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tv   [untitled]    January 2, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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hosseinipour, let's talk about an important point that i asked mr. imani about the safety and security of elections , which is very important for the people and political groups . it will not be imagined. alhamdulillah, in mazandan province, due to popularization of security components, mazandan province has a high level of security. you know that every year millions of people from inside the country and even thousands of people from abroad come to mazandan province and in security the complete discussion of
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tourism in mazandaran province is in our shadow it was this security that in the last two years , our economic growth at the end of 1401, despite the fact that our economic growth was negative in the last few years, in the province under this government, at the end of 1401 , we reached 4.1% economic growth, this year the growth is 8. it was in the shadow of this security that we started 221 production units that were rocketed during the past years. in these two years , the unemployment rate in our province is 2% lower than the national rate , and the inflation rate, which is always in in mazandaran province , our inflation rate was 3 to 4% higher than the national average
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, but now our inflation rate is half a percent below the average the country is coming for elections. one of the important components of security is the impartiality of the executive branch. the executive branch should be trustworthy according to the top policies of the education and preparation system . in the elections of the country, all those involved in the elections were permanently trained in training camps , according to the changes that were made in the election laws, with the implementation of professional training , the new election law was communicated to all those involved in the elections, they were trained and one of the the other components are that we are in the centers that are photo areas
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it is a vote. of course you know. the most important component of security is that people feel neutral from the executive spheres. this is the most important component. well , you have seen today's orders and today's emphasis of hazrat ayatollah raisi. they said very firmly that the government is completely neutral in this election. even saying that we are not biased towards any group or individual, this was the most important order given by mr. president . passionate elections with high security well, you are now aware of about
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in the last two or three months, our enemies have started the biggest cognitive war , their goal is to disrupt the security of the elections. you see, most of the cyber war is now defined in the field of elections, so why is the enemy doing this because he knows that elections are the manifestation and crystallization of our country's national authority. one of our prides is that since the beginning of the revolution until now , we have held an average of one election per year, and because the enemy is aware of this important issue, he is trying his best to disrupt the security of the election, but i will tell you that according to the insight of our people. insight the people of iran, who are hardworking people in all fields , this election will be held in the most peaceful environment, god willing, and passionately, god willing
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, mr. hossein nejad, the discussion of women in your province is now also for their participation in the nomination and candidacy of the shura assembly elections. how islamic is it and how much you yourself have provided this space for the participation of women in different cities. well, according to the space that exists in the province, the importance of the presence of women in various appropriate situations , even in the administrations of the governorates in this period. we tried to make the presence of women stronger and bolder ok. and based on this, this year, the registration statistics of women in the discussion of candidacy has increased significantly compared to the previous periods, and perhaps we had a nearly 25% increase of self-elected women in the sisters, and this shows that
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there is this trust that in the province , importance is given to the discussion of women's presence in the fields of elections and social fields, and the attention that has been given in various meetings in the discussion of women's affairs has made this issue much more prominent, which , god willing, we hope that with the right choice this arena and this activity is for women in the shura council islam will be created, but the main thing that we are looking for should be preserved in the province. you can see that there are three periods, we can even say four periods in the discussion of the electors and the electors . the first stage is the foundation building that is now taking place, encouraging people to attend, of course, this encouragement should be with your actions, which means that we can make our reporting in such a way that people have confidence in our duty. we are persistent , just as mr. hosseini porham mentioned in
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economic discussions, our province is always ranked inflation was fourth in the country, but with the measures that have been taken , it has now reached the 10th rank, which means that the inflation situation has improved by 6 ranks. and this year, 100,000 tons have been made . these measures should be reassuring. the 10 days of advertising will be 10 days of advertising. we don't have a fight, this itself causes confusion in the discussion of holding elections, so there should be a plan for that too let's have 30 seconds about your advertising and planning, and 30 seconds to mr. yes . based on this, the discussion of the advertising committee on the use of radio and television , we have various issues in mind, so that this kind
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of brigade comes into existence. at the bottom of the boxes there are justifications on how to deal with training courses. all this prepares the introduction that in north khorasan province, god willing , we will have a wise and healthy election with the same four pillars that were mentioned . we are in the complete law about advertising cases. it was pointed out that one of the disadvantages of our election campaigns, unfortunately , which i feel has become widespread over the past years
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, is actually the expenses that some candidates spend irregularly in the elections. now , the candidates' financial transparency law yes we our point of view is that according to the high values ​​of the islamic revolution, if the honorable candidates pay attention to the fact that they must be accountable to the law and to the people, god willing, this year i would like to thank sadasima, especially for the opportunity. it is very important to provide candidates with the opportunity to create provincial networks and equal advertising opportunities for all candidates
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. election advertisements according to the important figures who will appear in the field of experts. a consequence to reduce salt consumption. reduce salt intake to prevent high blood pressure.
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when cooking food , add as little salt as possible. remove the salt shaker from the dining table . reduce salt intake but for the same use some iodized salt. store refined iodized salt in dark colored containers away from light. from consuming non- standard salts. avoid separately such as sea salt, rock salt, etc. use refined salt to soak rice. everyone in the family, starting with an older child, should consume refined iodized salt. keeping and storing iodized salt for a long time causes the loss of part of its iodine. therefore , prepare as much iodized salt as possible for short-term use. consuming snacks and salty foods like
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reduce those that are high in salt. more than five do not consume grams of salt per day. this amount includes salt that is naturally present in foods . pay attention to the food label on the products because they tell you how much salt is in the respective product. instead of salt, use spices such as salt, mint and dried basil in food. to improve the taste of food and reduce the consumption of salt , use fresh herbs, garlic, lime, orange juice, thyme, dill, etc. instead of salt. consuming fatty and salty foods every day brings you closer to heart attack. reduce your salt intake against high blood pressure, heart disease protects vascular and kidney, osteoporosis and some cancers such as stomach cancer. to fruits and vegetables that are eaten raw, such as green tomatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc., should not be salted.
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use unsalted and unscented nuts and seeds. canned foods and many packaged ready-to-eat foods contain large amounts of salt. reduce their consumption. use low-salt or unsalted breads. note that the amount of salt in breads is usually high. try the material. eat fresh and natural food , reduce the consumption of salty, smoked and pickled foods. to reduce the salt content of cheeses, soak them in water before consumption. the most important reason for consuming a lot of salt is to get used to the taste of salt. be sure that by reducing the amount of salt you consume , you will get used to the taste of low salt over time.
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i testify that there is no god but allah . i testify that there is no god but allah . i testify that muhammad is the messenger of
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god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. hai ali al falah hai ali al falah
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hai ali khair the action of the living is good, the action of god is great, god is great
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, there is no god but god, there is no motionless one, a small child, a small child
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take care
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, take care, take care of him , take care of him quickly. baghza marina is in the difficult needs
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of living, eating, drinking and sleeping, i hope that he learns the name of the war and returns to baytuny to the school of names. a human being in gaza is not the result of the war, but a tool of the zionist regime to pressure the people of gaza to leave this area. this is the deputy supervisor representative palestine listened to the members of the security council at the united nations. the killing of palestinian civilians was planned in advance.
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since october 7, 304 palestinians, including 79 children, have been killed in the occupied west bank. israeli settlers' violence against palestinians has intensified and is now a serious concern. the representative of china , as a permanent member of the security council, reminded that there is no safe place in gaza and warned that the continued attacks of the zionist regime on gaza has destroyed the possibility of providing any assistance to the people of gaza. show what
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however, the security council because of the opposition the united states has not yet made any request for a humanitarian ceasefire. on the sidelines of this meeting , the secretary general of the un security council warned that if the attacks of the zionist regime on the gaza strip continue, there is a risk of a serious regional crisis. antonio guterres has once again called for a permanent ceasefire in gaza as soon as possible. ali rajabi, sada and sima news agency, united nations security council. new york. a child
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is not a number. thousands of children were martyred in the last 3 months after the zionist attack on the gaza strip. the large number of children who are killed in gaza is the reason why unicef exists to fight this war. against children in the name of a special screening of a passenger from ganora for the children of iran's martyrs , please explain why this film was chosen, because this film is broadcast with the art field and we made this symbolic move with the cooperation of the art field. we gave it and we liked that this movie has just been added to the screening cycle . taking into account that the image institute is a cinema institute and a sub-category of the art culture organization of tehran municipality , in cooperation with the ouj art organization, it was decided that
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make a symbolic motion in a movie. the children of gaza , the martyrs of gaza, their memories are always alive in our hearts . i will harm you, and with the help of a disabled boy named sohail, to search for the rule of the land. to bring peace back to his land. the purpose of holding this program is sympathy and the screening of this animation for both the children of the martyrs and isargaran families and the children of gaza who were and still are in memory of them. we are demonstrating to say that
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there is no border between iranian children and children from and every child who is being oppressed and killed in the world. the message of the children of the martyrs to the children of gaza. we came with the families of the martyrs. let's take it to tell them that we love you from the bottom of our hearts and support you . we love them with all our heart and soul. i feel very sorry for them. i pray for them to win. it looks like a small satellite , but the technology is very cool. ahmed amin fard of the
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sed and broadcasting news agency. this is free, yes, free this is free, yes, this is free , this is free, this is free, yes, all of this is free with the plasas moqed carpet design, become the owner of a free carpet in iran
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, and stay in charge of the islamic republic and iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad, and the family of muhammad hasten their fate. greetings and good morning to you, dear viewers , welcome to the news section at 16:00 am. the registration of applicants for hajj tamattu 1403 will begin on the 15th of december. deposit from march 85 to 31


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