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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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make this issue inclusive and yemen and this fact that yemen is creating insecurity in the red sea. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful . i am at your service, ms. emami and all the dear viewers. i ask you to ask one more time please announce the point that yemen and the yemeni authorities have announced that only with a series of countries. in fact, the ships that are heading towards the occupied territories are working, and my question is why america is trying to inculcate this point to include it all and say that yemen is creating insecurity at the entrance of the red sea. it is clear because the americans, as a superpower claiming global governance , were challenged in the strategic strait of babolmandb and for the first time.
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an almost small country has been able to impose its will on the sea routes, especially the straits of babolmande and the red sea, on the will of the united states. in other words, the imperial authority of the united states of america has been challenged, and despite the fact that the yemenis declared that only ships destined for the zionist regime will target those who pass through this strait from the origin of occupied palestine, and this issue includes them, but the americans cannot their own allies, for example, the zionist regime , should help. this challenge to the authority of the american empire is far heavier than military defeats for the united states, because the united states, through its domination and hegemony , and its influence on sea routes, including the bab al-mandeb strait, and also from
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in the last 80 years, following the same tyranny on the sea routes, he has tried to impose the us dollar as a common global currency in international exchanges on the countries of the world. all these cases have now been challenged and the americans in two months. the past connects to heaven and earth be able to solve the problem that was created for them in the babalmandb strait by the national salvation government of yemen based in sana'a under the leadership of ansarullah, and they still could not solve any of the problems of the united states, including in the attack that was carried out last night. also, the government of yemen under the leadership of ansarullah insists that
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it will pass and pass. i imagine that they have no picture of the future, that is, if they had the smallest picture of the future to make this region unsafe, they would not have done this , mr. najafi, as good as this. draw the issue that there are crossings in this area there are major crossings through which 70% of the world's energy passes. pay attention.
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energy is supplied from the middle east and west asian countries. this is not mutually exclusive. the business complex in this region is a very large complex, and for this reason , this region will definitely suffer from insecurity. as mentioned, the yemen collection announced. he had said that we are actually attacking the goods and economic power that can reach the zionist regime only because of supporting the oppressed people of gaza, and even i want this. i would like to tell you, mrs. emami and dear viewers, that during these days, many american commercial ships passed here easily, and only those ships that could. was able
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to help the economic backbone of the regime , they were harmed. therefore, the americans did this without any reason, and in fact. confirming the killing of the people of gaza and their all-round support for the zionist regime, fine. if you agree, let's see a report. let's go back and continue the conversation with mr. najafi and dr. sadral hosseini in the studio about the latest developments in yemen. the american along with the british royal air force with submarine warships and tom hawk missiles arrived here on friday morning. they opened fire in the south of the arabian peninsula. 73 attacks on sana'a, hodeida taiz, hajja and saada. 5 martyrs and 6 wounded . the power maneuver of america and england, which of course
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was not proud for their people. in those early moments.
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yemen is the only country that has been able to block one of the arteries of energy entering the occupied territories since the beginning of the gaza war. this country blew up an american ship with a cruise missile seven minutes after the coalition missile attack. this the cruel aggression will not deter yemen from its position in supporting the oppressed palestinian nation, and the yemeni armed forces insist on continuing to prevent the ships of the occupying regime from passing through the red sea and the arabian sea
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. the palestinians will not retreat, but are america and england seeking to divert public opinion from the zionist genocide in this way? the attempt of the united states and england to divert the public opinion of the world from what happened at the hague court regarding the genocide of the zionist regime in gaza. yes , it is a very good question. america in regarding human rights issues, according to the killings that the zionist regime has committed in the gaza strip , the americans are pursuing several goals , including the one you mentioned, as well as
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the internal consumption that the americans have planned for the attack on yemen, to gain power. recover or reproduce themselves or at least pretend in the western media in the western societies that the authority of the united states is still standing. perhaps this is another important goal, to convince the world's public opinion at the international level of the heinous crimes that carried out by the zionist regime in the gaza strip they can divert, but according to the virtual space of alternative media and the awareness of the people of the world, even inside the united states or western europe, they could not achieve this goal, and everyone is protesting against this shameless and heinous killing, the number of which
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is increasing every day. yes, it has increased from 23,000 people about gaza. of course , i would like to say one thing. one of the goals of the americans was to create fear and panic among the people of yemen, so that this attack can continue in the future, for example. do that immediately the people of yemen this morning in the demonstrations of millions in the cities various countries, including sana'a , the capital of yemen, have given their firm support to the national salvation government of yemen , led by ansarullah, based in sana'a. in other words, the yemeni government, the army, and popular committees have stood up to the united states against the will of the yemeni people, and by the way, contrary to what the americans are seeking to suppress the resistance forces in the attack area. the us bombarded some yemeni cities or the same 73 places which caused yemen
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to be on the top of world media news. i am at your service. please stay with us, mr. sadal hosseini , and let's talk briefly about the ports of the zionist regime considering that yemen has announced that the red sea is still closed to ships carrying fuel and goods for the zionist regime. yes, the events that happened caused many economic problems in the zionist regime. well , when the port of eilat, as one of the most important ports today, is closed and ships cannot dock there, it is a very severe blow both in the economic field and in the field of work and activity that usually takes place in ports and the yemenis announced this issue that we continue to attack the backbone of the zionist regime's economy.
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we will do it and this action of america and england will not cause us to stop supporting the people of gaza. this is an important point that shows the records that i presented to you that the people of yemen have shown themselves. this point should be taken into account. but i would like to tell you one more thing about the issue of yemen , that the public opinion and intellectuals of the world should also ask what happened when the yemeni-saudi talks reached a conclusion. this is not the first time mrs. emami has happened in the past that this anti-yemen coalition was created with the support of the americans. unfortunately, this happened and it's like the americans forgot that no matter how much peace, stability and security
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there is in this region, all the people of the world can use it, maybe now is not the time for me to refer to the so-called events of 2015 and express the content. but this sentence needs to be said that the situation and conditions of yemen today are very, very different from 2015 and the beginning of the formation of the anti-yemen coalition, and the americans should know that the people of the region and even some of the current officials of the region who the presence of the anti-yemen coalition today expresses concern and says that we are following the issues with concern. this shows that the effective authorities in the region are surprised by the actions of the americans. they are shocked and worried about what is going to happen. after all, the region should
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see progress and development, and the americans and the west apparently do not want this to happen, but unfortunately, they withdraw themselves by projecting and using the media capabilities they have . like this recent case, there is only one current against them, which is currently yemen guilty guilty in fact , in order to carefully examine all aspects of what happened, all the currents that happened during the past decade must be carefully examined, which is definitely not possible in a television program and this short program, but if there are any questions in this area, i can go back to the past conditions of yemen and the events and support that the americans gave to the anti-yemen coalition of dr. sadr hosseini. yemeni america, which was attacked in the past by the anti-saudi, anti-yemen
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, led by the us and the resistance it did , the achievements it made in this period, and the yemen that you have already mentioned that what he is doing is part of his measures to hit the economic backbone of the zionist regime. yes, of course, yemen has more power in this regard, and for now, it is focused on the ships that are going to help the economy of the zionist regime, if the yemenis want it. they can create much more violent measures against the zionist regime in support of the people of gaza . but the fact is that the resistance front is not interested in expanding the geography of the war, but it has been completely proven that despite the messages that are sent or despite the trips to the region and despite the media slogans expressed by the american and western authorities , they are the ones who
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pour gasoline on this fire, and the actions taken this morning at dawn show the same issue. and the main and basic support of the zionist regime in the war in gaza could not be achieved, and now under the pretext of reducing the tensions in the red sea , it has carried out new attacks and aggressions on yemen , do you think that what happened can be a cover to compensate for the failure and failure? the zionist regime and america in the recent war in palestine and gaza? yes it is exactly the same and i confirm the statements of dr. sadr al-hosseini that the americans have no plan for the future of the war in the tang bab al-mandab region and the red sea
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. the point of committing crimes in yemen shows that they are completely hasty , without planning, without foresight, and they operate with a kind of sloppy language, that is, american activism lacks insight and strategic vision, and there is no horizon in the path of their activities. they do not see with absolute certainty. whatever the tension in tang abab al-mandab added that the first loss will be to the economy of america's allies, including the zionist regime, and as the dimensions of the war expand, other america
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's allies will also suffer. totally wrong. there are many winning cards in the possession of the yemeni army and ansarullah that have not yet been dealt, that is, ansarallah's cards have not yet been fully dealt, including the long slave dragons and unmanned submarines that are guided from afar, which they called zahbat. it is possible that the yemeni army did not use it, so the longer the war goes on, the more the americans will be under pressure. economic military in terms of international and strategic prestige. the important thing is that in the last two months, the americans used all the dimensions and components of their power , but they could not open the route of the babolmandb strait to the zionist regime. this is a very important point, it means that the americans
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have no other tool in their hand besides a military attack, which they used last night and it did not achieve any results. mr. sadr hosseini, absolutely right pointing out that the americans attacked areas that were also attacked in the eight-year war in yemen led by the united states, for example , sana'a airport or abs airport in hajjah province, which was completely destroyed, means attacking a target that no longer exists. it didn't have abs airport, only a name was left of it, previously by the american coalition of saudi arabia and the uae. in the same year 2015, it was attacked and destroyed. it is a very important point that the americans were both present in the eight-year war, managing and leading , and they had a public presence. only war for 8 years, yemen was not with saudi arabia and the uae, but with the united states and the united kingdom,
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and the american failure to reach a conclusion led to a decisive strategic defeat against the united states. yes, it means that the point that your excellency said, some western analysts believe that this is for domestic food, it is true that there are some other people who are suffering in another place. you see, and the return of these damages will definitely be to america and europe , but some western analysts are of the opinion that
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these events and this order given by mr. biden are actually to respond to the pressures that he and the democratic party are currently facing. they are supposed to if you allow me to present this point to you, today one of yemen's senior political officials announced that we contacted the officials of the mentioned countries that are in the coalition against us . i think that they do not accept that we are in a coalition, that is, the dutch, whose name was mentioned, the bahrainis, whose name was mentioned, in this coalition, there were almost eight countries, if i am not mistaken, seven or eight countries, only the united states and england at the moment. it exists in the past nominal coalitions when they were called to this they do not say clearly that we are not in this conflict.
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the reason for this issue, ms. emami, is that in fact, the actions that the yemeni people have taken during the last 8 years and what they have shown during the last 10 years, especially the 8 years of war, other countries are not willing to jeopardize their interests. now, how come the americans are announcing that we have formed an alliance with these 8 countries against the people of yemen . this is a question that must be addressed by different media in the coming days . they brought the countries in the coalition list that they he is not willing to include their names in that list. mr. najafi, the point mentioned by dr. sedal hosseini. yemmen, in order to provide domestic food at the end of joe biden's presidency , what is said is that this attack was carried out without the authorization of congress
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, and how much do you think it will increase the internal differences in america? basically, america was built on war-mongering and killing, if you look at the history of america. let's check and see that every two years on average. a great war or a great bloodshed has started in 1999 afghanistan war, 2001 iraq war , 2003 libyan war, syrian war, etc. therefore , the american economy is addicted to war-making , as i said in the previous speech, for the first time the authority of the united states was challenged in yemen, and in the 8-year war that it was implemented in the case of yemen , the yemenis were able to win and america reached a decisive strategic defeat and received this heavy defeat
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. now the americans are doing the same actions that led to the decisive defeat of america , that is, they are using bombing again. yemen, which has been under heavy air bombardment for 8 years next of them, 100 sorties were flown a day, and if they were left behind , naturally, it would not decrease against the us. naturally, the americans, with 73 point barrages and the threat of repeated barrages, cannot achieve any goal, and with absolute certainty, if the conditions are the same, and the american do not retreat or force the zionist regime to withdraw from the gaza strip. these conditions will be against america day by day, and the americans do not have any tools or power components or pressure levers that they can use against the yemeni government or ansarullah.
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of course, all this puts extra pressure on you the american ruling body is acting in the white house , in addition to the fact that the americans faced a fundamental problem in the war-mongering they had in ukraine, which was in the same biden government, and now they must be held accountable in various dimensions. even the biden government is facing a challenge to support the zelinsi government in kyiv, ukraine. but it doesn't matter who will come to power in america in the future. whoever is in the white house in the future will still support the zionist regime. but the conditions of the world today are not the same as before. it is not like the last 75 years. americans are not active anymore. american i see. in the strait of babolmandb from a small country with very small simple tools and a small group of decisive strategic failure to receive failure.
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literally, their will was defeated by the will of the yemenis, that is, the will of the americans was broken . the americans cannot change this defeat with any kind of propaganda. the americans should cancel the demands of the yemeni government, including lifting the blockade of yemen the siege of the gaza strip , the withdrawal of the zionist regime from the gaza strip and similar issues, accept this and act on it. america's ramblings in the region and in the gaza strip whether in the region of southern lebanon or in the region of the red sea , the strait of babolmandb, and the gulf of aden , there has been no achievement for the americans in the past 3 months, and it will not be in the future. mr. dr. sadr hosseini, we have 3 minutes left, let's talk about what happened today regarding the developments in yemen, aggression and american attacks and
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this. england and what happened will lead the developments in the region and of course the international arena. in order to answer you, i have to tell you that the people of yemen are a people who have seen war and they can continue the war well. the point of yeez's importance is that there is no place for the americans that has not been bombed by the anti-yemen coalition. that is , their database was attacked not once but several times by airplanes. the point that we should pay attention to is the effects that these attacks will have on the international economy. this is the point that it was expected that american and american officials would pay more attention to him. who are doing this in a situation where energy
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is very valuable in the world, as mentioned, the americans are involved in another war in ukraine. currently , they are putting all their power to support the zionist regime and certainly, and certainly , the vast land of yemen cannot be a place for the victory of the americans and the british . we still have time. i would like to say that international organizations, including the united nations and the security council, should pay attention to the fact that they do not allow a situation to arise in one of the most geopolitical regions of the world, which would undermine the global economy and the development of the region. if i am not mistaken, the security council at around 11 o'clock they are having a meeting tonight with iran time, and this happened at the request of russia, and it is one of
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the topics. which will be stated there, the reasons for being without support and without law are in fact the actions that the americans are doing, we hope that the world public opinion will support the people of gaza, just as it started today in the united states. yemen, the message of the public opinion should reach the american authorities as soon as possible, that the administration of the united states and the administration of the departments that had demonstrations in front of the white house today in the country also had demonstrations in different regions of different provinces, which must have happened. we will talk more about it in the coming nights and in related discussions. thank you very much for your analysis. thank you to mohammad parsa najafi, an expert and analyst of yemen issues, who accompanied our picture . as always, i am grateful to you every day.
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in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, hello, i am ali hashem zadegan with the world. i am with you today. in the first case of tonight's program , we will examine south africa's complaint against the zionist regime to the international court of justice regarding the genocide in gaza. war, including the attack this morning.


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