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tv   [untitled]    January 17, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm IRST

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[000:00:00;00] 32 won against his host santa colama, aghapour scored palma's third goal, and falcon , a 45-year-old motorcycle rider of the twintrial team, who had an accident on the 18th of december in the dakar rally in saudi arabia and went to the hospital, died yesterday. thank you for your attention today, wednesday 27 it is 5th of rajab and 17th of january in tehran near sunset at 17:16, maghrib azan will be at 175:00 and sharia midnight
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will be at 23:30. dear and honorable compatriots , thank you very much for your attention and companionship with this news series. while saying goodbye , i invite viewers of the election program above be the news network, good day. the importance of elections in electing a strong parliament, the key
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is in the hands of the people, iranian coach. sharaf iran is playing with telegram across the country , why is it in these six months of pricing, your question is an interesting question , we don't want to hit the manager of a football player , he should pay his insurance according to what he does. we do not agree , higher than any dream. in the name of god, greetings, politeness, respect, and service to each of you , dear and respected viewers, especially for the higher program , leadership in recent meetings, they are the real competition. one of the important pillars of the election was stated , which means that the spectrums of views and different currents
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of political economy. and social expression and form a real competition with their own views in the big election contest. one of the topics on which there are differences of opinion between experts and officials is the issue of mandatory pricing of household appliances products, which will be addressed in today's higher program. here in the upper studio of mr. hassan khani. the economic expert of the program is present. also, mr. shahidi, secretary of the association of audio and video producers. but before the discussion and let's start our conversation with the guests of the program. i would like to see the report prepared by my colleagues together. let's come back and start our conversation . mr. mohammad reza shahidi, secretary of the audio and video producers association of iran. when the market is competitive, there is no reason for the government to interfere in prices. mr. akbar pazuki, head of the union of
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appliance dealers. household of tehran, when the price of raw materials is not fixed, there should not be a mandated price because our goods are sedimented mr. mohammad sadegh muftah , former deputy of the ministry of position, as long as the ability of the producers is prevented, there is no need for the government to enter there is no pricing. mr. morteza zamanian , an economic expert, considering that we have import restrictions , the government should enter and monitor the prices. mr. hassan hasankhani. economic expert, we can't play with people's welfare if the producer sets the price as he wants. mr. abbas tabesh , the government's economic expert, must monitor the prices , otherwise the prices will become uncontrollable. well , we reviewed the opinions of mr. hasankhani in favor of and against mandatory pricing, which one do you favor and why? in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful , i am at your service, as well as your honorable guests
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hello dear i tell you and don't be tired. before i answer your question, mr. bozornasab , i would like to give you a perspective of a map of this. let me tell you about the topic and from the discussion . see, we estimate that the annual turnover of these five industries related to the field of household appliances is large household appliances , refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers, and small household appliances such as rice cookers and meat grinders. and otto and jarghi and the audio and video example that mr.
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shahidi is actually their representative and so on. it was said that the ministry has recently appointed a position that the amount of smuggling of household appliances has reached one-eighth or less, and now we assume that if it is one-eighth, nearly four and two-tenths of a billion dollars of household appliances should actually be the share of the producer, the producer who is supplying today and in september of 1400, hazrat agha ordered that in response to the letter of the manufacturers , he ordered that the import of household appliances from countries like korea and the like be banned .
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the prices actually went up, my offer is that in order to answer your question, we must first answer one question and that is how much is the internalization of household appliances. let's see how last year our import share was from 10 to 15 major producers. in fact , we counted the major producers of household appliances at about 36 billion dollars . i said, let's say that through the amount of annual foreign currency receipts, we can come to the conclusion that there is no such thing, so if you want to remove the mandatory pricing, you must answer this question first. let me know that the exchange rate is the basis for the production of these household appliances
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, which are now imported either as a skid or as a complete package. in fact, for the past one or two years, many policy makers have been working together to ensure that imports do not occur in this way, or if they are imported in parts. . the basis of land can be an important basis for pricing . what number do you consider the price of land as a basis? do you take 2850 ? do you take nima or do you consider free market ? this is important in answering this question. well, mr. shahidi, with the same question, mr. hassan. i will start with you and this question, first of all you should say that you agree if you are ordering pricing or not , please tell us the reason and answer the width . in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, with my greetings to your excellency, distinguished guests and respected viewers, see the assumptions made by mr. hassan khani, the assumptions that
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are not very approved by us, but now i will answer them in the next part, but the main issue of mandatory pricing is the intervention of the government. in the economy, maybe there are some places where the market situation is called the market. if the market is balanced or if the market is not competitive, this is justified, but in an industry that is currently highly competitive, production has increased, for example, i only in the television document alone, in 1998, we had produced less than one million, now for 9 months we have produced one million, 400,000 until the end of the year . my quality has worked. we are entering a country whose degree of economic freedom is 169 out of 180 countries in the world, that is , eritrea, sudan and north korea, and these have a lower degree of freedom than us, because
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the government is interfering everywhere . the conditions are not competitive people can't choose, that means the supply is less than the demand. yes, in some places, the governments have to come in temporarily, they have a function , they have the pricing . economic logic is not at home. let 's make it so economic and governmental. the government will interfere in all fields. then we will say why our situation is like this. well, it is clear that as long as there is interference, this will happen. by the way , we believe in the single rate of the currency. in this discussion, if there are any rates, this is a kind of rent we know that, but we don't have a foreign exchange policy anymore. we are completely
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sure that the answer to mr. hassan khani's question is that we should have the same price for everything . give the salon a subsidy , let him pay on other terms, so many rates , except to bring corruption, nothing else will happen , this is our main discussion on this issue, mr. hassan khani , well, mr. dr. shahidi, now you agree with the mandatory pricing, see me with the price order placement. i don't agree, but on one condition i have a question. you said that the market is actually competitive. if the market is competitive , why did you write a letter to the leadership to ban imports? this is one of the issues that one part of him said. let me tell you the same thing
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about 97 governments. this was a discussion, and then those main brands also left our country , that is, we did not come to say that we should have a ban, they left the brands that the letter that was written to the leadership and hazrat agha shahrivar 1400 came in response to that letter. and a serious discussion it happened while there was a very good economic growth in the household appliance industry . it happened that a number of manufacturers wrote a letter. do you approve or not? our discussion was that we do not require any interference we do not agree with the government , including that it is not good for the well-being of our people. see, the well-being of the people is a slogan and its realization requires a plan
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. economy is also a science. government intervention should be limited to certain times. whenever the government enters , we do not agree with this. this is a point. what you say is that government intervention should be limited. this is a statement all of us, according to our interpretation , it is the same, sir, the government should not interfere, it is like which country, like all the countries of the world, no, well, this is like all the countries of the world, by the way, why the rank, if you agree with that letter, then there should be no government interference here at all. we shouldn't be upset. the government should have intervened. 8 producers of the country have written a letter. none of the trade unions have written this letter or agree with that letter that the government should intervene and stop imports. if
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you agree, then what is the point that you say that the government should not interfere? if you disagree, then that letter hey friends, and today, what you say is a competitive market, are you ready for me to explain this to open the door to imports? i know that the door to imports is not closed at all, but anyway, there are no legal restrictions. look, now i am. if i want ice cream, i want it in your class. let me tell you, if i want to have a foreign tv brand , can i buy it completely freely from the market ? you can go to the market right now, go to the market in person. smuggling, the liberalization of smuggling has happened, it means
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that the market is coming to the market in abundance. by the way , we pay one of the payments we are making to the government. look, if people buy a television for 10 million, they don't have the wrong address to think, for example , 10 million is in the pocket of the producer or seller. 7 million is in our pocket, 3 million is in the government's pocket, 9 while letting the smuggler go free does not pay for any of this. now, your question was that i own the import, i will say that if they stop the smuggling import and ban the smuggling import , we believe in the law of the problem of domestication. how much does this have to do with smuggling ? let's put smuggling aside for the moment. first, we want to know if you agree with the pricing. in
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the home appliance market, if the market is competitive, the pricing is mandatory, or in a better way, if the market is efficient. the work means complete competition , no informational rent, no monopoly of supply , no monopoly of demand, etc. if this happens in a completely ideal situation, pricing based on supply and demand is optimal, but is the structure of the production of household appliances in our country such an idea? you can see the same thing in the market right now let me give you a fever now, you are saying that this is not the case, i told you that either in all the countries of the world, the prices are mandated or the price formula is completely clear and mandated
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. home appliances should be like other guilds, the cost structure should be clear. how much do you think, sir? how much will your labor cost, how much will your tax cost , according to the same discussion that there is command pricing, it can almost be said that
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we have a report for every model for every issue. but the support organization is one of the debates that exists is that it closely controls an opposite debate in the world. we are saying, sir, if the price of a product is higher so, you will take 15% 17% and sell it, that is, if someone buys a product, for example, a tv, not you, but the person who is the middleman of the manufacturer, the manufacturer says that if you get 10 million , you will make a profit of 1,700,000 tomans, but if it is 12 million, the same the tv cost you 2 million and 100 thousand tomans, go and make a profit, so you increase the amount of money , no , that means, by the way, we believe the opposite. place to increase the workforce, increase your old production line
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to say that you use the minimum price , whoever has the highest price should have the highest profit . see, we are united, we are one, no , it is not a monopoly at all. at all, my argument is that if the market is competitive, which we believe, it is competition because right now for example , we have more than 100 manufacturers of home appliances, 20 of which are big manufacturers. they are competing with each other. each of them is giving a bonus so that they can sell in installments . there is no reason for the government to work this way.
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interfere so much in getting the necessary market the purchasing power of people, the economy has progressed in such a way that people don't have money to buy sex. now you see such an increase. one of the wrong addresses is that , sir, household appliances have increased . take the statistics. i have the statistics for the month of december from the statistics center. similar to last year, it has increased by 136. chicken has increased by 57, the month has increased by 85, that means i have the basic items
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, i say foreign rice is 433, let's check these prices with 95, last year it was 95, which is a long way, we in pars had a 12% increase compared to last year, giving the wrong address is exactly the same as the price of a refrigerator site of the year 95, an iranian site refrigerator , we were selling our products as a prize , mr. shahidi, the price of the width has multiplied from 1995 to today. it has increased 16 times. in 1995, the price of the internal side refrigerator was around 3 million. today it is around 90 million . no, no. the statistics are wrong, isn't it? it's our site, it's our site, your 3 million
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has now reached the maximum of 305 tomans, that's 3 million. wow, well, you 're saying the same thing as you are saying, and i'm proving now that this has increased without any basis. why is the price of a refrigerator, what percentage of the total cost is the problem? you just think that the price of the currency , not petrochemicals, will go up in proportion to the price, even though it means that the pricing of steel and sheets is exactly in line with the price of the currency , so the domestic items are a carton, a carton, a carton, a product that we want to buy, what is the paper? my cartoon goes up according to the dollar price, so what you say is that the pricing should not be ordered, it means that we should leave the price, no matter how much the free supply rate goes up, the production will go up. look, you yourself know that it's not like you think that the price of all
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goods has gone up because the chicken seller is a leech he wants to sell rice prices, he wants to do this. the value of the national currency has dropped 16 times , and we have created an expected inflation for the country and the people. all the people expect that the prices will go up again in april. we have created this macro economic situation. economics is your own science . you know that it cannot be solved with slogans . it cannot be solved with an order . it's going up, friends of sada and vesima are working hard , they are going with the news team to prepare a report
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, the goods have gone up for all fields, the same there is also a share of 10 billion dollars of smuggling, now i won't name it, you should definitely go and deal with it, the file has a food machine that works, but
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my point is that if you see the household appliances manufacturer, we have 4.2 billion dollars in the year as i said. domestic medicine is domestic household appliances. if there is to be 3.6 billion dollars of imports
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, it means that it should be allocated in the allocation of width. on the other hand, the price of production is according to your order. anyone and with any capacity can enter this market for production. can you compete with the big producers? you will be removed physically. you will be removed easily. monopoly is falling on the home appliance market. no, there is no claim. i am asking the big participants to check the amount of land they are receiving from the government. check the amount of land they are receiving from the government every year . we have come for another reason. we are conducting a public discussion in the national media so that people can get some awareness of the pricing situation and how it will increase . the question is, sir, how much width do they get? these are policy discussions that exist in this issue
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, but i believe that the market is completely competitive . we have more than 100 home appliance manufacturers, 20 of which are big , and they are competing with each other to get their market share. the main thing in this issue is that these producers want to empty their warehouses and sell because people can't afford to buy from them . the recession is prevailing. people really can't afford to buy. they are forced to even lower the profits that the mandated pricing is. get them so that they can sell their goods. problem the problem is not with this piece, the problem is that people can't afford to buy it, otherwise this is compared to the increase of other products , we had a 12% increase from last year until now . the statistics center is saying that they should go and buy chicken, that 57% and 56% should go and get meat. they did 140 of these . since december last year, compared to this year, i
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have been saying that if we want to go and get 95 , it would have been a very small disaster because the domestic manufacturer was producing with a foreign brand. yes
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, there was no reason to install
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