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tv   [untitled]    January 18, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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the mileage and dismantling of the gasoil smuggling platform reaches 10 years. you came all this way just to say goodbye to me , why did it happen like this, the story is not over yet , a good tv at a good price with a long term in sarai irani, the price is in sarai irani , dear entrance exams, hello, you all know that 50% of entrance to university is the final exam.
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it is from saturday to thursday. the city of carpets, the city of household appliances. by encircling and preventing entry. food and medicine and starving the palestinian nation and even preventing us from entering water and the siege of water and the basic needs of life , oppressive attacks, widespread and devastating destruction , mass murder, mass killing and the permissibility of the palestinian nation and crime.
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the title of a crime is a crime committed by the zionist enemy against the palestinian nation and against the children of the palestinian nation , and with the admission of many countries of the world. they admit that these crimes, now america and england took a strange position, unlike other countries, because of their dependence on the zionists and participation in these crimes, but they also admitted to killing.
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the whole world has acknowledged and observes what is happening there and what the enemy of israel is committing, these are not due to the ignorance of other countries, and in fact, everyone has acknowledged this issue, the united nations as an important organization to solve the problems, crises and wars , they know what happens there security islam, which is of concern to muslims and follows the events of muslims, everyone knows what is happening to the palestinian nation
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, they know the extent of its oppression, the same is true of the arab league and the arab countries. all of them actually issued statements, gave recommendations and condemned in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful viewers of khabar salam network, have a good time. with the passing of about 10 gaza strips and the inability of the security council to establish a ceasefire , the ineffectiveness of the international system has become more evident and the cohesion of independent countries
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it seems more necessary to deal with the cruel one-sidedness in the world. cuba it is one of these independent countries that has a brilliant history in confronting the regime of domination . we came to the embassy of this country in tehran to discuss this issue and have a media interview with the ambassador of this country. please accompany us , mr. ganzale. greetings. first of all, i would like to congratulate you on the new year and wish success to your excellency and the dear nation and government of cuba. thank you very much for your presence and i am glad that i was able to serve you, your audience , from the position of the ambassador of one of the leading countries in the anti-imperialist struggle in the world. tell us about the recent crimes of the zionist regime in gaza. currently, what is
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happening to the palestinian people cannot be compared to anything other than genocide. not just now but in the last 75 years. gaza is the same. genocide is happening and must be stopped, and we see these behaviors in international institutions. the unfortunate issue is that the un security council cannot
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properly fulfill its responsibilities due to the performance of only one country. it is very clear that that country is america. americans have always tried to take any initiative in such institutions destroy the international community so that they can impose their views. they have many facilities for this purpose. we must stop such a trend. it should be kept in mind that we are following the group of 77 plus china. although in the united nations, the general and dominant view is to condemn these kinds of behaviors because we should not witness the imposition of the american point of view. the only responsibility for the inaction of the united nations lies with the us government, which prevents any condemnation of israel . the main mission of the security council in the world is to establish security and considering its destructive role
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america, england and france vetoed the resolutions related to establishing a ceasefire in gaza, it has been proven more than ever that the ruling structure of the international system . there is an inefficient structure, and changing this structure is necessary, in fact, more than in the past, this case has been proven to everyone . what is your excellency's opinion about this? it should have a more democratic status. we have demanded the removal of the right of veto. opinions should
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be followed democratically. at the same time , the right to represent southern countries should also be increased. it does not mean the developed countries, because the majority of the members of the security council are the same countries southern countries should have more representation and groups with permanent or non-permanent membership . at least other countries should have such a right to vote for resolutions. cuba's position is to reform the united nations. of course , there is no doubt that we need the united nations to play a role in the international scene, but reforms must be made. this form of performance. such situations are not sustainable because countries like the united states or other countries with the right of veto
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fail any solution for the resolution and proper action of the security council. one of the solutions is in order to stop the crimes of the zionist regime in gaza , it has been proposed to boycott the products of the zionist regime and expel the ambassadors of this regime from the capital of some countries that are related to this regime. what do you think about this?
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therefore, we believe that we should react to this situation. they continue these crimes with the support of america and some other countries. of course, when we say countries, we mean governments, because as you can see all over the world, we are witnessing massive protests even in new york, washington and many cities in america and europe. some european countries even have the right to protest against crimes
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but there is no deterrent action to prevent these crimes, experts warn that if in fact these actions and war crimes go unpunished, there is actually a danger and a threat to human society that the zionist occupation regime may want to commit these same crimes. repeat in other countries, what do you think? unfortunately , as i said, they have been seeking to destroy palestine and its people for 75 years. there are many examples of israeli crimes.
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this crime was related to the past, but if the procedure is the same and they don't change it, the result will be finally, but specifically, it should be created regionally. we must unite to stop these crimes. we want to stop the war and the killing of the palestinian people so that we can negotiate and implement the resolutions of the security council. to
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kill more than 20 thousand palestinians in less than 3 months. that too without any punishment or condemnation. israel changes people's beliefs about the efficiency of international institutions and makes them disappointed. the americans are directly involved in the actions of the zionist regime and provide comprehensive support for advanced weapons provided to them. even their officials were present in the war room of the zionist regime. at the same time, they claim that the leaders of the zionist regime. they advised to watch out for civilians in gaza. what do you think about this hypocrisy and this duplicity? this complete hypocrisy is based on double standards and ethics. one day they want to establish peace in ukraine and the next day
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they give israel the right to continue killing the palestinian people. what is happening now in gaza is genocide. i am even sure that the american government can stop this genocide if it wants to. but they are not looking for this. because they don't want to lose their interests in the region and they want to keep israel in its current form. however, there is no doubt that morality is selective and dual for them. they also imposed blockade and embargo on cuba. as they implement the sanctions regarding iran. at the same time, they say that they want the best for the people of these countries . what does this mean? hypocrisy? double standards? how can they wish the best for the people of a country and at the same time prevent the arrival of medicine, food or other items.
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these behaviors are caused by hypocrisy. i consider a very important role for the media, of course, the real media like you who are trying to get the facts from an international perspective. you can see that at first many international media tried to show it but stopped at one point. it was even publicly announced that the us secretary of state went to the period to discuss with the qatari authorities about stopping the al jazeera network from showing the crimes in gaza, but this action was not taken for other wars. as you said , such actions about the war between russia and ukraine it didn't happen. no one even mentioned the situation of sudan in africa or a few other countries . they only talk the way they want
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and they don't want anything to be said about it. they handle such situations in different ways. war is not something that we want to advance in , which means taking the lead in killing people, it is necessary to make decisions in this regard in different ways and to impose a ceasefire in order to create a real basis for advancing favorable conditions. the leaders of america and
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some european countries have condemned the crimes of tel aviv. the people of gaza interpret their own defense. how many you know this claim is reasonable. you cannot kill thousands of people in the name of self-defense. humans cannot be killed. he committed a crime. he destroyed houses and destroyed people's property and destroyed a country and a nation in the name of self-defense. such an action even in history. it is not accepted either. even according to international laws, such action cannot be accepted. they have no right to do such acts. because if we say this, if they consider these conditions
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, it will be impossible to implement peace. all the children we see , their parents die in very bad conditions they will react in the future because they have feelings in their minds and form hatred in them . of course, this hatred. it is not against the palestinian people , but it is being formed in the arab countries of the region and at the international level, because people in the world are witnessing these crimes, so it cannot be said that this is a confrontation with terrorism, and in my opinion, this is an obscenity of war , because america is fighting terrorism in the name of terrorism. has launched many in iraq, afghanistan and syria. they did this in many ways and now in the name of fighting. with terrorism, but who commits terrorism? israel israel terrorism government or terrorism caused by a government. they
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create terror. they hate in these people. therefore, it cannot be said in this context, it is self-defense and it is not something that they have the right to do. people cannot be killed in the name of fighting terrorism and self-defense. innocent people who
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force them to go to the egyptian border. therefore, it is very difficult to accept this issue. i repeat again. it is necessary that we all unite to change the current reality. we cannot leave the united states and the european union to find a solution in this regard do we need to put them in a broader solution. it is necessary to put them in a real position in front of the united nations and other issues of palestine
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. recently, the representatives of many countries came to the iranian government to request a meeting centered on tehran and discuss this issue. palestinians do not need to consider european countries, america and some other countries in this field. even within the european union , there are oppositions to the proposed solutions. the only way is to stop the war. stop the war, stop the aggression and stop killing people. for now, this is the only one it is the solution and it is necessary for us to help palestine get its rights within its territorial borders in a proper democratic way. there is no other solution to this problem and without this solution there will be no peace. according to commonalities. the abundance that exists between iran and cuba , especially the brilliant records that both countries have in fighting against the domination system, and on the other hand, the tendency
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of independent countries towards policies, revolutionary literature and the anti-arrogance performance of tehran, havana, the interaction of the two countries in laying the groundwork for crossing unilateralism and acceleration of creation. to have this is the opinion of all of us. it's an it is a democratic point of view. second, it is necessary to fight in this way. cuba
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is fighting for its position in the united nations not only to defend the rights of the palestinians but also to obtain good conditions and rights for all the people of the world. currently, cuba is in charge of the period of the group of 77 countries plus china, and we made serious efforts and measures in this group in order to reach an agreement to condemn the gaza war. recently also the president. we have a desire to move forward together and fight together against the existing conditions in palestine. the honorable president of cuba emphasized that the joint capacities of the two countries, as well as the independent countries of the world , to deal with the aggression of america and other
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western countries in america's satellites. be used, considering the need to prevent and prevent the continuation of the genocide of the third regime in gaza, how much and to what extent do you know the formation of this coalition yes, the delegations of the two countries discussed this issue and reached an agreement. a proposal was made by iran. and we agreed to be part of this coalition. i mean a group that fights against this situation and tries to deal with the killing and destruction of the palestinian people first of all slow this is the best way. as mr. ebrahim raisi said: this is the best way to cooperate. we must unite and align our positions. but we need to do more in this field. these actions should not
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just. it should be limited to condemning because everyone knows what is happening now , but steps must be taken to prevent this situation. i repeat once again that it is necessary to support joint actions, especially the actions of countries in the region. this is an important issue. our president and the delegation that served the leader moazzam risif had a very good meeting with him and we were very happy.
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dear viewers , thank you for watching us. have a good day and time . i leave you to god. goodbye. various political and economic trends compete in the elections. the electoral crowd is the key in electing a strong parliament. the key is in the hands of the people . there is a telegram channel that plays across the country. why are you setting prices in this month? your question is an interesting question . you don't want a football manager to pay his insurance with any new partner. remedy we do not agree above the tendency debate we are on the eve of the elections every day at 15:193 hours on the khabar jan network
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. dear, at 17:00 , we will inform you about another part of the news. israel should be realistic. there is no military solution to hamas. according to the report of american mbc television , anthony blaken informed the israeli authorities in his recent trip to the occupied territories that there is no military solution to hamas in the american opinion and that this regime must


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