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tv   [untitled]    January 14, 2024 10:00am-10:29am IRST

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from the first page and evaluation and judgment with you in the first row every night at 7:30 pm of khabar network.
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you came all this way just to say goodbye to me , why did it happen like this, the story is not over yet , good tv at a reasonable price with long terms in irani sarai, the last price is in irani sarai.
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we have updated and created a new design , we have increased the quality of efficiency to be worthy of you . have you thought about something? see, i wanted to know city farsh really guarantees the quality.
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he will make up later. a city is behind this quality. a city behind your shopping. we will host you at the central branch until 2 o'clock in the morning. in the name of god. hello. news section at 10 o'clock. the winners of fajr computer games festival were announced. the festival's golden gazelle award goes to the games of amerli battle resistance commander, conquerors, luminaria, love ambassador, silent channel one, fake emperors, company fighters, children of arbaeen and mukhtar. the uprising season was awarded the ambassador
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of love game as the best computer game of the year and the amoli battle resistance commander game as the best culture game it was based on the selection of the general culture council of the country. the best cultural achievement was awarded to arbaeen children's game and the best family-oriented game was awarded to chef's game. 18 devices so far. they did not connect to the land management window system, according to the secretary of the anti-corruption headquarters, the end of this year is the last chance for these devices to fully connect to this system. our elders bought this whole plot, now we want to plant it there, tabij sources says, what is the distortion, dividing it into a garden , each of these walls will later become a well, these issues caused that since one year a preliminary system
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should be established to unify the permits related to the land. if the executive considerations of all the executive bodies and also the land development plan are to be reached in one permit, it is necessary that all the cooperating bodies have the necessary permission, according to the deputy of land protection of the organization of natural resources and watershed, since the establishment of the land management unit window system, 428,000 requests have been made in this the system has been registered, of these 428,000 requests that have been uploaded, 357,000 people come with their complete information in the system , uploading 276,000 requests to 7,728, fortunately, single. requests have been answered 98 answers have been given according to the announcement of the secretary of the steering council of the window system of the land management unit, 18 of the 42 devices related to land have not yet been connected to this system. we are currently using the application until the system is ready. to hear and
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connect are technical issues that we need to see how to make this happen, god willing, if this is resolved, we are ready to connect all our data to the window pane from the 54 municipalities that we need to connect. the fight against economic corruption says that it is not acceptable to exploit after one year there are still shortcomings in the land management unit's window system. the weakness of different devices in technical capability is their responsibility. the devices should increase their preparation to serve in this system. the representative of the inspection organization also warned the ineffective devices until the end of this year to make up for their inefficiency. notices, warnings, our reports lead primarily to the notice of the superior authority to the manager who is finally doing the work there. the second degree may be dismissal. the third level is
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disciplinary action and the last level is judicial action. on based on the announcement of the natural resources organization, the delivery and uploading of maps of executive bodies is the last step. the complete launch of the land management unit window. ahmad hamidi, sed and broadcasting news agency. between 12,000 and 15,000 of our countrymen apply for a smart fuel card every day. the director of the country's fuel smart card system said that there are currently more than 29 million active fuel smart cards in the country . almost 5 months now. did you apply for 5 months? this is the story of people who don't have a fuel card because of reasons. i lost my fuel card in burj hasht. i still haven't received a fuel card for example and proof of this. i have applied for registration, this is the document . well, i will finish filling this form and go to your service. thank
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you. now, i have a question about how long we will have to wait until we get the burned card. 27 national petroleum products distribution company the first method of tracking the production of fuel card is to send the vehicle code to the sms system 110 120 20 40. after an hour of sending the sms, he did not receive an answer
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. the office where i registered asked to see the status of the fuel card. where did you get to look at you i paid a fee of 3 thousand tomans to see if my fuel card has been issued or not. here it is clear that my fuel card has been issued 159, but i did not receive any sms or notification. the manager of the smart fuel card system answers this question and says that this requires is that your basic information, who you are , your phone number or your national number, should be provided to the national fried oil broadcasting company or the post office , it will definitely face challenges in any of the steps that are happening, it can inform the applicant by sending an sms and all this information that i am saying is in the possession of a stack of saviors what are the reasons they give? these are the reasons they say
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because this information is confidential and we cannot provide it to you , it will only be confidential . ask your friends and see why this information is in the possession of the question that i followed up from naji research and development company, but they did not give us an answer until the broadcast of this report . the director general of the supervision of essential commodities of the ministry of jihad and agriculture says that there has been no change in the price of import of beans amrallahi, the increase in the price of all types of beans, whether in bulk or packaged, is a violation, from 47 to 52 tomans , which is lepe's product here in the bean market , the sellers say that their products have faced price changes in the last 10 days, how much were you selling peas now, how much to exactly 60 tomans now we are selling for 65
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tomans. you put here some 65 thousand tomans . how much was it before it became expensive? before it became expensive , it was almost 60 thousand tomans. the sellers say that the publication of a news has created these price tensions in the market. it was a rumor. i would like 285 verdaren yes, but this is what caused the change yes change no, there has been no width change . the importer has imported 28,500 tomans width at the same price. our main importers are at the same price as before. yes, a fine of 475 thousand tomans was imposed. you go from the wholesale level to a bean packing plant. beans
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that have been stored for the past few months and before the news of the change in currency prices are now being sold with increased prices. the price of 900 grams of pinto beans is 119. your last change is 90 was it right? yes, already 9. i don't remember how much was the price of lobiachi now. 1900 different regions of the world were once again the scene of weekly demonstrations in support of the oppressed people of palestine, people in america, germany. england, france, iranland, italy, australia, new zealand and jordan
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came to the streets and shouted slogans against the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. in naples, italy, people condemned the killing of palestinian children by the zionist regime by placing 5,000 symbolic tombstones. in london, the capital of england, people once again demanded an end to the crimes committed by the zionist regime in gaza with massive demonstrations. demonstrators in paris, the capital of france, on the need to establish a ceasefire sign and end the genocide in the food bar. the streets of sydney, australia also witnessed the widespread presence of people in support of palestine and
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the request for an immediate cease-fire in gaza. the people of yemen's hodeida also held a demonstration while supporting the palestinian nation in condemning the military aggression of the united states and england. the participants of this demonstration announced that they are ready to respond to any aggression.
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in the name and memory of god, with regards to your presence , dear viewers of the khabar network, with the continuation of the barista system , we have witnessed snowfall and rain in parts of the country. we are currently witnessing snowfall in ardebin. you can see that the picture also shows widespread snowfall in ardebil, in
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the northwestern parts of our country, for east azerbaijan , west azerbaijan, zanjan, kurdistan, in addition to these areas. rainfall, snowfall has been recorded and reported . you can see that the image received from the meteorological satellite also shows that the activity of the barista system continues in the north-west, west, south-west of alborz slopes in the north and north-east of our country . we expect rain in ardabil provinces of azerbaijan. eastern west azerbaijan, zanjan kurdistan, hamedan, kermanshah, lorestan, ilam, north khuzestan, chaharmahal, bakhtiari, kokilo, boi rahmat gharb. isfahan, qazvin, alborz, tehran , gilan, mazandaran, golestan, north khorasan and razavi khorasan, parts of south khorasan. we expect snow and rain in these areas. the snowfall brings blizzards and snow on the mountain roads. due to these rains
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, there is a warning and the possibility of damage in these areas. in these areas , we will have disruptions in road traffic, slippery roads and snowstorms we will be on the mountain roads of these areas , and we request that the passengers must have winter equipment and heating devices with them on these routes. but for tomorrow, we expect the rains in the northwest of our country to some extent in the western regions and to some extent for parts of the northeast and areas of the northern belt of our country with less intensity. compared to today , we are predicting these rains for tomorrow in these areas, and we expect the caspian sea to be rough and turbulent for the next 3 days , because we have an increase in the wave height and the sea is rough, a marine warning has also been issued. during this period, taking into account that the sea is stormy and the rains that we have in these areas
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, marine activities should be limited, as well as the wave height in the persian gulf for the next two days . you can see that during today and tomorrow , in addition to rains in some parts of our country , strong winds will also occur in some hours. during this period , climbing to heights should not be done in alborz, we expect strong winds tonight and tomorrow. similarly, for the south-west, for the persian gulf, this is a windy situation, the wave height will increase in the east and south-east regions of the country, as well as in the north-west and north-east of our country, sometimes we will have strong winds along with the rains. in some hours , we may have reduced visibility due to fog . we are also looking forward to tehran. for the next few hours, it will sometimes
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rain in the highlands and northern areas of the province , and sometimes it will snow. we predict snow blizzard in alborz heights in the regions we will have strong winds in the south of the province. as you can see, we expect our temperature to fluctuate between 12 and 8 degrees. i sincerely thank you for your attention . have a good time and god bless you.
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i mention some things because our time is limited. i will try to present some cases to you from some of the chapters , for example, in the first chapter, which is titled economic growth, in paragraph 7 of article 4, the discussion of the possibility of islam on the line of judicial records of individuals was predicted by the parties , and the principle of the ruling was accepted. but it refers to definitive convictions, which included non-financial convictions , were criticized by the guardian jurists or according to article 4 regarding the electronicization of offices. commercial, well, there was a provision that was not recognized as contrary to the starting standards and the constitution, or for example, in the clauses of article 4, the discussion of the need to notify
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persons of the prohibition of exit was foreseen, which was met with the approval of the guardian council, also in the note of the fourth paragraph of the article 6. a ruling regarding the granting of banking facilities to home-based small businesses based solely on the basis of the second chapter, which has the title of reforming the banking system and curbing inflation is also predicted in clause a of article 8 of the decree regarding the increase of the capital of private and state-owned banks, which is faced with the objection of shura gardhan. it didn't work, or for example, in the third chapter , which is about reforming the budget structure
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, there were several rulings, for example, in paragraph a of article 15 , there were rulings regarding the reform of the government's banking relationship with the national iranian oil company, some of which we had reservations about, for example, regarding the fact that given that diversity. there is a lot in terms and contracts , because finally these mechanisms and preparations and arrangements in accordance with these issues must be ambiguities. gentlemen, do you want the council to understand this article and this paragraph a that i mentioned, or if, for example , a separate contract is going to be concluded with the mentioned companies, does it mean the destruction of the current contracts or the contracts that existed before, and these are uncertainties that finally the speaker of the parliament should set some task for it, or for example , regarding the issue of production in article 16
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, there were provisions on the production of government assets, some of which were ambiguities or objections, which should be made more precise, for example, assigning the image of the executive regulations. the second part of this paragraph to the production board according to its composition, because non-minister members are also present in it , it was recognized as a violation of article 138 of the constitution, or for example, in article 20 of article 20 of the additional paragraph, there was a provision regarding the expenses of benefactors in capital asset acquisition plans. it should be considered as a tax credit, which is also approved. the guardian council was placed or in this article 25 paragraph 3, a framework
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was presented for the payment of ceos, members of the board of directors, members of the executive board of directors of state-owned companies . if it is resolved, this sentence can become a legally binding resolution. in the fourth chapter, whose title is the reform of the tax system, in the second part of paragraph a of article 27, for the first time, independent tax and insurance trial centers and a major change in the tax and insurance trial method were predicted, which both this creation and this establishment are against sharia. and the constitution was not recognized. in the sixth chapter, which is entitled social security, supportive policies and fair explanation
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, there were also minor points regarding the rulings, but in the eighth chapter, which is titled, the one-piece management system. i am very happy to be among scholars, thinkers and experts. and i am concerned about the islamic world and i sincerely thank the world assembly of approximation. to
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the islamic religions from our dear and hard-working mujahid brother dr. shahriari and his colleagues for organizing this effective meeting on the very important issue of islamic awakening and palestine. the total approximation of the philosophy of its formation is to raise the level of familiarity between religions and opinion leaders in different religions. in order to increase
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information and space science in this area and the second function of the assembly is to promote the mutual respect of religions. towards each other and other functions of this assembly it is the consolidation of islamic brotherhood between thinkers and experts in different religions and ultimately the formation of a single nation and the islamic nation. that this
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islamic ummah can have many blessings and blessings for the world of humanity and for each and every part of the islamic ummah, the owners of religions and scholars. the establishment of justice for humanity is one of the most important or , to be precise, the most important issue of the islamic ummah today , the palestinian issue, imam rizwan, may allah be pleased with him, said against the late founder of the islamic republic of iran:
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the issue of palestine is the first issue of the islamic world, and the freedom of the holy holy place is the most important and priority issue of the islamic world. and this gathering is very important to deal with the most important issue of the islamic world, which is the issue of palestine.


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