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tv   [untitled]    January 1, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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why did we go to this direction in the country? i told you this policy for 115 years, because this policy is a policy of comfort, a policy that is easy but it destroys employment , but the world has gone in this direction of export expansion policy, which is difficult but creates employment. let's find the root, one is that the structure of the ministry of commerce is in the hands of businessmen, so we say that supporting production means supporting production and producers. it means that we adjust the share of the profit in this chain in such a way that the businessman also gets his own profit, but as much as the producer as the first link he has. he does the production on his land or in his factory, and he also gets his real and rightful share of this profit, but when we had an independent institution as the ministry of commerce in this country, which consists of merchants, well, these are their own profits.
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they see that in their policy making and rail setting to regulate the market, they are going towards the development of imports . well, the benefit of traders is the development of imports, which will be to the detriment of the producer . it's you, i greet you again and your esteemed guest and esteemed viewers to look at it, let me tell you very briefly , there is a lot of confusion going on. we have two words, we have a word called trade, and a word called commerce, which is the english model. these are trade , trade , and trade is commerce. look, these are different in nature. more than the discussion of trade, that is , trade services, which is a very large part of the work , is included in the trade sector. look
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, i believe that what was done in the country was the discussion of trade, which was handed over to the ministry of home affairs. specialization and the issue of commerce, which supports production and trade, has been neglected, that is, in this discussion , the minister of commerce is in charge.
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the ministry of housing and housing was abolished . i want to say that it was a requirement that came from the parliament to the government . at the same time, the government's experts were part of the opposition to this action, that is, they were predicting these things that when these things are done, we are out of the discussion. business, which is business policy, both internal and external, we will neglect this and it will be wasted due to the pressure that production problems will bring.
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i repeat the commercial discussion of these four components: import, export, production, consumption, each when making policies and creating a balance between these four components, we are facing an unstable market. it can also be from this direction , the price will drop drastically . if the price goes up sharply , the consumer must be there. in any case , what our institution is completely locked in the policies of the government, the policy-making institution for these four components for each product, unfortunately, this is the cause of the convulsions that you see in our market , i am facing and witnessing it. we are, so i am i think that in order to be able to allow these policies to be carried out and this balance to be carried out. it is definitely necessary
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to reconstitute the ministry of commerce with all your formations as part of commercial services in the whole world .
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at a very short distance from you , there is a product that is heavily produced by the manufacturer. it is being forced because the price is lower than the manufacturer's price and it is making a loss. in less than two months, you will see the same product , which is multiplied by the sharp increase in the price of the face that is closing. it shows that that regulation and those settings are not done well mr. payameh, i wanted to answer. yes, you see, now they say that market regulation tools. yes, there is production, there is consumption , and we can say that this logic is correct, but whether the ministry of commerce can regulate the market with the tools we give it, this is a fundamental question
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. what are the tools that the ministry of commerce has to regulate the market? he can control the production , he can't. when we had the ministry of commerce , it only had the means of import and export . i said that our business in the field of basic goods has not been successful, that is, it has not gone towards our export development policies. we are in contact with mr. mufta. the only tool that the ministry of commerce has in our country to regulate the market is the import policy, which means regulating the market by using imports, and it can increase or decrease production by the ministry of agriculture, which is in charge of production, or the ministry of mining industry
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, which is in charge of the production area of ​​that area. it is and its only tool is regulating the market through commercial policies yes, i said that our country has not been successful and it has mainly affected the production . our relationship with mr. hossein mahmoudi is still intact. hello, i would like to inform you, dear viewers and dear guests, that there have been various discussions in the field of the ministry of commerce. for a while in the past years, the discussion became political, a minister was criticized, however, the discussion of separation quickly arose. i am the voice of mr. mahmoudi , please strengthen it a little, friends. yes, let me say that for a while, anyway, it was a political discussion, and if
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any minister pressured the minister from the parliament , there was a heated discussion. anyway, at that time, the issue of the ministry of commerce was raised. in the researches that have been done, it is quite clear that the custodian of production and export must be the same and accountability must be the same , but the problems we had were that usually where we don't have enough width and where we don't have a capable management system in the country , we try to blame the fact that the ministry of commerce didn't exist when it didn't exist at the time. when we had the ministry of commerce, our imports were high the same issues that mr. dr. muftah also said, there was disorder in the markets at the same time , so if we say that the ministry has become bulky, well, in the developing and developed countries , the ministries gradually become smaller and several
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ministries become one ministry, so if we let's say that our minister is busy. well, our management is not a system. we have to manage the system that was the ministry of commerce and it is still there now. well , you say again that the ministry of commerce should not be formed, so what difference does it make if it is not formed at all? export should be a center ok. we had an experience. the ministry of commerce sought to regulate the market. and the ministry of mining industry was looking for production. and everyone plays their own instrument. therefore, the trustee must be someone who can regulate this market. we have seen in the past years that the ministry of commerce was looking for its minister not to be criticized. appropriate response. yes, that's why our import statistics have grown twice as much . now we also have a width restriction
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, which means that our problem is right now. no, the reason is that our problem is elsewhere . i think you mean that the ministry of health is actually a big ministry. not in the field of supply of raw materials and in the field of import, export and production, we have a total balance of 5 billion dollars in this field, but in the field of the ministry, for example, industry, these numbers are much bigger. you see, we still do not have a ministry of commerce. it is very high, but the reason is somewhere else , i mean that problems
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lead to very explicit decisions. in my opinion, you are saying that the policies should be changed. it's not that the ministry of commerce should be formed, that's right, the problem is somewhere else. you see , friends are saying in different programs that the minister of industry, mining, and trade has 70 areas of work, so he won't be able to do this. well, i agree , he should have 140 jobs tomorrow. we should establish four home ministries
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, there were 280, 8 ministries should be managed , our management system should be systematic, controllable, and internal controls should be dynamic. bring the minister of industry with 28,500 with 38 tomans, the imported incentive will not be produced and the situation will be even worse.
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in the case of sugar, it has increased. in the case of tea, it has increased. research all these numbers . i don't know how much it has increased. i mean, the number has decreased. unfortunately, because i said, the number has decreased . mr. payameh has been given an alliance. refer and see that yes, see, i am saying that it is important to find the root of the problem, the current situation. we attribute the market to the fact that we do not have a ministry of commerce let's force the government to come
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and create a new structure, let's see what kind of economic conditions we are in. i would like to tell you that we are under sanctions. less means that the decisions should have this characteristic to establish the ministry of commerce in this situation where the situation of our market is stable. let us also establish it. let him come to control this market . he won't be able to do it. he shows evidence that he couldn't do it . in 1991, we didn't have a ministry of commerce. we had the ministry of commerce, you see, at one point when the preferred width was at that time
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, the market turbulence in basic goods reaches the same level that almost every week we have a price increase , even mr. moftah says that yes, it is true, but what is the cause of it? since we didn't have a ministry of commerce , when there was a ministry of commerce, this confusion was much greater. when the minister of commerce comes , he sits down to discuss the definition of imports . economics cannot control the statistics of your service
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see, in the big topic, i mentioned the level of merchants and farmers . in basic goods , it was minus 8 billion in trade, after the implementation of the concentration law and the dollar in 2019, which is actually the last year that the ministry of commerce dissolved the ministry of commerce, after a gap of 5 years , it reached a minus of 28 billion dollars by commodity. let me tell you that in these years, let's assume that in the discussion of agricultural production, we will reach 65 and a half million tons, we will decrease with the tools that we gave to the ministry of home affairs in charge of wheat import production, from 67 million tons in 2019 to a gap of 5 years. to 14 million tons
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in rice, in sugar and in other agricultural products , it is that now i no longer require schedule time , which is important, sir. the issue of the ministry of commerce is being confused with foreign trade, and we are not paying attention to the basic issue of creating commercial infrastructure . we saw that they were in the warehouses at the beginning of the entry point, but the lack of interaction or planning in transportation and logistics made them unable to deliver these imports to the consumer and the market became chaotic. they said, well, the ministry of commerce
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was in charge of transportation, but today you see that there is nothing in our export transportation. no access to the export markets, which have been laborious for years and due to neglect and in fact work density , today our friend told me the amount of responsibilities or deputy heads of your ministry. they cooperate directly with the minister , if it was the ministry of commerce. if this happens, at least eight or nine of these responsibilities can be more efficient and actually possible it is available to the minister, at least he is more accessible to his deputies, so this is one point. the second point is to look at the trade balance. just today , our trade balance in the agricultural sector is about $15 billion negative, which means we
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have about $22 billion worth of agricultural product imports, including 15 a billion dollars of basic goods and about 7 billion dollars of goods that are imported from the second market or, let's say, that are imported instead of exported, in contrast to us , the export of agricultural products is about 7 billion dollars. we today in several countries , we have the target market, which is the export point or the permanent center for the supply of our export and agricultural products. mr. poi amer , listen to your final words in this regard. i am saying that when there is a problem in the country, instead of strengthening the structure let's do it, we are going to change the structure, which is expensive and not logical, when these issues that you mentioned and we are also aware
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of exist in the country, the solution is to appoint a capable manager and strengthen the body . i said that a structure that is correct it has a universal logic, and despite its incomplete implementation, i presented the law the focus was not fully implemented, but it had a blessing. now, in the matter of accountability , they say that these areas cannot be controlled , it is because the law of anti-insurgency has not been fully implemented, that is, consolidation has happened , integration has not happened. there is production and these tools are left in the ministry and decisions are made on an island basis . agriculture of the trade development organization gave its tools to the ministry of jihad according to the concentration law the law of expectation did not happen. that part of the tasks related to agriculture
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, consumer and producer protection organization should have gone there , it didn't happen. look, the chart of the ministry of position according to the concentration law has not been updated. it has been years since the concentration law was promulgated in the big offices . the structure of the ministry is it had changed, but in the big offices. we didn't have the vice president of commerce and market supervision . the non-formation of the ministry of commerce, which should be decided upon , thank you, dear viewers, for accompanying us, may god protect you.
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he came as far as arvand river, but he chose the tigris for swimming. he wanted to swim in ervandi, which is enough for the diet. but according to the agreement of algeria in 1353 arvand road border. in iran , when the islamic revolution was not yet two years old, saddam saw the opportunity to completely occupy arvand, a part of khuzestan, and with the support of the united states and european allies , he began to invade iran. saddam hussain is the medium of incitement america has violated us. they were his helpers for 8 years. like in 2016, when with the help
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of their spy satellites , they informed saddam of the position of iranian forces who were on the verge of a strategic victory. this is a part of the report of the ce organization, which was published by the foreign policy magazine in 2013. a little later, when saddam decided to start attacking commercial ships and oil tankers to reduce iran's oil sales, america came to his aid again. the result was 127 attacks and operations by american fighters and ships on iranian oil platforms and vessels. also ce documents it shows that washington knew about saddam's chemical attacks. david belo, one of the officials of the organization. in the middle of the 1362 war, american national intelligence reported to the american authorities that saddam had used nerve gas in attacking iranian cities, but
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the us continued to support saddam in international forums regardless of these reports, such as in 1365 when the members of the security council with 10 positive votes , they wanted to condemn saddam's use of chemical and nerve gases, but america vetoed it. but saddam failed in the war with iran. saddam al farara does not know what to do and to compensate for it failure invaded kuwait. but kuwait was part of america's interests in the region. and in this situation america with. he also stood by his interests. this time, but against saddam. here in the security council, the situation was different. america
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was now pursuing sanctions resolutions against saddam. this process continued until 2001. that america announced to the members in the security council meeting only citing a capsule containing some white powder. saddam has chemical bombs. and after that, saddam's palace in baghdad had become a place for american soldiers to swim. the same ones to attack
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1:58 am
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2:00 am
what else do we want to exchange data? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. nahdat loan installments national housing decreased to 5 million tomans. the managing director of the national housing fund said: it has been decided that the monthly installments of the national housing movement loan will be reduced to 5 million tomans in the first two years of repayment of this loan. according to mr. esmaili , the loan installments will be received in installments after two years. the managing director of the national housing fund said: the benefit of the
2:01 am
national housing movement facility is now


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