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tv   [untitled]    January 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm IRST

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[000:00:30;00] in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless him and grant him peace . greetings to you, dear viewers, the new mural of palestine square has been unveiled. in this mural, which is decorated with an image of ballistic missiles , it is written in both persian and hebrew languages. prepare your coffins. this mural
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was unveiled by irgc this morning and after last night's baran rocket attack on mossad isis bases. the commander of the country's border guards warned the eastern neighboring countries about the activities and evils of terrorist groups. sardar godarzi said in a meeting with the officials of pakistan and afghanistan it has been emphasized that these countries are obliged to stop the evils of terrorist groups. our neighbors should not allow it. these armed groups do not know about god that innocent people are martyred. they say that it is far from morality and humanity, they should not be allowed to stay in their country and continue their evil . of course, our zealous border guards have some patience. if this patience finally ends, they will have to
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take operational measures against these armed groups. supplying waterfalls to more than 360 villages with the help of khairan abrasan , ceo of afafa, said with the efforts of khairan abaresan. drinking water for more than 10,000 villages will be provided in the form of jihad to supply water to the villages until the end of the 13th government. bring water, we are also building houses here . we didn't have water for days. now, hope to god, the water has increased. they say that supplying water to the villages is a blessing. it is god's will that anyone who takes a step in this direction has performed a great worship, considering the lack of drinking water, especially in the southern region of khorasan, we have helped to meet the needs of the city a little. it could be that it was our day when we were able to walk in those areas
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let's see the scenes and god. help us to be able to help. we are philanthropists who have supplied water to 3656 villages till today . we are ready to provide any kind of support to our loved ones . god willing, we will be able to take a big step in the so-called water supply, and now the association of benefactors of the drinking water supply of the country has been formed
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. the formation of this assembly for this is for anyone to make a move according to their means, if they want, let's say it takes 3 years or 4 years , then it will be done in one year. in this cooperation, the ministry of energy and the country's water and sewage company, with the efforts of philanthropists , speed up the water supply to the villages. the ministry of energy has announced that water supply to 10,000 villages is planned by the end of the 13th government. tina salehi news agency. the closing ceremony of the 14th research and technology festival was held at the national library and archives organization of iran. among the submitted works, there were 14 works in the fields of information science and epistemology, archival sciences, contemporary history studies. islamic iranology, protection and preservation of archival and library resources, copywriting and research copy
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are introduced as selected. according to the state of new technologies in the world, we have focused on artificial intelligence and its application in the use , analysis and evaluation of resources and data for access to documents and resources by people and experts. iranian and islamic studies were completed and increased. the show of historical documentaries was one of the main programs on the fourth day of the ammar festival according to the director of the festival , they have more capacity in both production and broadcasting. the photos are heartbreaking and unplayable . 3 people died under torture and their skin was peeled off. the crimes committed by these men may be unprecedented in the history of mankind. all three
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of them are guards of the revolutionary committee. the crime was committed by the engineers of terror and torture in the organization of the hypocrites. 1961 in tehran. our generation of the 80s and 90s who may not know anything about these events. the festival he can play his role here. a part of this historical crime was remembered in the popular ammar film festival. what happened with the iso documentary show 1361. two times when we threw these in the ground. narrative of the story of martyr talib taheri, the martyr of faraja. it was a document prepared by the police. i believe that the police force should be involved in the art , filmmaking and media sector tenfold. bekne , the show of this historical story was new for some of the audience present at the festival. the young generation has not seen such things with their own eyes, and with the documentaries, with these talks, these workshops, these
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experiences are transmitted. why, at the age of 31, i should not have known until now that there was such a person who was tortured in such an outrageous way. reviewing history and enlightenment in memory the history of the nation will be strengthened with these documentaries, this will make them not forget the events. this awareness can happen through the amar festival if there is an epidemic in the country . alternative 15 khordad 42, young people die in the color of pomegranates. among other historical documentaries on the fourth day of the emaar festival, there is room for work. in the future , we can do more and better work so that this distribution becomes public, so that the
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consumption is actually done in a better way. showing works and reviewing historical experiences in specialized meetings until the 29th. day continues in the palestinian cinema, according to nazerfam, sada and sime news agency. mehabad city, which was cut off due to the storm and blizzard , was connected. following the storm and blizzard in mahabad , electricity was cut off in 60 villages in the central and khalifan parts of this city. with the efforts of several relief groups, electricity was connected to 50 villages, here is khola pass in the axis. afan reaches a village in khalifan district , out of most of our villages, we electrified a few villages last night. it was left to power them up with the help of the generator . colleagues are working on the burhan road . there are 80 people working on this road. last night, we were informed that the road has been opened.
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unfortunately, due to the fact that the jeddah-afan road has been cut off due to the cold weather, shooting has been discussed, of course, for the assistance of groups from other cities of the province . the roads and paths of the village of mahabad fell and the electricity of 60 villages was cut off. the efforts of the groups of the electricity distribution company to solve the blackouts in this area are still continuing
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. with the capabilities of our artificial intelligence, all levels of the governance system, media governance in the era of artificial intelligence, the topic of the third artificial intelligence and media conference was one of the uses of artificial intelligence in the field of news. it is possible that it creates a tool for many of the tasks that we used to do with the computer in the past, but we used to do it manually. he is now going to do all this by himself, and in
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the field of news, you have regular essays that equip you with tools so that you can combine , synthesize, process, predict what is happening in this field , fraud. he stops him , follows the news chain, adapts the news to this person he said this yesterday or 10 years ago. the aforementioned, what is he saying now and what is the difference between today and tomorrow, news fishing that is easy to do these days, masnavii intelligence is a very powerful fishing boat, the necessity of content production , media regulations, media ownership, media management, among the axes of this conference, work was announced. the other thing that was discussed in the same meeting, which was in the center of the researches of the parliament with the colleagues of the parliament, was that we should somehow
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speed up the path of legislation by amending some of the existing laws and adding a single article to them. that i hope with the cooperation that will take place with the majlis research center will advance this issue sooner, of course, due to the nature of artificial intelligence, we need regulations that are formed in this field and we need more than laws or independent laws. let it happen that the meetings of this meeting are for the purpose of preparing and planning such issues . we must observe the principle in this work, first of all , we should provide the possibility of development of planning and learning of this sub-base. let's do it. the second point is that in order to protect and supporting the activists in this field, let's actually move to keep the private sector
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completely alive and well. because no matter what we do, if awareness and vaccination is not formed in the user , it is very difficult to distinguish the artificial ear from right and wrong. i think that these three parts together can be a model for the movement that we will have. research center of the islamic council
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of. iran's most complete and iranian helicopter simulator was put into operation in bushehr. that too with the presence of vice adm. siari. coordinator and chief of staff of the army and amir admiral of iran, commander of the force navy the simulation, which was designed and built in cooperation with knowledge-based companies and defense industries of the country , allows the pilot to practice flight at any time and in any condition. we had a helicopter simulator in havani day. it was old, it belonged to the years
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before the revolution, which means that it has been at least 47 years old, and it did not meet the needs of today's technology, but what you see now, produced in 100 iran, is the answer to all the problems of the day, and it is made with modern technology, so it meets all our needs. answers today simulator of the ability to sit and take off on all types of floating oil platforms conditions. it has a storm. everything that has been built , installed and used is all local by the university and our loved ones in the knowledge companies of foundation ba. the centrality of the country's defense industry and the knowledge that has been collected and actually implemented today can be used in the field of flight simulators, god willing. flight safety, reducing training costs
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and increasing pilot reaction speed are other advantages of this simulator. the most complete aviation simulator in helicopters is here. malazah says that he came and left us in a place where all our loved ones in the navy and air force are in padauf. those who use kardaran helicopters can use this simulator and do all their practical training in this simulator . the naval pilot training center is located in bushehr, and new pilots are trained for 15 to 20 hours with this simulator. if i say it is very expensive. i didn't say that it was a so-called misguided . in fact, this is the equivalent of a tenth of the amount that we wanted to pay and they didn't give us this quality . the simulators that exist in the world today and we
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could use them are very good. it is very simple and trivial and provides general education today, alhamdulillah, we have military training , we do it with this. global standards have been included in the construction and design of this simulator in order to reduce the risk and meet the training requirements in the navy, air force and defense. in order to empower the helicopter pilots, the navy has three more simulators under construction. bahar
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masoudi, broadcasting agency, bushehr. in which we live or work stand on concrete or metal skeletons. among them, the share of concrete is more. this is called emboh sazaha. ready-mixed concrete and concrete parts
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the producer of more than 50% of cement produced in the whole country. with 1200 factories that produce and a lot of shares. they are great in the construction and construction projects of the country. on the other hand, 600 steel structures production units in the country produce 300,000 tons of metal frameworks every month. all the country's infrastructure is somehow connected to the services of steel structure manufacturers. in the oil and petrochemical industries in bridges, technical buildings, weapons of industrial cities, use of. these two types of structural framework have different reasons, the importance of this depends on the location, the type of structure, the type of use, and in fact, the plan. its architecture is that you want to have smaller dimensions for columns and shear walls. in
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different climates, unfortunately, buildings are built exactly the same, while we build a building when we have a spring, for example. the climate company with that climate and the building that we are building in urmia city, for example, which has a completely different climate, must be different in terms of form , materials, and even the characteristics of the inner space of the raw materials in concrete or the metallicity of the structures is effective. in many parts of our country, we are building good structures and we are making good concrete but this supply to the whole country and all places. there is no country. right now, as i am talking to you , in many parts of the country , there is no access to standard sand, which is the main form of concrete. now, due to the fact that the production of steel is really very expensive and very important, in terms
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of cost and type, in fact, the use of our mines is very important, although the manufacturers of steel structures say that by applying solutions , the cost of this structure can be reduced. the builders have reduced the weight of the concrete structure, but they consider it more economical it brings the structure lower than the amount that we want to be consumed from the iron resources of the country, the amount is consumed less and the costs can definitely be reduced to 30-40, when in a metal structure for each square meter, now i say on average we consume between 70 and 60 kg of steel
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. another factor in choosing a structure is the speed at the time of project implementation, the discussion of the speed and physical progress of the work. for example , you can collect 10,000 square meters of the infrastructure of a factory in about 3 months or three and a half months. in terms of timing. a mode it is very good and does not have capital sleep like concrete buildings. in general , we created a design in the molds that increases the speed of moving the molds . before, the molds were in smaller pieces. the roof was different. the walls were all designed in advance. all these are seen in the design of the molds completely in the form of concrete. it is implemented and the manufacturers of steel and concrete structures each propose their own structure, but the conditions of supply
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of raw materials determine the type of climate and the final price of the type of structure. involuntarily, i jumped up to look. i threw it at the window. it was still dark. i closed my eyes and lay down. i felt that there were still a few minutes left. narration of abu zaynab and his wife. i myself had the same palace. i will write the book myself. but when mrs. kiaei made this offer and had an interview with abu zainab before her martyrdom, i gladly accepted and we started the interviews. the 265-page book from us. mohammad jafar hosseini says that
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he talks about the events of his presence in syria, his military service and finally his martyrdom. can you stay in harem? usually , he did less such pranks at these times due to lack of time. rahsafd, the reader, took the book with him, except for the land of damascus, to afghanistan. the name of the book is the white way, which i said here in the dari dialect, and well , its dictation or spelling is written as the white way . the white way in dari means goodbye, have a good trip . afghanistan is well known in this book, maybe syria is not that well known because anyway, they are afghans, they speak afghani at home . this book is the result of 25 hours of interviews and narration. it took 3 years considering that the conversations of the martyr's wife and the martyr were in dari language
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, we needed to translate this part into dari , and now the time it took because of this issue , the book rahe safad made me remember life with mohammad jafar and his memories once again. and to be able to live with them once in my imagination , when i turned on the light, there was no movement. i saw nakhur on the same side where he slept at night, his eyes and the mouth around his mouth had become a pigeon than ever. that's what i came across in this book. fatemiyoun means devotion to the family of fatemiyoun, which means oppression, and fatemiyoun means the bravery of the martyr mohammad jafar hosseini. they are part of the fatemiyoun forces. that we say the islamic resistance front , which includes the iranian, lebanese, afghan forces and
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those who believe in islam . i want to fight against arrogance. he distanced himself from me with this sentence, come whenever you want. a few hours later, we saw each other at the entrance of najaf market . i could read from his face that he did something and he doesn't want me to understand . tell me the truth, where have you been? fatemiyoun said amir hossein khademi of the news agency radio various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament is the key . it is in the hands of the people. there is a telegram channel playing all over the country. of course, these are six months of pricing . your question is an interesting question
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. you don't want a football manager to pay his insurance according to what he does. trends on the eve of the elections every day at 15:00 and 193 from khabar network today wherever we are tomorrow higher higher. one by one macaron, one by one macaron , one by one macaron, one macaron, one macaron
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, one by one macaron, one by one macaron, a lasagna, a single macaron , only at the top. well, here you can choose your birthday present. it's my birthday. it's kabir's motorcycle. you can choose any motorcycle you want. if you didn't like me to ride a motorcycle, you can only ride kabir's motorcycle because i feel comfortable with safety and security. the peace of riding a motorcycle is not easy anymore from the pain of traffic and parking space. kabir motorcycle also gives helmets as gifts to its buyers, more importantly. you all spend more time with your family with the safety devices of kabir's great products. enjoyable and safe motorcycle riding. discounts and special sales with photos of the 24th and 36th months of the bride.
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i am asking for the third time, am i not my lawyer , what happened during the 50 million days of digikala, that buying anything from digikala is a chance to win a daily prize of 50 million tomans. look
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, i wanted to know that the city really guarantees the quality . a city is behind this quality. a city is behind your purchase . we will host you at the central branch until 2:00 in the morning. in the name of allah, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen , welcome to economic news. saffron export duties were removed. the first vice president of taxes he announced half a percent of saffron exports from this year's budget. this resolution was approved by the government board on the 20th of december. in september of this year, the minister of mining industry and trade demanded the removal
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of saffron export duties from the budget law.


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