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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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and apparently, this operation was carried out exactly when there was a meeting in the house of this mossad colleague and an important mossad agent in the area with the presence of the zionist intelligence officers and it seemed that all of them were killed and this operation indicates an intelligence work. it was accurate and it was done at the moment when this meeting was held in mr. dizei's house. another point that i have to say is that the islamic republic of iran has shown with this attack that it will not tolerate any attack on its national security and the interests of its people, and through the means and facilities it has, it can attack anywhere in the world. he should have access to the region and, if necessary , eliminate the sources of threats against him, and i
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believe that the message of this reaction reached both the terrorists and the zionist regime as amer and bani behind the scenes of the kerman incident, because at a distance of 1,200 kilometers , which is a familiar distance. for us, this distance is the shortest distance between our borders and the zionist regime. the headquarters of isis terrorists were targeted in idlib. if necessary, they can target and destroy targets in the occupied territories. there is one more point that i think is important this is that during the irgc missile attack at the same time as the american defenses stationed in erbil.
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you are trying to react by trying to target irgc missiles because the us has the harir base in orville , it has defenses in the consulate, but they could not stop it and the irgc missiles hit exactly the predetermined targets. the last thing i have to say is this. it is that this attack was a regional attack, a local attack. this means that this kind of incident took place in the region. the interesting thing is that this attack was carried out to target idlib from khorramshahr, which is the first time that this happened and people in khuzestan, i saw on social networks that they were accompanying takbeer, and many of the avengers were happy about this reaction. what message can this attack
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send to the enemies of the islamic republic of iran at this point in time, and you mentioned in your speech whether this attack could actually be a response to the recent incident in kerman or not? yes, i believe that this attack targeted both ameran and the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in kerman. the islamic republic of iran showed that it is protecting its interests. the security of himself and his people does not hesitate a bit well, naturally, the message of this incident to the countries of the region was that any hand that reaches out to the islamic republic of iran will be cut off, and iran will definitely stand up and
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will not tolerate an attack on its own soil in any way, and considering the means and with the facilities he has, he can play fireworks in the region and carefully destroy all the places he feels pose a threat to his people. urban targets and public areas of residential areas were not targeted. in recent years, mossad, unfortunately , has been present in the northern region of iraq with the cooperation of the barzani family. it is bold and this presence is long-standing
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, it is not related to now, but in recent years it has become much bolder and this presence is sensitive for iran . the zionist regime does not tolerate the zionist regime around its borders, and i think this missile attack had a message for our northern neighbor in the republic of azerbaijan to be careful . baku and the zionist gathering areas in the republic of azerbaijan may also be targeted at the next stage. iran nothing. nothing it will not tolerate the presence of the zionist regime and mossad agents in its borders. thank you very much, mr. taqunia, an expert on international issues, and thanks to you, dear viewers, please accompany us with the continuation of programs on khabar network.
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before the british left, zionist soldiers took control of the five main cities of palestine. they destroyed about 200 villages and
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expelled about 350,000 palestinians from their land. it is estimated that since the occupation of palestine birth. the jewish population has increased 10 times and reached half a million people. in the same.
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the british to the forces of neighboring arab countries they did not allow them to enter palestine before leaving. on may 15, with the departure of the last british soldier, the arab armies entered the borders of lebanon, egypt and what was then called transjordan . their declared goal was the liberation of palestine. and interestingly, the first headline of the new york times that day was: jews are in danger in all islamic lands. less than 24,000 soldiers from seven arab countries
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entered palestine. the entire arab army, less than a third of the quasi-n forces , 400,000 defenseless palestinians were forced to flee their homes. their refugee ordeal had just begun. in may 1948
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swedish diplomat count falk. count bernadotte visited war-torn palestinian villages and refugee camps in palestine and jordan
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, where crowded spaces lined long queues for simple food and medical aid. observed the insignificant closely. he defended the right of palestinians to return to their homes. in a report dated september 16, 1948, comte bernadotte wrote: "if these innocent victims are not allowed to return to their homes, it is an affront to the basic principles of justice." his initial proposal was to establish clear borders through negotiation and economic alliance between the two countries, but the return of palestinian refugees to their homes his proposal was rejected.
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you can go and then we can see what happens that hope that i will continue my mission as mediator from palestine we have too and uh this is now set back i had or we had i would like to say success in the beginning it goes up and down now we are a little down but i am not at all a broken man over this end of course i am still hopeful that we can get a result of the mission.
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i repeat order for immediate seafire in palestine along the lines of the 29th of may resolution would be an indispensable first step. on september 10, 1948, just one day after count bernadotte's report to the united nations, his convoy was attacked in jerusalem. bernadotte was shot directly by members of the strange gang. the head of stronging was ishaq shamir. who later
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became the prime minister of israel. in 1949, israel seized more land. the territories that were given to the palestinians during the united nations partition plan. until april 1949. the united nations forced israel and its arab neighbors to accept a cease-fire agreement. with the death of
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count bernadotte, the negotiations continued under the chairmanship of his american deputy, ralph punch. the first fire agreement a truce was signed between israel, egypt in february, lebanon in march, jordan in april, and syria in july 1949. after these agreements, israel became a member of the united nations. after all these events and in the summer of 1949, vengorin gathered 24 experts in the sciences of geography, surveying, history and torah. and he gave them the mission to erase all the traces of palestine and replace the palestinian names with clouded names, and they quickly started this work
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, and the palestinian maps show this truth to this day. the remaining lands of palestine were divided into two regions. in april 1950, the eastern part it was annexed to jordan and called the west bank . a narrow part in the south was under the rule of egypt and was called the gaza strip, and this is how the attempt to remove the name of palestine from the maps of geography began.
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now in tehran at 4 o'clock: dear viewers , welcome to this news section. the islamic revolution guards corps announced three announcements about the rocket launchers and destruction of spy headquarters and the gathering of anti-iranian terrorist groups in the region at midnight tonight and explained the details. irgc announced in this missile operation in response to the recent terrorist crimes of the enemies in islamic iran and the front resistance was done.


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