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tv   [untitled]    January 8, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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we have a long time, but surely by god's grace and with the cooperation of the islamic council and i have followed up, i can say that , god willing, these laws will be amended for this sector, that young people come to the age of 35 years, which means that you accept that anyway, this is a defect, and because we talked to most of the respected representatives , they are ready to fix it, but since we were not in a hurry, because we have a lot of time, we said that now those things are priority. of course, in a sense , you don't have time because you have to give him a perspective when you invite him the size is still a problem, there is a flaw in it, not for us to see now, yes, it is true that now you still have a lot of time until retirement. this fund has a statute. how long has it been since the guardian council, one, two, three months, or two months, but okay. you, the guardian, only discuss the legitimacy of something and
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the constitution, and i think it should be approved, we are going to see it step by step. increase their income levels. the fourth priority was to increase their pensions year by year . our fourth and fifth priority was to provide supplementary insurance to those who are sitting open . 184,000 people are covered by supplementary insurance for all our retirees . we have taken great steps from the honorable government . it's been a few years. it must be a revolutionary look, it must be a jihadi action transformational. alhamdulillah, i
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can do at least 44 actions for transformation in these two years , 24 of which are unprecedented, and our income levels have not increased by 165%. in this government, you will not find any device that should be so well cared for . this shows that the government's attitude is to care for the special people because the government is my government. people, well , the best people are those who play a role in different sectors, these days are the farmers, the people, all the people, but these are because they are people who have little energy. in my opinion, we should pay more attention to them. one of the things to pay attention to is insurance. well, when they get insurance, they produce with more motivation , they don't worry about their own money anymore, so the measures that have been taken, this was one of our measures, that we were able to.
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let's study the insurance calculations here completely based on the insurance calculations , evaluate the future of this rome fund, predict the future horizon of the fund's condition, this is important . by the way, this was my question. now i wanted to ask you if you are a youth insurance fund you are, but from now on we are looking at the situation of the funds that we have to some extent from year to year, in any case, they are not in a very good condition , since you are young, you should have thought so that you don't get into that problem. their ratio to the total number of your insured people is less than 10%, but one day will
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come when this will change quite a lot . insurance is based on that fund and without us, that is, if resources and expenses are not balanced be that as it may, there will be problems in the future , we have our own social security organization , we have a national rehabilitation organization. we have to move in insurance systems, what works is insurance calculations, actuarial calculations , so-called, any fund that moves based on this model is successful. the rules must also have an insurance attachment
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. if they approve the rules, if they don't have an insurance attachment, it will damage the fund, so we completely based on our every move. for this, we wrote a strategic plan with approximately 300 people , 3 thousand people hours, all the technical experts, those who have experience, those who have university knowledge , we sat down, we wrote, we showed the future horizon, and then we made an insurance calculation. we have done that these insurance calculations, if the concept of the issues that we arranged based on scientific authors, this fund will be positive until the horizon of 1422, that is, the next 20 years . all sessions to
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colleagues, whatever you do, you must have an insurance attachment so that it doesn't go out of balance like we did tomorrow. the next point of support for this fund is, what does it mean? we have 10 insured people , now we have one retired person, the ratio is very good . funds that have problems do not have to close new acquisitions later . with new acquisitions, we inject financial resources for both the insured premium and the legal share of the government when we put this model together. well, the insurance calculations are not enough for this fund and the advantage of having this fund is the diversity of the target society
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. i told you the basis of the fund. the key point is that the resources that we receive as insurance premiums from the insured are the legal share of my government. now, more or less , the previous governments also gave about 30-40. this government has given more care . now it is paying. the government has a special favor, so what should be done with these resources? so let's invest. yes, investment. well, the rest of the insurance companies think the same , they invest, but their investment situation is not good. the companies that are in my subgroup, how about us? see, social security is our partner, which means we also support the social security of the insurance fund. the social group of farmers of nashair villages is sitting in an open fund , which are all subordinate to the ministry of social cooperation
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. well, we meet with these friends , we meet, we have meetings, we always talk, sir, you have those experiences , and those experiences are provided to us. sir, this seed fund has many capacities and many capabilities. we will not let this fund be challenged, that too with a scientific view and photographic calculations. point, well , tell the equivalent of that photography. another insurance, insurance calculations. the next point is that you said how we are here. really trying on the corporate side. we didn't, oh, if you see that there are problems in some places, they are in the direction of bank ownership, our position is that we have shifted to share ownership, and we maintain this position strongly, but well, this area of ​​mine has an economic vice president, constant investment is monitored. my economic vice president has a university doctorate
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, that is, his major is marketing, that is, i hired an expert . they are constantly monitoring those stocks that can be advantageous. he also makes good and productive investments. you also have a claim from the government. how much is our 401 based on the amount sent to us? about 15 years ago, it was my reason that the governments
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did not pay the full insurance premium of their legal share . that the government should give us the legal share, the previous claims that have been accumulated , now up to 41, if i count 402, the end of the year. current account. my estimate is that there are about 25 equals. now we are trying , god willing, we have come up with a program in the decrees. wherever the government asks for social security, give it to us . god willing, the figure is correct for us, but it is not a big figure for the government. god willing , give us a good share. we can, god willing. this is my follow-up. you also have demands from the insured, not the insured, when they get insurance, because their income is seasonal, yes, they can have their insurance premiums for one year. they will pay until the active insured person shows himself
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. for example, the one who doesn't pay his insurance will remember, we will send sms. dear sister, dear brother, dear sir, everyone who is insured with us , have you forgotten, or, for example, come and renew your insurance? now, because his income comes from selling, he renews it. don't we will inform them, we will try to maintain this . first, recruitment is important, then recruitment is important. after that, it is important to retain and maintain this. in the sense of renewing this, alhamdulillah , our renewal is about 90%. previously, our renewal was low , it was around 60, 70. we came for two years with advertising, messaging, talking and our friends these extensions some of us reached 90%, which is unique, now it is 10%. now, for any reason, the next thing is that the records in this fund can be transferred to other funds, that is, the party
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who came here is insured, he can take his records to social security, if he is insured by social security , you can bring his records here. they should calculate and pay, but this is also a disadvantage, so the disability pension of the survivors and the transfer of records are among the disadvantages of this fund. welcome, the next point is to see that the village of sha'eer also has an income, that is , it is not like an employee, he only gets a pension, as a village , he has life in his body , he does not depend on takafun. it doesn't go much anymore, for example, give money, but we are a condition. you said
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that they are paying on a regular basis, it is inactive, great, we are activating it, because you are insured, we have the statistics month by month, we have a monthly report, we say that you should actively give us a number for any reason. for example, if they die, well, from our statistics , he finds a job, he gets a job, his insurance becomes mandatory, he finds his records or not , someone gets his reward from another place. what we have, these other positions of this fund is that it is the work of the people. what does this important mean? that is, we are agents, our people
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are the people of zinfouz, the committed people, alhamdulillah , they go and talk to the people, we are the whole fund with this greatness that i explained , our target community is about 360 people, we don't have more strength , so he says that all of you are 2 million and 70, how should we do it? we manage by delegating the work to the people , we outsourced the electron government. what happened here is our agent, who are we as an agent ? we give the right to lead. every agent can create employment for 2 people, 3 people, with an average of 3 people. that means we have a basic employment . if you multiply 1800 by 3 people, 5400 people work for us. they do , but they don't have adhesion. stable employment has helped. the law gives me a job, well, the fact is that
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we are agile, the fact is that the fund has a disadvantage. now suppose that these people were getting paid from me, well , usually the fund could hardly advance itself. but because we gave the work to the people, as the famous saying goes, this is one of the situations that is a very successful model that other funds can take inspiration from. to really move in this style, wherever we leave the work to the right people, there you see success, there you see victory, there you see that many things are done well by the government. you have joined e-mail. yes, you see , we are all in the same system. almost, no. because you mentioned your agency, there are 30 offices in our agency , which means that now one can sit in his house and get insurance for villagers and nomads. yes, we have a system of 30. as far as the system is concerned, we have the fund's property. now, because our target society
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is all those who don't have that high level of knowledge, some of them live in deprived areas . you don't have to connect. those who use it can be our next issue. one of our policies is that for sure. let's activate the systems step by step, because during this period before this government , there were all agencies, of course , it was a good method . fund is trying. i have said many times that i will shake and kiss their hands warmly because they are working hard, but in addition to these, we must create an electronic system, as hazrat ali said , to provide diversity. let's start the system step by step, it's not too late, now it's late , we're behind on the legal task, no, we have a registration system, but the party itself
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registers via e-mail . do not join again, no more, based on the fact that the meaning of the comment is a single battle, not a single portal, but okay since we were all insured, we went through the same operation , so you say that now the app or the so-called virtual wallets, well, they have to go and find them, they have a thousand problems, but anyway, the law says that everyone should join this single portal. electronic government, through which all services can be received, authentication is possible, and all parts will be returned. i don't want it now. we have seen that we have prepared good software , in the process of providing software, it is not an issue here to get familiar with the advertisement, we have a general training department
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, the broker himself provides the training, which means that we have to have the necessary training, but we also had other priorities, which i said, these priorities forced us to look at the transformation of this fund, one of those is the transformation of the fund. they know less about us. our first step was to introduce the fund to the target community. what are your services? in general , i told you that there are four other services, apart from the pension , which does not have health care services and these are also insured . yes, the health insurance organization provides their treatment . we also have supplementary insurance for our retirees we prepared this was our first step in the 3 provinces of hamedan, east azerbaijan, isfahan . alhamdulillah
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, it worked. now it's up to you. no, how many people are all your pensioners with us, we are ready , we will complete the insurance, no, i wanted to say how many people have joined the patient so far, those who have joined our province, almost the majority of them will join the rest of the provinces. sir, get additional insurance for us too. do as i said, all pensioners god willing, we will provide supplementary insurance, because again, they have to welcome this step themselves in the field of treatment, because after this, if i sum up the basic treatment with health insurance, well, some days
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are free. inshaallah, it gave a good answer, we saw that our own insureds were also welcomed at that time. we will make a supplement. this is our next step. we saw that the pension worked for iran . we welcomed our insureds . now we have 2 million 700 members . we will inform them as well. some reputable companies. we get insurance and we go through the legal process . we choose it anyway with the lowest price and quality services . we try, god willing. we also provide 34 more services, then this shows that we are moving towards more services . another question that occurred to me is that you only provide to farmers in the villages. anyone living in a village can receive these services, that is, he can become a member of the fund , regardless of whether he is a farmer in the villages.
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be a villager, live in a village, live in a village, live in an urban area , live in a city with less than 20,000 people , or in rural areas . the farmer's body can also include the cities. a city that is doing agricultural work can come, and that is in the surrounding areas of the city. what documents do you need? no, just show that you have agricultural land, or the agricultural rescue organization can provide a certificate . this farmer is more of a self-declaration of the farmer who does not live in the village. they don't read my documents for those who live in shahreh, for example, count . kalan shahrhar, tehran and karaj, which is surrounded by agriculture, this is for us, let it be registered for us, agriculture is an adjective open to animal husbandry, and this is the same situation under the sub-branches of agriculture, the sub-branch of farmer has 280
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jobs. yes, i was successful today, with the help of mahamasho, so you say that we were successful today. we were the honorable minister of cultural heritage, for example , we insure handicraft industry, we insure agricultural jobs, fishing , we insure agricultural jobs. those who work in carpentry , we insure agricultural jobs, which means that even if they are carpenters in the city, they are covered by this 280 now, if not, this is much more serious now, there are 280 jobs in the sub-branch, that is , anyone can have carpentry, even in the city, they can use your services . it is considered an agricultural job. up to the job of transplanting a branch of agriculture , this is the law. he has done his duty , we insure seasonal jobs, now wherever he is, this is a legal duty, we say this, whatever we do , the law, rules, regulations, documents are above, a
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very progressive and important law has also come, this is what i would like to say, to support the population and the youth of the population that are being taken care of. majesty mr. ali mustahhari, one of the articles related to this fund, article 21, in article 21 , emphasizes non-working mothers that the areas of reaching this and feeding three children most of them are covered by this fund for free, that is, without paying the insurance premium of this law.
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a person who, for example , had three children and four children while being insured, was insured. if he gives birth to a fourth child while being insured , he will give birth to a fifth child for each child up to the age of 2 years. his industry will increase. this law has many meters. this law is very good. thank you very much. mr. ishtar, god willing, you will continue to serve the villagers and the nomads. well , the fishermen can use the insurance services of the nomads of the villagers with all the other jobs that you mentioned. i am very
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grateful to you people for accepting our invitation, especially to you villagers , nomads, fishermen, farmers, for watching our program .
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america's crime in the assassination of victory commanders. they honored martyrs abu mahdi al-muhandis and qassem soleimani . in the city of abi khasib in the south of basra, the personality religious, political and security forces participated in the commemorative conference held by the 7th brigade of the eighth people's army and by announcing their positions, they emphasized that the wound of the airport crime has not yet healed . we will remain in their path. these two noble martyrs sacrificed their lives and it is as if god delayed their martyrdom to give them the best fate. in this conference , the attendees focused on the closeness of martyr soleimani and al-muhandis to the resistance groups and their outstanding role
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protection. they emphasized the standing of the resistance groups, especially during the attacks of the zionist regime, and increasing the victories in qadah is a clear manifestation of the actions of the martyred commanders. today, we see the victories of the heroic resistance forces in palestine, yemen, syria and iraq . and this is nothing but the motivation and spiritual courage that these shed pure blood created. the attendees of this conference were the terrorist explosions that took place against the pilgrims participating in the martyrdom anniversary ceremony of major general hajj qassem soleimani in the city of kerman in the southeast of iran, and the martyrdom and injuries of more than condemned 300 citizens. on the fourth anniversary of the airport disaster, those present
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praised the effect of the role of resistance fighters towards the ummah and their sacrifice in defending the fateful issues of the islamic ummah. do you know how to buy in installments? pay attention , if the consumer price of a product or a basket of products is, for example, 20 million tomans, and we are supposed to pay 20% of it in advance, this 20%
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should be from the consumption price. if the customer decreases, then our debt will be 16 million tomans, and fees and commissions must be calculated based on this amount, so pay attention to the consumer price and the remaining cash. okay, specialized reference for household appliances in the city of household appliances. you have come all this way to just say goodbye to me
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. why did it happen like this? the story is not over yet. good tv at the right price for your needs . hello dear viewers. i begin with the name and memory of god, the merciful, the merciful, and i invite you . pay attention to the end of the medical news section at 23:00. the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs emphasized the intelligence cooperation of the countries of the region to fight the phenomenon of terrorism. mr. kanani said that in the kerman terrorist incident, in addition to iranian citizens a number of afghan citizens were also martyred and injured, which faced a wide wave of regional and international condemnation at different levels.
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