hand in hand, leading the parliament to decide that we should look at global studies according to that global logic. check approximately 48 countries that have a positive trade balance in their agriculture and industry. in these, the decision-making structure for production
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and market is in one ministry. suppose the current situation of agriculture, if the friends of the ministry of agriculture of that country are in charge of production, adjust it . the market and the market regulator of that area also have their own powers. the logic is that when i want to do the production i have to pay attention to the market, to understand when i want to give an import permit to regulate the market , when should i go to the export development policies and these, well, this logic requires that the unit command should have, so to speak, the area of ​​production and trade of mr. rezvani. zadeh, what is your answer? look at these things. it is an important point that we should all pay attention to. yes, the discussion is actually about minimizing imports by supporting domestic production. at different times, we
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have seen more imports than in previous years. before that, what are the factors that cause this increase? are they imported? is it just the motivation to import or not? climate change and in fact the decrease in rainfall and water is what affects us to go to stay safe. in fact, there are trade unions and perhaps more than 180,000 organizations and unions, and in addition to that, there is a second part of the foreign trade sector
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. foreign trade is not only about imports . in fact, governance is seeking to join regional and international organizations from the shanghai brics organization and the eurasian economic and customs union, which last week the honorable minister signed the agreement on free trade with eurasian countries. to do. the most important point is that until the stage of actually entering these regional or international organizations, all the institutions are persistent that this accession membership is formed. this is the important question. from tomorrow, in fact, free trade is in charge of the realization of goals and plans
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, which ministry mr. pouyameh, which ministry should be in charge ? currently, we have two laws in the country, which specify the concentration of agricultural duties and powers in the agricultural sector. and domain the ministry of justice should be in charge of the production, which the ministry of jihad is in charge of the market , the law has made this clear for us, but now the current market situation is such that, well, no, we say, no, we are not satisfied, as a person who we work in this area or as citizens we live, yes, and there are problems. he does not deny this, but our discussion is to find the roots and give a correct answer to this issue, that we should say that because we are in the field of international treaties
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, we should enter with the logic that the ministry of commerce well, we have to review the past . at the time when we had the ministry of commerce in this country, it is not too far away from the 1980s. what is the state of our foreign trade ? this is the balance for 2011 and 2012, when the merger will take place and the ministry of commerce will be dismantled. it will be positive and it will start to improve to 5 billion dollars and the trade balance will be about 3 billion dollars .
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became. and the events and cultural works and facilitation for the development of non-oil exports that happened, these were the preparations for the presence in the world markets. you see , economic diplomacy and stable presence in the target markets is an important part that needs a trustee. i would like to give you an example of russia's service in the direction of development, which means maximum exploitation. the capacities of the eurasian union, why does it choose a minister as the minister of accession and, in fact, the claim of eurasia? does it not have a ministry of commerce , does it not have a ministry of industry, or does it have other institutions that pay attention and focus on achieving the set goals? it is very important
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. it is scattered . we have many problems in the field of agriculture . in fact, it will be destroyed if more than 24 billion cubic meters for this amount.
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there is a precedent in the world, unfortunately, trade , unlike the rest of the world, has shown the opposite in our country . in the world, trade serves production. he is doing export and import or market regulation based on the regulation of production support, but in our country it has shown that trade and commerce have come to support the producer. let's see the producer and the consumer. this view is wrong . the producer and the consumer should be seen with the same policy and with the same view. we should increase the production and support it to achieve mass production , which will bring cheap production for the country. let's bring a cheap product so that the consumer can benefit come on, why did we go to this side of the country
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? but in return , it destroys employment, but the world has gone in this direction of export expansion policy, which is difficult but creates employment. well, if we look at the roots, one thing is that the structure of the ministry of commerce was in the hands of businessmen, so we say that supporting production is supporting production and production. what does the manufacturer mean by adjusting the profit share in this chain in such a way that the merchant also makes his profit? remove it, but as much as the manufacturer as that ring first, if he is doing the production on his land or in his factory, he should get his real and rightful share of this profit, but when we are an independent institution as the ministry of commerce in this country.


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