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tv   [untitled]    January 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am IRST

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the doctor has a national health survey for earlier, more effective care. this is free. yes, this is free. this is free
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. yes, this is free. this is free. this is free. yes, all of this is free . to notify the executive bodies of the corrections aimed at reducing air pollution in the meeting of the national coordination and director headquarters. the management of the country's taliban under the chairmanship of the first vice president, the management plan of the salt lake of qom was approved to prevent drought getting involved in salt marshes, reducing fertility and protecting and sustainable exploitation are the three main axes of this plan. in this meeting, the guidelines for determining the ecological reserve of the taliban were also approved. in this regard, the discussion of electrification . cars and issues related to
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electric buses, public transportation, fortunately , had very good results in this regard, in order to reduce emissions, the issue of fuel and fuel quality was on the agenda, which fortunately had good results. addressing the executives, the president said that while evaluating and identifying the capabilities of the human resources of each force, the managers should his ability use in the right place. mr. raisi also required the managers of the executive bodies to be more familiar with the rules and regulations and to be more transparent in the financial administrative system. i mentioned this inappropriate process of some affairs and the inappropriate circulation of affairs, shorten it and make it more precise.
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the cognitive transformation of the institution called the transformation in processes and accountability as the four components of transformation. mr. raisi, while explaining the importance of the accountability of the institutions , also mentioned the importance of monitoring and controlling the institutions and departments he said that it is a blessing that the audit court audits the institutions. the fact that the court of accounts or the supervisory and control departments do an audit should be considered a blessing, not a hindrance in any way. not disturbing. be sure. control of control systems in order to maintain trust in managers. we trust all of you . the president emphasized on the accurate evaluation of the performances and considered the quality of administrative work and human resources very important. we believe in the punishment system. we believe in the system of encouragement before punishment. we believe that the incentive system should still be there. it is very important. be encouraged mohsen should be encouraged
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mr. raisi emphasized the importance of the transparency of the recruitment structure in the administrative bodies. administrative justice means that there should be complete justice in all areas and this should be felt. companies should not be the private life of the bodies. there , he has to pay for his own foreign travel. it is with him , because it is the name of the company, he is bound to act within the framework, this is wrong, mr. president, he asked the officials involved to correct the corrupting platforms in the institutions. if the instrument of crime is not in the possession of the offender, and if for any reason the instrument is in the possession of the person, the mechanism is set in such a way
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that, as you say, the system will give an alarm and scream to say that a violation is being committed, but the reasons for the emergence of corruption in the system according to the managers and experts present in this meeting, the lack of internal controls in the executive bodies is one of the factors that cause corruption in the executive bodies. it's easy to send money and monitor it during execution to prevent corruption, one of the problems we have is the dispersion of regulatory information. the wrong interpretations that can be made from the laws and regulations lead to the wrong way. the opinion of the head of the court of accounts regarding the financial deviations of the institutions, the companies that are publicly owned, but are exempted and exempted from the supervision of the regulatory bodies
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. well, this issue is very important. these are not private properties. the authority of the public property is the authority of the public property, and of course, in ken. there is also the control of the governments and the head of the country's accounting bureau announced that next week in the public hall of the parliament, the budget subtraction report for the year 1401 will be read. and devices that deviated from the budget law will be introduced. perisaf of the radio and television news agency. the director of the non-communicable diseases office of the ministry of health, medical education, and the participation of 61 people over the age of 18 in the survey. participation in this survey and it is expected that by the end of december, the participation of women in the national health survey will increase by 50%. all this information
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has been registered in the electronic health record of these people from the beginning of the campaign until today, which is based on the national code and can be connected and transferred. the file in the electronic health file system has this and i asked for it i would also like to emphasize that all the processes of providing aftercare services have not been canceled since this time and will continue until the next years and the care will be permanent. the zionist newspaper yediod arnott wrote that 900 patients were injured in al-aqsa storm operation. he has placed psychological pressure on the hands of the israeli army. according to this newspaper, since the beginning of the war, 9,000 soldiers have requested psychological counseling, and a quarter of them could not return to the war. according to this report, in the last 24 hours, the most difficult day for the israeli army in gaza
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took place and 13 soldiers were injured. a soldier from the golani brigade, which had already returned from gaza due to pressure. the problems caused by the war in gaza gave him a stroke. israeli media recently reported that 1,600 soldiers are suffering from post-shock symptoms and the army has been forced to discharge hundreds. the occupiers have claimed the death of 514 soldiers of this regime so far. former head of the security agency. the resistance, including yahya senwar , will not win the gaza war. this
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former senior security official of the zionists also said that if anyone believes that the palestinians will surrender , the palestinians will not even consider hamas or islamic movements. they know ayalon also called for the release of all israeli prisoners in exchange for the release of prominent palestinian prisoners, without mentioning hamas' insistence on the end of the attack on gaza as the main condition, the main condition of any agreement. until the next part.
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you kill sooner this is the title of a book series that tried to write a narrative of 200 assassinations of different figures of the world by the zionists in the last 60 years. the series of assassinations that now and in the fourth volume of this series are related to zionist terrorist operations. has arrived in iran. this strategy was a part of dagan's five-point doctrine to counter iran's progress in the field of nuclear weapons. political pressure, prohibiting the export of dual-use equipment to iran, inciting minorities, imposing complex and comprehensive sanctions, and finally special operations, including sending complex computer viruses such as stuxnet, in the form of cyber operations suitable for the olympic games alongside america and of course, targeted assassinations. from the confession of the assassination of martyr shahriari , a nuclear scientist of our country, to the confession of the assassination of
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martyr mustafa ahmadi roshan and martyr hassan tehrani moghadam. on page 625 of your book , you mention the explosion on november 21, 2010 at the iranian revolutionary guards corps base in mallard karaj, general moghadam, a very high-ranking person. ronin bergman, the author of this book , gathered all his information through direct interviews with the designers of these assassinations . one of his most important sources is about 1000 interviews that the author has conducted . he was able to present the zionist's first-hand account of the operations of the zionist regime in the field of intelligence and security . is. ronin bergman's goal in this book is to show off the power of zionist terror in the world, but this series turned into a suicide operation. although this book is for it is written to defend themselves, but
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it proves israel's state terrorism more than any other source . the author of this book named his work by adapting one of the teachings of the zionists, kill soon , a teaching to kill for fear of death. if someone comes to kill you, get up and kill him first. zahra alizadeh, sed and sima news agency. two books about isis with the titles of history and beliefs of wahhabism, salafism and wahhabism, these books show us the reason for all these killings, the authors of these two books dealt with the origin of takfiri thinking, there are four branches of salafism, we have about each which of these four currents did we explain , who was their founder, what developments happened to them. what are their thoughts? books in the form of chapters such as salafism, wahhabism, and the emergence of isis
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, with intellectual bases that develop this through social networks. it attracts people and usually we see these people who are now operating elements of isis and now takfiri currents and doing the work. they do not have a deep view of islam. how isis was formed it is one of the main discussions in these books. well, in the ideological debate, unfortunately, daesh is one of the most radical and extreme islamic currents, where there are almost no rational thoughts at all. we should consider it as the handiwork of the arrogant colonizers of zionism, and especially in the reality of england, because the financial and intellectual support that led them to this direction is the takfiri movement with
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the idea of ​​creating division among the islamic ummah, not only in iran. unfortunately, in many other countries, they follow this divisive and divisive idea . the authors of these books from the historical path isis have passed and finally reach a message. how do muslims deal with these trends? we tried to discuss this. basically, in order to get rid of this, in fact, the tensions that exist between islamic religions, the solutions that can bring us to unity and unity have been proposed as the solutions proposed in this book to reach a single nation. these two books ultimately end with hope. the knowledge that can free the world from the ideology of isis. ansi behri, radio and television news agency. you narrate the facts of your society to your country
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the emphasis of the leader of the revolution, who this time shows himself with the language of poetry, we always consider him victorious, our flag is always high, because we love iran, our flag is always high. the book for the homeland is a collection of poems by poets who wrote for their homeland, iran. these words scream. it is a narrative for the stability of a strong nation, for the sojourn of maghrib , shah cheragh, for the body drowned in the blood of arman , for the oppression of ruhollah, for the sorrows of artin, for the innocence of kian, for independence and freedom for the homeland, the book for the homeland is a collection of the activism of revolutionary poets across the country regarding recent events and epics. o nation iran against the combined war of the enemies against iran and the revolution to the emergence of the book meeting with an introduction that started
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from praising the steadfastness and stability of the iranian people to criticizing the anti-normative slogans . it is a sign of enlightenment and, in other words, the jihad of explanation that happened in these poems . this book contains 350 pieces of poetry written by 150 poets from all over the country. here you can see an ode and four pararehs . you see a sonnet, you see a quatrain, some poets have maybe two or three poetic works next, a very interesting point that we can find in this collection is the presence of different generations of poets next to each other. the book for the homeland is the result of the efforts and activism of a group of poets, which
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was collected by the efforts of hossein alaeddin and the national congress of poetry . it was published by maryam hamedi, radio and television news agency , december 19, 2015, 15 days had passed since the operation of karbala 4, the same operation that had been leaked by the hypocrites' treachery , and 175 were to hit the enemy again . on the fourth day of the karbala operation, the fifth karbala operation was carried out
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this was almost unprecedented and unmatched in the holy defense. the day before the operation, everyone was ready. one was a cleric. children work harder and others. good luck. what was your business? the construction work of a part of shalamcheh and 2,500 square kilometers of iranian soil was in the hands of basti. the area was filled with mines. they had made a defense line. with height four and 15 meters wide, and the canal , one side of which was made of concrete trenches , and the other side was flooded with artillery and tank observation posts. the design of the area was such that it was known as maginot and was impenetrable according to the designers and great military experts of the world. this was not all bessi's trick.
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they had worked in crescent-shaped positions one after the other. the diameter of each one is 400 meters and their height reaches up to 6 meters. after all these, there are five other defense obstacles in the reconnaissance that they have in rezvan garden. they noticed all these camouflages that the enemy has made. under these camouflages, there are tanks, and there we are with tanks. we fought the karbala 5 operation , the islamic republic has freed the iranian fighters , wearing diving suits and entering the water for the first time.
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currently , there is a heavy conflict with the fire superiority of islamic forces in the region. the most extreme diet he used his artillery fire in this operation. having nearly 300 balls and dozens of katyushas, ​​my total balls, mr. morteza ghorbani , did not reach 20. 20 pieces without ammunition. in addition to the use of chemical weapons, about 150 kilometers of the occupied areas of shalamcheh were finally liberated , in addition to those parts of southern iraq, from where the bes regime's artillery was hitting iranian cities , fell into the hands of the iranians. this operation is almost unparalleled during the holy defense in terms of enemy destruction. the number of
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military aircraft is 80. 700 tanks were destroyed. and a lot of spoils in the hands of warriors islam fell. the news of their victories was reflected in the world media. with this success, the equations are in favor of iran. it happened that parisa ayar khabari of lebanon's hizbullah tv station found the control base of the miron air surveillance of the zionist regime, which was located in the heights of jarmaq, the highest mountain in the north of the occupied territories. which targeted 62 missiles of different types. in addition to controlling and monitoring air information in the skies of lebanon, syria, turkey and
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cyprus, this base was also the main base of the zionist military in the north of the occupied territories in electronic warfare. this is the beginning of the first response to the terrorist operations of the zionist regime in the southern suburbs of beirut and martyrdom. this air control base was located 10 kilometers north of the occupied lands. by targeting it, the resistance proved once again that it does not leave any aggression and crime unanswered. the fortifications of ta'ala and bayaz bilida bases and the gathering of zionist soldiers in the ramim and avivim garrisons and the jalal alam and al manara bases were other targets of hezbollah's offensive operations. the fighters of the zionist regime targeted kusri siad kafarkala and ita shab . the artillery of the zionist regime also fired
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phosphorous bombs into 8 areas in the south of lebanon jamal khayyam attacked. hasan azimzadeh of sed and sima news agency near the border between lebanon and occupied palestine. it is the early hours of the morning here in bahaon hospital . it is time to say goodbye . god willing, he was happy. mom is happy. we are happy for their daughter , who is now in the same hospital. sarin and their sister-in-law are 23 and 4 years old, who are in the same hospital.
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it is 8:12 and the injured person is being prepared for the operating room to be transplanted. 89 minutes and here is the room. the operation and the medical team started their work with urgency. the heart, two kidneys and the liver are integral organs. this is the first time that it has happened in kerman, which is about 3 to 3 and a half hours, and i hope we can do the transplant within this time. this step is done, god willing, the rest of my steps will be done well. we put the heart in the cool box and we go to kerman emergency ambulance from the airport to belgat falcon airport. kerman went to tehran and then by helicopter to chamran hospital and from there he was taken to the hospital by ambulance for 10 minutes christ becomes a scholar. two kidneys
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were transplanted in kerman, liver in shiraz and qol in tehran. i am happy that the heart of a martyr was transplanted to my child. my son is 14. it was his year, mohammad reza, i hope you will continue the path of martyrs. tayebkhani, sed and cima news agency, kerman. making artificial legs for free, especially for disabled people who lost their legs for some reason. the cause of this injury was a fall from a height. the free equipment that is very expensive in the free market and the support of the trustee devices for people with disabilities is very low. i paid for it. yes , there was no help anywhere until the first time here.
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i came here, the government told me that it is 85 tomans, but hilal ahmad is 20-205 after free, it is not part of the insurance . the cost has become such that a normal person really cannot afford it. if it is really what we want, it certainly has a lot more to do , and we can do more with a wheelchair. let's take a break , molding, manufacturing and delivery of artificial legs to clients is done in this plan, our services are for the target community, now the disability is the first, now the discussion. this project is being done with the cooperation and advice of indian rehabilitation equipment experts. the material we used in making this artificial leg is polyethylene it is very dense material that is very strong and
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lasts for at least 5 years. the method we have from india is a method where they can make a prosthesis in one day, do the molding, and deliver it on the same day. 380 clients were supported in this plan, but it is supposed to be done for more people by transferring the technology of making artificial legs in one day and importing the materials and equipment needed to make these services. this activity is actually the beginning of a long-term project. we have a building. according to the training that happened to our own team, the people who need less are the provinces finally, our jihadi groups and the projects that we have and for the country are deprived of. according to the statistics , we have about 200 thousand people with amputations in the country who need support for the provision of rehabilitation equipment and artificial limbs. equipment that can
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help people's daily activities and improve their quality of life, and prevent the death of a successor. morteza azani, sed and sima news agency . i used to ride a motorcycle until a month ago when i was pregnant. my father had high blood pressure problems. there is an old one for him and it is fast he went to the hospital and thanks to his friends and kadma , he was admitted. mr. bezgari also had the same disease without any symptoms, now his kidneys have stopped working . when did you start dialysis in the province of this patient because of the high blood pressure that he had over time and proper diagnosis and care? it has not been done for him, it works
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like this. he also had the problem of coronary artery occlusion. as the ministry of health announced, blood pressure , or the silent killer, kills 160,000 iranians every year . at what age did the deaths occur? between 45 and 50, our life expectancy is 76, more than 2,520,000 years old. lost just because we have blood pressure, doctors say that only the continuous use of a simple pill can save the life of people with high blood pressure , it can prevent the occurrence of many debilitating side effects for people such as heart attacks, strokes and even death, for example, 10 people who take medicine find 9 of them can be prevented from suffering these complications. now, the national survey has been launched. it is the national survey of diabetes and blood pressure . please provide your national code so that those with high blood pressure
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can be diagnosed and controlled before they end up in a hospital bed like mr. zare shahi. national blood pressure survey until the end of december in the country continues and people can measure their blood pressure by visiting health centers . hani jalinejad, sed and sima news agency. according to the latest report of the national permits portal , there are more home business licenses from the ministry of cooperatives. we were able to issue 218,000 home cooking permits last year . compared to last year, this number has increased by about 100. according to the ministry of labor , we have 512 domestic jobs in the country, and many people work at home. start generating income through trial and error at home.


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