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tv   [untitled]    January 4, 2024 7:00am-7:31am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] i am very grateful to you, dear viewers, who have been with us since 6:30 . hello, we are at your service, ms. hajipour. greetings to you and to the good viewers of the khabar network. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, please join us with the news section at 7:00 am. following the terrorist incident in kerman today, members of the public have been announced in the terrorist incident yesterday afternoon on the road to golzar shahadai in kerman, 95 people from pilgrims were martyred. in a message, the president
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described the terrorist incident in kerman as an inhuman act and a deplorable crime. mr. raisi expressed his condolences to the bereaved families and emphasized that the perpetrators of this cowardly act will be identified soon and will be punished. he said that the enemies of the nation should know that such actions can never cause a disruption in the determination of the iranian nation to defend islamic ideals and that they are more determined than in the past to dry up the roots of terror and violence in the field of fighting against the enemies of presence. will have. the speaker of the parliament is also the security commission melli was assigned to investigate the angles of this disaster and submit its report to the parliament. the head of the judiciary also obliged the intelligence and security agencies . pursue the perpetrators of this crime with speed and precision and introduce them to the judicial system. the transfer tax of non-cash shares was made electronic.
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head of the organization. mashalik said: with the electronic payment of the tax on the transfer of non-ci shares , in addition to reducing the time of this process from a few days to a few minutes, 20,000 visits and in-person visits per year will be avoided. people can do their homework by referring to the portal of the tax affairs organization take legal action deputy minister of mining and material processing , ministry of the ministry of 24,000. blocked or locked mining areas in the country. mr. mohtashmipour said that these areas are closed according to the opinion of natural resources, atomic energy and environment organizations, and no mining activity is allowed in them. also, according to the deputy minister of mining and material processing of the ministry of materials
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, there are mines in the country that are inactive in the country despite having a license to operate and operate for several years due to environmental degradation . people are inactive from the created pollution or they are abandoned and you have to think about them. but this is not the whole story, and besides these abandoned mines, there are areas that have been declared prohibited areas according to the opinion of various organizations, including natural resources, atomic energy, and the environment, and no one is allowed to do civil exploration. they say that the mining areas are blocked or locked, and according to the deputy
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of the ministry of mines, there are 24,000. there is such a mineral range in the country. a major part of our reserves is currently involved in the fact that these organizations do not allow us to start at all. in one of the most desert provinces we saw the least amount of vegetation and environmental sensitivities there , and we had the least number of permits issued. it was interesting for us that some of the mining areas in mundar, for example , had spread between two provinces. he had obtained a license in the neighboring province, it had been activated, and now he has it. it was possible, but in this province, which happened to be much weaker in terms of climate and environmental conditions, there was a large area in this province, the same area, that is, the half that was in this province , could not get a permit and remained inactive. of course, the environmental organization exploits this they consider the undecided mineral boundaries to be investigated, the exploitation of these mines is actually prohibited, now this can be brought to the supreme council of meisis by going through legal procedures with the studies that must
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be done for these, with the restrictions that will probably be placed for these permits. if it is taken, i will probably be able to exploit it, according to the announcement of the civil affairs deputy of the ministry of civil boundaries, that they should inquire from different organizations out of a total of 4,241 cases that were sent to the environment for comment, 2,378 cases with an area of ​​75,300 square kilometers, that is, 56 of their inquiries negative mohammadreza sohrabi, head of the country's medical system organization, said that 48 out of 2,700 emergency medicine doctors in the country are women. according to dr. raiszadeh, for more admissions in medical fields such as emergency medicine and anesthesia , they should be treated in a special way. the number
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of female specialists in our country has increased by 30 times compared to 2016, which means that we have 717 female specialists in 2016. more than 21,000 female medical specialists. but in the field of women, it was 30 times, well , this is according to the needs of the country in the field of cultural and value issues, and it shows the high effort and strength of women. our society is in the field of sub-specialization, and the statistics are much better, that is, we had 3 female sub-specialists in 1962, now we have more than 1,600 female sub-specialists. the beginning of the process of receiving product identification for clothing . according to the announcement of the ministry of education, more than 6,200 production certificates have been issued so far, and other clothing manufacturers should also gradually
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apply for product identification. identification of clothing entered the implementation phase after more than a year delay. we predicted five priorities. car accessories, household appliances, clothes, tobacco, etc., cosmetic products, a design that, in addition to the producers, also has a place for there are people who do not want to buy contraband. the purpose of implementing this plan is precisely to separate smuggled goods from domestic production. now some clothing manufacturers have started to receive product id. there are 3 steps to get this code. you go to one of the manufacturers. in the first step, we have to enter the system of the trade community and register the new information there. in this step, we have to declare what we want to produce, for example, a shirt, jacket, blouse, what is its material, what is its texture , we declare all these things and it is registered. and we
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will enter the next stage, the next stage is the clothing brand and after that, the registration of our information is finished and the system takes about a week to give us the id, the next step in the production line is done. we received it from the ministry of industry and we are using it for our work . it is different for each work . t-shirts, pants, puffer shorts, they are all distinctive because they are different from each other. after packaging, these products enter the stores. all the products that we have in the store are original. the product can be checked easily by the community system with a software the trade can be inquired. the inquiry will show the working group
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that the garment is men's trousers . now this was a men's blouse. they were obliged to supply a garment that has a product id . in the next step, the sellers should offer the goods with identification, although according to some experts , it will not be possible to separate the smuggled goods from the manufactured goods until this process is carried out in the store terminals. muhammad allah yari sada and sima news agency, the deputy of the development of people's participation of the aid committee , announced the donation of donations collected in the yalda mehrabani campaign to 260,000 low-income families across the country . this year, in yalda mehrabani campaign
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, there were about 10 billion tomans in cash donations, which were collected through the national campaign and local regional campaigns in the province and cities. about 55 billion tomans were donated by benefactors at the province and city level. it was donated to the relief committee and the collection of goods was packed and given to the less fortunate families by my colleagues delivered according to mr. asodeh, in this campaign, donations of 20 and 300 thousand tomans were offered to the compatriots, but some people donated up to 10 million tomans. compatriots can still
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donate cash to the needy by dialing the 12 square star command code or the card number 60 37 99 79 40019. thank you very much for the greetings to you dear and honorable compatriots who have joined us from this moment. good morning. thank you very much for choosing the reporter to watch. yesterday's terrorist attack in kerman and at the commemoration ceremony of martyr general hajj qassem soleimani, but let's go to other news events that are supposed to happen today, which are also supposed to happen today. it is to gather
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together parks that, in addition to the possibility of small , medium-sized knowledge-oriented and entrepreneurial companies in an economic environment , also provide the necessary platform for the transfer and development of technology in the studio hosted by mr. dr. sajjad mohammad alinejad, deputy minister of technology we are scientists. mr. dr. mohammad alinejad . good morning. you are very welcome. good morning to you too hello, i am at your service, dear colleagues. and all our dear compatriots, stay healthy , sir, the heads of the science and technology parks are supposed to gather together . now, i have told the viewers a little about the activities of the science and technology parks . please let me know what you will say in this meeting. what will you probably hear? first of all , i would like to offer my condolences for the martyrdom of our dear compatriots in this terrorist assassination crime on the anniversary of sardar delha. well
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, out of these science and technology parks , we have 54 science and technology parks in the country, of which 29 are provincial, that is, they are located in 12 provinces. parks are parks that are located in our first-level universities, and the rest are device parks, such as naft niro park, etc. in this meeting, all the parks, regardless of university, province, or device , were included in the round, which is also a review of the latest state of the technology field. let's have the country. bye-laws to share suggestions and experiences. yes , there are several central issues in this meeting. first, we decided to assign a mission to each of our own parks in the provinces in relation to a strategic chain, in the sense that in that area that it is characteristic of that region or province, for example in the province yazd textile field has been selected as that park. helm and technology
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complement the strategic value chain, that is, we carry out the necessary design , extract the country's textile situation map, and extract the missing links that may prevent the textile sector from reaching full maturity or from having full exports. we are extracting the entrances of our science and technology parks and the companies of provincial needs are being selected. yes , it is the same. in fact, on the one hand, it helps the new companies that are formed because there are links before and after them, their economy. guaranteed it leads to provincial and regional development, naturally, because with the completion of the chain, the value of that chain will increase. and if the whole chain, for
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example, has a value equal to 100, it is possible that with the completion of the chain and the export that takes place, the economy that occurs in that area will double or triple , it will create employment . strengthening the country's special opportunities in every al-manauri park in the region is the second topic that was discussed in this meeting. it is discussed that since machine parks are also present, it is supposed that these machine parks meet the needs related to the fields they can extract the issues themselves. the ones that they can solve by themselves should be solved in their own park, the rest should be transferred to other parks located in universities and provinces. the third issue that will be discussed in this meeting is the issue of strengthening the life system.
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jan's system is a new economic flow system. it is the first system that technology units and knowledge-based companies located in science and technology parks. for a country , they will present their own products there, jan will be opened and unveiled today, jan system probably within one or two days. it will be unveiled next week and what will happen to this system today in the meeting where the heads of science and technology parks will have more coordination on how to load the development of the system and the policies that we actually saw regarding the system will be reviewed here. here are some knowledge companies. until today, before the unveiling of more than 1500 companies, in fact, registration of
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knowledge-based companies, 30 knowledge-based products have been uploaded there, we are evaluating the products, and the possibility of buying and selling is actually provided. both products and services that you actually evaluate the products in john, what would you do with this system to help the audience who actually wants to receive this product? first, it is in categories , it makes access easier. the placement is done by the jobs we have, we want to study, access. any of the industries or people have the ability to request the production of new products in the system, which means that the technology needs will actually exist there, one of the help provided by the ministry of industry, mining, and trade was that the system
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of connecting jan-ro to tawaniran's system is a system that any government or private enterprise. they are required to upload their projects there 3 months before they want to do it, and if their needs do not exist in the country, they can supply them from abroad and import, and this connection that has been established is the reason. it is possible that these companies that are in science and technology parks, if they can meet this need , announce their readiness, in fact, with this connection. which happens if they import the product they want. if there is a similar product, as you said , it will no longer be possible to import it to the extent that domestic production is possible . if, for example, it becomes 20%, the other 20% will not be allocated and this product will be bought . what help do you give in this cycle? to the company that can
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supply the product that needs to be supplied faster and at a certain time, now , as much as it can produce and supply, provide it to that company. apart from the connection of the system that takes place one from the other assistance provided by the ministry, the entire information on the country's imports and what is allocated to it has been provided to us by the customs, and we have these at the disposal of the technical units through the same system, namely the bread system and the life system. we will try to put research projects in the universities and theses in the company's system. to know what are the needs in the country, based on which the allocation is being made and there is a market, now this way doctoral theses and dissertations are also under this format and become more targeted. in the field of minimum engineering, yes, yes, in the nan system , when we upload these requirements
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, respected professors and students can choose their thesis topics based on these requirements, and in fact. we are focusing on the problem of what is happening in the field of research in the country . god willing , you want to provide an effective connection between the industry and the university through john nan. god willing, both the bread of our science and technology companies will be established and their lives will be preserved. you have a new technology that is going to be unveiled. today, the meeting started yesterday, so the product was actually unveiled yesterday. this year we the research and technology exhibition of a series of products was released in the last one year , there are 202 new technological products in the country. yes, these have come into the system and all their information
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has been evaluated and uploaded, and in fact, we will unveil each of these new products in each period, if they actually achieve those technological indicators, god willing, thank you very much, mr. dr. deputy minister of science and technology, who came to the studio of the sabgah program, hello reporter, thank you , stay alive, thank you, dear compatriots, be with us , and have a good morning with sports events. good morning, dear viewers. and arjamand goes to the open air studio of the morning program salam correspondent. i will join my colleague , mr. javadinia, mr. javadinia. hello, good morning. hello
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, mrs. hajipour. good morning to you too. i hope you are healthy and well. i am polite and respectful to all of you, dear viewers . be healthy, i would like to start my speech by offering my condolences for the martyrdom of a group of good compatriots of our country in the incident and the terrorist attack in golzara, kerman. we are with you about the sports events that are going to happen today, and my good friend mr. gohari is also here. i am at your service . good morning. please tell me what is going on with today's sports events. yes, dear mr. seyed mehran , i am also at your service and all the viewers. dear program , hello reporter, hello and good morning. later , i will send my condolences to my letter. a group of our compatriots were killed in the terrorist incident yesterday in golzar shahada, kerman. today, an
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advanced training course will be held for the medical staff of the premier league teams. yes, football, in this course, the latest methods and the latest medical recipes are taught to these people, as well as the latest recipes in the field of stimulants and doping are transferred to these friends. today is also the start of the training of the national cultural wrestling team. our national wrestling team starts its training from today to prepare as well as possible to participate in the selection matches at the wrestling house in the upcoming selections for the paris olympics. and in less than 7 months, our wrestlers will
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compete in the olympics, and from today they will be the students of hasan rangz they will start their training camp at keshti house in tehran . also , the national football team of our country arrived in kish yesterday . they will start their training camp in kish for a few days . they will prepare a report from my colleagues from kish center tomorrow at 6 o'clock. if you are ready , if you are ready, we will meet again. we will come back with gohri . we will continue to serve you. the national football team of our country
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arrived in kish island for a one-week camp before being sent to the asian nations cup in qatar. they are invited to attend kish ord. well, definitely a very important tournament for our country's football. we know that the expectations are very high, the children, hoping to god, will do their best to perform at their best . it is definitely a very difficult job, but with god's hope. palestine is in the same group. naturally, these expectations put pressure on the team. well, we
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haven't won a place in 5 decades, but even though our team is in very good conditions. we are very optimistic about these games , god willing, we will try to please the people. the national football team of our country will play against the palestinian national football team in their first match in the asian nations cup on december 24, starting at 21:00. the members of the iranian national football team are going to be in addition to three a training session in kish
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will also hold a friendly match with the national team of burkina faso with the judgment of the iraqi referee. mehdi hoshiar news agency. since the end of the first half of the season, he has entered into a very strange situation , he has taken away some of his players from the coaching staff, well, the police press a bit during the first half of the season , he also brought a bit of bad luck. yes, yahya golmohammadi was thinking
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of adding him to the team, mr. golmohammadi insists on going , and apparently his departure is certain, but last night , mr. darwish said that after the meeting with mr. golmohammadi, he said that we have a chance of three to four days. we will give them to think a little more, but so far, the departure of mr. golmohammadi is certain, and apparently they are thinking about other options such as mr. skocic and branko ivankovic, and negotiations have also been held with them. now we have to see that bronco has a contract with the oman national team until the end of the league of nations, and now after the league of nations, our second season will be held after the league of nations . we went to the nations cup . it also helps in attracting players whose domestic options were discussed by mr. mehdi tartar
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just like the current head coach of the sailors , the radio and television, but let's go to the exhibition of the achievements of the elite soldiers and technology , where the products
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of the elite soldiers will be unveiled. and we invited one of these elite soldiers who is also the managing director of a scientific company to host them in the studio and ask them for more details about the achievements and technologies produced in their company mr. mohammad sina boroujerdi with us mr. borujerdi , good morning, you are very welcome, greetings and courtesy i am at your service, dear colleagues and dear viewers. i offer my condolences for the loss of our dear compatriots in kerman . thank you very much for coming, mr. borujerdi. you are one of the courses that you are actually doing your military service at daneshbonyan company, now with the difference that your excellency, because you had this opportunity and this opportunity. and you had a very colorful work obstacle that i
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want you to mention yourself


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