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tv   [untitled]    January 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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don't look at him, maybe he had a chance to repent from night to morning, but now this is being violated severely , both between our people and each other, and in this space , i am the government , i have the duty to provide a platform to take care of this. go in the direction of protecting people's privacy and allowing easy access . citizens feel very worried about this, well , we have a duty to think about it, it is part of our governance, the governance that you said belonged to snapod.
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i suggested that we form a committee to think more about this not ruled by in fact, the executive bodies were not created by other people , there were other agents, and there were other attackers who violated people's privacy, but we must be able to adjust our governance according to the current conditions . now we have to be able to plan and improve on that basis . tradition should be removed. you just
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mentioned that we had the duty to educate the people . yes, and the civil service law also has an article that states that the government has the duty to educate the people. inform them about their rights and educate them, this is also one of the things that you should enter into. yes , one of the most basic rights of people is to be aware of their own rights. article 26 of the civil service law has assigned a duty to all executive bodies, and of course your organization, that they have the duty to teach the people's rights in relation to each body . at least get help from sedad sima , get help. yes, well, i
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wrote a letter to all ministers in this regard and asked for their actions. implementation of article 26 why, mr. qudsi, until the people are not aware of their rights, they cannot have a favorable participation in governance. when i am aware of my rights, i can help tell the executive to realize that some of my rights are basically not implemented at all. it will be implemented or poorly implemented. first, i must know about him in fact, or even we are the demanders of the 8th article of our constitution . i want to demand that he is aware of those rights and, of course , i believe in the implementation of the law of transparency and free access to information, which is also our official law. there is, and this is also one of the cases that i
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am seriously pursuing. well , so far, there has been an answer from the system . with the disciplinary committee and other cases, we actually said that we told them from the beginning that it is your right to send a brochure to the student. go to it in a more specialized and scientific way, maybe they are doing this work, but it should be done in a better way
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. we have a women's deputy in the presidency, which does not have more than 20 employees, and we do not have the same. yes, considering that you are a new structure in the government, it is better. it has not been converted into a structure, that is, with all the volume of the mission those who are in this ruling, which is unprecedented in the islamic republic of iran, mr. president, by the way , insist that this position be institutionalized . the people, that is, they look to the future and say that whatever government comes to work, this structure should be for the people, so it has not been approved yet, well, it is very natural that i have not yet reached the desired level
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, nothing my forces are only agile and young forces who have expertise in these fields. to use and my own approach is towards the elite society, based on my communities towards i went to the university of university professors regardless of their political views, that is, in this particular case that you just mentioned, has the ministry of science taught the students their rights or not? probably, if you have a letter and a follow-up, yes, yes, we have the same thing , even for sedasa-sima organization itself, i rejected this letter, we are ready to
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fulfill our duty to educate the people about citizenship rights. it was not fully provided to me. yes, very well. we remember an incident that you mentioned three or four days before the attack a terrorist act happened in kerman and it resulted in the martyrdom of dozens of our compatriots as well as the injury of many others . in order to follow up on this issue and this crime, of course, if you allow us to see the report of my colleagues first, then we will come back and i will hear your
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answer. it is you. now, where are they talking about women's lives of freedom? why don't they now say that women's lives are freedom ? our answer must be clear, authoritative and decisive. terrorist movements did not stop them america, america and israel are the supporters of isis. the main supporters of this movement are definitely israel and america . isis is the product of america. isis was based in syria and iraq. the americans support the israelis. . isis is his child and he listens to his orders. this must be done and the enemies will not dare to do such a thing. well, mrs. doctor , defending iran's rights, defending human rights, or
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defending the rights of the iranian nation, the iranian nation in human rights forums, this is also one of the cases. that is up to you please tell me that the nation of iran has a difference in civil and domestic rights in human rights forums, mr. president , using the word "prosecution", but in human rights forums, using the word "defense" is different because i was a lawyer. i know it's different, follow -up is the same thing as lawyering, but in the happy stage, as we lawyers say, we call execution of judgments, another is execution of judgments, that is , we have laws, now we want to implement them , there is follow-up, but defense is different. assemblies in the global community we are a
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member of many conventions from the beginning . we are a member of 6 human rights conventions, but we are still victims of terrorism. and this is actually very bad, and of course the double policy and double standard is wrong, but what platforms can we use, i am actually with you now. i am talking about a text of a letter of protest addressed to these conventions , the conventions of which we are members and which claim that, for example , i am now at your service. i want to be more precise. convention on the rights of the child. we have been a member of the commission on the rights of the child since 1972. wait, how many of our 23 students
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were under the age of 15 in this incident and 10 girls and 10 boys were lost in this case. we have lost so many women and we know that we are constantly being accused of iran by international organizations in the discussion of these issues, but in a place where 53 iranian women are now without any crime while establishing a peaceful community and to honor a hero. this happened to them when their countryman was gone on the day of his martyrdom, so i wrote a letter addressing the pillars of human rights, which include the same 6 conventions that we are members of, and even the convention on the prohibition of violence against. which we are not a member of, but i also addressed them and asked them frankly that they should declare their position and that this
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is a human rights forum because of me and another discussion that we actually, of course , it is the duty of our security and judicial institutions to document. do these cases correctly and bring the correct narrative to the attention of the iranian nation . let's reach the people of rashid iran, well, this is my effort and will continue at the very beginning, while offering my condolences to the families of the martyrs. in this position, my request was that the various dimensions of this incident should be clearly explained to the people and followed up. well, the attorney general of my country was involved with the authority they have, but what i can say now is that i actually corresponded with them. kan is human rights and we
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have 46 thematic reporters, we have 46 thematic reporters, many of them are relevant to this incident, their double standards should be introduced to the world . we realized human rights in the world, that is, behind the curtain, it became visible and clear which are basically removed from their usefulness and real function, but we are obliged, as a member of the community of nations and in fact the world community, we must defend the rights of our people and even force these defective mechanisms to be accountable because it is the era of accountability and responsibility. it is not acceptable that we are actually members of the conventions and even we have to pay for our membership. but where they should be responsible , they don't take responsibility. of course, we saw for the first time even
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javed rahman, who always goes against professionalism and the principle of impartiality as a special reporter in iran. for the first time, even the magnitude of this incident and crime was so great that even they had a position . well, maybe my best thing is that we should have had a lot of discussions on this issue , except for the moral rights of the nation, and i will try to make it a correct narrative. it reaches the caesar of the people and also helps the subordinate institutions in documenting. mrs. doctor , some time ago, you invited the professors who are said to be fired from the universities to talk about their claims and their issues and their innocence. in any case, they will give you documents, and in any case, you are supposed to follow up
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in fact, your invitation was to pursue their rights , please tell me how well received it was and how many people approached you or sent something . one of the ideals that they follow. this is that authority must return to our elite society, authority must return to them, and because correct governance, wisdom and rationality, wisdom and rationality are necessary for wise people. and hakim is actually formed, and therefore, when i saw that the professors had of course used the word "expulsion", i also with respect to all of them, expulsion is basically a punishment and this word should not be used, so i did the first thing, i tweeted that respected professors who claim to be expelled, that is, in the position of claim, now
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hand over their documents and documents to me. i am following up, maybe about 40-50 , in fact, the so-called oppression was done to me, which is a sign that our elites are actually committed to the implementation of justice in the territory of the islamic republic of iran, and this actually shows the education of those professors who they still trust me as part of the governance and they actually reflect their grievances against me even though there were no documents. and just saying that , for example, expelling me from a certain university, the cooperation with me was canceled, the first thing i did was to prepare a letter to the president, with the names of all these people, and then a letter for the gentlemen. i presented them to the minister of science and the minister of health in
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this regard and asked them to please reconsider and conduct a thorough investigation. i also had a meeting with the minister of science in this regard and even the people who protested about the possibility of continuing to attend they don't have it in the university, i clearly said by name , those who were seen more, in fact, this is their protest, they are from rome . and i requested them to order these things to be carefully investigated . they raised some points that it has really become the same time that some professors, for example, actually ended their collaboration with the conditions of the
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last year of unrest that it was formed and the issues that arose in the university and after the riots. the usual protests of the people of ashtashti took place and therefore it was considered that this is how they are i said, but at the same time, i will continue to follow and until i reach a valid conclusion , i must definitely continue to follow . do you have another mechanism in place so that if anyone knows anything about them , they can inform you or collect this information in another way and pursue their rights ? they have more authority among the university community itself and they have been kind to me
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in fact, i even invited them to my office with them. i held a meeting and asked them to ask their colleagues that a series of names reached me through this through those respected professors, and i also some of them except the 4 or so. yes, yes, some of them were among them, yes, or whether i even sent a second letter to some of them. i saw some of them who , well, i saw that they were apparently injured. i was even followed up i am taking this approach, mr. president. you see, mr. president, in the meeting that he had on television and talked to the people face to face , he said, in my opinion, the principle is based on the impeachment of competence
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, unless, for example, it is proven otherwise, that means he has such a view. by a brave man and president who really i consider the establishment of this place and the talk of freedom of expression, privacy and the establishment of gatherings to be part of the brave character of mr. president. we have time until the end of the program and it's an adventure the name of the rooms, in fact, free dialogue, is such a term that has been talked about in the government and was supposed to be launched , of course, it is also possible in the supreme council of the cultural revolution. it has to do with the part related to the right to freedom of expression that you were following and are following. with your permission , let's see a report. let's go back with inspiration from
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the orders of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution, which were themselves on the sixth day of autumn 1401. the president's television interview with the people. criticism and possibly protest of its activation in the center in the provinces can definitely be heard here the speech of the people who criticize and object. a few days after that, the members of the supreme council of the cultural revolution headed by the president, the establishment of the national house of free dialogue, the approval of the national house of free dialogue creates the conditions for people to be able to live in the atmosphere of freedom under the so-called don't be any kind of scientific conversation attendees, let them express their content. the national house
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of free dialogue, whose charter was approved in 2005. educational and university centers all over the country are required to have places to discuss critical discussions and open protest discussions. or predict different topics there. now after 17 years since the approval of the statute and more than a year since the approval of the establishment of the national house of free dialogue , it has not yet been opened. unfortunately, the open dialogue house has not been implemented yet. god willing, we decided to discuss how to implement the free discussion house in another meeting. two years old
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we have two minutes until the end of the program. tell us about the free chat houses , how close they are to your goals and what you did to start it. to be honest , it was not my initiative, this story should be very honest with the people , but it was very well received. i welcome this very much and it is another capacity i know that another group is going to do it, because we need to talk to the people, we need to talk to the people more, our people are cultured people, and we should actually talk about what is on the floor of our streets and squares, and to some extent the anger has reached and maybe the reason is the lack of calm logical conversations. it is reasonable that what we have as the heritage of our revolution, at the beginning of the revolution , martyr beheshti sat and talked with different groups . we should bring this to the floor
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of the square and talk to the people. that this plan succeeds, but i myself started these conversations with the people wherever necessary. i go to talk, i go to people myself, to people who have social capacity, and i know that they are useful people, they are people who are accepted among people , people who are actually benevolent to people , i know my duty and i think that the most important thing is actually our duty and our tool in the current situation is to talk with the people. without people, we cannot succeed. we want to make reforms. we must take care of the republic and islam together, both of them together thank you, doctor
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, for accepting our invitation and coming to this program. thank you, dear people, for watching this program. i hope that you have received good information and that you feel better that someone in the government is pursuing your rights. good night and good times. it has been 3 days since the terrorist incident at 15:17 in kerman. or hazrat after the sympathy of afghan immigrants in the cyberspace, which continues, our iranian brothers and sisters are
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sad. take revenge on your child zionist regime and terrorist america as accomplices i strongly condemn the terrorist who took the lives of innocent people in iran. now , afghan poets wrote poems to share their pain and blood. in love, the ascension of the tulip is to become headless. the exact meaning is to become bloodier. i saw him become a butterfly in haj ghasmari school. dan is starting to fill up, he doesn't understand anything but tensed blood, lest he expect anything else, he doesn't understand, he's a jackass of women everywhere these days, zion is a rabid dog who never understands the logic of arguments, he's not boring, he's a mercenary.
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because of the zeal of the sky, the clouds began to rain, and the army of hazrat mehdi soleimani was greatly reduced in iran, he doesn't understand soleimani. in iran, he seems to see only you. among the martyrs , he only sees you. in the face of the honorable people of iran , the enemy everywhere sees only you, and all they say is a common enemy in the name of america and israel , amir hossein khademi of the sda news agency.
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we have reached a new city, the city of pampering in your secret, it has a reputation, the city of home appliances , you want authenticity and quality, you want the city of home appliances, long-term installments, the city of home appliances has also been opened in the city of sari , we are waiting for you.
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a refrigerator or a chest of drawers is not finished yet well, the appropriate price for long-term purchases in irani sarai is the last price in irani sarai. in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful viewers, hello , good night. it's 23:00 and i am at your service with some news. officials of the religious delegations of afghan immigrants living in the city of mashhad expressed their sympathy to the families of the martyrs of the terrorist attack in kerman. the participants in this ceremony condemned the terrorist attack . the knotted pockets of afghans are
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