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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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after your purchase , we will host you at the central branch until 2:00 am. in the morning, dear compatriots , we present the news at 9 o'clock. multinational oil and gas company shell has stopped the passage of its ships through the red sea. the american wall street journal wrote: the decision of the british company was made after the american attacks on yemen intensified the concern of increasing tensions in the red sea. as the largest shipping company in japan , japan shipping company has stopped the passage of its ships through the red sea. increase stop. the movement of ships
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from the red sea is slow, while the united states and england six days ago , yemen was attacked several times under the pretext of providing maritime security. yemen has declared that american, british and zionist regime ships are a legitimate target for sana'a and other ships can cross the red sea freely if their destination is not the zionist regime's ports. the us secretary of state said that the situation that israel is witnessing after operation storm and lakhsa has never been seen before. anthony blinken said in a conversation with cnbc tv: "given the new situation, the israeli authorities must make fundamental decisions about their future." foreign minister america said, the decisions that tel aviv has to make are never easy. before this, benny ganses, one of the members of the cabinet of the zionist regime, had also declared the war, a situation that israel has experienced since
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its inception. the national center for virtual space announced the executive order for protecting the privacy of users and the method of collecting, processing and maintaining their information. according to the head of the national cyberspace center, with this recipe , online service providers are good people. non -governmental legal entities and executive bodies are obliged to collect user data only to the extent necessary and appropriate with clear and specific collection purposes and provide the possibility of unconditional deletion of all or part of their information upon request of users. also , user data must be encrypted to prevent data theft. mr. aghamiri emphasized the continuation of service provision or renewal of operating licenses of the system and platforms included in this. the
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recipe is subject to compliance with these regulations. the search for three mountaineers who disappeared last friday in the heights around ashnavi city continues. deputy of red crescent society of west azarbaijan says: using drones equipped with a thermal camera, the place where vardan was trapped under the avalanche was identified. on the fifth day of the operation to search for the missing climbers , the rescue teams finally arrived at the scene of the accident in randoleh ashnoye. this is the place of the accident where our loved ones unfortunately got stuck in this area under the avalanche. now, the light that is radiating is the heat that our drone's thermal camera has at the scene of the accident for our children. it shows that
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favorable weather conditions have made it easier to search. we are now at an altitude of 2,100 meters. relief forces are working almost to the place where the avalanche fell where the children are working. 50 professional mountaineers and specialized rescue teams of the red crescent are conducting exploration operations in the area. we even deployed our communication vehicle in this place, even though there is no telecommunication coverage here, so that we can have the necessary communications in the four communication layers. with the operational team in the field and our commander's headquarters, we will establish areas that are prone to avalanches on the traffic route.
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as the children pass on the valley floor, we always put people as lookouts the occurrence of an avalanche will give warning signals to the children so that they can inform the local parties who are working in the area. the irgc has also used all its hardware and software facilities. metal detection equipment that reaches a depth of approximately 3-4 meters in the ground will give us an alarm if metal is detected, in addition to using the drone equipment that we have, the equipment that is equipped with thermal cameras and day vision cameras according to as the weather is becoming unfavorable and blizzards have started , it is possible that this operation will be postponed to the next days be drawn omid shekriazi of randoleh heights radio and television news agency. welcome so far, about 43 million people in the country
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have been screened for high blood pressure and diabetes in the national health campaign. according to the technical deputy of the ministry of health, with the identification of people with the disease , a significant number is expected in the next 5 years. prevent cardiovascular events . we think that if we didn't do this screening and now that we do it and follow up well , we will be able to reduce about 225,000 vascular hypertrophy incidents in the next 5 years. iraqi islamic resistance images related to targeting taking a vital place in the center of palestine. it released the carpet with an advanced al-raqab cruise missile. some news sources announced that this missile hit an area in haifa. the zionist regime is silent about the damage caused by this attack. another news is that three zionist officers were killed in
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the iraqi islamic resistance attack on the zionist base in erbil. this base was targeted by the iraqi resistance two weeks ago. the iraqi resistance declared continued to hit interests. it continues to the bases of the zionist regime. more than a hundred days have passed since the zionist attack on gaza the islamic resistance of iraq continues its attacks on american and zionist regime bases in the region . the presence of america in iraq hurts our people and is against the sovereignty and independence of the country. therefore, the attack on the american forces or the coalition in iraq will react.
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we pledge to god and the people to pass the law on the expulsion of foreign forces. 100 so far. the signatures have been collected and our brothers are drafting the law on the expulsion of foreign troops. however, the zionist regime and the united states cover up the extent of their losses in the attacks of the iraqi islamic resistance. but the western media and zionists publish statistics about this from time to time. the hebrew newspaper jerusal times announced that in the attack on the zionist spy military base in erbil. iraqi resistance groups targeted a spy center of the zionist regime with drones, as a result of which three spies were killed
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. there is no place for spies of american forces and foreigners in this area. however , the zionist sources to the existence of the security headquarters of the zionist regime in northern iraq. it is iraq and must deal with any presence of foreign forces in the region together with the central government. the presence of the american and israeli headquarters angered the iraqi people and they want to deport foreigners and implement the resolution of the parliament. a promise to the world of baghdad. the chinese statistics organization announced in a report that the country's population decreased in 2023 for the second year in a row. according to this report, in 2023 , the population of china decreased by 2 million 750 people and reached 1 billion 49 million people. demographers
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attributed the slow economic growth and the high number of deaths caused by the corona epidemic and the one-child policy in this country between 1980 and 2015. i laugh out loud, i enjoy things that spin, i have autism, i am autistic what is autism? there is a difference in behavior that is sometimes confused or the inability to communicate.
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otherwise, you will be excluded from the parties. many of these families
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have really good and excellent educations, such as bachelor's degrees or doctorates, but because they themselves have to play the role of a nurse, the role of taking care of their children, and sometimes even a therapist , that is, they work alongside therapists. the issue of the family's income falls sharply. autism is not hereditary, but it is more common in boys than girls . i have 2 boys, they are elderly and young. my third child has autism, there is no cure, but the solution is occupational therapy good speech therapy, in this not so big building , there was good news for families who have children with autism. our audience today are families, they are a society that is waiting for the implementation of their demands, their needs, their pains and sufferings. it was a month ago that the first deputy the president had given orders to the autistic families, which have now been successful. sitting, within the next 48 hours, we have to
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set up a plan for all the things i said, all the approvals that were brought up in the meeting, with the cooperation of the government and the ministries, most of the operational approvals and it was implemented. basic insurances also came into use. the total costs of autism patients in the field of autism treatment from rehabilitation that includes psychology and other forms of speech therapy. it is free in government centers, in the private sector , we pay 80 private tariffs in the private sector, all the approvals that were approved by the supreme council of insurance to support these loved ones, all of them in the social security organization are now being implemented, all their medical services, especially rehabilitation services that have now been added in the form of government definition. free minimum rehabilitation services of social, communication, sports visit
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psychiatrist was included in the service package, but the ceiling of the service support package for children up to 12 years old, we cover the service, the system of missing persons with autism was also introduced with the cooperation of faraja. our user informs that this person has autism and when we are filing a case for him, he informs our case officer that this person has this particular disease and there are some cases that are missing. then inform his family with his address from the meeting we had with the office of the first vice president, mr. dr. mokhbar, a shock was given to the society in the area of ​​my awareness because i am the mother of autism. i understand this completely, the issue of education, service delivery, and support cannot be stopped
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. an autistic person always needs support . health insurance for children from 12 to 18 years old. we are grateful to them. mohammad javad, 20 years old, is autistic . he has some requests from the authorities, please. the hope of the ministry of health shows that the cost of rehabilitation and education of each autistic person is more than 10 tomans per month. is. on the sidelines of this ceremony, it was decided to pay 1,000 loans of 20 million tomans with repayment of 36 months without interest and fees to the families with individual loans . fateme faramarzi. iran's most complete and most iranian helicopter simulator was put into operation in bushehr by the sda news agency in the presence of the deputy coordinator and chief of staff
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of the army and iranian admiral amir siari. commander of the army navy. the simulation, which was designed and built in cooperation with knowledge-based companies and defense industries of the country, allows the pilot to practice flight at any time and in any condition. helicopter simulator we had a day in havani, it was old. these are from the years before the revolution, that is, at least 47 years since then. the past did not answer the needs of today's technology, but the one you see now is produced in 100 iranian countries, it answers all the problems of the day, and it is made with modern technology, so it answers all our needs.
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it has oil and stormy conditions, everything that is built is installed to the user. it has all been localized by the university and our loved ones in knowledge -based companies focusing on the country's defense industry and the knowledge that today, it has been collected and actually implemented and it can be used in the field of flight simulators, god willing. flight safety, reducing training costs and increasing the pilot's reaction speed are among other advantages. this simulator is the most complete aviation simulator in the discussion of helicopters. you can see here that it came and we put it in a place where all our loved ones in the navy and air force can use this simulator.
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put all the steps of their practical training in this simulator of the naval pilot training center in bushehr new pilots are trained with this simulator for 15 to 20 hours. really, if i say that it is very expensive , i did not say that it is a tenth of the equivalent, in fact, it is the number that we wanted to pay and they did not give us the quality of the simulators that exist in the world today and we could use them let's use very, very simple. and it is advanced and it gives general training. today, alhamdulillah, we have military training. we do this by complying with international standards in the construction and design of this simulator in order to reduce the risk and respond to training requirements in the air force and defense. army navy
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has three more simulators in order to empower helicopter pilots. bahar masoudi is under construction . bushehr , one of the most ancient commercial ports in the world, is in the south of iran. siras is a port at the end of the gulf. fars, which has been a trade and seafaring center since at least the sassanid era, more than 2,500 years ago, according to the traveler suleiman sirafi , the most important goods that were traded from siraf, the origin of the blue silk road , were horses, silk, oyster wax, and spices. this port, as a center of trade between international
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iran, especially during the sassanid period until the 5th century , was famous for the seafaring sailors from the east. africa, india , china, and the far east are present and along with commerce , we iranians have special cultural influences, that is , what is actually our rich cultural behaviors , and they lived there, and they themselves even local officials or local posts. gaining. ships in the ancient world from port. they traveled a large sea route including the persian gulf, the sea of ​​oman, the indian ocean and the china sea. based on the remains of some shipwrecks in this path, archaeologists to samples of omens and fragments remains of iranian and chinese shipments were found along this route. based on these remains , scientists found out that abarbandar siraf
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was a place of exchange of medical knowledge, culture and skills of its time. there is a center that represents all of iran , which means you can see chinese coins , african coins, documents from other countries of the world at the same time, on the other hand, you can even see it indirectly in japan. the works of these were transferred there, so in the field of religious and religious, political and commercial ideas and different sectors , you can see this influence directly. do. in today's siraf , we will come across the remnants of berchim handguns, which have different hypotheses about their use. the strongest hypothesis is that these bracelets were part of a set to collect rainwater that was transported downstream and used in wells. it was stored in different seasons of the year. in the sassanid era , which is famous for water structure engineering in the world, in order to extract water, due
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to the fact that the historical port of siraf was facing a problem in providing drinking water to its inhabitants, natural rocks were carved to create basins on the surface of these rocks. sassanian engineers who when it rains it is done seasonally. and it used to happen that these basins kept the water in their hearts , and according to the rock bed here, which is conglomerate, the water penetrated downstream to the underground water table, and when it reached the underground water table it was found that the people of bandar siraf could use these wells throughout the year for drinking and other purposes . the remains of an architecture known today as the eyani house are an example of the architectural skills of the sirafi harbor dwellers. also remains a market and a mosque can also be seen in this port. these
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examples of architecture are related to different periods before and after islam. also, the remains of a type of shell artifacts were found in siraf, which is native to india. this means that this oyster is exported from india to siraf and in the workshops of this port for the consumption of native hindus. there were a series of merchants who traded these things. in many historical sources, they are called shengah speid mehreh chaank moghaddis or any other title . there were a few people at all. shengeh was the work of someone who produced oysters, because of that we are sure that this from the shores of kavaj bay to coming to iran or siraf, and here was a production workshop, the historical carved graves with inscriptions and terracotta and glazed glass vessels are the relics of the historical port of siraf, which are now kept in the lore and british museums. siraf's face
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today is industrial. everything has gone to industrialization and, anyway, most of the land there has a real owner now, and many people are actually building on the same land where there are actually a series of these treasures deep in the ancient area. siraf was registered in the list of national works 47 years ago, and its world registration file is included other historical monuments in the south of the country are being prepared . this is an opportunity to recognize and preserve the heritage hidden in the ancient port of siraf stam goran
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finally, win an award. you have come all this way to just say goodbye to me. why are you like this? the installment is not over yet. a good tv at a good price with long terms is in the iranian house. the price is in the iranian house. the treasure of life in my house has a light on. because my house is open, my house deserves the best. wintec window. hello, ladies and gentlemen. i welcome you to flight 58 28. do you have any thoughts? i wanted to know if the city really guarantees the quality.
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the city behind this quality. is a city behind your shopping , we will host you at the central branch until 2:00 am. one and a half million domestic and foreign hotels on flytoday. do you know how to buy in installments? be careful. if the consumer price. for example, a product or a basket of products is 20 million tomans, and we are supposed to pay 20% of it in advance , this 20% must be deducted from the consumer price, so our debt will be 16 million tomans, and we must pay the fees based on this. calculate the amount, so pay attention to the consumer price and the remaining cash
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household city supplies. homemade. in the name of god. o allah, bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their salvation. greetings and good morning to you, dear viewers. welcome to sports news: the asian nations cup was followed by the victory of the thai and saudi teams. from the sixth group of this competition last night, saudi arabia won 2-1 against oman. abdulrahman gharib and alihi scored for saudi arabia. oman's only goal was scored by ali yahyai from the penalty spot.


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