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tv   [untitled]    January 5, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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bam earthquake and flood in khuzestan. one day, the commander of the resistance field of the head of the protection group, sardar soleimani, said that we are still at the beginning of introducing the haj qasim school and we have not done much. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. holding a meeting of the supreme national security council following the terrorist incident in kerman. in this meeting, after presenting and reviewing the report , information, security and law enforcement were decided. the intelligence agencies should quickly follow up on the clues obtained from this terrorist operation and identify and introduce its mercenary perpetrators. it was also decided that the devices under the supervision, prevention
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and decisive action against the perpetrators and supporters commit this crime. june 88, the sky of iran. the soldier of two iranian phantom fighters to put the kyrgyz plane on the ground. i gave him the sign to follow and sit, but he does not obey. this plane is a terrorist carrier under the authority of the ministry of information. brother after shah. after this warning shot, the pilot is forced to land. the terrorist is now at bandar abbas airport. his name is abdul malik rigi, the leader of the terrorist group known as jundullah. the americans said to launch a military attack on iran, this is very difficult, but we have a plan that all the organizations that are against the regime let's help all these organizations. as a result of that support, more than 890 iranians were martyred and injured. for example, in the explosion of ali
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bin abi talib (peace be upon him) mosque in zahedan and the arrest of zab al-zahedan axis travelers in tasokhi area by the volley of abdul malik rigi, who was executed, the remaining members of his group formed the ansar al-furqan group and started blind operations against the people and the armed forces in sistan baluchistan . but in 2016, the intelligence organization of the irgc arrested the leaders of this group. and in the jalil ghorbarzeh operation , he killed the leader of this group before their terrorist operations cities like zahedan and mashhad should be neutralized and its operatives should be arrested . let's go to shahrivar 97. the attack of al-ahwazi terrorist group on the people
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. national ahvaz, this terrorist operation was carried out on the order of this person, habib atsiyod, the head of the al-ahwazia terrorist group, with explosions, for example , strong, then, well, if people are killed, there is no problem . the ministry of intelligence arrested him during an operation in turkey and transferred him to iran. jamshid sharmhed will be executed after the trial. another terrorist who is arrested and transferred to iran. between 1985 and 1999, he bombed and created insecurity in iran . like bombing in hosseinieh seyyed al-shohdai in shiraz. sharm had said that my place is on the sixth floor of the american fbi and no one can ever approach me. where is the fbi office, the same federal building where we are present. but in the end , he was caught in the tour of the ministry of information. death sentence he
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is confirmed shiraz: aban 1401, a person with a kalashnikov gun from the entrance of the shrine of shah chirag, peace be upon him he passes and shoots the people at the entrance and then goes to the sanctuary. the attacker and his companion are arrested moments later by the security forces and punished after the trial. these are part of the punishment of terrorists whose perpetrators were hanged. or hazrat zahra now, after this terrorist attack on the people in the tomb of martyr haj qassem soleimani, iran has announced that the perpetrators of this assassination have been punished. they will be the target of repression and fair punishment from now on. deputy head of the office hamas politics. his companions
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were legalized today in the presence of people in beirut.
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he married for 15 years and his fiance waited for him for about 10 to 11 years because he was in prison, they got married after he was released from prison, but he was exiled. he has two daughters and a son who were very dependent on their father, but they know how important martyrdom is. it means they know what martyrdom is. because of his activities in the field of resistance, he was imprisoned in the prisons of the occupation regime for 15 years until he was released in 2007.
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he settled in al-arwari in 2010 as a member of the political office of hamas, then in 2017 he was elected as the deputy of this movement. he participated in the treaty of loyalty to azadgan in 2011 and traveled to tehran in front of the eyes of the whole world and met with seyyed hassan nasrallah, the secretary general of hezbollah in lebanon. the enemy was afraid of him and threatened him.
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john kirby, strategic communications coordinator at the national security council of the white house, said: "the united states does not believe that a military attack will destroy the thinking of hamas and accepts the idea that the existence of hamas will continue." this senior white house official added: hamas still has significant military capabilities. gaza has these statements in response to the statements of the authorities it is the zionists who claimed that the aim of the attack on gaza is to destroy hamas. the new york times newspaper wrote on monday: the destruction of hamas is a fantasy. spacex
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launched a swedish satellite into earth orbit. the ozone-3 satellite was sent into earth orbit by a falcon 9 rocket. according to the reports, in the first stage , the rocket returned to the ground according to the plan and about 8 minutes after the launch , it landed again at the cape carnival space base. spacex announced in its user account that azoon 3 is a communication satellite and can respond to the demand for mobile broadband coverage in areas with less service. be this was the second spacex launch in 2024.
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greetings to the audience, the national media is accompanying us in this conversation tonight as in previous nights. the latest news related to the terrorist incident in kerman, as you have seen and heard in the news, is related to the fact that the isis terrorist group took responsibility for the terrorist attack and explosion in kerman by publishing an official statement and announced that two people were killed in this attack and in this operation. some of the agents of this group detonated their own explosive belts. in tonight's special news talk, we want to know how to answer
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islamic republic of iran , let's talk to the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in kerman and discuss the dimensions and angles of this issue. the guests of this program are mr. dr. hossein kanani moghadam and mr. dr. nasser torabi, experts in the political field. during the conversation , mr. dr. seyed afarhi will be added to our group according to the special conversation routine of the first news . it was half a kilometer from the grave of martyr haj qassem soleimani, but isis officially an hour ago by publishing photos of suicide bombers, they are responsible for attacking and killing people on the anniversary of martyr haj qasim. suleimani in kerman, most of the martyrs
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were injured not by the explosion but by the shot and shrapnel on their bodies that were embedded in the bomb, at a distance of about 200 meters from the explosion site, this is a professional job to take civilian casualties and the assassination of people is certain. or the timing of this terrorist attack happened right on the anniversary of the martyr haj qassem soleimani, when the americans martyred haj qassem in iraq four years ago. martyr soleimani was able to rule during his command in the quds force destroy the isis in iraq and syria, the isis that the americans say they created. isis is one of the honors of president obama. obama and clinton created isis. but isis never attacked occupied palestine and liberated al-aqsa mosque, even during the zionist attacks against gaza
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, and did not even attack american military bases in syria, but instead, the zionists visited isis wounded in syria and other terrorists and killed them. being under the cover of self-treatment in the occupied golan border, despite the fact that more than 22,000 muslims have been killed by netanyahu's order occupied palestine has been killed under the bombardment of the zionists, but isis does nothing. he put rockets on the palestinian resistance to fight against the crimes of the zionists, who had stones in their hands. firstly, the progress of the resistance from stones to rockets was due to the grace of god and the efforts of mujahideen in all places. and with the support of all fans and lovers of resistance . these are the words of the deputy of the political office of hamas.
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martyr arori, who was martyred less than 24 hours before the kerman terrorist attack by the zionists . martyr aruri was one of the most effective people in arming the resistance in palestine and lebanon, who was ordered by hajj under the leadership of sardar razi mousavi, qassem soleimani, these weapons and their support reached the occupied territories and lebanon. even the production line of these weapons. martyr razi himself was martyred 10 days ago after 30 years of working in the quds force of the revolutionary guards to fight against zionism and support the resistance front, especially in occupied palestine by bombing zionist fighters in syria. or sahib al-zaman or sahib al-zaman. these two terrorist explosions exactly 5 months ago. it happened after the suicide and terrorist operations of isis operatives in shiraz. in the shrine of shah cheragh
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, a terrorist operation took place in this shrine last year had been given. but this was part of the actions of takfiri terrorists in the last year to disrupt the peace of iran. before that in tehran in june 2016. it was late. it was the end. anthari terrorist explosion. imam khomeini's shrine at the same time as their other group attacked the islamic council. the isis terrorist group officially claimed responsibility for this attack. however, their operation to enter imam khomeini's shrine and the hall of the islamic council was thwarted by the security forces, like eight other operations they had in the cities of mashhad, isfahan, and shiraz , before which takfiri terrorists were arrested. be. a great god. the islamic revolutionary guard corps
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has officially retaliated twice against isis terrorist operations in iran with its missile attacks. in 2016 and 2017, the leader of the revolution's message stated that this tragedy will result in a harsh response . thank you very much for allowing us to start the discussion with mr. shadlou's report . i greet you, mr. dr. kanan moghadam . have a good time. islamic republic of iran , sardar soleimani . the existence of isis takfiri terrorists and
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now the remnants of this terrorist group are part of the iranian nation and the islamic nation. also , the supreme leader, i offer my condolences on the occasion of this heinous crime committed by the takfiri and terrorist group isis , with the orders and the facilities that the mossad and the cia have been providing for years. haj qassem soleimani
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created a good family tree in the west asia region , which is watered by fixed weapons and the blood that is spilled, which is against terrorism, takfir, arrogance and zionism. it is bearing fruits that you see in the storm of al-aqsa , you see these fruits in the freedom of south lebanon , you see this in iraq, the freedom of iraq, in syria, in other countries and even in our own iran, you see the martyrdom of haj qasim. soleimani was guarding our security borders. we have a physical border that we try to protect and protect, but we have security borders that are soft, that is , they continue to the mediterranean and east asia . the resistance that
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he created is practically against border terrorism it created security so that they could not enter our borders, but after the defeat of isis, the americans collected these remnants through the coordination that was done in the resistance front and the important role of the martyr abu mahdi, the engineer of the padshaid corps, haj qassem soleimani, and now we know. where are they being trained , rehabilitated, facilities are provided to them and practically as mercenaries and nobody. those who receive money to carry out terrorist acts send them to our physical borders and try to carry out actions that create fear and panic in our nation, which is what the imam said. if you kill us, we will be more awake, we will be more alive, and definitely this thinking of haj qassem soleimani's saparbad school
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that we swim in the sea of ​​blood to reach the shore of truth, we see in these terrorist attacks that even these pilgrims of this noble martyr are afraid and they are afraid and commit such crimes, i greet you, mr. doctorabi , and have a good time. how should the islamic republic of iran give a tough response? because of this attack and these terrorist explosions, how is this a hard answer? will it happen? has it started? are we on the way and how will it go? yes, in the name of allah , the most merciful
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. it happened, let me say this first. regarding the answer to how this unfortunate incident happened, i think the manifesto was a message of condolence from the supreme leader . i will pay, but i want an introduction first first of all, i am asking you that i am monitoring the cyber space and people are right to be upset about these events, but i mentioned some important points yesterday. today, i also emphasize that people should control their emotions
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. i don't want these emotions to be suppressed, but they should be guided. if we direct it correctly, it may turn against us and cause the revolutionary forces to become disillusioned, so the first issue is that, in addition to the flow of the resistance front. i say that both psychologically and field wise , they have to do something and i advise our people to be patient, have strategic patience and trust the resistance front and the leadership of the resistance front. this is the first issue. let's see these events in a complete program. in a complete package, the speed of events is very high, that is, almost every day. we have a huge event that any of these could happen in one year. we have the incident in kerman, today we have iraq, before that we have lebanon, we have syria
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, we have gaza, these events are very fast. a hermeneutic analysis means to put ourselves in israel's place and see why they are making this happen in parentheses. now , maybe isis has accepted that this issue itself was an incident. i used to investigate isis for hours. first he made a statement. the fact that one day has passed and this has happened means more than one day. it should not be overlooked that the footprints of israel are definitely characteristic here, as the doctor said, and the role of america is even more important than that. now, the americans quickly put aside their own desire. but what is the point? the point is that this characteristic role. but the problem is , let me give you an example. for example, footballers or footballers say that they do not touch the composition of the winning team. what does that mean? i mean, look at the macro issue of this issue, the resistance front is now lost or won, and why are they
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doing this? why are they taking the playground out of gaza? why are they leaving gaza? because they did not achieve any of their goals and i am talking about this. but i want the key words of these seven points that hazrat agha said. let me make a dissection, first of all , the soldiers of roshan soleimani said in the message their previous ones have pointed out that the islamic republic is now the clear path for soleimani, which means beyond the islamic republic, which means the revenge that was prescribed . i am clarifying this charter, so one or two saying what hands are stained with the blood of foreigners means those who are the cause of this issue, such as isis and further says what brains. corrupt and mischievous means amir, it means amir should be punished here , we are also amir. i am asking that my friends saw today that the meeting of the supreme national security council was convened
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and they should pay attention to these issues. that's mean this is not something that we can give up. i just spoke about strategy and advised people to control their emotions . his next word is a definite target, that is, a definite target, his own target, pay attention, sir, he chooses the words that are the target, the next word is suppressed and the next word is difficult to answer, this shows everyone how our path should be, mr. dr. kanani moghadam, the leader in his message should know that this is a disaster. afrini will be followed by a difficult answer, god willing. well, this word, god willing, which the supreme leader said , can almost be said to define the duty of all of us. we can give an answer in different dimensions now , that is, there is no problem in terms of equipment and facilities in the entire
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resistance front, it is possible for us to answer, but we do not act like terrorists in the framework of islamic laws and the moral framework that we have in islam. let's take an explosive car and put it in the middle of people in london or paris, or even in centers where our enemies are present, children, women, and innocents, and kill them, definitely not on our basis. islamic excellence , we will give this answer on the battlefield, now our battlefield is in gaza , our battlefield is in the south of lebanon, in the red sea. it is inside iraq itself, it is inside syria, and all these battlefields, we have always learned from the martyr hajj qassem soleimani's army to fight face to face, and that the enemies carry out these assassinations with their hands because of desperation and defeat
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. when these elements reach the point of detonation in field operations, their only way is terror. well, you know that after the victory of the islamic revolution, we have 25,000 assassinated martyrs, 17,000 of whom were assassinated by hypocrites, who are now being tried in iran. well, this is the assassinations are definitely if our enemies, who are fools, think a little and suffered a calculation error. they know that any such act of terrorism will strengthen our systems, our cohesion and our unity , so we must have a process to discuss the harsh and just revenge that hazrat agha emphasized in various cases in relation to these chain crimes. it has a special meaning that you see them
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committing crimes in lebanon. today in iraq , the martyrdom of the people of nojjawar on the night of the night and the bombings that have been carried out here show that the enemy has been defeated in the field and is retreating. it can be assassinated. so, in order to give an answer in this series of work, it seems that firstly , we must become very strong in all fields, and secondly, in all the battlefields of the resistance front, we must find ourselves strong and face the enemy in the field. and then we have to strengthen our security borders so that they don't allow expression, that is, i always say to some military and law enforcement officials, i say that if someone comes to assassinate, then
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we arrest him, which is not an art . criminally doing our body art is that before if they enter operational measures , what should we do to identify them and neutralize them? in any case, at different stages now, the resistance front has prepared itself for all the options it has on the table and under the table, whether it is in the sea, a direct conflict with the united states, which the yemenis are now they are in the stage of war against america, mr. dr. torabi, both the islamic republic of iran and the axis of resistance announced one of the important dimensions of revenge for the martyrdom of the honorable general haj qassem soleimani, the expulsion of the americans from the region, which has been achieved to a certain extent to achieve
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that complete result. there is a path. and what tips in this is an important discussion. you see, the americans have a secret national security doctrine. they usually don't say this, but almost those who monitor this issue know that the americans will evacuate when their casualties exceed a certain number. look at lebanon. it happened, now i don't have anything to look at the number , because of public opinion. for them, it is important if they build the same ships over time, for example, for a month, maybe this will not happen to them, so the problem for them is that one coin is the first coin, the second coin means that both love life and love money. most of them prefer and interests are very important for them . see, when they know that their interests are in danger , they leave this place and you know this.


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